“Ignore him and teleport,” Miriam said, knowing if she didn’t she’d never be able to leave. “Do it, Dreamer!”
Temper rising, Dreamer obeyed.
* * *
“You’d better explain what the hell is wrong with you!” she screamed, appearing in a flash of red light. “Now, Miriam!”
“Have a cup of tea,” Miriam answered, infuriating her. “It’s still hot.”
Dreamer looked at the coffee table, tempted by the little cakes and biscuits laid out for her especially. Sighing, she sat down.
Miriam sat too, watching her every movement. Dreamer refused to make eye contact, unable to believe what was happening. Miriam had never been like this with her before in her life. Giving orders etcetera. Dreamer guessed she had taken too much, like filling a glass with wine without stopping. Eventually it would spill over the edge of the glass. The glass was Miriam, and the wine was Dreamer. Miriam had taken too much of her crap and it was time to take control for once.
“What happened, Dreamer?” she asked calmly. “You was all set to leave Ted while you was here yesterday, but you suddenly got cold feet when you got back- probably when you saw him with his shirt off.”
Dreamer chose not to answer that, sipping her tea in silence.
“You know I would have let you stay here, Dreamer. You still can.”
Dreamer reached for a cupcake in reply, refusing to speak.
Her mobile rang, and she answered it quickly. “Dreamer.”
“Mum, is everything ok?” said Pandora worriedly. “Where are you?”
“I’m with a friend, darling.”
“Are you coming back?”
Dreamer looked at Miriam, who stared back at her coldly, silently daring her to say yes. Unnerved, Dreamer said “Put Ted on the phone, Pandora.”
“You aren’t, are you?” Pandora’s voice cracked. “Why not?”
“Is it another guy you’re with?” Silence. “Mum, say something!”
“Put your father on the phone,” Dreamer said quietly, but she didn’t.
“We tried hard to make you stay, and you still went!”
“Pandora, I’m not going to ask you again.” Dreamer spoke calmly. “If you don’t put Ted on the phone I’ll to hang up, then turn my mobile off.”
“Mum, don’t say that! I just want to talk to you!”
“And we will talk, darling, but I need to speak to Ted even more.”
“I heard you in the kitchen,” Pandora said sadly. “You don’t love him.”
Dreamer shot an accusing glance at Miriam, as if blaming her. Miriam suddenly felt a surge of guilt, and she opened her mouth to apologise but Dreamer shook her head angrily.
“It’s done now, isn’t it?”
“What’s done now, Mum? Who are you talking to?”
Dreamer opened her mouth spitefully, about to let Pandora know that it her godmother who wanted to tear the family apart. But she knew better, knew she wasn’t as low as that.
“That doesn’t matter, Pandora. What matters is you’ve disobeyed me.”
Pandora flinched at her tone, and handed the phone to Ted silently before leaving the room and joining Alice in her own.
“She’s with another man,” she announced bitterly, making Alice’s jaw drop. “Her and Dad had an argument last night, and both of them were even crying and stuff- but they were kissing this morning so I thought-”
“I don’t think she’s with another man,” Alice said, shaking her head. “Dreamer’s not like that.”
“How do you know what she’s like? You’ve only seen her twice!”
“But I’ve watched her for six months,” argued Alice, “And everyone got to know her through the telly. She’s not the cheating type.”
Pandora scowled at her, saying “You don’t know a thing.”
“If she doesn’t love your dad you cant be angry with her for that. People fall out of love all the time,” Alice said matter-of-factly. “She’s been with him for ages and a half, so-”
“Listen, people stay together for like fifty years,” Pandora said furiously. “And before my Mum met whoever she was talking to-”
“Shh!” hissed Alice, hearing Ted’s raised voice. “Listen!”
* * *
“Who is it, Dreamer? Who are you with?”
“Ted, if I tell you you’ll lose your temper-”
“Lose my temper?” Ted repeated. “Lose my temper? Dreamer, my temper got lost in the woods the minute you vanished. Where are you?”
