A Witch Like No Other
Page 10
“Darn it, Stile! I lost ma stud again. When you gone stop attacking me like this, man? Am a black dude trying to help y’all survive up in here, and this is the thanks I get? Fine fool, starve. No turkey ham your way.”
“I don’t eat turkey anyway,” Damon replied. “I’m a vegan.”
“Now shut yo trap, Stile. You in prison now. You aint getting’ no menus up in here, you feel me? I bin telling’ you dis for three years an’ you still aint listenin’. When you gone understand you got another…” Dwayne chuckled. “Another what, Stile? Ha, another what’s the name now… lemme see. It’s comin’ to me like dogs an’ meat- just like these prisoners wid their turkey ham!”
“Get lost, Dwayne!”
“Don’t worry man, I got it now. Another twenty two years, right? Oh darn it Stile, why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you lemme know?”
“Easy Stile!” said another voice, a pair of blue eyes peering at him through the tiny cell window. “What’s going on?”
“P.C. Jones wont leave me alone!”
“Sarge, am jus’ tryin’ to get some food up in his bony butt, and he yellin’ at me like I’m his woman.” Dwayne snapped his fingers to add effect. “Am jus’ doin’ ma job. What happen to his woman again?”
Damon slammed his fist against the cell door furiously, imagining it to be Dwayne’s face. It felt good, so he repeatedly threw punches at the metal door: “Take that, you son of a-”
“Oh help us all,” said Dwayne amusedly. “He finally cracked, Sarge!”
“Stile, stop that or I’ll have you sedated,” the other officer said firmly, but Damon didn’t. Now he imagined the door was Ted Stone, his former best friend. A punch for stealing his girl. A punch for having Marlon so he couldn’t get her back. A punch for being the reason why Dreamer got rid of his firstborn. A punch for everything.
Only when he saw blood on the door did he stop, surprised.
“I’m bleeding!”
“Oh, for Heavens sake- P.C. Jones , go and consult the nurse.”
“How ‘bout you get the nurse and I’ll stay here?”
“Now, Jones!”
“Yes Sarge.”
* * *
“What happened to you?” said George, the cell door slamming shut behind him. Damon shrugged, nursing his bandaged hand.
“That idiot Dwayne made me lose my temper.”
George grinned: he liked P.C. Jones. “What did he say?”
“He got to me about Dreamer.”
“Oh,” said George, smile fading. “Ted, remember she’s-”
“I know. But sometimes I feel… like she’s alive.”
“It’s just a feeling,” said Damon, almost to himself. “It’s crazy, I know- but I felt like I had a hole inside my heart up to three days ago… and now I’m whole again. Do you think she’s alive?”
George didn’t know what to say.
“She was powerful,” Damon continued. “She might be back.”
“It- it’s not possible, mate.”
“Why not?” Damon demanded, heat rising.
“Yes, why not?” a voice echoed smoothly, making them jump and whip round to stare at whoever spoke.
Dreamer Black was leaning against the wall in the corner of the cell, highly amused as she listened to their conversation. Damon stared at her, then everything spiralled into darkness.
* * *
“Stile, wake up! Where’s the ambulance, for crying out loud?!”
“It’s on its way, Sarge-”
“Don’t call an ambulance!” said Damon groggily, opening his eyes. He was lying on the cell floor, at least six officers around him.
George was standing behind them, petrified as he looked around. He shook his head violently when Sergeant Brown demanded again what happened in the cell, scared that he’d throw up if he spoke.
“Smith, you were right here! What happened??”
“Come on Damon,” a female officer said gently. “Up you get.”
Damon sat up, wincing as he looked at his hand. It was aching.
“He needs to be checked by the doctor-”
“I need an ice pack,” Damon said throatily. “I… please.”
“What happened, Stile?” said Sergeant Brown for the umpteenth time.
“I passed out because I saw…” Damon stopped, looking at George. Beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead, his large fist in his mouth. George shook his head, Damon saying “I saw blood.”
Damon pointed at the cell door, then he glared at P.C Jones.
“It’s Dwayne’s fault.”
“Someone get that cleaned up,” another officer said disgustedly. “Now!”
“Who’s the Sergeant, me or you?” Brown said coldly, then he repeated the line. “Someone get that cleaned up.”
“Yes Sarge.”
Half an hour later it was just Damon and George in their cell again. Damon swallowed, staring at the corner Dreamer had stood in.
“George, did you…? I mean, I wasn’t-”
“I saw her, mate,” said George in a weird voice. “You wasn’t dreaming.”
“I knew she was back,” said Damon, looking at him. “I knew it.”
George hesitated, then he said “She’s beautiful, Damon.”
“I know. But she’s got Ted and two kids and-”
“You told me already,” George interrupted, having heard Damon ramble on about the woman for three years straight. “I know everything.”
“I wont be able to sleep,” Damon muttered, rubbing his forehead. “Damn that woman. She did it on purpose, knowing I’d wait up hoping for her to come back or something- trust me. I know how her mind works.”
