“Why not?” said Marlon desperately, then he scowled. “And of all the acts you could’ve pulled with your stupid little waitress and our Mum, you had to do some baby act! What’s your problem? You could’ve just made out she’s got a new guy or something!”
Denise knew Marlon had inherited his temper from both Ted and Paul. Taking a deep breath, she spoke calmly.
“That’s beside the point, Marlon. Your mother isn’t coming home.”
“I should kill you, you-”
“Marlon!” said Ted, grabbing his arm as he made to go to Denise. “Don’t be so immature- do you want her to call the police on you?”
“Dad, this is getting to me! First James, now her- who’s next?”
* * *
“Dreamer!” called Barbara, and Dreamer turned. “Over here.”
“Just a minute,” Dreamer said, the baby clinging to her fearfully. He didn’t like the roar of the bus engines. “I need to buy a ticket.”
“I’ve already bought it for you- come on, this way.”
Barbara led the way, her husband at her side. Dreamer hesitated, then she followed her towards the coaches.
The driver yelped when Dreamer ascended the small staircase, not even acknowledging the ticket she held in her hand until a second later.
“Dreamer Black!” he gasped, taking his hat off. “Please, refund that ticket. You’re a guest on my coach.”
“I’d rather not refund it,” Dreamer said politely. “But thanks even so.”
“You’re welcome, Ma’am. Take a seat. I’m Harry, your driver.”
“Nice to meet you, Harry.”
Barbara motioned for her to sit in the seat in front of her, but Dreamer smiled and shook her head.
“I just want to spend time alone with my son.”
“Well said,” said Barbara’s husband, smiling at her. “I’m Hugh, by the way Dreamer. What’s your son called?”
“He’s a precious little thing,” Barbara said, slightly disappointed that she didn’t want to communicate. “Well, I’ll see you when the ride is over, Dreamer. It’ll be two hours or so.”
* * *
Dreamer stared out the window, deep in thought. She knew she couldn’t hide forever, especially when she had two other children to think about, along with their father.
Ted must be worried sick, she thought ruefully. But I have to let him go. I’m not going back, I’m moving forwards. He’ll never accept Baby Julian- and I don’t think Pandora and Marlon will either. Papa foresaw it. I foresaw it. I have to let him go and move on.
Baby Julian gazed up at her, wondering why Mummy wasn’t doing anything. He nestled closer to her under his baby blanket, Dreamer looking down at him.
“I thought you were sleeping, sweetie.”
“No sleepy yet,” smiled Julian, and Dreamer tweaked his tiny nose.
“Well, when we get home you’ll have some warm milk like Mama said, and then me and you will go to sleep and dream about cookies.”
Julian shook his head, saying “I no want cook-cook. I want Mummy.”
“I’m right here, baby.” Dreamer stroked his hair, murmuring “I’m here.”
* * *
Pandora stepped into her bedroom, Shadow squeaking at her impatiently.
“Quit bossing me around, Shadow!” she snapped, as her mobile rang. Shadow fell silent as she picked it up, looking at the screen.
It read private number.
Glaring at the rabbit, she answered it.
“Pandora, it’s me.”
“Me who?”
“What do you want?” Pandora asked coldly, sitting down on her bed.
“I need to see you.”
“That’s funny,” she said sarcastically, “Because you couldn’t wait to get away from me six days ago.”
“Don’t,” said James painfully. “Don’t. I need to see you… and Marlon.”
“See Marlon first.”
“I’m seeing him tomorrow. I think he’s going to punch me.”
“So do I,” Pandora answered. “When do you want to see me?”
“Right now.”
Pandora looked at the clock; it was half seven.
“The park.”
* * *
Pandora zipped up her jacket as the wind blew, icy cold. James was gazing across the lake, his back towards her. Pandora stopped, wondering whether to just back away and go home again. He deserved it.
Then she decided to hear him out. She folded her arms, looking at him.
James whipped round, startled. He didn’t even hear her arrive.
“I want to say sorry. I never should have ran with the others-”
“So you admit you was running, then.” Pandora could feel her temper rising. “You wont blame it on your mother, no?”
“No. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
Pandora smiled in spite of how angry she wanted to be at him.
“At least you’re honest with me. But you’re still a friggin’ coward.”
“Pandora, you don’t understand,” James said desperately. “Come on, put yourself in my shoes. That was Paul Black! Didn’t you hear what he was saying? He would’ve made us feel his wrath!”
“Maybe your mother would have,” Pandora replied, scowling. “She was there to see my mother and grandmother get burnt to a crisp.”
“I know-”
“You should’ve told her you was staying. You should’ve told her to let you out of the car when you saw us walking. Damn, James, you should’ve jumped out the car and rolled into the road,” said Pandora wearily, and James chuckled. “It’s not funny- it felt like you betrayed us.”
