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Dark Realms

Page 57

by Kristen Middleton

  “You wouldn’t have to live here permanently,” she replied. “Hell, the Roamers have already proven to me that they are unable to settle anywhere for too long. But, when we move, you’d move. Eight months tops in Shore Lake and then we’ll move on to the next town. Together.”

  I folded my arms across my chest. There was no way in hell I’d live near this psychotic bitch. “What do you get from all of this, besides more money and fame?”

  “To be honest, I like to be in control. You’re relatively new to the U.S. and obviously don’t understand how things are done here.”

  “What exactly does that mean?” I asked.

  Her face darkened. “Fine, I’ll tell you the truth - I run this part of the country. Me. Nothing happens without my knowledge or approval. There are those immortals who would challenge my authority and like more than anything to take away all of the power I’ve acquired. Of course, they always fail because I have an army to back me up. An army of your kind.”

  “Then why do you need us if you’re so damn powerful?”

  She smiled. “Let’s just say that I like you Slade. I want you on the team.”

  What she really wants is to control me and the band, I thought. Along with anyone else that poses a threat. There was no way I’d let that happen. “I need to speak to the band about this. Quite frankly, it would be inconvenient for us to settle here. Really inconvenient.”

  Her eyes gleamed a purplish hue. “It would also be dangerous if you didn’t. Really dangerous.”

  That bitch just threatened me?

  “I don’t take intimidation well,” I replied sternly. I’d survived a century in Romania, where vampires were hunted and crucified by both humans and other immortals. I’d been beaten and tortured by more than the likes of Faye Dunbar and there was no way that I’d allow her to push me around.

  “Then I suggest that you don’t do anything that will provoke any further threats,” she replied icily.

  “You don’t scare me,” I said. “So if I were you, I’d forget all about me and the other members of Venom. There is no way in hell that we are going to take orders from you.”

  “You’re making a big mistake,” she said, standing up.

  “Doubtful. I think we’re done here,” I said, preparing to leave.

  “Oh, you’re done all right. Lucas, take the girl,” she ordered.

  I turned to face Lucas. “Don’t even try it.”

  With a look of uncertainty, Lucas took a step towards us.

  “Stay the hell back,” I hissed, baring my fangs. “Or you’ll regret it.”

  “Slade, seriously, reconsider what we’ve talked about,” said Faye. “You’re risking the lives of your entire band if you cross me, you know.”

  “Save it,” I said, backing away with the girl.

  “Dammit, your defiance is infuriating!” she snapped, pushing a button on the side of her desk.

  The door in the back swung open again and this time three men dressed in security uniforms entered the office.

  “Escort Slade and this human to the basement,” said Faye. “And make sure they don’t escape.”

  They advanced towards me.

  I swore under my breath and met them half way.

  Chapter Twelve


  “What?” I asked, in shock.

  “Now that pisses me off,” said Liam, frowning. “He was just giving me a hard time about screwing…,” his eyes darted to me. “I mean partying with fans.”

  “Well, he left the party with her last night. I believe they were heading to the hotel for a little something… something…,” said Jimmy, smirking.

  “But she never came home after something… something…,” I snapped, angry that I’d been so attracted to a player like Slade. What did I expect, though, he was in a band and drop-dead gorgeous. He wasn’t a normal guy that one dated or developed real feelings for. He was just a one-night stand that would never amount to even a phone-call afterwards. “So, he needs to help us find her.”

  “Oh, he will,” said Liam, still scowling. “I’ll make sure of that.”

  “You know, I’m a little surprised that he left with her,” said Sean. “It’s not like him. Seriously.”

  “That chick was really hot, though,” stated Jimmy, throwing his cards down. “I’m out.”

  “Yeah, but he’s turned down hotter,” said Bradan. He looked at me. “No offense.”

  “None taken,” I replied.

  Susan stood up. “I think we should find him right now and ask what he did with her.”

  “I think we know,” chuckled Jimmy.

  She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  “I agree,” I said, not wanting to wait any longer. I just wanted to get out of the club and go home. I stood up. “Let’s go talk to your boy.”

  “Faye might get mad if we interrupt their so-called meeting,” said Bradan. He shook his head. “That guy is getting all kinds of action this week.”

  Liam, who appeared to be still sulking, stood up. “I agree with the girls, we need to find Melody, now. Plus, something doesn’t feel right, here. I can’t quit put my finger on it, but I’m feeling a little anxious. Let’s go interrupt them.”

  The others stood up and we walked out of the lounge.

  “Did you see where Faye Dunbar and Slade went?” Sean asked Mason, who was still standing just outside of the lounge, guarding the doorway.

  His face hardened. “No, I’m sorry I didn’t see them.”

  “They just walked out of her less than five minutes ago,” said Liam, who towered over Mason.

  He shrugged. “Sorry, man, I don’t know where they are.”

  “If you see Slade, let him know we’re looking for him,” replied Sean.

  Liam cocked his head and then swore. “Something’s really wrong and Slade needs us. Now. Dammit. Let’s go!”

  Before I knew what was happening, Liam took off running down the hallway followed by Jimmy, Bradan, and Sean.

