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Axon's Lust (Cosmic Warriors Book 2)

Page 9

by Ruby Winter

  Thinking of this over and over again forced me out into the courtyard, where I met the other human females.

  The air outside was thick to breathe, and there was a very fragrant floral scent that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  I stumbled upon the gathering spot where a few human females were sitting and laughing together. I had so many questions for them, so I eagerly went to sit next to them.

  “Hi,” I greeted with a wave. “My name is Jennifer Rose, and I just arrived yesterday.”

  “Welcome, Jennifer. My name is Betty and this is Amy,” she said, pointing to the girl next to her.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you,” I said, smiling. “If you don’t mind, can I ask you something?” they giggled at my question.

  “Yes, I’m sure you have plenty being new here. Feel free to ask us anything. We’re happy to have a new friend, and we can tell you whatever you need to know,” Betty said.

  “Well, in that case, I’ll just get right to it. Are you happy here?” I asked bluntly. “Did they force you to be here? Are they violent? Are you being kept like prisoners?” I asked in quick succession.

  Betty’s face turned serious.

  “Jennifer, I can tell you with the utmost sincerity that I am extremely happy here,” she said. “I’m in love with the most wonderful husband, and I have a child with him. You couldn’t make me go back to Earth even if you paid me a million dollars,” she said.

  Amy nodded at this.

  “Don’t get us wrong,” Betty continued. “It’s not that we don’t love Earth, but I had lived there for 24 years! Getting the chance to live on an alien planet with an alien lover who I adore has become the greatest thing to ever happen to me,” she said. “It’s the adventure of all adventures!” she exclaimed.

  “I feel the same way as Betty,” Amy said. “I think you’ll find that all the humans here feel the same way. All of us have been matched to a delicious and sexy warrior, and we are extremely in love with them! It’s so hot!”

  Betty laughed at her exclamation, and I laughed with them. Her sexual excitement over the Revians reminded me of how I was when I first saw Axon. It was lust at first sight.

  I sat with them for an hour or so, eating and asking questions about living in Harpo. They seemed to be telling me the truth, and I didn’t find any evidence of angry humans held against their will. Everyone seemed genuinely happy.

  After Axon interrupted and told me Earth had won against the Compiers, he also informed me the Council would possibly approve sending me back to Earth in a month or so.

  I wanted to stay mad at him, but in truth, I had already started to miss him in the short time we were apart.

  The difference between Betty, Amy, and the others, was that I had fallen for Lt. Axon while I was on Earth, and then I was brought here by mistake, not abducted maliciously.

  Listening to everyone’s story made me think twice about going back to Earth. I mean it’s not like I had much of a life at all there. I never had the level of passion I shared with Axon, and I certainly didn’t have love on Earth.

  Maybe I could love it here. It’s a beautiful place.

  If going back to Earth is what you want, then I will do my best to get you there, even if it is against what my heart wants.

  Those words by Axon kept ringing in my head. My heart wants one thing, but my mind wants something else, and I’m running out of time to decide.


  After breakfast the next day, I heard someone knocking on my door. Axon never knocked whenever he came to visit, so I didn’t know anyone else who would—

  As the knocking became incessant, I pulled it open to reveal Betty and Amy on the other side, their faces split into a wide grin.

  “Jennifer! Good morning!” Amy greeted.

  “We have come by order of the Council,” Betty said, making me freak out a little with her words. Council?

  “The Council? But what would they want with me?” I asked, puzzled.

  “The Council wants you to take a test, and they asked us to fetch you so we could take you to the healers,” Amy explained.

  “They want me to do what?” I asked, still completely baffled. “What test?”

  They looked at each other and smiled.

  “A pregnancy test, silly!” Betty exclaimed, laughing as I froze up in my spot.

  Holy crap. Pregnancy test. Was I pregnant? I hadn’t even thought about that.

  “You dirty girl!” Amy jibed, nudging my side with her elbow. “Is it Lt. Axon? It’s him, isn’t he? He is a great warrior! He saved us once from the Compiers,” she said, and I looked at her in surprise but she waved it off. “A story for another time. But anyways, when he asked to speak to you yesterday, it was obvious to us there was some serious chemistry between you two!” Amy declared.

  “Steaming chemistry at that! It’s pretty evident he already loves you!” Betty added. “Now come! We have to get you to the healers and find out the good news!” The both of them grabbed my hands and led me out of the bungalow.

  Throughout the entire walk to the healers, my mind was running a million thoughts a minute. What if I was pregnant? I couldn’t go back to Earth then. What would I do with an alien hybrid baby? I couldn’t raise it on Earth, I mean, that would be impossible. The baby would need to be here.

  I suddenly began to feel warm and happy at the thought of perhaps being pregnant; slowly realizing I wanted to have a child. And not just any child… I wanted to have a child with Axon.

  But what if I wasn’t pregnant? Is Axon testing to see if I’m fertile? Does he plan to send me back to Earth if I’m not? I was thinking so many things.

  “Here we are! This woman is here by order of the Council for a pregnancy test,” Amy said.

