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Ranger's End Game (Northern States Pack Book 1)

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by Lee Oliver

  “I’m not going to take that away from you,” Ranger continued after a long moment. “However, as your mate, I can’t let you become one of the council’s statistics either.”

  Yeah, I’m not too keen on that side of things. “What do you want me to do?”

  Ranger grinned. “Stick by me. We’re mates. It’ll be expected. I’ll train you as hard as everyone else, so no one can claim favoritism or special privilege, but I will make sure you’re safe.”

  Ranger’s lips were heading for his, and as Aiden closed his eyes, he wondered briefly, how much of this training business was going to hurt. He didn’t want to end up pissed off at his mate.

  Chapter Eight

  “He’s going to hate you, you know,” Cam whispered as Ranger watched the trainees slogging through the rain and mud. Aiden was unrecognizable. His face and clothes were covered in grime, his back half-bent by the hundred-pound pack weighing him down.

  “I did tell him he didn’t have to do this.” Ranger shook his head. Three days claimed and all Aiden had the energy for when he was finished for the day was sleep. To be honest, Ranger was miffed. Impressed, because Aiden was keeping up with the other men in the team; they were all bigger and stronger. But miffed that his mate wouldn’t take advantage of his position and stay by his side where Ranger wanted him.

  The episode over breakfast that morning was a classic example. Ranger and Cam had devised a training program that worked on increasing stamina in the mornings and then hand to hand combat skills in the afternoon. It’d been raining hard all night and Ranger knew the course would be slippery and muddy. He couldn’t lighten Aiden’s pack or he’d be accused of favoritism. So, he’d suggested, very reasonably he thought given he was as horny as hell that Aiden give up on the run completely. Turned out having a mate meant it wasn’t acceptable to give his cock a solo workout morning and night like he was used to and Aiden seemed determined to crawl out of bed the moment the alarm went off.

  Aiden didn’t like his suggestion. In fact, Ranger remembered terms like “overbearing” being used along with a snarled, “You just want me to fail so I’ll be dependent on you for life.” While it would be helpful in their future life for Aiden to have some independence, Ranger was still smarting about his mate’s attitude. This was not what he’d been told would happen as far as mates were concerned.

  “I did get some intel on Aiden’s father if you’re interested,” Cam said as Ranger cringed when Aiden slid in a patch of mud and landed on his ass. It infuriated him that no one would help him but the last time Ranger offered to help, Aiden pushed him out of the way.

  “Go on,” he said, his fists clenched as he watched Aiden struggle. The weight of his pack and the slipperiness of the ground weren’t making it easy. A couple of men laughed as they ran past and that upset Ranger even more.

  “Seems Alpha Chalmers has made some bad investments,” Cam said before going, “Ouch, that has to hurt,” as Aiden made it partially up before slipping and falling right on his tailbone.

  “What do you mean bad investments?” Ranger turned to his friend. He couldn’t watch. His wolf was ready to jump out and kill the next person that laughed at his mate and he wanted nothing more than to drag Aiden back to his room and fuck him in the shower before tying him to the bed.

  “He’s in debt up to his eyeballs,” Cam confided. “I also found out there’s a five million dollar insurance policy on your young mate. Taken out two weeks ago; payable to the father in the event of death by any cause.”

  “Five million dollars?” When Ranger heard Aiden had an inheritance he was thinking a hundred thousand at most. “Were you able to find out how much Aiden’s trust fund is?”

  “He didn’t tell you?” Cam raised his eyebrow. Ranger frowned and waited. He wasn’t about to tell his friend his mating was having a few difficulties and that he and Aiden barely had time to chat about anything. Cam huffed. “I checked into it because my first thought when I found out about Alpha Chalmers was that he was dipping into Aiden’s money. But as of last night, the trust was intact; roughly two hundred twenty-two million dollars and change. It seems Grandma Chalmers was a very astute business lady and while the will left the company to her son, the house and the bulk of her money went to Aiden.”

  “That’s why his father didn’t want him to move out,” Ranger growled.

