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SEXT ME - A Steamy SEAL Romance

Page 7

by Layla Valentine

  God, what was she doing?

  Later in the evening, things inside Ivy’s head had calmed considerably. Mostly because they had to. The last thing she wanted to do was go into the ball with a brain full of angst. She was looking forward to seeing Cole, most of all, and that was what served as her inspiration. Even though they’d texted each other nearly every day, there was only so much she could do with the words on her screen. They were nice, but no substitution for Cole himself.

  At least, that’s what Ivy realized as soon as she opened the door to her apartment and saw him standing there in his dress whites.

  The uniform fit him to a tee, though Ivy supposed it was meant to. But something about the pristine white material against his sun-burnished skin made him, if possible, even sexier. She knew those muscles underneath the fabric, making the uniform bulge. She’d experienced them firsthand.

  As she reached out, Ivy paused. She knew his body, but she didn’t know what he’d experienced, what he was capable of. Bravery, though, and valor—if the Silver Star Medal pinned to his chest had anything to say about it.

  “Wow,” she said, then lapsed into silence, feeling a little stupid. Of all the things she could’ve said to a Silver Star recipient, “wow” was low on the list. She could’ve thanked him for his service, or congratulated him, or even asked how he got it—if it was something he could talk about, which was doubtful.

  They simply stared at each other for the longest time, neither one of them able to put their thoughts into words. And when they finally did start talking, it was at the same time, over each other.

  “You look really handsome in that uniform,” Ivy blurted out, at the exact moment Cole said, “I’m going to trust you to pick out your dresses for now on.”

  They both laughed at themselves and each other, and Cole leaned forward, cupped Ivy’s face in his hand, and kissed her. It was everything they hadn’t been able to say, every compliment and admission of how much they’d missed each other through the week all rolled up into the furious press of his lips against hers. His tongue laving hers, making her choke out a moan directly into his mouth.

  “Hi,” she whispered against his lips when both of them had to come back up for air.

  “Hi.” He grinned. “Are you ready to wow everybody at the ball?”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “Ivy. You’re stunning. Incredible. I don’t have words to describe just how beautiful you look right now.”

  She smiled. “As long as you think so.”

  “Well, me and Curtis Prime.”

  Ivy puzzled over that one until they were in Cole’s car. “Who’s Curtis Prime?”

  “The guy I want to work for,” Cole explained. “The security firm.”

  “And so we want me to…what, exactly?”

  “Wow him.”

  She gave Cole a look as they pulled out into the street. “You want me to seduce your potential boss?”

  “No!” Cole laughed. “Not even if it ensures my future employment. I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

  Unbidden, guilt surged through Ivy’s chest, thinking about all those anonymous men Cole unwittingly shared her with on Whisper Line. It was a strange feeling, swallowing that guilt alongside a strange sense of pride. Cole didn’t want to share her. He wanted her all to himself. He could have her. She could be all his.

  “All I want you to do is impress him,” Cole was saying, drawing her back to the present. “I just want him to know that someone like me is capable of being with someone like you.”

  Ivy spluttered a little. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “That you’re so beautiful and wonderful and outgoing. That I’m doing something right for you to want to be with me—or maybe that I’m just lucky. Luck is always an impressive thing. Maybe even better than skill.”

  “Cole, I’m pretty sure this guy is going to take one look at your Silver Star and be impressed by you all on your own.” Ivy smiled at him. “I had no idea you were decorated. You could’ve clued me in.”

  He shrugged. “Not something I’d really tell somebody about.”


  “Just something I don’t talk about.”

  Ivy bit her lip. “Sorry.”

  “Hey, none of that.” He whipped into the line for valet parking. “We’re going to have a good time tonight. How could we not, dressed like this?”

  “You look good in white,” she agreed. He looked good in anything, really, but that was beside the point. He looked the best in nothing at all, but Ivy doubted very much that this was a clothing-optional party.

