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A Witch Like No Other

Page 17

by Makala Thomas

  “Is a demon,” Ted said lazily. “Yeah, I know.”

  “She’s not a demon!”

  “Where’s your magic?” Ted said, trying to stay on target. “Tell me, if you really are a witch. Where do you keep it?”

  “I was born with power, if that’s what you mean,” Dreamer said coolly. “And yes, I really am a witch.”

  “Oh yeah? Show me a trick!”

  Before he could react Dreamer pulled a shining silver wand out of her blazer pocket, then she said “Repento!”

  “I’m sorry,” Ted gushed immediately, mind spinning. “I didn’t mean to offend you, I really didn’t. I was only- hey!”

  Dreamer burst out laughing, saying “I forgive you.”

  “That’s a spell to make someone sorry?” Ted asked, and she nodded. “That’s quite cool, just- just don’t use it on me next time.”

  “Ok,” smiled Dreamer, “But you did owe me an apology.”

  “All right, you’re a witch. A little witch,” he added, smirking. “I’d like to speak to your mother Agnes Black, or your father Paul Black.”

  “Mama isn’t home right now- neither is Papa.”

  “Well can you take a message?”

  Dreamer nodded, saying “Come inside.”

  “Never,” Ted said fiercely, though that was what he was dying to do. Tomorrow he’d tell his mates he actually went inside the weird house. “I’m not coming in there to have my eyes ripped out of their sockets or get dipped into a giant cauldron, or be force fed rats and stuff-”

  “What’s your name?” Dreamer interrupted, making him stop.

  “Ted. Ted Stone. What’s yours?”

  “Dreamer,” she said, almost shyly. “How old are you?”

  “Sixteen,” he said proudly, then he frowned. “I haven’t heard of you.”

  “Mama and Papa don’t want me to have publicity,” Dreamer answered, holding the door open invitingly. Ted hesitated, wondering whether to bolt and leave her. But she was so pretty! Doing what any boy would have, he stepped inside. Closing the door, Dreamer continued “So nobody really knows they have a daughter- well, people who don’t know us. Only I know.”

  “Duh,” said Ted, and she giggled. Ted liked the sound, but he also realised what she just said. “Only you? Where’s the rest of you?”

  “They rest of my family are mortals,” Dreamer answered casually, “And they hate Mama because they gave birth to a witch- I mean her when I say that. They hate me even more, because of my father. Papa’s family are mortal like Mama’s- they hate me because of her too.”

  Dreamer’s beautiful green eyes had filled over, both in Ted’s memory and in the present.

  “Oh,” said Ted, not knowing what to say. “But… why you? You didn’t do anything to hurt them: it’s not your fault you’re a- a witch-”

  Tears coursed down Dreamer’s face as she said “They’re mortal, my relatives- they hate magic. They think we’re evil and we’re not, we’re normal people just like they are but we still get treated like dirt-”

  Ted pulled her into a hug before he knew what he was doing, feeling guilty. He rested his chin on top of her head, holding her close to him.

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t know you felt like that- I just-”

  Dreamer smiled into his shirt, saying “If Papa answered the door and you got rude to him, you wouldn’t have made it home.”

  “Really?” smiled Ted, letting go of her. “What would he have done?”

  Before Dreamer could answer a loud bang sounded behind them with a flash of bright green light, making them both spin round in shock. Agnes and Paul Black stood there, looking royal in robes of black and gold. They were laughing at something, though the minute they saw Ted and Dreamer the laughter died out instantly, their smiles vanishing.

  Dreamer stood in front of Ted, saying “Papa, Mama- you’re… early.”

  “Wrong choice of words,” muttered Ted, as they stared at her disbelievingly. Paul, at least two feet taller than Ted, said “We’re only thirty minutes early, little one. Who is this boy?”


  “My name is Ted Stone,” Ted said strongly and clearly, surprising Paul. “Please sir, I mean no harm. I was coming to um… er…”

  “Give us a piece of your mind?” Agnes said coldly, and Ted nodded.