  “Oh, his father and brothers should have moved out years ago. The house became Aiden’s when he turned twenty-one. The money is tied up until his twenty-fifth birthday, but there was a substantial lump sum for house maintenance left to cover his costs until he received his money. I can’t find any sign Aiden had use of that, but his father and brothers have.”

  “He was working in a coffee shop, trying to save money for a studio apartment before he came here.”

  “Then there’s a good chance your mate doesn’t know the contents of the will. I can get you a copy if you and your mate want to meet me at the Swamp later.”

  “Yeah, I owe you a drink or three,” Ranger sighed. He saw Kendall, the little twink who almost derailed his mating coming towards him. It wasn’t going to be good news if the man was braving the weather. “Looks like duty calls. Can you give my mate a hand? If I do it, he’s likely to bite it off.”

  “Trouble in paradise?”

  “Let’s just say, I’ll be glad when this fucking week’s over.” Ranger glared at Kendall. “What now?”

  “Councilman Dominic’s compliments; he’s waiting in your office.”

  “Watch him,” Cam said as he headed over to a bedraggled Aiden. Ranger wasn’t sure if he meant Kendall or Dominic.


  Aiden smacked the mud in disgust. He was sick of being wet; sick of being tired. He was ready to punch the next man who laughed at him and he was heartsick over the way he spoke to Ranger that morning. His wolf was pining; his guts had been churning all morning and he was miserable. For an alpha wolf, Ranger had taken his stubbornness surprisingly well. He hadn’t complained about Aiden being too tired for sex. He woke up every morning with the big man’s arms around him and a woody poking his butt. He hadn’t said a word about the fact Aiden was normally snoring by the time it took for his mate to strip out of his clothes at night. He’d done his best not to show favoritism in front of the others, and all told, Aiden figured Ranger deserved a medal for the way he was handling things.

  While you just come across as a spoiled child. Aiden slapped the mud again and was rewarded with a splatter right beneath his eye. He wiped it off in disgust.

  “You know, if you wanted a facial, you only had to ask.” Cam loomed over him, holding out his hand. Aiden took it, struggled to his feet and then looked around for Ranger.

  “Dominic wanted to see him,” Cam said, hefting the big pack off Aiden’s shoulders as if it was nothing. “He wanted to help you, but he’s got the idea you would bite his hand off or something.” He started jogging towards the dorm rooms and Aiden automatically followed.

  “Yeah, I’ve been a prick to him,” Aiden confessed. “It’s not his fault. He hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s just, I’ve waited for my inheritance for so long; to be finally free of my father for good, and I just can’t throw it all away because of Ranger’s alphaness.”

  “Alphaness,” Cam laughed. “Good word. Or you could try assassinitis. He gets that every time he goes out on a job. You’ll learn to handle it over time.”

  “I know he’s getting impatient with me and I can’t blame him. My inheritance probably isn’t that much anyway, but my grandmother told me it would be enough for me to live comfortably and it’s the last thing I’ll ever have of hers, you know. I want to know she’d be proud of me.”

  “You do know a quick trip to the lawyer would have given you your inheritance anyway, don’t you? You don’t have to put yourself through this.” Cam indicated his mud-splattered clothes and drenched hair.

  “The only lawyer I know is a friend of my father’s and he wouldn’t help me,” Aiden said glumly. �
�I don’t have a copy of the will or anything except a letter from my grandmother telling me she was leaving me some money. I don’t think that’s going to help.”

  Cam steered him away from the main dorms and towards Ranger’s apartment. When they got to the door, he smiled. “Why don’t you shower; I’ll send up some lunch and you can spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on your sleep.”

  Aiden opened his mouth to protest and Cam shook his finger. “No. I’m giving you an order. I know it’s important for you to do this training week by yourself. But you’re only doing it to prove something to your father. One of the keys to being an adult is learning to accept help when you need it. You are mated to this country’s top assassin. While Ranger might not be good for much more than looking pretty and tracking down his prey, I, on the other hand, have a lot of skills that will be helpful in your situation. Clean up. Eat. Rest. Don’t disobey me. Tonight, when Ranger asks you to accompany him to the Swamp for a drink put a smile on your face; ease that delicious booty into your tightest pants and say yes. We’ve got you covered.”