  “And you,” Cole said, outside of the events hall, offering her his arm, “are the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  The quiet admission made Ivy’s heart skip a beat, and she wasn’t sure what she could say to that.

  The venue for the ball was incredible. Ivy had never been to anything like it, never seen so many beautiful and glamorous people all in one place. She was happy she’d gone with the black dress. It was the most elegant out of everything she’d tried on, and people were obviously going all out here. She even saw one tiara that she couldn’t be sure was only for decoration.

  “You run with some pretty fancy crowds,” she murmured in Cole’s ear. “I’m starting to feel out of place.”

  “If you do, it’s because you stand out,” he said. “You’re the most beautiful woman here, by far.”

  Ivy gave a soft, incredulous laugh. She was sure the blush that warmed her face did nothing to help her in the looks department.

  What she couldn’t help but notice was the deference people gave to Cole as they moved through the room. He got nods from everyone who realized what the gleaming star over his heart meant. And even for some of the women Ivy suspected didn’t, Cole was the one who got noticed the most. Not her. He was oblivious to it, though, completely focused on what Ivy wanted or needed. The moment her drink got less than half full, he was already looking for another waiter.

  “Look sharp,” Cole said. “Well, you’re already looking sharp. I just spotted Curtis Prime.”

  Ivy perked up, eyes darting around, wondering which of the countless finely dressed men held Cole’s future in his important hands. “What’s the mission? Should I spill my drink on him?”

  Cole spluttered. “Why would you do that?”

  “So you can swoop in with napkins and be the hero.”

  He shook his head, chuckling. “Please keep a tight hold on your glass. No spilling.”

  “Roger that.” Maybe these drinks were going right to her head.

  Cole led her over to a handsome, white-haired man in a tuxedo who’d just finished chatting with a gaggle of women in sequins and feathers. If Ivy had seen his photo on Whisper Line, she would’ve called him a silver fox throughout their interaction.

  She shook her head free from that thought; this was someone Cole wanted badly to impress, and since she cared so deeply about him, she was going to do everything she could to help.

  Ivy blinked. Where had that train of thought come from? She cared deeply about Cole? Was that true? She had to admit to herself that seeing him this evening, outside her door, felt deeply satisfying. Like coming home after a long day, almost. Before she could stop and unpack that idea, though, Cole drew her forward.

  “Mr. Prime, this is Ivy Lightfoot.”

  Ivy beamed and shook the man’s hand. “Mr. Prime. It is such an honor to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  Both Curtis and Cole raised their eyebrows at her, and Ivy realized she’d made a mistake. The only thing she’d heard about Curtis was that he had a security firm that Cole wanted to work for.

  To her credit, though, Ivy’s smile didn’t falter for a second. “Oh, yes. That your firm is the best around. No competition.”

  Curtis smirked. “And are you in the market for security services, Ms. Lightfoot?”

  She leaned conspiratorially cl
ose. “Isn’t everyone? I mean, it’s probably a little outside of my means. But I wish I had a big, burly bodyguard at my side whenever I walked down the street. I think guys would think twice about catcalling me at night. Thank God for Cole. I’ve never felt safer than with him.”

  That smug little smirk turned into a look of genuine curiosity. “That’s wonderful. How long have the two of you been together?”

  Cole shifted uncomfortably, but Ivy headed him off. “We’re still in the honeymoon phase, but it feels like I’ve known him for forever. That’s just the kind of man Cole is. I felt like I could trust him right away. He gives off a vibe.”

  “It’s nice to see two young people in love,” Curtis said. “Refreshing, these days.”

  For the first time, Ivy hesitated, especially with what she’d thought about earlier—having feelings for Cole. She’d been working to sell Curtis on Cole’s character, but Curtis had inferred she was head over heels for Cole.

  Fortunately, Cole plunged right in. “Ivy loves many things. Loves helping people, most of all. She’s one year away from graduating med school.”