James sobered up instantly, saying “I didn’t… mean to betray you.”
“I was scared. Come on Pandora, he had lightning stabbing the ground.”
“Good. I really wanted Brown to get hit,” Pandora answered, making him smile again. “I don’t know where he ran to, but I know for sure he’d better get out of the country. Because Paul’s going to get him so badly.”
James agreed with that. “You don’t call him Grandpa, then?”
“James, the man looks like he’s thirty and he’s hundreds of years old. How can I call someone who looks like that Grandpa?”
“Mmm. Come here, ‘Dora.” He pulled her close to him. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” she mumbled, then she snapped out of it. “No. Don’t! I’m not speaking to you until you apologise to my mother for running.”
“Fine. Where is she?” James asked, knowing the answer already. Marlon had told him everything between texts and phone calls earlier.
“I don’t know where she is,” Pandora said, pulling herself out of his arms. “All I know is everything’s been so weird.”
“Mmm,” James said again. “Let’s sit down.”
“What for?”
“Talk to me about it.”
Pandora rolled her eyes. “I’ve already got a mentor.”
“With any luck you wont need her anymore,” James said softly, “Because I’m here to take over.”
“She’s my godmother, so I do need her. Oh yeah, and she’s the one who rescued us when we was freezing in the cold. About ten minutes after you whizzed by with your stank mama.”
“Oi!” said James angrily, and Pandora glared at him.
“What, you wanna say something in her defence?”
“Listen, Little Miss American-”
“No, you listen. I don’t forgive you for running. And I shouldn’t be here with you either, it doesn’t feel right.”
She was lying through her teeth, but he didn’t have to know that. Pandora gave him a pointed stare before she turned and walked away.
“I’m going home.”
“Pandora, wait!”
e, James.”
* * *
Dreamer sighed, flicking her wand one last time.
The designer sofa appeared in front of the plasma screen with two matching armchairs, cushions appearing to match them.
Finally. She was living in a very modern, designer home. Home!
Dreamer sank down on the sofa, then she remembered she had to fill her cupboards in the kitchen and call her parents, Denise and Miriam.
* * *
An hour later, Dreamer was lying snuggled under the duvet of her king size bed, her bedside lamp on. Lying there feeling totally at ease, she smiled. At least Baby Julian was fast asleep. She’d read him three stories before he finally nodded off, his tummy full of warm milk.
Dreamer hoped he’d sleep peacefully throughout the night. She was already looking forward to the morning, knowing Baby Julian would be the one to wake her. Pulling the duvet right over her head, Dreamer settled down for a good sleep. Sticking her hand out of the duvet, she snapped her fingers.
The lamp went out.
* * *
“Dreamer Black,” said Marlon desperately, but the ball simply glowed a brighter blue than before. Ted stood behind him, biting his knuckles. They’d been trying this every night for almost three months now, but it wasn’t working. Pandora entered the room, saying “No luck?”
“No,” said Ted bitterly. “I bet Paul’s behind all of this.”
“So do I,” Pandora said, “But that’s not what I want to talk to you about.”
“What is it?”
“Let’s go in the living room,” Pandora said flatly. “Come on, Dad.”
Marlon followed curiously, wondering why she looked so scared.
* * *
“Remember Denise’s dumb joke about a baby?” Ted nodded. “Look.”
She handed him a magazine, pointing at a picture.
“That’s Mum right there, in Mothercare World.”
“Mothercare World?” Ted repeated disbelievingly, Marlon as well.
“What’s Mum doing in Mothercare World?”
Pandora took back the magazine, reading aloud.
“Dreamer Black seems much happier after the alarming incident at Bryant Stadium, though still wary of ordinary people such as myself, Vera Smith, writer of Celebrity News. Here Dreamer is shopping for her baby in Mothercare World-”
“Her baby?” Marlon repeated, eyes wide. “What does that mean?”
“It’s a load of crap,” Pandora answered. “Mum hasn’t had time to have a flipping baby. Maybe she’s just… looking at the clothes?”
“Why would Mum look at baby clothes, hermit?”
“I don’t know, camel mouth. Dad, what do you think?”
“I think,” Ted said slowly, “That it doesn’t make sense. Maybe someone saw her standing next to a baby and they immediately thought-”
“But remember, that started ages ago in Denise’s restaurant,” Pandora cut across. “And nobody knows where Mum lives either.”
“I don’t get it,” said Marlon confusedly. “The baby thing was just an act- what’s Mum carrying it on for? Why did she go to Mothercare?”
“I say we call Grandma Agnes and find out,” Pandora replied. “Dad?”
Ted was trying to put the puzzle pieces together, but he was failing. Looking at his daughter, he nodded.
* * *
“I’m not telling you a thing,” Agnes said calmly. “Ask her yourself.”
