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Dark Realms

Page 19

by Kristen Middleton

  “I haven’t had time to… feed. I had other things on my mind.”

  I touched his forehead. “When your skin is cooler, does it mean you’re weaker?”

  “Yes, In fact, I’ll lose most of my strength if I don’t eat soon. That’s another reason I wanted to move quickly.”

  “So, what exactly do you need to… survive?”

  He smiled bitterly. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Not really, but I need to know one thing; do you kill innocent people?”

  He shook his head vehemently. “No. I feed off of willing victims. I only take what I need and they live to see another day. Swear to God.”

  I stared at him. I wasn’t sure where he found ‘willing victims’ and wasn’t about to ask.

  I sighed. “Where are you going to find a willing victim now?”

  “I don’t know yet,” he smiled grimly. “I guess I hadn’t thought about that when I was chasing after you. I just really wanted to see you before I left.”

  “How about me?”

  His eyes widened. “You?”

  I pulled my hair away from my neck. “Yes, use my blood. Do it before I change my mind, though.”

  He stared at my neck and licked his lips. “I… there is some danger involved. If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Then you’d better do it quickly, before I chicken out. I hate needles enough as it is.”

  He lips curled up. “It’s not quite the same thing.”

  I swallowed. “Okay, does it hurt?”

  He caressed my neck with his fingertip and I shivered. “I can make it enjoyable for you,” he whispered, huskily.

  I looked up into his blue eyes and the naked desire reflected there made me breathless. “Okay,” I whispered. “Just do it, quickly.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. Take my blood.”

  His eyes dilated. With a low growl in the back of his throat, his lips crushed mine and his tongue made its way into my mouth, stroking and demanding a response.

  And respond I did.

  I slid my hands around his neck, drawing him closer and I could feel his arousal pressing against me. I shivered in delight as a desire to wrap my legs around his waist and hold on forever washed over me.

  Instead, he let me go.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked. He was breathing so heavily, it reminded me of a lion panting for water.

  I touched his lip with the pad of my thumb. It was so sensual and yet, something lurked behind it that both frightened and excited me. “Yes, just do it already.”

  Ethan stared into my eyes and a burning desire to do whatever he wanted, slammed through every nerve in my body. This time I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down to meet my lips, feeling like I just couldn’t get enough of his mouth.

  He groaned against my lips and cupped my rear, rubbing his hips against mine, causing a warm ache between my legs. Just when I didn’t think I could take it anymore, he raised his head.

  “Please,” I begged, not even sure of what I was asking for anymore.

  He moved his mouth to my neck and paused. I could feel the coolness of his breath against my skin; I could also feel him trembling. “I love you,” he whispered and then, his teeth broke through.

  I shuddered in ecstasy as my blood flowed into him with a rush of pleasure so great, that I could have died and it wouldn’t have mattered. “Ethan,” I breathed, clutching him tighter so that I wouldn’t fall.

  A gunshot echoed through the night and suddenly he was backing away from me, a look of horror and pain etched on his face. Before I could ask him what had happened, he was gone.

  “Did you get him?!” shouted my mother’s voice in the darkness.

  “Yeah,” said Caleb. “He’s bleeding. He won’t get far.”

  My mother was crying hysterically as she rushed towards me. “Nikki! Oh, my God, you’re bleeding everywhere. We have to get her to the hospital!” she screamed at Caleb.

  Caleb nodded. “I’ve already called an ambulance.”

  “Mom,” I whispered, staring at her in confusion. How did she get there? Where was Ethan?

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah… I’m… fine.”

  She shook her head and sobbed harder. “No, you’re not! You’re bleeding and you’re so pale. Dear Lord, what was that monster doing to my little girl?!”

  I couldn’t answer her, because at that moment, I lost consciousness.


  End of Book One

  Book Two (Shiver) Now Available!

  Author Note

  Thank you for taking the time to read the first installment of Night Roamers, which is always free. I really hope that you enjoyed it! If not, well it’s one of the reasons that I make it free. You can quit and not move on to the next book in the series. Everyone’s tastes are different and I respect that.

  Being an Indie author comes with many challenges, and the biggest one is advertising, which can be very expensive without the help of a big publisher. Because of this, we rely greatly on reviews and word of mouth, so if you’ve enjoyed this or any of my other books, I would be very grateful if you could leave a small one. It means so much to a writer and gives them incentive to write more.

  Thanks again for taking the time to read this book. Your support means everything 


  Unanswered Questions?

  There are some things that happened in Blur that I want to address, as many people have questioned the ‘instant’ romances that took place in the story.


  Eh, probably not. But that’s the beauty of writing fiction. Anything is possible. For example, the vampires in my story have a hypnotic (I use the term “Charm” in later books) quality about them. In other words, Nikki’s mother fell for Caleb quickly, because he’s a vampire. The Night Roamers have a special kind of… pheromone, I guess you could say. The same was the case for Nikki. When she met Ethan in the diner, the charming began and that’s why she became so enamored with him, and so fast. As far as Duncan goes… well that started out as an innocent crush, which happens all the time to teenaged girls. Would she have still jumped all over him in the truck if she hadn’t just been around Ethan?