  “Well, congratulations,” Curtis said, raising his white eyebrows at her. “That’s quite an accomplishment.”

  “It’s my passion,” she admitted. “But I think the true accomplishment here is Cole’s work as a Navy SEAL.”

  Curtis turned his full attention back to Cole. “That’s quite a power couple. Future doctor, Navy SEAL.”

  “Future doctor, former Navy SEAL, I’m afraid,” Cole corrected gently. “I’m in the process of retiring. Just got back from my final mission a week ago.”

  Ivy couldn’t help but smile at the way Curtis’s eyes widened a little at a key word in that statement. “You’re awfully young to retire.”

  “Just from the Navy,” Cole assured him. “I’m just looking to establish myself. Settle down, a little.”

  “I can understand that,” Curtis said. “Especially with someone like Ms. Lightfoot on your arm.”

  Ivy blushed, wondering if Cole would correct him. She certainly wasn’t the reason Cole was looking to get out of the Navy or settle down. But Cole just kept forging ahead.

  “That’s actually how Ivy heard about your security firm. She was asking what I was planning on pursuing after my retirement.”

  If Curtis’s ears weren’t pricked up before, they definitely were now. “You’re interested in private security? Let me give you my card. Quality people are hard to find.”

  Cole tucked the card carefully away, and Ivy couldn’t conceal her dopey grin.

  “Thank you, sir,” Cole said. “Once I get everything finalized with the Navy, I’ll give you a call.”

  “I’ll look forward to it, then,” Curtis said. “The two of you enjoy the rest of your night here. Cut loose. Celebrate that retirement a little.”

  He shook hands with both of them, and Ivy let Cole steer her away, his hand on the small of her back. It was comforting there, the slight pressure and warm presence, but she was still a little anxious about the interaction with his potential boss.

  “I hope I wasn’t too forward,” Ivy said, looking up worriedly at Cole as they moved toward the dance floor. “All those things about settling down and the honeymoon phase—I didn’t put my foot in my mouth, did I?”

  Cole grinned down at her. “Hell, no. Ivy, you were a miracle.”


  “Damn straight.” He leaned down and kissed her hard, right there in the middle of everything. “Thank God for you. Curtis was really into it. Did you see him?”

  “We make a good team,” she said, mulling it over. When one of them had faltered in weaving the fabric of their story, the other one had jumped in, taking over seamlessly. And even the shock of Curtis automatically assuming that they were madly in love with each other hadn’t been enough to break their poker faces.

  The live band suddenly struck up an infectious salsa beat, and a ripple of energy worked its way through the crowd.

  “Could I have this dance?” Cole asked, holding his hand out to Ivy. “I feel like we have reason to celebrate.”

  She grinned. “Such a gentleman.”

  “Only sometimes.” He leaned closer to her so he could murmur directly into her ear. “I hope you’ll forgive me for wanting to have you right here in front of all these people. And that I’ve been sporting a hard-on ever since you won Curtis Prime over.”

  “You did that all by yourself,” Ivy croaked past a too-dry mouth. “You’re impressive, Cole, and you deserve good things.”

  “Do I deserve you?”

  “Am I a good thing?”

  “You’re the best thing I’ve ever come across.”

  He swept her out onto the dance floor without further ado, spinning her around. Ivy couldn’t help a joyful yelp at the fast footwork she had to do to keep up.

  “Do you know how to dance to this?” she asked needlessly, because they were already dancing.

  “Picked it up a little on my travels,” Cole said, pulling her in close. “Just relax and go with it. I’ll show you what to do.”

  It became abundantly clear that Cole had picked up a lot more than a little. He was really good, never missing a step. He laughed when she looked down, trying to keep track of what his feet where doing while trying to keep up with her own suddenly woefully inadequate steps.

  “Just look at me,” he said. “I promise I’ve got you.”

