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Monster Girl Base

Page 24

by Logan Jacobs

  “Yes, I am ready to be naked,” Fela breathed. She slipped out of my grasp, yanked her tube top over her head in one quick movement, then tugged on the brown leather cord that held her loincloth together. Her fur miniskirt dropped to the floor to reveal her tanned, round hips, her muscular thighs, and the patch of tawny curls that laid between.

  She flung her clothes to the floor, sauntered back to me, and lifted the hem of my T-shirt. The backs of her hands brushed against my abdomen and sent jolts of pleasure through my guts as she pushed my shirt up my chest. “And I am ready for you to be naked, Dave Meyer.”

  “Yeah, definitely ready for that,” I agreed. I helped Fela tug my T-shirt over my head, dropped the black shirt on top of Fela’s discarded clothing, and reached for my fly as Fela began to trail her fingers through the hair on my chest.

  “Your mane is on your front instead of your back,” the cat-woman observed.

  “Uh, my mane?” I popped my brass buttons, tugged down my zipper, and sighed in relief as my rock-hard cock tented against the fabric of my black boxers.

  “Not the one on your head.” Fela reached up with one hand and ran her fingers through my thick black curls from front to back, then dragged her claws lightly down my spine. The feeling of her fingers through my hair made me sigh as sparks of pleasure ran through my scalp, but her sharp claws against the skin of my back made me squirm in ecstasy. “Males of my species have their fur growing all down the center of their backs, but you are smooth there instead.”

  “Yeah, for now,” I muttered. I’d seen Sol going around without a shirt a few times when it was particularly hot out and he’d set up a lawn chair in a kiddie pool with a case of beer next to him instead of working in the shade of the lab, and the old man had borne a certain resemblance to a gorilla on both sides. If I’d inherited that gene from him, and it was pretty likely given how much my hair resembled what he’d had left instead of my mom’s, then I’d probably end up with a back mane Fela could run her claws through in a few years.

  If we lived that long.

  If I had no idea how long I might last hopping among the multiverse, I figured that I should try to enjoy what I could in the moment, so I tore my mind away from my memories of the past and my nervousness about the future, and settled right back into the sexy-times now.

  I slid my hand down Fela’s torso, marveled at the iron strength of her muscles under the silken surface of her skin, and pressed my palm against the tawny nest of curls that laid between her thighs. I planned to tease her a little and let her hump my palm until she was dripping wet, but the tip of my index finger slipped right into her already slick tunnel, so I crooked my fingers back and collected some of her thick natural juices before I pressed the tip of my middle finger against the underside of her hard, throbbing clit.

  “Ohhhh, Dave Meyer...” Fela’s hips jerked forward, and I could feel her lifting herself up on the tips of her toes as her tail curled up behind her in a spiral. Her brilliant yellow-green eyes crossed, her full lips parted, and the very tip of her pink tongue hung out of her mouth in the sexiest blep I had ever seen. “I never thought that mating would feel so good. My sisters never seemed to enjoy it.”

  “It’s not over yet,” I murmured. I rocked my fingers back and forth against the gorgeous cat-woman’s hard nub, and I could feel the soft flesh of her pussy quiver. I could also feel the shudder of her breathing against my chest, and the wobble in her knees when she pressed her hips against mine. “Do you like my fingers touching you there?”

  “My knees are weak,” the cat-woman breathed as she rocked back and forth against my hand. “I feel like I am starving, but I have just eaten. I am empty inside in a way I do not think I have ever felt before. When your fingers touch me there, I feel like I am smelling food, tasting it in my mouth, and chewing it... but I cannot swallow yet, and I am so hungry!”

  “Well, you can think of this as an appetizer for both of us.” I pulled my fingers away from Fela’s pussy, placed my hands on her hips to steady her, then sank down on my knees and pressed my mouth to the damp nest of dark golden curls between her thighs. My tongue pushed aside the cat-woman’s damp curls, found her tender slit, and circled around her clitoris a few times before I pushed the tip up under her throbbing nub.

