“Yes Mama.”
“Make sure you get a good night’s sleep yourself,” Agnes added, following Dreamer and Paul to the door. “Oh, and make sure you eat. I’ve packed some sandwiches in Julian’s backpack for him, and some fruit. Yours are in your handbag, so make sure you eat that on the coach.”
“Ok Mama,” said Dreamer amusedly. “Anything else before we go?”
“Yes. Remind Papa to come straight home.”
Dreamer laughed as Paul pouted, Julian giggling.
“Goodbye, Mama.”
“Goodbye, darling. Bye-bye, sweetie!”
“Bye-bye!” said Julian happily, holding onto Dreamer tightly as Paul took her hand. They vanished, Agnes smiling.
She hadn’t felt this happy in a very long time.
* * *
Strangers rushed to Dreamer at Golders Green station, tearful.
“Dreamer Black, we’re so sorry for what happened at the stadium. We didn’t know you was going to be burned too, we thought it was just Agnes!”
“You’re so different compared to your parents, so gentle-”
“We’ve seen you on TV Dreamer, you’re so nice to everyone who calls-”
“We didn’t know that horrid policeman would do such a thing to you-”
“Your father should have hurt him!”
“We’re really sorry, Dreamer!”
“It’s fine,” Dreamer said wearily, Julian staring at the strangers curiously from her arms. Paul was invisible, watching the mortals suck up to his daughter as if they really didn’t want her to perish as well. Then he realised what they just said. They thought it was just Agnes? Hmm…
“What are you doing in the city, Dreamer?” a lady asked, and Dreamer replied “I’m getting a coach home.”
“Oh, the coaches aren’t going anywhere for about two hours,” she said eagerly. “Would you like to come with me and my family?”
“No thank you,” Dreamer said politely. “I’m going to visit my friend Denise Jessica. I need to get my son out of the cold.”
“Ooh, he’s adorable. How are your big kids, Pandora and Marlon?”
“They’re fine, I think. They’re with their father.”
Paul coughed loudly, thinking that these people were a bit too nosy. And was that a photographer taking flashless shots of his daughter?
Hearing her father’s warning sound, Dreamer detached herself from the people beaming at her.
“I really need to get going.”
“Well ok, if you’re sure you don’t want to stay with us-”
“I’m sure,” Dreamer said as politely as she could. “Thank you for offering.”
“She can get our coach still!” a man said eagerly, looking at the lady. “Come on Barbara, ask her if she’d like to get the coach with us at five.”
“The coach leaves at half five,” Barbara said, sensing Dreamer’s discomfort. Taking a step closer, she gently said “I know you don’t trust us, Dreamer. But believe me, everyone doesn’t hate you for what you are. I don’t. I would really like to be your friend, if you’d let me.”
Dreamer hesitated, saying “I’m not sure I can trust you.”
“I know. Getting burned at stake was awful, thank the gods for your father. Having to see that on screen was terrible. But,” Barbara said firmly, “We’re not all like that.”
“The majority of you are.”
“Ignore that fact,” Barbara said dismissively. “I’m not like that.”
Baby Julian sneezed. “Choo!”
“Oh sweetie, I forgot all about you.” Dreamer kissed his soft cheek. “I need to buy you some gloves or something-”
“Here,” Barbara said quickly, producing a tiny pair from her handbag. “My daughter bought these for her son, but they’re too small.”
Dreamer didn’t know whether to take them or not, everyone feeling sorry for her. That policeman really did his work, didn’t he? Now she didn’t trust mortals.
“Take them,” Barbara said gently. “They wont explode.”
“Thank you,” Dreamer said quietly, taking the tiny gloves and gently pulling them on Baby Julian’s miniscule hands. “There, baby.”
“Ta, Mummy.” Baby Julian shivered. “I cold.”
“We’re going now, sweetie.”
“You’re still going?” Barbara asked, everyone pouting at her. “Now?”
“Yes. I’ll be back to get the coach… with you and your husband.”
Barbara smiled, knowing she’d just made an excellent friend.
“I promise.”
Before anyone could ask anything else Dreamer vanished with her son, Paul smiling at the mortal woman. Now she was one of a kind. And she lived in Dreamer’s town too. She would make a nice neighbour.
Sure Dreamer would be ok, he teleported back to his fortress in Spain.
* * *
“Oh my gosh!” shrieked Denise, reaching out to Baby Julian. “Wow!”
The baby hung onto his mother, startled as he stared at Denise.
“Hello baby!” said Denise happily, gazing at him. “Dreamer-”
“Can we sit down?” Dreamer asked. “Everyone’s staring at us.”
“Because we’re famous,” Denise said dismissively. “Look, they’re taking pictures as usual.”
Dreamer scowled at her, repeating herself. “Can we sit down, Denise?”
“Come to my office,” Denise answered excitedly. “Forget a parlour.”
Dreamer followed her through the restaurant, ignoring the people calling her name and apologising on Sergeant Brown’s behalf. If they truly didn’t want her to burn they wouldn’t have been at the stadium. Dreamer recognised a lot of faces, most of which had jeered at her and Agnes five or six days ago.