“I cant say that either.”
“Don’t play games with me, Dreamer!”
“Don’t shout at me!” Dreamer’s voice cracked. “I hate it, Ted!”
Miriam put an arm around her as she listened, Ted saying “Who is he?”
“The guy you’re with!”
“I’m not with- you don’t know him,” Dreamer said, when Miriam shook her head. “I’m staying with him, Ted, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do,” said Dreamer, eyes filling. This was going horribly wrong. “I do.”
“I know you don’t, because your voice is so soft.” Ted shook his head. “If you meant it you’d be cold as ice, Dreamer, and you know it.”
Dreamer swallowed, tears falling. “I… I’m hanging up.”
“When I find out who’s making you do this,” Ted promised her, “I’m going to kill them with my bare hands.”
“Try it,” Miriam said coolly, making him stop dead.
“It’s a woman you’re with?”
“She’s a friend,” Dreamer said, unable to stop the tears. “A friend!”
“Is she making you do this, Dreamer? This friend of yours?”
“Ted, I have to go, I’m sorry.”
Ted took that as a yes. Pandora slowly entered the room as he said “When you’re ready, Dreamer, come home. You know I can never stay mad at you for long. Tell this woman I’m going to-”
Miriam snatched the mobile and pressed the red button before he could finish, shaking her head as she said “To think we were friends.”
“I don’t want to choose between the two of you,” said Dreamer sadly. “So I’m leaving both of you for good. I’m going back to Mama.”
“You cant!” blurted Miriam, shocked at how desolate her friend looked. “Don’t get depressed over this, Dreamer: you said you don’t love him.”
“I said I don’t love him in the same way,” Dreamer corrected, “And after today, I realise I was just looking for attention. I do love Ted.”
“Dreamer, don’t-!!”
But she’d already teleported.
* * *
Ted paced back and forth in the living room, unable to relax. Pandora was drumming her fingers on the arm of her chair, as worked up as her father. They were waiting for Dreamer to come home, or at least call.
It had been an entire week, a miserable, gruelling week. Marlon was back home, but he stayed shut in his room all day and night, refusing to communicate, just like Pandora.
Ted slumped on the sofa, saying “This is hopeless.”
Marlon stomped down the stairs angrily, storming into the living room.
“I cant eat, Dad! I cant sleep properly! I want my mother, ok?”
“What am I supposed to do, Marlon?” said Ted wearily, looking at him. “Her mobile phone’s turned off. She’s not with your grandmother. I’ve even asked Miriam but she hasn’t seen her either.”
“Everyone’s real worried,” Pandora said, averting her gaze to her lap before they saw her eyes fill. “Nobody knows where she is.”
“Don’t cry, ‘Dora,” said Marlon gently. “She’ll come back soon.”
Pandora shook her head, not answering him.
The family tried getting back to the life they had before Dreamer came home, but it was impossible. Ted’s boss suggested he take time off, but Ted refused. He needed to work to keep his mind of Dreame
r. Alice came over in the day to keep Pandora company, both of them speculating over Dreamer’s whereabouts, their guesses becoming sillier and sillier. Alice suggested she was the couch in the living room while Pandora argued that she was definitely Shadow the rabbit. They both laughed until they cried, Marlon angrily telling them to cut it out. He even told Alice to get out the house- only yesterday. He was taking Dreamer’s absence very hard, as was Pandora, but Pandora seemed to be dealing with it better than he was… on the outside. Ted and Marlon both heard her sobbing into her pillow every night since Dreamer left, but they didn’t dare confront her about it.
Marlon was still towering over Ted.
“Try her mobile again.”
Ted stood too, Marlon stepping back a little. His father was over two feet taller than he was, his face miserable as ever.
“Marlon, you know I’ve been trying. It’s turned off.”