“I would if I could friggin’ get hold of her!”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that, Ted,” Agnes said smoothly, and Ted swallowed as he apologised. He knew Paul was probably listening.
“I’m getting so frustrated, Agnes- I just want Dreamer back home.”
“She has her own home now. She’s not going back, she’s moving forwards.”
“You mean she’s dumping me?”
“I’d prefer to say she has given you up. It sounds much nicer.”
“Why, Grandma?” Pandora took the phone. “Why did she give us up?”
“Darling, I’m only talking about your father.”
“Ok, look, she’s given me up.” Ted tried to remain calm. “I get that, Agnes. But what’s all this about a baby?”
“When you find that out all of you will turn your backs on my child.”
“I’d never turn my back on my mother,” spat Marlon, Pandora as well. “You’re talking crazy, Grandma.”
“If you say so, honey. All of you listen to me.” Agnes spoke calmly. “People know of Dreamer’s whereabouts and the subject of a baby. Close friends. But they wont tell you. You have to find out on your own.”
The line went dead, Pandora looking at Ted.
“Damn right we’ll find out on our own,” said Ted through gritted teeth. So much for family sticking together!
Ted picked up the house phone, dialling the number he’d memorized in his head ever since he realised Dreamer wasn’t going to come back.
“Dad?” said Pandora again. “Who are you calling?”
“I’ve got no choice, ‘Dora.” Ted spoke quietly. “If they wont tell us, we have to find out on our own.” He took a deep breath, then he said “I’m hiring a private detective.”
Pandora and Marlon smiled, satisfied.
“That’s what I’m talking about.”
* * *
“Sarge, are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” snapped Brown, glaring at the officer. “Why?”
“Because you’re shaking,” the officer said flatly. “Are you cold?”
Cold with dread, yes.
“Bring a cup of tea to the Detention Room. I’ll have it while I talk to Stile.”
“Yes sir.”
Brown climbed the stairs slowly, thinking fearfully.
Six days ago Stile had woken up in terrible pain, screaming his lungs out. Nobody could touch him, he was jerking up and down in his bed begging someone to stop- crying his eyes out… he was screaming right now.
“Paul, please! STOP!!”
Brown stopped dead in his tracks, heart racing. Though he already knew it was Paul Black who was behind torturing Damon, he hadn’t heard him say the name before. All of the officers turned and ran, down the staircase Brown was coming up.
“Paul Black!”
“I knew it was him, I knew it!” yelled P.C. Jones as he pushed past Brown. “I knew he was biding his time until Dreamer came back!”
“Run, Sarge!”
Paul lowered his wand, staring through the wall at Dave Brown, the man who’d captured his wife and child and had them burnt at stake. Roughly pushing Damon aside, he stalked towards the door.
Brown knew he didn’t have time to run. The door burst open, Paul emerging with his wand pointed directly at Brown’s heart.
Brown backed two steps, mouthing wordlessly. Though he’d seen pictures, this was the first time seeing Paul Black in the flesh. And the man looked younger than him!
Face alight with cold fury, Paul hissed “Granite.”
A stream of silver light slowly left his wand, snaking through the air towards Brown. Stepping backwards, Brown said “Please, no. Don’t-”
Damon, weak and shaking, crawled across the floor to the door, collapsing by Paul’s feet. Then he lifted his head, eyes widening.
Brown was still backing away from the silver light.
“Is that a… a curse?”
“You have a heart of stone,” said Paul icily, flicking his wand. The light collided with Brown’s chest, Brown freezing in his tracks. “You would have murdered my flesh and blood, Dave Brown.”
Brown’s eyes widened as he felt his body stiffen.
“Having a heart of stone is terrible,” Paul continued deviously. “But then, it is just a saying. You don’t really have a heart of stone.” Paul smiled, an evil smile. “And now, I’m going to make that saying a reality.”
Brown stared at him, unable to move. Bending his head a little, he stared at his feet-
his black work boots, which felt so hard. And looked… grey.
I’m going to make that saying a reality.
“No! Please! Aaaaaaaaaaargh!”
Damon screamed as well, covering his eyes. He didn’t care if he was a grown man- nobody should have to witness something so horrific.
Paul smiled, backing away to admire his artwork.
“This prison does need a little… designing. The statue of Dave Brown can be the first thing. Perhaps you can tell the new Sergeant to add some plants and vases, Damon.”
“Please- just kill me.” Damon was shaking so much he couldn’t even get to his feet. “Kill me now- I don’t want to live anymore.”
“You poor thing,” said Paul coldly. “Was Brown your lover, Damon?”
“Then stop snivelling and get up.”
Damon obeyed, face wet with tears. Paul suddenly grabbed him by the collar, slamming him into the wall right next to Brown’s statue.
“Murder, Damon. It’s not very nice, is it?”
A Witch Like No Other Page 25