  Still confused, Aiden let himself into Ranger’s room, closing the door behind him. He was immediately conscious of his soggy, muddy state. Stripping off his clothes, he left them in a heap by the door. When whoever brought him lunch, he’d ask for a trash bag. He didn’t think the stains would ever come out. Naked, he padded across to the bathroom and got the shower running. Moments later he was moaning as the mud and grass fell out of his hair and into the drain below. It felt like forever since he’d taken a shower during the day.

  Could it be that simple? Aiden wondered as he shampooed his hair. Could Cam sort out my inheritance without me having to kill myself or wreck my mating? Sexually inexperienced he might be, but even Aiden knew that the urge to have sex with a mate was almost constant. The only reason he hadn’t been feeling it was because he’d pushed himself harder than anyone else on the team.

  Staying under the shower until his skin was wrinkled and the water was running cold, Aiden wasted no time drying himself off and climbing into bed. The sheets smelled of Ranger and he moaned. I’ve been a damned fool. His last thought as he fell asleep was that he would be a lot better mate.

  Chapter Nine

  Ranger clamped his teeth together, stopping his snarl as he strode into his office. Dominic was leaning over his desk, peering at some papers. “Did you lose something?” He snapped, his lips curling as Dominic scuttled away from the desk. Sitting down, Ranger quickly glanced over the papers Kendall left there. Requisition orders; nothing to worry about then.

  “I have another job for you,” Dominic said, sitting down and smoothing his pants with his palms.

  “Cam and I are here for two more days and then I told you, I’m taking the rest of my vacation.”

  “This is just a little job. Hardly worth using your skills for it,” Dominic pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket. “It’s just you’re here already, so I thought why not?”

  Ranger frowned and leaned his elbows on his desk. “There’s been a kill order put out on someone in this camp? Who?” The only people currently in the camp were the trainees and support staff.

  “Not a council kill order, exactly,” Dominic looked down at his piece of paper. “More of a personal favor for a friend; you’ll get your usual rate and you won’t even have to leave the camp. I’m sure you can make it look like an accident.”

  Ranger’s heart dropped and he had a sinking feeling in his stomach. “I presume you’re talking about one of my trainees. What’s he done to upset your friend?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about. One more kill’s not going to bother you. I just need you to make sure this particular person doesn’t leave the camp on Friday.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Ranger kept his face bland and his eyes sharp. Dominic was nervous. Not only could Ranger smell it but the way the man kept fiddling with his shirt cuffs was a dead giveaway.

  “Who do I need to kill?” If Ranger didn’t take the job, then someone else would and with his mate in camp, he didn’t want any of the other assassins around.

  “Aiden Chalmers.” Dominic leaned forward and put his paper on the desk. The bile rose in Ranger’s throat as he stared at the picture of his mate. “Make it quick,” Dominic continued. “My friend doesn’t need an example made of this man. He just needs him out of the way. A carefully staged accident will ensure any insurance claims will go through with no problems. You know how it is. It’s not as though you haven’t done something similar before a dozen times. And this camp is renowned for its hard training methods. No one is going to bat an eyelid if this man doesn’t make it home. I’m surprised he’s not dead already.” Dominic sneered at the picture and Ranger’s wolf rose in defense.

  “I’ll take care of it,” he said firmly.

  “It’ll give you more money to spend on your vacation,” Dominic flashed a quick smile but was clearly rattled by the lack of expression on Ranger’s face. “No need to let me know when it’s done. My friend will be notified through the usual channels. I’ll speak to you when you get back from vacation.” Opening the door, Dominic slipped out. It was clear he wanted as few people as possible to know about his visit.

  You will see me a lot sooner than that, Ranger promised as he picked up Aiden’s picture. His mate’s clear blue eyes shone back at him and he traced the blond curls and those full lips. A picture of innocence. How the hell someone as lovely as Aiden crawled out from the cesspit of his father’s pack was anyone’s guess. But Ranger was determined to protect his mate to his dying breath. If that meant wiping out the Chalmers family line and a couple of corrupt councilmembers while he was at it; Ranger didn’t care. It’s what the council had trained him for.