Marlon nodded, eyes welling. “I miss her so much, Dad!”
“Don’t, Marlon!” said Pandora, tears falling. “Don’t cry, ok?”
“Dad, do something!” said Marlon desperately. “Call Grandma!”
“She doesn’t know where Dreamer is, Marlon. I’ve called already.”
* * *
“Look at you,” scolded Agnes, placing a bowl of warm soup in front of her daughter. “You look terrible, Dreamer Black.”
“Mama, please.” Dreamer shook her head. “I don’t want to hear it.”
“You will hear it,” said Agnes, heat rising. “Running away isn’t the way to deal with this, Dreamer. You have to go back.”
“Why not?”
“Miriam and Ted love me too much, and I cant handle it.”
“That much I agree with, but what about your children?”
“My children are young adults, Mama. Eighteen and nineteen years old.”
“They’re still children, even if they’re forty one and forty two,” Agnes said firmly. “How do you think they’re dealing with this?”
Dreamer shrugged, pushing the bowl away from her.
“You will have your dinner, Dreamer, or I’ll take the wooden spoon and lay it about you until you’ll be desperate to get back to Ted Stone, and leave this very evening!”
Dreamer hastily pulled the bowl towards her and picked up her spoon.
“Why cant Miriam understand?” she said between mouthfuls of soup. “We can work this out properly; me, her and Ted.”
“How about we get Miriam over here instead?” asked Agnes, but before Dreamer could protest she clapped her hands.
Miriam appeared, looking knocked for six. She blinked several times before everything swam into focus- Agnes standing there, beaming at her, and Dreamer- Dreamer. She refused to look at Miriam.
“You may feel a little giddy, dear.” Agnes led her to a chair. “Sit down.”
Miriam sat slowly, eyes on Dreamer. Dreamer determinedly stared down at her bowl of soup, Agnes saying “Speak up, Dreamer.”
“She can share me, Mama. But she wants me to herself.”
“You’ve neglected her for a very long time,” Agnes replied. “From her point of view, it’s always been Ted this, Ted that.”
“She’s sick and tired of being second best,” Agnes said firmly. “Which is why she behaved that way. I would have too, Dreamer Black.”
“Thanks for the support, Mama.” Dreamer was furious. “I’m the victim!”
“Miriam and Ted are the victims,” Agnes said, glaring at her daughter. “They’ve been topsy-turvy since you came back into their lives.”
“I could wipe their minds and leave again,” Dreamer shot back, hurt. “Pandora’s and Marlon’s too.”
“You’ll do no such thing,” Agnes said, temper rising. “Apologise to her!”
“I’m sorry Dreamer,” Miriam said quickly, but Agnes shook her head.
“I meant Dreamer, Miriam.”
“Me!” Dreamer burst out. “I did nothing, Mama!”
“Exactly! And in doing so you’ve hurt not only Ted, but Miriam as well!”
“I visited Miriam,” said Dreamer hotly, glaring at Agnes. “I’m not lying!”
“You visited Miriam while you ignored Ted, and then you smooched with Ted while forgetting about Miriam!” barked Agnes, making Dreamer recoil. “You apologise to Miriam right now, and Ted afterwards!”
Dreamer stubbornly remained silent, Agnes glaring at her. Miriam looked away, glad Agnes was on her side, but she wanted Dreamer to be happy.
“You see?” said Agnes, reading Miriam’s thoughts. “She doesn’t even care if you don’t apologise, as long as you’re happy!”
“Then what’s the fuss about?” said Dreamer cheekily, then she stood swiftly as Agnes pulled out a magnificent wand, jet black. Miriam nearly smiled as Dreamer pulled out her golden wand too, ready as ever. That was Dreamer all right. Not afraid of anyone or anything.
Agnes blinked, surprised. “You’ll duel with your mother?”
“You’ll duel with your daughter?” Dreamer countered, and Agnes laughed as she lowered her wand. Dreamer only lowered hers when her mother placed her wand inside her robe, laughing still.