  “Name?” the elderly woman asked.

  “Jennifer Rose,” I answered.

  The next few minutes were a blur to me. They gave me a quick prick in the finger for my blood sample, along with some other examinations similar to a basic exam on Earth. Only a few moments later, the elderly woman came back with my results, and I waited for her to announce them with bated breath.

  “Jennifer Rose, you are pregnant with Revian offspring,” the healer confirmed. “What is the name of the father for the records so I can report it to the Council?” she asked.

  The room was tense and quiet as they all looked at me, waiting for my answer.

  “Lt. Axon Voan,” I whispered, making the two women who brought me here squeal happily.

  “I knew it!” Betty yelled.

  I was stunned speechless. I couldn’t believe it. I was pregnant. I was pregnant with an alien baby.

  “C-could you take me back to my bungalow, please?” I asked them kindly.

  “Of course,” Amy said, taking my other arm and ushering me out of there. “We know it’s a lot to take in, and we felt the same way when we found out we were pregnant too,” she assured me.

  “Come on, let’s take her back so she can rest,” Betty said.

  As the women chattered excitedly about my pregnancy, they also brought up a marriage ceremony in the village for me and Axon. It was all starting to make me feel dizzy.

  They left me in my bungalow, and I immediately started pacing, walking back and forth at length as my mind went into overdrive.

  “Shit,” I said, muttering to myself. Asking and answering my own questions.

  What was I going to do? Should I tell Axon right away? How was he going to feel about it? I don’t know. Would he accept our kid and be happy? I wasn’t sure about that, either. Did he even want to marry me? I mean, he said he didn’t want me to go, but did that mean he was going to devote himself to me only…

  All of these thoughts circled in my head until I finally stopped thinking and placed my hands on my belly, imagining the budding life inside of me.

  What was I thinking? This baby should be all that matters, and I would love this child more than anything in the world.

  I was pregnant, and I was very happy.

  Regardless, I was going to keep my baby no matter what happened between Axon and me.

  It seemed like only yesterday the data on my desktop screen began to mess up while an alien ship was hovering over the city.

  It all must have been meant to happen for a reason. I mean what if I hadn’t been on that ship? What if I had been left alone in my home and pregnant with an alien baby? It could’ve been a disaster.

  Now all that’s left is to tell the father of my baby.


  This is it, I thought to myself as Axon came to bring me dinner. I was feeling a little nervous. He walked in and silently placed the tray on the table before smiling at me, nodding and then heading back towards the door.

  “Axon?” I called. He turned around enthusiastically, a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

  “Yes, Jennifer? What is it?” he asked, stepping towards me.

  “I need to ask you a question, and you have to promise to tell me the truth,” I said urgently, coming closer to him. “Can I trust you to do that?” I asked, and he nodded readily.

  “Yes, I promise with all my heart,” he said.

  “I have to know if my being on the ship really was a mistake. Was it planned? Did you know the Captain was going to leave Earth so you could take me back here?” I asked.

  “I swear to you, Jennifer, it was a mistake. It was not planned at all. We were there to warn you about the Compiers and that’s it. The Captain wouldn’t jeopardize our relationship with the humans by taking one of their top females so blatantly,” he swore. “I would never lie to you about this,” he assured me.

  I was quiet as I mulled over his answer, but it made sense. Why would they take me if they were trying to hide the fact they were taking humans in the first place?

  It was now my turn to tell him the truth.

  “Axon, I need to tell you something,” I said, and his face looked concerned. “Axon, I’m pregnant. I found out earlier today. The healer said I’m carrying a Revian child, and it’s yours,” I revealed.

  His eyes widened as he took another step closer to me.

  “Jennifer, are you sure? Are you sure?” he grabbed my hands inside of his ever so gently. I nodded, tears pooling in my eyes. He grinned so wide before picking me up in his arms and spinning me around. “Jennifer, I am so happy! You have made me the happiest Revian!”

  He put me back down and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me so deeply and passionately that I melted against him, kissing him back with equal fervor.

  This. This felt right.

  Finally, he pulled away and looked at me.

  “You are happy about this, yes?” he asked, his forehead etched with worry as he gauged my reaction. “Do you want to have my child with me?” he asked again, and I nodded vigorously, my tears finally spilling over my cheeks from joy.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “I do, Axon. I love you. I want to stay with you on this planet and raise our child together,” I declared, and he smiled wider.

  “Then Jennifer Rose, will you marry me? Will you enter into a union with me? Will you be my wife?” he asked.

  “Yes, yes. To all of it, yes,” I said.

  “I love you so much, Jennifer.”

  He pulled me back to his chest and kissed me again, my hands moving up and down his lavender and purple arms. He was such a beautiful alien creature, and I missed him so much. His large hands moved up and down my back as well, and I could tell he was just as hungry for me as I was for him.

  “Will you stay with me?” Will you stay the night here?” I asked.

  “Yes, I will stay with you, but not here,” he said, shaking his head.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  “I’m taking you home with me,” he whispered. “To our home, where we belong together.”