  “He apologised,” said Dreamer quickly, taking Ted’s hand. “Mama, he apologised. Please don’t be upset with him.”

  “You’re not upset with him?” Paul asked his daughter, and Dreamer said no with a shy smile.

  “He wasn’t afraid to touch me, Papa. He gave me a big hug just now.”

  “Really,” said Agnes, looking at Ted thoughtfully. Ted squeezed Dreamer’s hand nervously: Dreamer squeezed back. “Tell me, Ted Stone. What did your parents teach you about people like us?”

  “That you’re evil,” Ted answered, “And other things. But they’re wrong.”

  Paul joined his mistress’s side with a weird smile. “Are they, Ted?”

  “Yes sir. Well… I think so anyway,” he said uncertainly, staring at Paul’s expression, mirrored by Agnes’s. “I think so.”

  “What makes you think they’re wrong?”

  “Dreamer,” Ted replied, looking at her, and Dreamer smiled at him.

  “Can he stay for dinner please Papa? Please, Mama? Please?”

  Agnes and Paul smiled at their only child, and Ted suspected she had never been so earnest about a boy. Score one!

  “I don’t see why not, as long as Ted calls home and says where he is.”

  Ted froze, Paul adding “Whose house he’s at, who he’s with.”

  “Can you do that, Ted?” Agnes asked, though Ted knew it wasn’t out of concern. She wanted to know if he had the guts. Ted nodded slowly, saying “Yes Ma’am, I can do that. No problem.”

  “Good,” said Dreamer happily. “Papa, can I show him my room?”

  Paul hesitated, then he nodded. Agnes glared at him, and he said “Agnes, I trust my little Miss Magic.”

  “I’ll do nothing to breach your trust, Papa.” Dreamer kissed him on the cheek before smiling at Ted. “Right this way.”

  After that first day Ted couldn’t get enough of the Blacks. Even though his mother and father had giant fits after that first day, his father threatening him even, he still went round there as often as he could. It wasn’t long before he and Dreamer had their first kiss, much to Paul and Agnes’s delight, because they knew Ted would become family.

  After three years and a heated row with his father, Dreamer finally came with him home to meet the dreaded parents. Ted felt proud as he introduced her, smirking at their shocked faces. He knew they were expecting a monstrosity with a wart on her nose and green skin, but Dreamer was beautiful.

  The feel of Dreamer’s mouth on his brought him back to the present, surprising but pleasing him all the same.

  “What was that for?” he asked breathlessly, when she released him.

  “I cant ever get used to you thinking of me like that.”

  “Can we come down now?” called Marlon sulkily, Pandora at his side.

  “Sure you can,” Ted called back, “But Dreamer’s going up.”

  “Surprise tea?” Marlon asked his sister, and her face lit up.


  “Come on then!”

  * * *

  Miriam picked up the phone, then she put it down. If she called the very night Dreamer got home, Ted would lose the plot.

  And besides, she had a lot of paperwork to do. After having so much fun with Dreamer for a whole week, she was kind of off track. She had to go through her notes about her clients, get herself back on track. Miriam cursed violently when she realised all she wanted was to be in her best friend’s company, not sit at home doing paperwork.

  “Damn it!”

  She knew Dreamer coming back would muddle her mind! Furious, Miriam packed her briefcase for work and retired to bed even though it was barely eight o clock.

* *

  The long soak in the bathtub helped Dreamer relax. She felt her anger at Brown leave her body, yet her fury at Damon stayed there. She knew it would never leave her, knew she had to stop thinking about it at least for these two weeks she was home. Miriam was a mentor, she’d talk to her when she left here.

  Dreamer dressed slowly, wondering why it was so silent downstairs. She didn’t bother to psyche anything, because she knew if she was the reason for the silence she didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Not wanting to dress for bed just yet, she pulled on an emerald green robe over a normal shirt and trousers, bringing out her beautiful green eyes.