  “What the hell?” mumbled Mason, charging after them.

  “Uh, what do we do?” asked Susan.

  I wasn’t sure why, but my gut told me that this had something to do with Melody. “Just… follow them,” I replied and began running.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You done!?” snarled Lucas, who’d just slammed his fist into my face for the third time.

  “Fuck you!” I growled, spitting out blood. I’d given the other vampires a run for their money, but there were four of them and only one of me.

  “He’s stubborn, I’ll give him that,” laughed Faye.

  I glared at her. “Glad this amuses you.”

  “Would you hold him down better,” complained Lucas as I broke my right arm free and punched one of them in the jaw.

  “Slade!” screamed the girl, who was in the corner, watching as they wrestled me back down to the ground and kicked me in the spleen. Although it would heal quickly, it sure hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.

  “Bring him into the basement. We can restrain him better there,” stated Faye. She rolled her eyes and waved her hand in exasperation. “Great, he’s gotten blood on my white carpeting. I just had that installed last week, dammit.”

  I grunted. “Bill me.”

  Before she could respond, her office door was kicked in and pieces of the splintered wood flew everywhere.

  I sighed in relief as Liam and my boys entered the office. When they saw me bleeding and being subdued by Faye’s goons, they didn’t think twice. With a roar of anger and bloodlust, they launched an attack.

  “Stop!” hollered Faye, now staring in horror as my guys slaughtered her so-called vampires in a whirlwind of blood and madness. It was obvious that we were much older and stronger and in a one-on-one combat, they were screwed.

  “You okay?” asked Liam, helping me up.

  The bruises on my face were already healing. I spit out another wad of blood and nodded. “Yeah. Cheap bastards.”

sp; “Oh my God!” shrieked Chelsey, who was now standing in the doorway with Susan, and staring at the grisly scene in the office. The terror on her face did something to me. I felt an urge to comfort her, but found myself frozen instead.

  “Shit,” said Liam, also staring at her.

  Bradan and Jimmy were still attacking Faye’s henchmen. Fangs were bared and blood was everywhere. I could only imagine what she was feeling. This was my world, not hers.

  “Vampires!?” screeched Susan in horror. She tried to turn and run, but behind her stood a dark-skinned security guard, blocking her way. He grabbed her by the arm.

  “Forget about her, Mason!” hollered Faye. “Get the others and bring them here!”

  Reluctantly, Mason released Susan and took off.

  “Chelsey!” sobbed the other girl in the office. Terrified, she’d hidden behind a tall metal filing cabinet.

  Chelsey turned toward her and gasped. “Melody!” She ran over and pulled her into her arms. “Are you okay?”

  Melody, who had tears running down her face, nodded. “Yes. I think so.”

  “You guys, come on!” hollered Susan, her face white. “We have to get out of here.”

  I sighed.

  “You need to make them forget,” said Liam.

  “I know,” I said, moving towards Chelsey and Melody.

  “Stay away from us!” choked Chelsey, backing away with Melody. “You… you’re all monsters.”

  The look in her eyes crushed me. Just like Vanessa. “I’d never hurt you,” I promised, forcing a smile. “Swear to God.”

  Chelsey looked behind me and screamed.

  I turned around just as some kind of winged reptilian creature lunged towards me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The creature that landed on Slade reminded me of some kind of gargoyle, with its greenish black scales and rubber-like wings.

  “Oh my God,” gasped Susan, covering her mouth in horror.

  Just when I thought the madness couldn’t get any crazier, Liam turned into a massive wolf and sprang at the reptile trying to attack Slade.

  “Let’s go!” screamed Melody, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the doorway.

  Terrified and needing to get away from this nightmare, I obeyed. We grabbed Susan and then all three scrambled away from Faye’s office, down the hallway, and back to the main area of the club.

  The music was as loud as ever and everyone seemed oblivious to the horrors taking place on the top floor of Club Nightshade. Frightened beyond belief, we hurried down the staircase, towards the exit when our bartender from earlier, stepped directly into our path

  Are you girls okay?” he asked, looking concerned.

  “Brian…. Oh my God,” said Susan, shaking her head vehemently. “There are monsters upstairs. We’re leaving. Now.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  “Just like she said,” I answered. “Vampires, werewolves, and gargoyles. We’re out of here.”

  He stared at us in amusement. “Let me guess, too many Cosmopolitans?”

  “No,” I snapped. “Look, we’re not making this up.”

  “Calm down,” he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  Four security guys raced across the bar and headed towards the stairs.

  “Let’s just get out of here,” said Susan, watching the staircase. “Before they come and look for us.”

  As we attempted to walk around Brian, he grabbed my arm. “Why don’t you follow me to a quiet place and we can all talk about this?”

  “Brian, seriously, you have to call the police,” said Susan. “We’re not drunk and there is some scary shit going on upstairs. No lie.”

  “We will. Let’s just find a safe place and we’ll call the police.”

  Susan shook her head. “No. You call the police, but we’re out of here. There’s no way in hell that I’m staying in this place any longer.”

  His eyes hardened. “Follow me. Now.”

