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Axon's Lust (Cosmic Warriors Book 2)

Page 5

by Ruby Winter

  “That would not be my first choice,” he replied before clearing his throat as he looked away again.

  I blinked at him. Was he saying what I think he was saying?

  “Let us continue our conversation,” he continued. “But you must excuse my frequent glances out the windows. I must keep an eye out for anything dangerous.” He walked over to the wall of glass, looking out at the quiet city for a couple of seconds. He turned his back towards me, and I took the opportunity to look at his backside, my tongue darting out and wetting my lips a little as I looked at his tight and perky ass. His thighs were strong and thick like trees, and his naked back was ripped and toned with muscles all over.

  I found my mouth beginning to water the longer I looked at him. I knew I was objectifying this alien in my apartment, but could anyone blame me after dealing with deadbeat lovers like Michael for so long?

  Yeah. I didn’t think so.

  “Jennifer?” I heard him say, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “What?” I said, snapping out of my daze completely. Oh, crap. He was looking at me over his shoulder.

  “I said do you enjoy living in this city?” he repeated with a smirk, and I knew he had caught me checking him out. “There is so much concrete. Where is the lush plant life?” he asked.

  “Yes and no,” I answered, making him tilt his head. I smiled and continued. “I do enjoy being in the country, but living in the city is so convenient. I can walk to everything so easily. If I lived in the country, I would have to take a car everywhere, so yes, I do enjoy living in the city, but I also could enjoy a more natural environment more,” I explained.

  “Good to know,” he said, turning back towards the windows again.

  For the next hour, we made small talk while he looked outside occasionally. I was starting to feel comfortable with Axon, and I enjoyed getting to know him.

  When I was finally ready for bed, I left my bedroom door open just a crack instead of locking it, just in case something happened where Axon needed to access me quickly. But with him in the next room, I was having a hard time falling asleep.

  My mind kept thinking of him, and I couldn’t help but fantasize about him coming into the room and doing what he wanted with me.

  I mean we could be invaded any second by another hostile alien race, so I might as well live like there really is no tomorrow.

  I turned over to the other side with a huff as another part of me kicked in. It would be wrong. He was an alien, after all!

  In the end, I just stayed still in my bed, screwing my eyes shut, and willing myself to sleep until I finally did.

  The last few moments before I succumbed to my dreams, I felt Axon peek into the room to see if I was asleep, but it was probably just my imagination.

  Chapter 4

  Lt. Axon Voan

  I still couldn’t believe the Captain told the President the Compiers would be after their human females. Even though it was very likely to be true, it was also a little too close to what our own race did.

  Then, to make matters worse, I joined Jennifer in her living quarters, and I found myself struggling to restrain myself. We were talking and getting closer by the minute, a little too close with no one else around to interfere. My need for her increased rapidly.

  I wanted her the moment I saw her, but it has since become too much. I craved to touch her, to kiss her lips, and so badly to be inside of her, t0 feel her come apart underneath me as I took her to the deepest parts of the galaxy. Despite these feelings though, I swore to myself I would not take her unless she invited me to do so.

  Even then, it would be too dangerous. Humans would then know we were capable of mating with them, and it would create more problems for both sides.

  She tested me to my limits all night. From her shower to her curve fitting clothes, then cooking for me, and her interest and conversation. I wanted to walk in and join her so badly, to see her naked skin and lick her so sensuously and so slowly that she’d be begging me to take her.

  I could not though, the enemy could enter Earth’s atmosphere at any moment, and I must not be distracted.

  When she finally went to sleep, I let my lack of judgement get the best of me, as I pushed the door open just a little to watch her sleep. I was greatly tempted to get under the covers and lay beside her, wrapping my body around hers. I kept telling myself I was only checking in on her, as she did have windows inside her room after all.

  I took one last look at her before resuming my post by the large windows in the living room, closing my eyes with a sigh.

  “This,” I muttered to myself. “Is probably the hardest mission I’ve ever had.”


  The rays of light in the morning came pouring in from the windows, turning the walls into a light-yellow shade. I was ready to take her back to her building and be free of these temptations.

  “Thank you, Axon, for watching me. I really appreciate it,” she said, her voice sounding sweet as she walked me to the roof of her building where the small ship was waiting.

  “It was my honor to watch you,” I said with a tease, bowing my head. She looked at me with wide blue eyes, gulping hard, as she knew what I was referring to.

  As we got to the top of the roof, the door to the small ship opened, and one of our warriors stepped out, putting a closed fist in front of his chest in salute. I nodded before turning to face Jennifer fully, unable to contain the hint of sadness in my eyes at the thought of our parting.

  “I shall go now and see the Captain. He will be having another meeting with your leader in a couple of hours,” I informed her.

  “Yes, in the afternoon,” she confirmed, nodding.

  “Until then, Jennifer,” I said, giving her a wink before walking towards the ship. Once the door closed, I could see Jennifer as she walked back inside the building, relieved to finally have her out of my sight.