  Ted’s eyes widened as she entered the living room, Pandora and Marlon’s yell of surprise never leaving their mouths.

  “What’s the matter?” smiled Dreamer, Marlon stuttering “We haven’t seen you in one of those since… since-”

  Dreamer’s smile grew as they stared at her, then she looked down at her robe, saying “Robes or gowns I’ll always wear, Marlon.”

  “Can we watch a movie?” asked Pandora happily. “Us four together?”

  Ted stared to say that was a good idea, then he stopped himself and looked at Dreamer. She nodded, so he said “All right then. What kind?”

  “Horror,” Pandora said quickly, but Marlon said “No, hermit.”

  “I’m not watching a stupid sports movie, camel mouth, so-”

  “A family film then,” Marlon said decisively, but Ted said “Pandora hates that kind of thing.”

  “Well she’s so freaky,” said Marlon, grinning at his sister. “Who else apart from Pandora can watch horror on a daily basis?”

  “I haven’t watched a horror for ages,” pouted Pandora. “Besides-”

  “How about we let Dreamer choose?” Ted suggested, making them stop short and look at their mother. Dreamer stood deep in thought about something- instantly they thought she might leave them.

  “Dreamer?” said Ted cautiously. “Are you ok?”

  “Hmm? I’m fine,” smiled Dreamer, then her eyes fell on the table in the kitchen. “Did you make that for me?”

  * * *

  “Mum, do you want some more hot chocolate?” Marlon whispered in the dark, Dreamer whispering “We’ll all have some after the film.”

  “Ok then.”

  Ted put his arm around Dreamer as she lifted her legs on the sofa, disturbing Marlon, as he had his head rested on her knees. Dreamer reached down and stroked his hair before he could grumble, making him relax again. She smiled and rested her head on Ted’s shoulder, to Ted’s delight. Holding her close, he whispered into her ear “You ok?”

  Dreamer nodded, and Ted kissed her brow softly.

  “You don’t look like you’re into the film.”

  “I’m thinking about…” Dreamer trailed off, shaking her head. “Nothing.”

  She was doing it again, Ted thought painfully. Drawing away from him.

  “You can tell me, Dreamer. I-”

  “Shh!” hissed Marlon and Pandora at the same time, making Ted smile as he said “You sound like a bag of snakes.”


  Dreamer snuggled up to Ted, closing her eyes. Ted pulled her closer, not knowing she’d fallen asleep.

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” Silence. Ted shifted to look at her, then he smiled. “Never mind. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Dreamer woke up, startled. It was silent in the living room. The movie had begun to display the credits, but nobody was watching. Marlon was sprawled out on the living room floor, snoring softly. Pandora was curled up in Ted’s armchair, sleeping soundly with Shadow the rabbit on her lap. Ted was fast asleep too, arms around Dreamer.

  Dreamer checked the time, stifling a yawn behind her hand. It was almost one in the morning. Dreamer knew Ted would wake if she tried to get up, so she simply teleported to the prison instead of moving first.

  * * *

  “I’m losing patience, Stile. Where’s the witch’s headquarters?!”

  “I told you, I don’t know!” said Damon, desperately trying to keep his eyes open. He was still in the Detention Room at the top of the prison; Brown refused to let him go back to his cell. The man was acting demonic: he’d leave Damon be for half an hour, only to go to his office and think up more random questions to ask him. Damon clapped a hand to his burning eyes, the he said “Sarge, it’s one in the morning! I need to sleep! I’m shoveling all morning tomorrow- I wont if I haven’t-”

  “You will!” snapped Brown, glaring at him. “You’ll shovel until you drop, Stile! And then you’ll have one glass of water before I bring you back into this room, and you’ll talk!”