  “Ohhh! Ahhh! Raeeerwww!” The cat-woman’s fingers dug into my shoulders as she pressed her hips forward into my mouth. The slick juices that dripped over my lips and ran down my chin tasted like the sweet musk of her arousal, and the soft flesh of her pussy tasted like spicy ginger mixed with apples. Her clitoris was hard against my tongue, and each push of her hips shoved the fleshy nub further into my mouth.

  “Dave… Meyer…” she panted. “What are you doing to me? This… it… amazing…”

  I sucked eagerly at the cat-woman’s clit as her claws dug into my shoulders. I couldn’t help rocking back and forth a little to rub my aching cock against the soft fabric of my boxers as I pleasured my new mate’s pussy, even though the loose material barely offered any friction. I desperately wanted to bury my rock-hard shaft into her warm, wet folds, but I’d learned from experience that if I made sure the girl came at least once before I slid home, I was much more likely to get a second date, and I was pretty sure there was a direct correlation there.

  Fela’s pussy muscles clenched around my tongue, her claws scratched ten hot, sharp lines down my back, and she yowled like someone had stepped on her tail.

  I kept my hands firm around the cat-girl’s hips as she pressed her mound hard into my mouth to ride out her first orgasm. I could feel her body shaking and shuddering against mine, and I lowered her slowly down onto the wooden floor as her muscles finally relaxed.

  Fela rocked back onto her haunches as soon as her knees touched the floor, stretched forward in a lion pose, and stuck her round ass up into the air.

  Then her tail curled up and forward away from her ass.

  “I need you in me, Dave Meyer,” she growled-panted-crooned. “Come fill me up with your seed.”

  My cock was harder than it had ever been, and I couldn’t believe that this sexy cat-woman was begging so gorgeously for me to put it in her, but I wanted to do it right this time. I had promised her I would fuck her like a human, and I was going to make sure she experienced exactly what she had asked for. I figured we could experiment with the whole bite-and-mount thing later, anyway. I pushed myself up into a squat, took Fela’s hands in mine, then pulled us both up to our feet.

  “I want to look into your eyes while I mount you,” I told Fela. “That’s how humans do it when we’re with someone who’s our mate. It makes us feel connected.”

  “That is a little funny,” Fela smirked. She looked me in the eyes, gave me a long, slow blink that lasted for a couple of seconds, and then opened her brilliant yellow eyes again. “This is how cat-folk feel connected to someone. It means that I trust you not to eat me, and that I will not eat you.”

  “You said you wanted me to love you like a human?” I wanted to laugh at how simple the meaning of the long blink was, but I remembered that Fela’s world was much more savage than mine, and that telling someone that you wouldn’t eat them and trusted them not to eat you meant a lot, so I gave Fela a long, slow blink of my own.

  “Yes, you have it right,” Fela purred. She pressed her body against mine and twined her arms around my neck. “Now show me how a human male mounts his lover, Dave Meyer.”

  My cock was as hard as one of Fela’s stone arrowheads, and I couldn’t wait any longer. I laid Fela down on the quilts I'd spread out against the floor, stood up again, and hooked my thumbs into the elastic of my boxers.

  The firelight glinted off of Fela’s auburn hair and the dewy beads of sweat that speckled her breasts and midriff as she sprawled against the quilts. The low orange light of the fire gave everything a sensuous golden glow.

  I took a deep breath of the sweet smoke-scented air, pulled my boxers down, and kicked them away.

  “It’s so smooth.” Fela sat up, br
ushed the silken backs of her fingers against my cock, then rubbed them slowly up and down the shaft. “No barbs anywhere, so I do not think it will hurt me.”

  “Barbs?” I blurted as Fela’s fingers sent hot shocks of pleasure through my guts. “Hurt you? No. What? Wait. Please don’t explain. Let’s stop talking about it forever right now.”

  Fela brushed the smooth backs of her fingers against my cock one more time, then laid back down on the quilts and spread her long, muscular legs open to show me the tawny thatch between her thighs and the pink shell within. She slid her fingers between her legs, then spread out the lips of her pussy and rubbed her thumb along the top.

  “Come mount me before I satisfy myself, Dave Meyer,” the gorgeous cat-woman crooned.