  I immediately went to my den and undressed, quickly using the ship’s washroom, and changing my clothes. Once I felt like Jennifer’s scent was off me, I reported to Captain Weko in the main hall.

  “Captain, I have returned. Did anything happen while I was gone?” I asked.

  “Lieutenant, how was your watch?” he asked.

  “It was without incident. Working with the Earth’s military was better than I thought. They are efficient and able to follow orders completely, and they kept a good watch. I think they’ll be able to match up against the Compiers once they understand them more.” The Captain nodded, agreeing with my observation.

  “Yes, I agree. I think they need to understand what the Compiers look like,” the Captain mused. “Since we look more human-like, I think it helps with their acceptance of us, but the Compiers are more reptilian creatures. This could cause a greater fear in the humans’ hearts. But with a description beforehand, it will be less of a surprise when they come up against them,” the Captain explained.

  “That is a good point, Captain,” I replied. “I forget we’re the only intelligent life they’ve encountered, and how fearsome the Compiers could look to humans.” I said.

  “Correct, we have grown accustomed to these other races. I will inform Earth’s leaders today in our meeting,” the Captain said.

  “I may be mistaken, but I think we have an image of the Compiers in the ship’s file. Perhaps it would be better to show them?” I suggested. I was already heading off to the communications’ bay after this, so I might as well get it.

  “Good idea, Lt. Voan, but how will you transmit the image over to them?” Captain Weko asked.

  “I’ll send Jennifer Rose a message, and help her decode the patterns for image transferring. I’m sure she’ll be able to do it,” I answered confidently.

  “Yes, she is quite intelligent,” he said.

  “Is there any news from Harpo?” I said quickly, eager to change the topic.

  “Nothing new,” the Captain replied, shaking his head. “After you check in at the communications’
bay, get some sleep. That is an order. I need you rested before the meeting in a few hours.” He commanded.

  “Yes, sir,” I said, bowing my head slightly before walking away.

  As I retrieved the image, I tried to look at the Compiers from a human perspective. First of all, they looked like human lizards. They were very large with scaly skin and long claws, and their tongues flickered out when they spoke. They had thin slits in the middle of their face for nostrils, and they were very brutal and barbaric, yet also intelligent. They could slash down a human in a heartbeat.

  After I checked in with communication to make sure they were coordinating with Jennifer Rose on the images, I went back to my den and laid down on the bed, tired from a long night of watching over Jennifer.

  I couldn’t stop thinking of her. I dreamt of her in my bed, straddling me, and begging me to kiss her. I was already propping myself up with my elbows to do as she wished when I suddenly awoke. I cursed, but I knew I would be seeing her again soon.

  The Captain and I used the small ship to fly to the rooftop to meet with the humans one more time. In the meeting room, Jennifer and David set the projector so the men in the room could see the image of the Compiers side by side with the President’s image as he spoke.

  The Captain accompanied it with a physical description of the Compiers, as well as what we know of their biological and psychological makeup. If I had to describe their human reactions, I would say they were one of deep concern, and a little bit horrified by the opposition.

  “Does venom come from their biting and clawing?” one of the leaders asked from the projection.

  “They do bite and scratch as part of their hand to hand combat strategy,” the Captain confirmed. “But they are not venomous. Although infection and other diseases are a risk,” the Captain said.

  “That is to be expected,” the President replied. “We’ll need to make sure our soldiers are outfitted in armor that can withstand these types of slashes and bites,” he said.

  “I will get started on production immediately, Mr. President,” the Earth General assured him.

  During the meeting, I couldn’t help but be aware of Jennifer’s presence. I caught her looking at me every now and then, and when the meeting was over, the Captain once again ordered me to be her personal protector. I was both ecstatic and frustrated at the thought of this assignment.

  Would I have to spend another night forcing myself not to kiss her? Would it be another night of me biting my tongue to not reveal our taking of human females from Earth? No matter what, I could not wait to be with her once more.


  What I thought was just a short stay on Earth became six nights of torture. After that second night of watching her and bringing her back to work in the morning, the Captain and the President agreed for me to keep guarding her until our business was over.

  Six nights of listening to her shower, sharing meals with her, and having stimulating conversation, on top of the fact she was so fun and flirtatious. I am becoming almost too comfortable here on Earth, and with Jennifer, that the thought of leaving to go back home is starting to weigh on me.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” she asked, standing right beside me as I gazed at the streets below us. I turned sideways to face her, confused by what she said.

  “What did you say?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s an expression,” she said, her cheeks blooming into a light pinkish tint. “That saying, ‘A penny for your thoughts?’ means you’re asking what the other person is thinking about,” she explained.

  “Ah. I see,” I said.

  “I was just curious because you seem to be really sad about something. I mean, judging from the frown on your face,” she said.

  “My apologies, Jennifer. You are right. I was thinking of something else,” I told her.