  Dreamer was disgusted. Damon slumped in his chair, rubbing his head wearily. This is what he got for opening his big mouth and letting these idiots know Dreamer was alive and kicking. He should’ve kept it on a low, like George told him. Damon gritted his teeth, cursing silently as he realised George wasn’t on shoveling duty in the morning. The big guy could sleep for a good twelve hours with no worries.

  Brown stood, saying “I’ll get it out of you before dawn.”

  “Yeah right.”

  Brown moved as if he was about to hit him, then he turned and left. Damon glared at his back, wincing when the door slammed.

  Dreamer appeared, saying “What’s wrong with that man, Damon?”

  “Looks like he’s going crazy over you,” Damon answered, Dreamer staring at the iron door as if it was Brown. “He’s got mega issues.”

  “It’s your fault,” Dreamer said coldly, and Damon shrugged.

  “I know.”

  Dreamer tightened her robe, shivering in the cold of the grey building.

  “This place is awful.”

  “I know. I deserve to be in here, still.”

  Dreamer nodded, looking around.

  Suddenly Agnes’ voice punctured her brain, sharp as heck.

  Why on earth are you with that boy, Dreamer? You’ve no need to be with him, especially at this hour! He told you what you wanted to know, so get yourself right back home to your family!

  “He said to come back at one in the morning,” Dreamer said feebly, as if Agnes was glaring at her right this minute. Damon frowned at her as Agnes answered Never mind what he said! GET BACK HOME!!

  Dreamer jumped and teleported before Damon could ask what the matter was. Then he smiled as he realised she was wearing a robe. She was the spitting image of Paul in that robe.

  * * *

  Back in her living room, Dreamer looked around. Nobody had moved, still fast asleep. Smiling, she went to Marlon first.

  “Sweetie? Wake up.”

  Marlon mumbled in his sleep, rolling over. “Mum…”

  “You fell asleep,” Dreamer said gently, as he opened his eyes. “Time to go to bed, ok?”

  Marlon nodded, Pandora stirring in her armchair. Marlon stood, looking up at his mother. He pouted, wondering why he was so small- or was it because she was real tall? He was five foot six, Pandora almost as tall as him. But Mum and Dad- whoa. Marlon smiled at Dreamer as Pandora stood, Shadow squeaking angrily as he thudded on the carpet. Pandora bent to retrieve him, but the rabbit scurried away furiously.

  “Fine,” yawned Pandora, stretching in her black pyjamas. “Night.”

  Ted rose as Pandora left the room, mumbling “We didn’t even finish watching the film.”

  Ted smiled, saying “Next time we’ll stay up, right son?”

  “You bet, Dad.” Marlon grinned at his father. “Night.”

  * * *

  Dreamer woke to Ted’s handsome face, transfixed as he watched her.

  “What is it?” she asked, and he smiled and shook his head.

  “Nothing. You look so innocent when you’re asleep.”

  Dreamer smiled back, pulling the duvet over her shoulders.

  “I don’t want to move.”

  “You don’t have to,” Ted replied softly. “Breakfast in bed?”

  “Yes please.”

  “What do you fancy?”

  “What ‘Dora brought us last time.”

  Ted smiled at her. “Shall we take it back to then?”

  Dreamer smiled back. “All right then.”

  * * *

  Dreamer was in her own world, Ted noted. The house was theirs for the day, but she hardly said a word. Was she thinking about her friend? That mystery woman who supposedly needed her more than he did?

  “Dreamer, what are you thinking about?”

  Dreamer opened her mouth to say nothing, then she frowned. She’d never kept anything from Ted before she died. Why start afterwards?

  “Damon Stile,” she said heavily, sitting down on the sofa. Ted joined her, angry already. Just hearing the name had him furious.

  “What about him?”

  Dreamer averted her gaze, not answering. Ted touched her arm gently, acknowledging the guilty expression on his woman’s face.

  “What about him, Dreamer?”

  Dreamer bit her lip before she murmured “I spoke to him.”

  “You what!” The words exploded from his mouth, Dreamer flinching. “When was this? What did you talk about?”


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