  More than likely – No.

  She liked Duncan, but the pheromone or charm really messed with her hormones, thus, she just couldn’t help herself.

  Anyway, I hope this cleared a couple of things up. Thanks again for reading and taking the chance on an Indie Author.

  Kristen Middleton

  Enchanted Secrets

  (Witches of Bayport)


  Kristen Middleton

  Copyright © 2013 by Kristen Middleton

  Cover by

  Copyedited by Carolyn Pinard

  This book is purely fiction. Any resemblances to names, characters, and places are coincidental. The reproduction of this work is forbidden without written consent from the author.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Salem, Oregon – 25 Years Earlier

  “Wake up, girls,” whispered mother, shaking her gently. “It’s time to leave.”

  Adrianne’s eyes snapped open and she smiled with giddiness.


  Who could sleep on a night like this?

  The truth was, she’d been lying there wide awake and restless for most of the night, ever since mother had promised to take her and Vivian to the Moonlight Dance.

  “Get dressed quickly,” she ordered. “Make su
re Vivian gets moving, too. And, please, don’t either of you make a peep when you come downstairs.”

  Adrianne turned to her sister, who was still sleeping soundly on their double-bed. “Wake up,” she whispered, squeezing her wrist.

  “Leave me alone,” moaned Vivian, slapping her hand away. “Can’t you see… I’m dreaming?”

  “Viv, mom’s taking us to the Moonlight Dance, don’t you remember?” she prodded.

  Vivian sucked in her breath and opened her eyes. “Oh. I almost forgot. Did mother tell you it was time?”

  Adrianne stood up and stretched her arms. “Yes. She also said that we have to move quickly and… not wake father.”

  Vivian, now fully awake and just as excited as Adrianne, threw away her comforter and scooted out of bed. “Well, what are you waiting for? We don’t want to keep mother waiting or she might change her mind.”

  “Oh, Viv, I’m so excited!” gushed Adrianne, her blue eyes sparkling. “This is going to be the best night ever, I just know it.”

  “Let’s hope so,” said Vivian. “I hate getting out of bed when the sun hasn’t yet risen.”

  “I know me, too. But this will definitely be worth it.”

  Both girls quickly removed their long cotton nightgowns and slipped into hooded robes made of crushed black velvet, with a red silk lining that felt cool against their bare skin.

  “This robe feels strange and almost… sinful,” said Adrianne. “I wonder if we should wear something underneath?”

  Vivian shook her head. “No. Mother said not to wear anything. Not even our shoes.”

  Adrianne sighed. “At least there won’t be any boys around. I’d simply die if one caught me dancing around with barely anything on.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind dancing for Eric McDermott, even if I was in the nude,” smiled Vivian wickedly. “He’s pretty cute.”

  Adrianne’s face turned red. They were only seventeen years old and Vivian sometimes said the most outlandish things. “Oh, my gosh, you’d really do that?”

  Vivian tossed her long, red hair over her shoulder and ran her fingers through a couple of snarls. “Just for a few seconds,” she said with a dark smile. “Then I’d turn him into a toad and toss him into the disgusting pond behind our house.”

  “Girls!” boomed a stern voice inside both of their heads.


  “Quit dawdling, girls. It’s time to leave.”

  Adrianne and Vivian both squealed with excitement, and then padded down the old wooden staircase in bare feet.

  “Quiet now,” reminded mother, who held the front door open for them.

  “Sorry,” the girls whispered in unison as they brushed past her and stepped onto the cool wooden porch.

  “Freezing,” whispered Vivian, her breath visible in the brisk darkness.

  Mother sighed and carefully closed the door behind the girls without making a sound. “Now, follow me quickly,” she said, stepping off the porch and towards the back of the cabin where they were greeted by the crickets chirping away. Shivering, and not just from the brisk weather, she pulled the hood over her dark hair and glanced back towards the cabin one last time. Not seeing anything unusual, she released the breath she’d been holding and guided the girls towards the woods.

  “This is so exciting,” gushed Adrianne, following her mother into the forest. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this dance forever.”

  “Forever has finally arrived, darling,” answered mother. “And I promise you, this will be a night you’ll always remember.”

  “I’m so cold,” complained Vivian, her teeth chattering. “How far do we have to walk?”

  “Actually, we’re almost there,” said mother, leading them towards a windy path that the girls had never seemed to notice before. “The fire will soon warm you.”

  It was the end of October and the air was crisp with the promise of an early winter. Adrianne didn’t mind, however, she loved the snow. In fact, last winter she’d learned how to ice skate with her best friend, Rebecca, and they’d had so much fun laughing at each other as they’d slipped and fell on the ice. She wondered if she’d get to share this special occasion with her as well. As far as she knew, Rebecca had never been to the Moonlight Dance, either. “So, is Rebecca coming to this dance?”