“How long have you known her for?”
“Since high school, George. Since flipping high school.”
“Longer than this Ted moron.”
“Exactly. She met the idiot when we was fourteen. I knew him because he was my next door neighbour and that. You know what, though?”
“What?” said George, suddenly eager to hear more about Dreamer.
Damon stared down at his hands, saying “I don’t think she wants him in the same way.”
“How do you know?” demanded George. “You saw her for a split second- you don’t know she doesn’t want her husband.”
“Why not?” said Damon, secretly hoping that Dreamer would repeat the words like she did before. George waited but nothing happened, so he said “Because that was your first time seeing her in three years- and I think she’d prefer this Ted guy to you any day, especially since you assaulted their daughter for no reason-”
“Maybe she came to finish me off,” said Damon, suddenly afraid. “We didn’t exactly sort that part out- any part actually. We was screaming at each other and then I went crazy with the knife-”
George snorted with laughter.
“You know Damon, you’ve been so normal here I cant imagine you going crazy with anything, I’m sorry. Was it a pen knife?”
“Ha ha,” said Damon dryly, as George roared with laughter. “A machete.”
“You? A machete?” spluttered George. “Never!”
* * *
Ted smiled as Dreamer appeared in the living room, Pandora and Marlon clapping enthusiastically. Marlon smirked at his sister.
“Bet I’ll be able to do that soon, ‘Dora.”
“In your dreams,” Pandora retorted. “All you can do is splash water.”
Marlon ignored her, saying to Dreamer “Where was you, Mum?”
“I was on a walk,” Dreamer answered, unable to stop a smirk appearing on her beautiful face. “I startled a lot of people, though.”
“They either saw me as a celebrity or they thought I was dead,” Dreamer said, amused as she left the room. “I’m going for a shower.”
* * *
The doorbell rang, Pandora rising to her feet pronto.
only James,” said Marlon like he did before, though his voice was real gentle this time. “He doesn’t even have to come in, I’m going.”
Pandora hesitated, then she sat back down. Marlon reached out and batted her curly hair, saying “See you later. Dad, tell Mum I said bye.”
“Five days, ok son? That’s what you said.”
“Five days?” said Pandora, startled. “Where’re you going?”
“We’re playing loads of teams in different areas,” Marlon explained. “I’ll be staying at James’s place till everything’s over.”
“Oh,” said Pandora, disappointed. “Well… you’d better win.”
Marlon smiled, knowing his sister really meant “I’ll miss you.”
“We’ll win, I promise. I’ll bring the trophy back for you.”
The doorbell rang again, Marlon picking up his bags.
“Oh, and try and talk to Alice,” he added. “She looks really nice.”
“So did Janice,” Pandora retorted, making him cringe.
“True. Just have a good time. And apply for college too, ok ‘Dora?”
“Which one are you going to?”
“Forest Academy.”
“That’s where I want to go.”
“Great! Gotta go,” he said as the bell ran a third time. “Bye!”
* * *
Dreamer picked up her mobile, dialling her mother’s number.
“Agnes speaking.”
“Hello Mama,” she said breathlessly. “How are you?”
“It hasn’t even been three days,” huffed Agnes. “Why would you call me, little one, unless you want to get something off your chest?”
“I do. And Mama, don’t call me ‘little one.’ I’m a grown woman.”
“Thirty three years old and still giving me heart attacks,” said Agnes, a little fondly. “You haven’t grown up yet, Dreamer. Pandora is more grown than you are.”
“That may be so Mama, but I still don’t like to be called ‘little one.’”
“Well you will be,” Agnes retorted, amused. “What is your reason for calling me, then?”
“You already know, Mama.”
“Tell me anyway.”
Dreamer hesitated, then she said “I saw Damon Stile today.”
Agnes tutted. “Just couldn’t resist, could you?”
“We have a lot of things to sort out, Mama.”
“They’re over with,” scolded Agnes, wishing she could pull Dreamer’s ear and yell the words inside it. “Over with, Dreamer. He hurt both you and Pandora and he’s suffering for it. Leave it at that.”
“He still hasn’t told me why he did it, Mama. I have to know.”
“No you do not, young woman. Don’t even think about-”
“I have to go back,” Dreamer decided. “We need to talk.”
Agnes was silent for a moment, picking everything out of those nine words. The tone of voice, the words ‘have to’ especially. No she didn’t have to. She wanted to. There was a big difference.
Dreamer listened anxiously, saying “Mama? Are you still there?”
“You’re playing with fire, little one.” Agnes spoke calmly. “I think you have developed feelings for Damon Stile.”
“I have not, Mama!”
“Don’t lie to me,” said Agnes wearily. “I hate the lies, Dreamer.”
“We were friends. I met him when I was just eleven, Mama.”