  “Well, I know that feeling,” she said sympathetically. She stood up from the table and went to her kitchen, reaching up to open one of the cabinets and pulling a long dark bottle and a small metallic screw from the drawers on the counter. “Would you like a glass of wine? I think it’s just the thing for you right now.” She said with a smile.

  She twisted and popped the top off, and then she brought the bottle to the table, grabbing two glass cups. She poured out a rich red liquid into each cup before handing me one.

  “It’s red wine,” she said, answering the question bubbling on my lips. “It’s made from a type of fruit we call grapes. It’s alcohol. It makes people feel good,” she explained with a smile.

  The human females back on our planet had talked of this before, although it was the first time I was seeing it. We had something similar on our planet, albeit much stronger.

  “Thank you,” I said before tilting the glass up and finishing the drink in one gulp. She poured me some more before drinking hers as well.

  “Tell me, what are the females on your planet like?” she asked.

  I arched one eyebrow at her.

  “We talked about their height briefly, but I would like to know more,” she said, arching her own eyebrow.

  We spoke for an hour or so, and I was very careful not to let on about human females on our planet, but with the alcohol dulling our senses, it was becoming almost too difficult.

  She stood up suddenly, surprising me as she walked over to my seat, moving slowly and seductively. She has had too much to drink, and this was a dangerous game we were playing.

  She stopped, only an inch between us now.

  A very dangerous game, indeed.

  She held up her hand as though she was about to place it on my chest, and then she tilted her head back and looked at me.

  “May I…,” she whispered, the breathy quality of her voice, and the smell of wine on her breath permeating my senses. “May I touch you?” she asked.

  I sucked in a sharp breath of air. Oh, how I wanted to pull her to me and kiss her on the mouth, hard.

  Control yourself, Axon. Keep it together!

  My breathing grew rapidly as I nodded. “Yes,” I said, my husky voice filled with lust.

  She placed her small hand on my abdomen, the warmth of her hand shooting straight through me. She moved her hand up slowly, her fingertips caressing every inch of my skin.

  “You are so beautiful,” she murmured.

  “Thank you,” I answered.

  Her other hand joined her exploration of my body, both hands moving up and down my chest, to my stomach and back up again. Her touch was so light, and I could feel my cock growing very hard. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep myself from touching her.

  Her hands grabbed my shoulders as she pushed herself up on to my seat, her legs trapping my own in between them until she sat down on my lap. Her eyes were filled with desire as her lashes fluttered softly.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, and I clenched my jaw, my fingers digging against the material of the couch.

  “I cannot,” I grunted, struggling. “It is forbidden. It is dangerous.” I cried out.

  “Please,” she keened, her eyes begging me now. “Kiss me. I want to know what it’s like,” she pleaded.

  I couldn’t restrain myself any longer. I leaned down over her petite frame, and pressed my lips against hers, making her moan. My hands went to her back and pulled her body against mine. My large hands traveled her back until they were over her plump bottom, squeezing them gently. She groaned into my mouth as she reached up, wrapping her hands around my neck. I picked her up effortlessly as I got up from my seat, her legs locking around my waist. I slammed her against the wall before pressing my body against hers, making sure she felt my hardness through her clothes, and she mewled.

  “Oh yes, Axon,” she gasped in between our kisses. “Ravage me. Please, it feels so good.”

  This was it. She wanted me. She was begging for me. My hands moved down the sides of her body, and then up her belly until I was cupping her breasts through the sof
t fabric of her nightgown, making her moan loudly. I massaged her plump breasts while my thumb and forefinger pinched and squeezed her elongated nipples.

  I pressed my mouth against hers once more, my tongue swirling around hers like they were dancing with each other. Her hands kept moving all over my arms, and my cock was twitching so hard, needing some release.

  “I want you inside of me,” she whispered in my ear. “I want to know what it’s like. Is it possible? Is it possible to be with me?” she pleaded.

  Her words pulled me out of my lust as I looked at her, those blue eyes gazing up at me innocently.

  I could not do this.

  I could not do this to her.

  I would be leaving Earth and going back to Harpo in a few days once our mission was complete.

  I slid her body down the wall and placed her on her feet, making her look up at me with a puzzled look.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked. “Do you want to go to my bed?”

  I stepped backwards away from her, clenching my hands to my sides as I strengthened my resolve. I had never done anything so difficult in my life.

  “I think I need to check on the soldiers outside,” I said, my voice gruff. “I shall keep watch on your place from the hall and check on you periodically.” I said.

  “What are you do--,” I interrupted her as I looked away.

  “Go to sleep, Jennifer,” I said. “You need your rest. The enemy could show up any moment.” I warned.

  There was a hint of anger in my voice as I walked over to the door and out of her apartment, anger at myself for almost giving in to my lust, and a little at her for stoking the fire.

  It was not what I wanted to do, but it was what I needed to do.

  For both of our sakes.


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