  Ivy wasn’t sure if it was how good he was at dancing or the fact that, as he pulled her in close, she could feel the evidence of just how aroused he was, or the memory that he’d told her the same thing just before entering her body and giving her one of the best orgasms she’d ever had. Whichever it was, Ivy’s face was hot in a way that wasn’t just the result of the cocktails she’d consumed tonight.

  She was undeniably, irrevocably attracted to Cole. Just when she thought she had him pegged, he surprised her. Handsome, successful, a sex machine—and a good dancer? It was a little overwhelming.

  Cole took pity on her, keeping her close to his chest, the two of them swaying gently to the beat as all the other dancers whirled around them. It felt like something in a dream. The atmosphere between them was pure, electric heat. There wasn’t another place in the entire universe Ivy wanted to be in other than his strong arms; his blue eyes dark and sultry in the dim lighting. They didn’t wander anywhere else, locked on her face.

  “I can’t be this close to you and have these clothes between us,” Cole said in her ear, giving her a full-body shudder. “Can we go somewhere?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. Because she couldn’t take it much longer, either. She wanted it so damn bad.

  “Follow me.”

  Chapter 10


  Cole glanced around to see if anyone was watching them, feeling reassured that there was already so much going on in the ballroom that no one would spot them sneaking out.

  They had really gone all out in the decorations and entertainment at this thing. It just went to show how important many of the people attending were. Not that Cole cared much about that. He was just thankful he’d had the chance to connect with Curtis Prime, and even more thankful for Ivy being there to facilitate it.

  Really, if he had to boil it down, he was just happy for Ivy’s presence. It was hard to look anywhere else with her wearing that dress, which hugged her in all the right places. And dancing had been a near mistake. She was too sexy to be that close to him for very long. It was all he could do to restrain himself on the dance floor.

  He pulled her around to a staircase, near the kitchen entrance and away from the action, and kissed her. She tasted of the sweet cocktails she’d been drinking, but it was more than that. It was a comforting familiarity. The roll of her tongue when he rubbed his thumb against her cheekbone. The rhythm of her fluttering breaths as their lips touched.

  “I need you,” his said, looking deep into her green eyes. He hated to break the contact of their kiss, but he felt the words
needed to be said. She had no idea just how much he needed her. It went beyond the pressing physicality of his cock against his pants. Beyond the feel of her satin lips on his. It was deeper than that, drawing him forward.

  “I’m here,” she whispered.

  But he needed more of her—he had to have it. It was the visceral, heady attraction that drove him to crane his neck up the stairs in a desperate search for privacy. There had to be somewhere up there. An opportunity to have her away from prying eyes.

  “I don’t think anyone’s allowed up there,” Ivy said quietly, watching him tap his fingers against the banister.

  Cole grinned. “They won’t mind if we sneak off for just a couple of minutes.”


  “Fine, more than a couple of minutes.” He grinned at her, and she smiled back, her cheeks attractively flushed, eyes gleaming.

  It was an easy enough thing to step around the velvet rope limiting access to the stairs, and a short dash up them.

  Cole had an arm around Ivy’s waist, guiding her down the carpeted hallway, when he stumbled upon a game room. It was obviously a place for people to get away from the party, complete with a couple of dart boards on plush walls and a large billiard table in the middle. He imagined that in decades past, this would have been the smoking room. Cole could imagine fragrant cigar smoke drifting toward the ceiling.

  Now, though, it was his and Ivy’s getaway, their private stage.

  “You don’t think anyone will come up here, do you?” Ivy asked, slightly breathless as he pulled the door shut behind them.


  He had no real way of knowing, but he also knew that this had to happen. That he couldn’t bear another second of tonight without her. They should’ve met up at some point during the week. Even the handful of days they were apart was too long. He needed her too badly.

  Cole took Ivy in his arms and carried her to the table, sweeping the rack of balls away. He wished he could’ve been gentler about it, a tad more graceful, but he was well beyond that kind of control. He ravished her neck, barely registering Ivy’s fingers digging into his back through his uniform.


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