  Mother shrugged. “I really don’t know. Just… please, remember not to talk about this with anyone at school or mention it to your father. He must never ever find out.”

  Yes, they’d heard it a hundred times already.

  “But why?” asked Adrianne.

  “Because, he just wouldn’t understand,” she replied softly. “You know how he is.”

  The girls were silent as they moved deeper into the woods. Soon they were met with the smell of burning cinder and the sounds from a crackling fire.

  “Stop,” said mother. She raised her thin, black wand and pointed it towards a large clearing straight ahead.

  The girls watched in wonder as mother chanted a few words under her breath and the wand began to sparkle. Seconds later, the woods came to life.

  “Oh, I see them,” smiled Vivian, her eyes lighting up.

  Where there had been nothing but dark trees and Evergreen bushes only moments before, now stood a roaring fire with several women congregating around it, all of them wearing the same matching black robes.

  “Ah, Lisbeth,” said an older woman, stepping towards them with piercing brown eyes and thin lips. “You’ve finally brought the twins, and on this Hallow’s Eve when the moon is full… I don’t think you could have chosen a better night for their induction.”

  Mother smiled proudly. “Yes, Meredith. It took some planning and patience, but I truly believe that they are ready for their initiation.”

  “Very well then, let’s get everyone’s attention,” said Meredith. She then clapped her hands and the small crowd of women became silent.

  “Excuse me,” mother said, motioning towards the older woman. She smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, Meredith, let me just speak to the girls for a moment. Please?”

  Meredith nodded. “Of course.”

  “Come,” said mother as she took both of their hands and pulled them away from the group. When they were out of earshot range, she turned to them and squeezed their hands tightly. She took a deep breath. “Look, I know that I told you that this was just a dance, however, it is so much more. You see, it is part of a ritual that every woman in our family has participated in, from generation to generation. Now, do not be frightened of the things you might hear or see this night, as I promise you, they won’t hurt you.” She looked at them and smiled proudly. “My lovelies, tonight you will be joining our coven circle and your powers… they will be magnified after this ceremony.”

  Vivian’s eyes lit up. “Our powers will be stronger?”

  Lisbeth smiled, her own eyes now glowing with excitement. “Oh yes, my dears. You are so special. Not only are you identical twins, but you are both my daughters, and there isn’t one witch here,” she said, glancing over their heads towards the others, “who is more powerful than me,” she said, lowering her voice to a whisper, “even the High Priestess, Meredith.”

  “Lisbeth?” called Meredith. “It’s time. Bring the girls to the circle.”

  The other witches had now formed a large circle around the fire and were watching the twins with an intensity that made Adrianne very nervous. She turned towards her mother to ask her what exactly was going to happen next, but the look on Lisbeth’s face hushed her. It was a look of pure happiness.

  “Come,” she said, smiling lovingly at her two girls as she pulled them towards the other ten women.

  Now the circle was complete with thirteen cloaked witches. Meredith smiled in satisfaction and then cleared her throat. “We are here to celebrate Samhain on this Hallow’s Eve. This is the time of beginnings and endings. We ask the blessings of the Wise Ones who guard the Portals of the World.”

  Adrianne listened half-heartedly to Meredi
th’s words as she rattled on about the wind and storms, but wondered when they’d actually get to dance around the fire and where the music would come from. She loved music and dancing, which their father never allowed in their house. He was a minister, and a very strict one at that.

  When Meredith was finished with her incantations, she raised her hands up to the sky and asked everyone to remove their robes.

  “Oh… but I can’t,” exclaimed Adrianne, her cheeks flaming. “I’ll be totally naked.”

  Her mother sighed. “Everyone will be naked, honey. It’s okay. You’re among friends.”

  Then Adrianne watched with shock as all of the women removed their robes, including their mother.

  “Don’t be such a prude,” snorted Vivian as she discarded her own robe and stood proudly. “We’re obviously both very beautiful and have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She bit her lower lip. “But…”

  “You have to do this, Adrianne,” demanded Lisbeth in a tight voice. “It is part of the ritual.”

  Adrianne felt confused and ashamed as she dropped her robe to the ground. She stared towards the fire, fighting an intense urge to cover herself with both hands.

  Noticing her modesty, Meredith smiled in amusement and continued with the ceremony. “We will now ask Goddess Diana to accept her new children into our coven. Protect them and keep them safe from those who do not understand, from those who can only hate. Give them strength and power to defeat their enemies and heal their loved ones, whenever it is needed.”

  Adrianne frowned. She knew she had special powers that she was supposed to keep from her father, but she also believed in God. Who was this Goddess Diana? Wasn’t it blasphemy to pray to her? This was all so confusing.


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