“You get your bravery from your father.”
“Papa is a coward,” Dreamer said coldly, sitting back down. “If he were brave he’d return home- don’t you agree Miriam?”
Miriam jumped, startled at Dreamer talking to her so suddenly.
“Well, I- I… he has his reasons for staying away, I think-”
“Well said,” said Agnes, sharply adding “Now apologise, Dreamer.”
“I’m sorry, Miriam!”
“Good,” smirked Agnes. “Now, Miriam, you’ll stay the night.”
“Oh, I- I couldn’t stay,” said Miriam, looking at Dreamer. “I don’t want to intrude or anything, Agnes- this is um… mother daughter time.”
Dreamer and Agnes both burst out laughing, Dreamer saying “Stay.”
“Ok,” she said quickly, and they laughed again.
* * *
“Remember when you made Miss Minis’ wig fly off her head?” Miriam burst out laughing in her bed, Dreamer as well. “That was hilarious!”
“I did a lot of things at school,” Dreamer answered, across the room from her in another double bed. “But the best time was when-”
Agnes rapped on the door sharply, saying “Girls, quieten down.”
“Sorry Mama,” Dreamer called, then she shook her head. “We’re grown women and she’s treating us like we’re still thirteen.”
“Because you act it,” said Agnes, popping her head round the door. “Running away and trying to control each other, jealous of your best friend’s husband while the best friend forgets her children- that shut you up, didn’t it?” Dreamer and Miriam were both looking shamefaced. “Good. Now go to sleep, or at least whisper. Turn out the lights.”
“Yes Mama,” Dreamer said resignedly, obeying. Smiling in the dark, Miriam said “Goodnight Agnes. Thanks for having me over.”
“Anytime, dear.”
Dreamer waited until the passage lights went out and Agnes’s bedroom door closed before muttering “Suck up.”
They both burst out laughing again.
* * *
“Hey Pandora,” said Alice brightly, coming in. “Hear from Dreamer?”
Marlon glared at her as Pandora shook her head, saying “Not yet.”
“She’ll call,” said Alice reassuringly. “Today, I bet you five pounds.”
“You’re on,” said Marlon angrily. “And I’ll be laughing when you hand it over- and then I can take Emily to the cinema like I promised.”
“Who’s Emily?” Pandora said curiously, but Marlon shook his head.
“I made her up, but that’s not the point. I just want Mum back.”
“And she will come back,” Alice said gently. “I promise.”
Something stirre
d inside Marlon as he looked at her, not answering. Alice, feeling likewise, averted her gaze.
Pandora, not noticing the connection between her brother and friend, said “Maybe she wont call today, but-”
“I’m back!” called Ted, entering though the door in the kitchen- the back door. “Did you two survive without arguing?”
“Yeah,” said Marlon, a smile forming now. “We didn’t argue at all.”
“Good. Hello Alice,” said Ted, shaking his head at her. “You’d think this is your second home; you’re here almost everyday.”
“It’s only been two weeks, Mr Stone,” Alice said shyly. “I’ll be out of your hair when Dreamer comes back, I promise.”
Ted smiled at her, saying “We wouldn’t want that, would we Pandora?”
“No,” Pandora said grudgingly, and Alice beamed at her.
Marlon watched her as he set about making his father a cup of coffee. He found Alice annoying, too happy. A girl version of James really. He wouldn’t mind a girlfriend who was just like his best mate. Two James’ in his life would be awesome. But there was Pandora to think about here, Marlon thought as he poured the water into Ted’s cup. He remembered her reaction to his seeing Janice, her ex best friend, his ex girlfriend. She hadn’t spoken to either of them for almost four months- and with most people that would’ve been hard, especially when one person lived with you and the other you saw everyday at school. But not for Pandora, Marlon thought with a small smile. She treated me like nothing, and-
A Witch Like No Other Page 14