  Thank the Fates my mating forms are locked in a drawer, he thought as he hurried out of the office to find Cam. He wouldn’t be handing them to Dominic just yet. In fact, he’d rather bypass Dominic altogether until he and his best friend had devised a plan.


  Aiden dressed with care. Feeling a lot better after a nap and food, he was waiting in bed naked when Ranger came in. He hoped awake and naked were all the cues Ranger needed to join him. But something was clearly bothering his mate and after a peck on the cheek, Ranger said he needed to shower and that they were going into town. Aiden was puzzled by that. The gossip among the trainees indicated the Swamp was a bar on the base.

  No worries, he thought. He was actually going to spend time with his mate and he wasn’t covered in mud, slop or bruises. Remembering their first dinner date and the fantastic night he and Ranger shared when dinner was done, Aiden made a mental note not to drink too much. He was desperate to feel his mate’s cock pounding his ass and his wolf longed for their connection. Tonight, he promised himself.

  “You look really good,” Ranger said and Aiden turned, hoping Ranger would be naked. Unfortunately, he was already dressed. His long black hair hung down his back like a satin sheet; barely seen against the black shirt and pants Ranger wore. The only shiny things were his mate’s boot and belt buckles, and the gleam in his mate’s eyes. Aiden flushed under the heat and fiddled with the button on his shirt.

  “We could stay in,” he offered shyly. What he knew about seduction wouldn’t cover a pinhead.

  “I’d like nothing more,” Ranger said coming over and kissing the top of Aiden’s head. “However, Cam and I have things to discuss with you. That’s why we’re going to town; Fewer eavesdroppers.”

  Aiden was disappointed, but remembering the mud from earlier; the bruises he’d sustained over the past four days and the constant taunts from his fellow trainees, he figured if Cam found a way for him to get his inheritance without doing any more training, he’d say thank you and be grateful. The one clear thing he decided during his afternoon alone was that Ranger should and would be his sole focus from now on. Once he had his money; he’d pack his meager belongings and flip his father and brothers off as he walked out of the door of the mansion that had suck
ed his soul dry.

  Chapter Ten

  The place Ranger chose for dinner was in a hotel. He’d booked a private room and the hostess wasted no time showing them through. Cam was already sitting at a table set for three.

  “Hi guys,” Cam always seemed to be smiling. “This place has the best lobster. I’ve ordered two portions already.”

  “You can run the training in the morning then,” Ranger said as he held out a chair for Aiden. Aiden blushed. He wasn’t used to someone being so courteous and he picked up the napkin, placing it on his lap as Ranger slid into the seat beside him.

  “I’ve already ordered for us,” Ranger said quietly, “but the menu is beside you. If there’s anything else you want, you just have to ask.”

  “I’m sure whatever you ordered will be fine.” Aiden didn’t have a lot of experience with fancy meals. He was more of a steak and fries fan. But he made appreciative noises when the food was put silently in front of him and didn’t have any problems clearing his plates. It was tasty, even if he had no idea what the entrees were called. Cam and Ranger chatted about the trainees; reminisced about a couple of places they’d been and it wasn’t until the coffee had been served and the doors closed, giving the three men their privacy, that Cam picked up a briefcase from under the table.

  “Okay, Aiden. I told you at lunchtime that I would see what I could do about your situation. Ranger gave me some other news this afternoon which might impact a few things. But he can tell you that in a minute. Firstly, I wanted to give you a copy of your trust records. This is your balance with the bank as of lunchtime today.”

  Cam handed Aiden a piece of paper. A bank statement. His money was lodged with the Northern States bank not far from where he lived. He used to walk past the building every day on his way to work at the coffee shop. But the location or name of the bank wasn’t what had Aiden reaching for his glass of water. “This can’t be right. You must have mixed this up with my father’s account.” His eyes couldn’t seem to make sense of all the digits in the account balance column. There were eleven of them; nine of them on the left-hand side of the decimal point. He put his glass back down and counted to make sure. The account balance was in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Two hundred twenty-two million dollars to be exact.


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