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I knelt down between Fela’s legs, locked my gaze on those clear topaz eyes, and pushed the tip of my cock into her warm pussy lips.

  “Ohh, yes...” Fela purred as my cock penetrated the opening of her hot, wet tunnel.

  She lifted those long legs, wrapped them around my waist, and pressed the heels of her feet against my buttocks as my body slid upward to meet hers. Her claws scratched up and down my back as her hips jerked forward onto my cock. “Fill me up with your human cock and your human seed and breed with me, Dave Meyer. Put a cub in my womb and make me your mate forever.”

  “Oh, fuck…” Hot waves of pleasure slammed through my body as Fela’s tight, wet pussy pulled me in by the cock. I had been trying to hold back so that I wouldn’t overwhelm her, but now I snapped my hips forward into Fela’s needy opening as I fucked her like a human.

  The cat-girl threw her auburn head back, opened her petal-pink mouth, and yowled a singsong melody of pleasure as her pussy tightened around my cock. The tips of her claws dug into my back, but I was past caring as I slammed home into her waiting womb.

  Then we spent the next twenty minutes trying to make our bodies one.

  I wanted to take it slower, but the cat-girl seemed to be on a mission for my sperm, and as soon as I tried to relax my thrusts, she used the heels of her feet to pull against my back and coax me to go faster. Eventually I figured out that I could distract her with kisses, and I would mix a few make out sessions in after I pushed my cock deep inside of her.

  Still, I wasn’t exactly a pornstar, and the feeling of making love to this beautiful creature eroded any will power that I had.

  “I’m going to…” I started to say after I knew I was getting close.

  “Yes,” she whined. “Pour your seed in me, David Meyer. My body craves it.”

  The tight walls of her pussy pulled hot, sharp tugs of pleasure out of the very depths of my guts, and my yowl joined hers as my orgasm ripped through me like waves of fire.

  And it had been a long time since I’d… Uhh… taken care of business, so we both let out a gasp as volley after volley of my cum sprayed into her clenching tunnel. The room started to spin a bit as my climax seemed to yank my soul out of my body, and I kind of imagined that I was looking down on Fela climax around my cock as I filled her to the brim.

  Then we began to descend the mountain, and we both let out sighs as I kissed her eager mouth.

  Soon Fela and I were tangled together on the quilt in a satisfied, exhausted pile of limbs. The beautiful cat-girl laid her auburn head against my chest and purred softly as I stroked behind her tufted ears. Fela hadn’t even bothered to slip off of my cock, and her pussy felt so soft around me that I didn’t bother with taking it out either.

  “You were eager to breed with me,” she muttered into my ear.

  “Hmm?” I purred, since my mouth had kind of forgotten how to work.

  “You gave me a plentiful amount of seed,” she sighed. “Enough to make many cubs. You are a strong mate, Dave Meyer.”

  “Glad you liked it,” I said after I found my words.

  “I like human mating very much, Dave Meyer,” Fela murmured. “I would like to do it again.”

  “I’m glad, and yeah, I want to make love to you every day for the rest of our lives.” I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, brushed my lips against the bridge of her nose, and then tugged another quilt over us both. I could feel the warmth of the fire, the quilt, and Fela’s slumbering body draining the exhaustion out of my bones and replacing it with a pleasant, satisfied ache as I drifted off to sleep.

  I woke up to a gentle but insistent patting on my cheek and a soft, heavy pressure on my chest.

  “Good morning, mate,” Fela purred. The cat-girl laid snuggled on top of my chest, and her wide yellow eyes were just inches from my own. She leaned forward, pressed her lips to mine, and licked into my mouth before she bumped her nose against my cheek and sat up. “I brought you breakfast.”

  “Good morning.” I glanced at the table, where a tin plate of turkey, parsnips, and cranberry sauce sat next to a tin cup of something steaming and black, and started to laugh. “Of course you brought me a dead bird first thing in the morning!”

  “Emma did not want to wake you up herself.” Fela climbed off of me, raised her arms over her head as she stood, and stretched herself out in the shaft of morning sunlight that lanced across the room. The cat-woman was already fully dressed in her tube top and loincloth, and her hair looked glossy and perfect as it bounced around her shoulders. “She is outside keeping Floppy company. Eat and dress so we can go.”