“So,” said Denise breathlessly, once Dreamer was seated with her baby on her lap. “This is Baby Julian, then.”
Baby Julian smiled shyly, hiding his face in Dreamer’s jacket.
“He’s so sweet!” said Denise happily, then her smile faded. “I heard about the stadium thing. How are you feeling?”
“Nervous of mortals,” Dreamer answered, sighing. “Some ambushed me at Golders Green Station, apologising for everything.”
“Like the people out in the restaurant?”
Dreamer scowled, heat rising as she said “They didn’t mean it, Denise. They was at the stadium, shouting things at me and my mother. I recognised some of them,” she added angrily, when Denise opened her mouth to defend her customers. “They were there, trust me.”
“I’ll bar them,” Denise said disgustedly. “And the people at the station?”
“They weren’t there, I don’t think. The woman called Barbara said she saw it on screen- she looked really sorry. Her apology was real.”
Dreamer told Denise everything the woman said, Denise listening silently. Then she said “Well, she’s right. We’re not all cruel like that.”
“I know,” muttered Dreamer, then her stomach rumbled.
Denise’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her friend, then she asked “When did you last eat, Dreamer?”
“Noon,” Dreamer said truthfully, and Denise glared at her.
“Do you think it’s good to starve yourself?”
“I didn’t feel hungry until just now,” Dreamer said defensively. “I just-”
“What about Julian?” demanded Denise. “Did he last eat at noon too?”
“I should slap you, Denise! Of course he ate after noon!”
“Well, I have to check,” said Denise, getting up. “I’ll order you a hot meal, ok? Stay right there.”
“No, it’s ok. I’ve got some sandwiches in my handbag.”
Denise raised an eyebrow. “Cold sandwiches.”
Dreamer wanted to laugh her head off. She knew her friend was offended, being the manageress of a thriving restaurant where there was plenty of delicious hot food waiting to be eaten.
“Save those for the coach. Stay put, Drea
mer- I’ll go order your meal.”
* * *
Denise walked up to a waitress, some people clapping.
“Lovely food, Miss Jessica!”
“Thank you,” she said, her smile plastic as she looked at the man who had called an apology to Dreamer. So he was at the stadium? “Would you like a drink to go with that, sir?”
“Your finest champagne, if you please.”
I should spike it with poison, Denise thought as she nodded.
“Coming right up. Did you get that?” she added to the waitress, who nodded as she scribbled the order down.
“Yes Miss Jessica.”
“And bring meal thirty two to my office, with a glass of fruit juice.”
“Yes Miss Jessica.” The waitress paused, then she whispered “Is it for Miss Black?” Denise nodded. “What about the baby boy?”
“Oh, snap! I forgot,” Denise said, picking up a menu and looking at the children’s section. Baby Julian was too small for burgers and chips and things like that... “Um… he’s just a baby, really. I don’t know what-”
“Maybe Miss Black can um…” The waitress looked round, scared someone would hear what she was about to say. “Conjure something.”
“Exactly,” Denise said, relieved. “Thanks, Bella.”
“Anytime, Miss Jessica.”
Smiling, Denise turned to go back to Dreamer, then she screamed.
Ted stood there with his children on either side, smiling at her.
“Hi Denise. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“It sure has,” Denise said weakly, then she smiled and pulled Marlon into a hug, Pandora as well. “You look so well, you two!”
“You do too,” Marlon offered, and she smiled at him as she gave Ted an air kiss on either cheek.
“Come, I’ll get you a parlour.”
* * *
Pandora and Marlon looked at their menus while Ted and Denise spoke, Denise fidgeting as she looked at the clock.
“Ted, what… what are you doing here?”
Ted frowned at her, saying “Checking out a friend’s restaurant?”
“I know, but- come on, that cant be the only reason.”
“It is,” he said truthfully. “I’ve seen your adverts on screen, you know.”
“Well, that’s why he’s here,” Pandora said, Marlon nodding. “Me and Marlon want to know if you know about some woman trying to take Mum away from us.”
Ted told the story as quickly as he could. By the time he finished Marlon and Pandora was bored to death, Pandora flatly asking “So do you know anything about that, then? I mean, I know Mum’s seen you since she came back to life.”
“She didn’t tell me about this,” Denise said truthfully. “Now, um… I really have to get back to my office.”
“You’re going?” Marlon said disappointedly, and Pandora kicked him.
“I’ve got a lot of paperwork to do,” Denise lied, Ted nodding.
“Ok. Try and come back later?”
“I’ll try.”
“Oh, and Denise-”
Denise turned back nervously, Ted looking at her.
“You don’t know whereabouts Dreamer is, do you?”
She’s in my office with the baby you don’t know anything about.
“No,” Denise said, shaking her head. “You know nobody knows where Paul lives, Ted. They’ve got people searching so they can torch the place down, but you know they’ll never find him.”
Ted could feel a migraine coming on.