“Yes, I know that. He was round the house with that Miriam for as long as I can remember. Nearly everyday for years.” Agnes couldn’t help smiling as she remembered. Then she scowled. “Then you met Ted when you was fourteen, got landed with Marlon at sixteen, Pandora seventeen- your life was ruined in the blink of an eye.”
“It was not,” Dreamer argued, “Because I still did what I liked while you and Ted looked after them-”
“Oh yes, I forget.” Agnes chuckled. “You’re a handful, my girl.”
Dreamer smiled. “Should I see Damon or not, Mama?”
“My girl, my advice is to let things be. But if you simply have to see him to put your mind at ease, then go. As long as you’re going for Pandora.”
“That’s all I’m going for,” said Dreamer uncertainly. “I mean… I cant live not knowing what made him hurt my child, Mama.”
“I agree,” said Agnes solemnly. “When will you go?”
“Not for a while.”
“That’s my girl.”
The doorbell rang downstairs, Dreamer staring through the floor at Ted opening it to Alice Pets, who looked very excited.
“Oh no- Mama, I forgot all about Alice coming over to see Pandora.”
“Well then go,” urged Agnes. “That child needs a friend right now.”
“What should I make for dinner, Mama?”
“Your mind is on that boy in the cell,” said Agnes forlornly. “You have never asked me what to cook in all your life, Dreamer.”
Dreamer was startled as she realised that. But her mind wasn’t on food.
“Just tell me, Mama!”
“Why don’t you try some spicy rice with curried chicken-”
“And jalapenos with vegetables! Thanks, Mama!”
* * *
“Shall I call the fire brigade?” said Pandora dryly, making the table erupt with laughter. Dreamer handed Alice a glass of cold water, saying “You don’t have to eat those, Alice. Some people cant handle them.”
“I’m ok,” said Alice, gulping water. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” asked Ted, and Alice nodded.
Pandora’s plate was empty like her father and mother’s. Alice’s was empty too, with the exception of jalapenos.
As much as she hated to admit it, Pandora enjoyed Alice being here. She couldn’t help smiling at her friend as she slowly ate another hot chilli.
“What college are you going to, Alice?”
“Whatever you’re going to,” she gasped, reaching for her water.
“I think I’ll go to Forest Academy,” Pandora said, looking at her parents. “Miriam’s got the prospectuses in her office.”
“Haven’t you got an appointment with her, ‘Dora?” said Ted, frowning.
“Tomorrow,” Pandora said, feeling guilty. “I’ll go early though, and… well, say sorry to her.”
Dreamer nodded, saying “Good girl.”
“Sorry for what?” asked Ted curiously. “Dreamer?”
“It’s over with, Ted. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
After everyone was finished and seated in the living room, Pandora hesitated. Then she said “Alice, do you want to see my room?”
“Good girl,” said Ted, smiling broadly as Alice nodded.
As she and Pandora ran upstairs, Ted turned to Dreamer happily.
“This is all because of you.”
“What is?”
“You know, her socialising a bit more. She would never have asked Alice to see her room if you didn’t come back.”
Dreamer knew this, but she said “She would have over time.”
“Don’t count on it.”
* * *
“That’s Dreamer’s box?”
“My box,” Pandora said, though she wasn’t really annoyed. “Yep.”
Shadow the rabbit squeaked at Pandora, stomach rumbling.
“Oh no- I forgot to feed him!” said Pandora, stricken. “I need bread-”
“Bread?” said Alice, puzzled. “What for?”
“Remember he’s really a bird,” Pandora told her. “He just looks like a rabbit. Birds like bread, remember?”
“No wonder Barclays didn’t eat his vegetables!”
Pandora smiled as she left the room, Alice looking around at her drawings stuck on the wall.
* * *
“And where is Pandora going with that hard dough bread?” said Dreamer amusedly, not even looking at her. Pandora laughed at herself for thinking she could sneak past without her mother knowing.
“I’m going to feed Shadow. He hasn�
��t eaten since this morning.”
Pandora looked around. “Where’s Dad gone?”
“He’s in the bathroom,” said Dreamer, just about focusing on her child. Pandora wanted to ask if she was ok, but she didn’t want to hold Shadow up. She ran and kissed Dreamer on the cheek before rushing upstairs.
* * *
“Enough, greedy!” said Pandora, amazed. “Jeez!”
Shadow pushed her finger with his tiny paws, squeaking in protest as she handed the other half of the bread to Alice, who put it back it it’s bag and tied it tightly.
“Leave it in the corner for tomorrow,” Pandora said, Alice obeying.
“I’ll come with Daddy to the clinic if you want, and we can go to the park and hang out after your meeting.”
Pandora thought about this, then she nodded.
“What time is your appointment?” asked Alice, picking up her jacket.
“Four o clock.”
“Ok then, I’ll see you there.”
Pandora got up to see her to the door, saying “Thanks for coming.”
“Thanks for having me,” Alice returned shyly, and Pandora smiled.