  “Excuse me?” I gasped, moving away from him.

  He opened his mouth to talk right as another security guard rushed over. “Faye wants you upstairs. Go, no.”

  Brian quickly obeyed and took off towards the stairs.

  Sighing in relief, I followed Susan and Melody down the hallway by the entrance until we reached the exit. Once outside, we bolted towards my car. Susan sat next to me and Melody got into the back.

  “What do we do?” I asked as we locked ourselves inside.

  “I’ll call the police,” said Susan, pulling out her phone.

  “Hurry, get us out of here,” begged Melody, pointing towards the road.

  “Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re safe,” I said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Me too,” she replied and then rubbed a hand over her face.

  “What happened?” I asked, looking back at her in the rearview mirror.

  “Actually, I’m not so sure anymore,” she said, leaning her head against the back of the seat. She closed her eyes. “I just remember bits and pieces of last night. Watching the band, the party, meeting Slade. I don’t know… I almost feel like I’ve been drugged.”

  I frowned. “I wonder if someone slipped something into your drink.”

  “Maybe,” she replied. “Maybe it was Slade. We left the after-party last night. Together.”

  “Yes, I’d like to report a… violent crime,” said Susan, into the phone. “At Club Nightshade.”

  My eyes widened. A violent crime? Well, that was putting it mildly.

  She glanced at me and shrugged.

  “Oh, hi Sherriff,” she said, biting her nail. “You want us to come down to the station? Sure.”

  After she hung up, Melody groaned. “Shit. I’m going to get into so much trouble now. The cops are going to know that I had a fake I.D.”

  “Us too,” I replied. “But I think when they find out what’s happening at the club, they might be a little more lenient.”

  She snorted. “Right. You know what… why don’t you just drop me off at home and forget that you saw me there?”

  “Melody,” I snapped. “We were at the club trying to find you. We probably just saved your life and you’re worried about getting busted because of the I.D.?”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “People were being murdered right in front of us,” said Susan, turning back to look at her. “Once they start investigating everything, the cops are going to find out that you were there, anyway. I’m sorry, but they need to know everything and I’m not lying.”

  Melody let out a ragged sigh. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

  “I still can’t believe it,” I said, turning past Ruth’s Diner. “The guys from ‘Venom’ are vampires and werewolves? Seriously?”

  “I guess so,” said Susan. “We all saw what was happening.”

  There was a loud thud on the roof of the car and we all screamed

  “What was that?!” cried Susan.

  Shaken, I pulled over to the side of the road.

  “No fucking way,” whispered Susan in horror as the gargoyle from Club Nightshade, leaped from the top of my car to the pavement in front of us. It opened its mouth and let out a monstrous roar.

  Terrified, I threw the car in reverse, and punched it. The tires squealed in protest as we raced backwards.

  “Watch out! There’s something behind us!” screamed Melody, staring back.

  Before I could blink, we slammed into whatever it was and there was a loud thud under the tires.

  “OhmyGod!” screeched Melody, as we rolled over whatever it was that we hit.

  I slammed my foot on the brake and the car came to a halt.

  “What did we just hit?” asked Susan, her voice shaky.

  Trembling, I looked at her. “Maybe it was that thing. It could have flown around and came at us from the back.”

  “Then who cares if we hit it,” said Melody. “We need to get the hell out of here.”

  “But, what
if it was someone’s dog?” cried Susan. “Or worse yet, we could have just ran over an innocent person taking a walk!”

  I caught a movement in the corner of my eye and Melody screamed as Susan’s door was ripped away from its hinges.

  “Susan!” I cried as the winged monster dragged her out of the car, kicking and screaming.

  “Help me!” she shrieked, trying to get out of the beast’s grasp.

  Crying, I jumped out of the car and raced towards them. “Leave her go you freak!” I screamed, beating on the gargoyle’s reptilian head with my fists. The scales hurt my knuckles, but I ignored the pain and kept punching.

  “Chelsey!” screamed Susan, still frantically trying to get out of the gargoyle’s grasp.

  The monster screeched angrily and then backhanded me, sending my body flying across the road. My head hit the pavement and I felt a burst of hot pain in my skull, but all I could think about was Susan. I scurried back up and then cried out in horror as the beast leaped into the sky still clutching my closest friend in the world.

  I closed my eyes and fainted.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When I was finally able to open them later, I was lying in a hospital bed. Confused, I tried to sit up but the pain in my head made it impossible to move.

  “You’re awake,” said a nurse, peeking her head into the room. She was tall, with short curly red hair, and green glasses.

  “Yes,” I replied in a raspy voice.

  She walked inside and began examining me. “How do you feel?” she asked, checking my pulse.

  “My head hurts. A lot,” I replied, wincing as I moved it.

  Her smile was sympathetic. “I’ll get the doctor and I’m sure he’ll order something for the pain.”

  “Is my mom here?” I asked. My head was a little fuzzy and I couldn’t exactly remember why I was even in the hospital.

  “Uh, no. Let me get the doctor,” she said, walking away.

  I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened. After a few seconds, the memory of Susan being carried away by the freaky gargoyle came back to me and I started to panic.


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