“Ok. Thanks.”
Denise turned and walked away, almost crashing into Bella the waitress.
“Bella! Watch where you’re going! You could have dropped the food!”
“I’m sorry Miss Jessica,” Bella said humbly, though she knew she wasn’t the one who should be apologising. “I’ve got Miss Black’s food-”
“Give it to me, give it to me- and don’t say her name!” she hissed, Bella noticing Ted, Pandora and Marlon watching them curiously. She recognised them right away.
“Oh- I’m sorry,” she said quickly, and meaning it this time. “I-”
“Take their orders,” said Denise through gritted teeth, taking the plate and balancing it on her lower arm while she held the glass and packet of rich butter cookies in the other. “What are the cookies for, Bella?”
“For the baby,” Bella said, blushing. “I thought he might like them.”
“Baby?” Marlon whispered, Ted and Pandora shrugging.
“I didn’t think of that,” Denise said grudgingly. “Thanks, Bella.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Did you say Miss Black?” Ted asked curiously, and they looked at him. Bella looked at Denise for help, but Denise didn’t know what to say. Ted took that as a yes.
“Is Dreamer here, Denise?”
“No,” she gushed. “Miss Black- she’s an old lady- my mother’s friend.”
“What’s her first name?” Pandora said flatly, not even looking at her.
“Callie,” said Denise quickly, and Callie the waitress frowned at her from across the room. “Um… Callie Blacksmith. Black for short.”
“Really,” said Ted, staring at her. Denise swallowed, nodding.
“She’s here with her baby grandson, and this is her food so I really have to get going. I hope you enjoy your time here at Jessica’s!”
Before they could ask anything else she was gone.
Pandora, Marlon and Ted looked at each other, Pandora saying “Maybe it’s just me. But Denise hasn’t ever been that shifty before.”
“No,” said Ted thoughtfully, Marlon saying “Mum’s in her office.”
“Why do you say that?” Bella asked quickly, and they stared at her as if she was mad. Why would they tell the waitress their business?
“Can we make our orders please?” Pandora said as she looked at her coldly, and Bella blushed again.
“Of course. I’m sorry.”
* * *
Denise made Dreamer eat every scrap of her meal before she told her that her other two children were out in the main restaurant with Ted.
“It’s time for me to go anyway,” Dreamer said, looking at the clock. “As long as Ted doesn’t come barging in here, he doesn’t have to know I was here. Keep your mouth closed, Denise.”
“Trust me, I did. It was Bella the waitress who said your surname!”
“And Ted guessed I was here, didn’t he?”
“Exactly! I swear he’s psychic, Dreamer.”
Ted listened at the door with Pandora and Marlon, eyes wide. She was here! Denise lied to them, the little…
“Ted’s not psychic. He’s just an excellent guesser.”
Ted placed his hand on the doorknob angrily, but Pandora whispered “Knock, Dad!”
“Is the baby still hungry?” Denise asked concernedly, but Dreamer said “He just ate a whole packet of cookies, Denise. Don’t give him anything else. And he’s got sandwiches and fruit in his backpack.”
Ted started to feel confused.
“What the hell is this thing about a baby?”
“They know we’re listening,” Marlon whispered, Pandora nodding as she said “They’re play-acting.”
Dreamer picked Julian up off the chair he was sitting in, playing with his teddy bear. Holding her close to him, she said “Say bye to Denise, baby.”
Baby Julian smiled at Denise, waving shyly.
“He’s so cute!” said Denise happily. “You have to bring him again.”
“I didn’t hear jack!” spat Marlon, making everyone freeze.
Dreamer quickly gave Denise an air kiss, whispering “Bye.”
“Call me when you get home,” Denise whispered back, and Dreamer nodded. Denise waited until she vanished with the baby before pulling open the door. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Ted?!”
“Restraining myself from slapping your lying little face!” snapped Ted, pushing past her and walking int
o the office. It was empty, as he knew it would be, but there was still an empty glass and plate on Denise’s desk, with an empty packet of cookies.
“So she was here,” Pandora said, folding her arms. “Why did you lie?”
“Look, if you want some answers I’m not the one you’ll get them from.” Denise closed the door behind Marlon, saying “I suggest you call Dreamer, ok? And if you cant get hold of her, call Agnes.”
“Denise, don’t do this.” Ted was pleading with her now. “Everything was so right before Brown came barging in my house- and you know where Dreamer is. I have to get her back.”
“We have to get her back,” Marlon corrected, glaring at him. “We.”
Denise knew Ted was head over heels in love with her friend.
“Ted, things have changed.”
“What do you mean?” said Pandora, suddenly nervous. “Changed?”
“Yes.” Denise took a deep breath, then she shook her head. “It’s not my place to say. You need to hear it from a relative.”
That skipped over Ted’s head. “Just tell me where she is!”
“I don’t know where she’s going,” Denise said apologetically. “She was here, I’ll give you that. From what I made out, she’s got her own place now. She- she’s not coming back to yours.”
A Witch Like No Other Page 24