  I sat up, wolfed down the turkey and trimmings, and chased it down with the steaming black stuff in the cup that tasted like coffee but couldn’t possibly be coffee. Then I wandered over to the kitchen, set the dishes in the sink, washed myself off as best I could with the cold water from the kitchen sink and a clean rag, and returned to the living room with the quilt around my shoulders. I pulled on my clothes, got on my shoes, and ran a hand through my hair. I was as ready to face the day as I was going to be.

  “Let’s get at it,” I said to Fela.

  “Sure,” she said, but then I pulled her into me and gently kissed her lips.

  The saber-tooth cat-girl sighed into my mouth when our lips met, and her body began to vibrate as she purred. Our kiss lasted but a few moments, and her eyes were wide and dreamy when we parted.

  “I do not think we have enough time to mate, Dave Meyer,” she whispered. “Floppy and Emma--”

  “Oh, no,” I chuckled. “I can kiss you just to kiss you. We don’t have to mate afterward. It just feels good, and it reminds both of us how much we love each other.”

  “That is a human practice?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

  “Yep,” I snickered.

  “I like many human things.” She nodded. “I like kissing you all the time.”

  “Good,” I laughed. “So let’s do one more and then get going.”

  And with that, my lips pressed against Fela’s again, and we swayed together for a few moments as our tongues explored each other’s mouths.

  “Make sure to take your spear before you leave the cave,” Fela said after we finished kissing, and then she handed me a long stone-tipped spear like the one she’d threatened me with when we first met. She had a spear of her own in her hand as well. “And do not worry about losing it. I can make another one easily if it breaks.”

  “Thanks, Fela.” I held my spear just under the stone head and positioned the weapon like a walking stick, the way Fela did, then headed toward the door. “We really need to get you a spear holder or something. Wouldn’t it be great if you could tote around a whole bunch of spears at one time and not have to worry about losing yours?”

  “I have experimented with ways to hold many spears as I walk, but I have been traveling light for some time now,” Fela said as she followed me out the door. “A holder of many spears is a very good idea if I will be hunting for more than just myself. It is something to construct when we have time.”

  “Hello, pack!” Emma waved to us from Floppy’s side, and I noticed that she had a stone-headed spear under her arm, too. She stroked the little mammoth’s trunk as sh
e held out a handful of sumac leaves to his mouth. “A good morning to all.”

  Floppy delicately plucked a single leaf from Emma’s hand, stuffed it into his mouth, then raised his trunk and waved it back and forth to us as he chewed.

  “Morning, Emma.” I raised a hand to greet the porcelain-skinned beauty. “Good morning, Floppy. Ready to go loot the town?”

  “Surely it’s not looting if all of the shopkeepers have been dead for more than a hundred years,” Emma mused as we headed toward downtown. “It’s just salvage at that point.”

  “Loot, salvage, whatever,” I shrugged. “Call it a harvest if you want.”

  “Did you sleep well?” Emma asked. “I’m awfully sorry I couldn’t provide a more comfortable bed for you both, but I’m afraid that mine is quite small. I hope the quilts were enough.”

  “It was fine,” I said. “No lumps. Hey, did you actually find a stash of coffee somehow? I didn’t think it lasted for a whole century.”

  “You really thought it was coffee?” Emma smiled. “I’m so glad, I’ve always wondered. It’s roasted chicory root. I’ve never had coffee myself, but I’ve read that they taste the same. I thought it might be a nice surprise for you.”

  “Yeah, it was--” I broke off as I felt a familiar prickling sensation on the top of my head. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and my fingers and toes started to tingle. I could even see the pale yellow haze collecting over the rooftops of the houses and the tops of the trees. “Fuck, not one of these again. Is this like a daily occurrence?”

  “Oh, dear.” Emma frowned and held her hand palm-up like she was testing for raindrops. Bright yellow sparks climbed up and down her porcelain fingers like a Jacob’s Ladder. She sighed, then turned back toward the bungalow. “I’ve been seeing these little electrical storms more frequently lately. We really ought to get back inside until it blows over.”


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