  He picked me up in his arms like a bride and carried me out of the bungalow and down the path. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling, and my eyes widened as he pushed open the door to another bungalow three times the size of mine.

  “This is your home?” I gasped, looking around in awe.

  “This is our home,” he corrected, kicking the door closed behind us. Then he carried me through the main living area and into a back room where I saw a large bed in the center.

  He laid me gently across the bed before kissing my lips softly, letting out a growl as I nipped at his bottom lip. He stopped and put one large hand gently over my belly before looking at me with undiluted happiness.

  “I’ll have to be gentler with you this time. Not ravage you like I did before,” he said.

  “Yes, you must be very gentle,” I said, giggling. “But not less passionate.”

  He laughed and began to kiss my body inch by glorious inch as he undressed me before taking off his clothes and crawling into bed. We made love that night like two souls who longed for each other for years.

  It was a celebration of our love, and at last, my search for happiness had finally ended.


  Jennifer Rose

  One month later…

  Axon and I were finally making our union official. I had Betty and Amy at my side as they dressed me in the beautiful vibrant clothes a Revian bride wore on her wedding day. They buzzed excitedly around me as they fixed my hair, debating whether they should put it up or let it down, and being loud and joyful as always.

  “No, her hair should be up!” Betty cried.

  “I think it should be down. Her hair is so long and beautiful. We can put on a braid here,” Amy said, and Betty hummed thoughtfully.

  “Okay, you’re right. A braid will be very simple and elegant,” Betty said, and Amy began to put my hair into a braid across the top of my head like a headband.

  “Thank you both for your help,” I said sincerely.

  “Of course! We love union ceremonies. They’re a sight to behold!” Betty replied.

  “And there’s also a big feast afterward with music and food— it’s wonderful! It is just like on Earth but with… you know, aliens,” Amy said, making us all laugh hard at her statement.

  Her joke almost brought me to tears, as I was feeling really giddy to be marrying the love of my life. Not to mention the baby was making me feel extremely emotional too.

  The ceremony was simple, and the celebration party was just as great. Everything was exactly the way the women said it would be, and we all had a blast.

  “How do you feel now that you are my wife?” Axon asked me as I sat next to him at the feast table.

  “I feel strange,” I admitted, making him laugh.

  “Strange?” he repeated. “That wasn’t exactly the answer I was looking for, but at least it’s honest,” he replied.

  “I just mean that I’m officially married to an alien, and about to have an alien baby. Not something I would have ever dreamed of. I am also very happy, Axon. I’m happier than I have ever been, on Earth or anywhere,” I explained, kissing him on the cheek.

  “I am happy, too, Jennifer, I can’t imagine my life without you now. I am so grateful you agreed to be my wife and bear my child, and I promise I will protect you, love you, and always be honest with you,” he said.

  It was like his own private vow between the two of us, it was so romantic and beautiful.

  “Thank you,” was all I could say.

  An hour later, he carried me in his arms back to our home, where we officially celebrated our union in our marriage bed, and refusing to leave it for two days. We didn’t come outside of our house at all. We were too busy being in love, making love, and enjoying each other.

  Finally, when the time came, we were blessed with a little boy, and we named him “Avose”. He was the most perfect baby I had ever seen. Avose was always so happy and smiling, and the brightest part of my life. Of course, I did need a bit of navigating on how to be a mother to a hybrid alien baby, but with great friends like Betty
and Amy around, they helped me with everything I needed.

  Sometimes I thought about my previous life on Earth. I wondered if Lisa was alright, and hoped she wasn’t too distraught about never hearing from me again. I thought about Michael, and how stupid I was to let him treat me so badly. I also thought about my work, and how it led me to where I am now.


  One day the Council asked me to visit, and I had no idea what they would be calling me for, especially since I rejected the offer to return to Earth not long before I married Axon.

  “Jennifer Rose-Voan, congratulations on the birth of your son,” the Council greeted.

  “Thank you, Council,” I said.

  “Before we go on to the main issue we would like to discuss, we would like to know how you’ve adjusted to your new life here on Harpo,” they asked.

  “I have adapted very well, and I am extremely happy,” I said.

  “That is good, Jennifer, because we would like to invite you to work with us here and become an advisor. Your experience with dealing with the leaders of Earth, and ensuring the success of that mission against the Compiers has convinced us we could use your skills and wisdom on future endeavors regarding our relationship with the humans,” they explained, and my eyes widened. “We hope you would accept the position.”

  I couldn’t believe they were asking me this, as it was a chance for me to work again which I wanted.

  “I accept the position, dear Council,” I said, bowing my head a little. “Thank you for this opportunity, and I cannot wait to get started!” I said, a little too enthusiastically to the amusement of the members.

  “You will start in a couple weeks, and we look forward to working with you,” one of them said. “Also, if you need help looking after your child, we have a nursery close to your office so that you may be near your child while working,” another one said.

  A couple weeks later, I settled into my new position as a chief advisor to the Council. It felt a little weird, at first, but I knew more information about Earth’s government than anyone else there, and I knew I could be the one t0 build better relations with Earth.


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