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Page 4

by Nicole Hamlett

  Well - there was also the fact that I wanted him to teach me. It was time to take up the family business. Plus, having to call someone every time I needed a ride was getting old.

  As I approached the Lab a thumping bass was vibrating through the walls, trembling against my feet. I stopped, uncertain. God only knew what was going on behind that door. Hadn't I decided that I was supposed to do at least three brave things a day? I sighed. By golly, this was going to count as one.

  I girded my loins, opened the door - trying not to flinch - and was assaulted with the most horrible thing my ears had ever suffered. Pumping through speakers as big as I was tall was It's a Beautiful Life by Ace of Base.

  My jaw dropped to the floor as I witnessed the God of all Gods be-bopping around his Lab checking instruments to what could only be termed as bad 90s electronica. His hips gyrated and thumped to the beat as he made his way from instrument to instrument.

  The only thing that could possibly be worse would have been walking in on your parents having sex. Certain that my psyche would be scarred for life, I screeched, "What in the Holy Hells? Have you been possessed?" My hands flew up to cover my offended ears.

  The music cut off in sudden blessed silence and he had the grace to blush before regaining his composure and bellowing, "Don't you know how to knock?"

  "Ace of Base?"

  "I'm catching up on this Century," he groused.

  "But Ace of Base?" I simply could not get past this.

  "I like the beat. It makes me feel young again."

  I stood there, mouth agape, staring at him as though he'd turned into a flying spaghetti monster.

  "Shut your mouth before the flies get in, young lady. And shut the damned door," he thundered.

  My body automatically responded to the authority in his voice and I closed both my mouth and the door. "I have much better music that you could listen to."

  "I've heard your music and it's enough to drive me to suicide. Why you feel the need to listen to depressing music in your situation is beyond me." His nose rose an inch in the air as his haughty demeanor returned.

  "Not all of my music is depressing. I'll bring you a mix tomorrow. If you have any care for me at all, you'll listen to it and realize that anything is better than…that,” I waved my hand around to indicate the aural monstrosity I’d just been subjected to. “And… and next time, leave a sign on your door. I think I'll be scarred for life from what I saw."

  Suddenly I was enfolded in strong arms attached to his vibrant warm body. I don't know what happened to my composure or what even caused this unexpected display of affection but it opened the floodgates and within seconds his shirt was soaking wet as I sobbed in his arms.

  I'm not a pretty crier. My eyes get puffy, lots of water leaks from my eyes and any mucus currently residing in my sinuses takes it as a sign that it's time to escape the confines of my face. Before I could pull away, he was covered in tears and snot.

  "I'm sorry," I hiccupped. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

  He patted my back awkwardly.

  "I generally don't cry like this," I continued.

  He made murmuring noises and rubbed a few times, before his body tightened in what felt like an attempt to escape. It's unfortunate for him that it wasn't going to happen. Now that the floodgates were open, they weren't closing until I'd worked through this.

  We shuffle walked over to his seating area, untangled my arms from his waist and sat me down. "Tell me what happened."

  So I did.

  His eyebrows rose in surprise as I told the story of Hope and Drew's betrayal. Well, they raised more with the discovery that Hope was alive. Less so when he learned that Dylan was his grandson. There may have even been a hopeful gleam in his eye. I shoved that thought down for a later time when I could examine why this would make him happy.

  Finally - when I'd finished - he leaned forward and patted me on the knee. "I need to take care of a few things, dear. Will you come back and visit me later?"

  "What the hell! I just got here."

  "Yes yes and I'm happy to see you. But there are things to tend to."

  "Zeus, you haven't seen me in three months and I have training that needs to be done and Rifts to create and damn it - you need to teach me how to port."

  "We have instructors here for that dear," he answered distracted. "I'll let someone know to enroll you in some of the beginner classes."

  "Beginner classes? Zeus, I'm in my thirties. I can't take classes alongside pre-pubescent snot balls. I'll…I'll be a laughingstock."

  "Yes, dear. I'll take care of that right away."

  I could tell that he wasn't even with me mentally anymore. I had the strangest conversations with this man. He was infuriating. I couldn't for the life of me figure out why my Mother chose him. Oh, right. He was gorgeous. Adonis didn't get his looks from his mother.

  "Fine," I huffed. "I do need to speak to you though. So please summon me when you have some time."

  "Of course dear. Have a lovely day." And with that, I was dismissed.

  Chapter 5

  “Hey, new kid!” The voice - just past puberty if I was right - came from behind me. “You can sit with us.”

  “Dude,” someone else whispered. “She’s old enough to be my mom. You can’t let her sit with us.”

  I squared my shoulders and turned around to face this new challenge head on. Behind me were literally the cutest kids I’d ever seen, but I wouldn’t admit it out loud in front of Dylan. The leader of the two was gangly still, in a body that seemed to be growing faster than he could keep up. He was all elbows and knees. His eyes though, they were the color of the Pacific Ocean and dominated a face with a pointy elfin chin and a little button nose. A mane of golden curls framed his features. He looked like I felt - awkward and shaggy.

  The one next to him reminded me of the Michelangelo cupids that graced the Sistine Chapel. His hair was a fiery red mop that topped chubby cheeks, big golden brown eyes and a Cupid’s bow mouth. His body was still small with that chub that hits kids before they truly reach puberty.

  My face must have softened when I looked at him because he growled, “Watch it lady. I could kill you with my spoon.” Tall and gawky elbowed him in the ribs and gestured towards the opposite bench.

  I couldn’t help but like him after that.

  As I ate (the most delicious food in my life by the way), I found that Gangly and The Cherub were in fact named Scott and Alton. Alton’s mother had been a Food Network fanatic during her pregnancy. Scott was the son of Mercury, while Alton was Cupid’s get. I tried not to grin at his scowl as he dared me to make fun of him.

  I still felt (and was) old enough to be their mother, but sitting with them and just sharing a meal allowed me to relax enough to enjoy the food.

  “So I guess you’re some big stuff, huh?” Alton leaned back and crossed his arms.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied around a mouthful of shrimp and orzo.

  “I dunno, like, your mom is Diana. She's the big dog. I guess that makes you something big too.”

  I wiped my mouth and gave him a blank look. He was putting on the tough guy act, trying to impress me. I took a deep breath and leaned forward without breaking eye contact, propping my elbow on the table and my chin in the palm of my hand.

  “So…what? Does this mean that you’re small stuff ‘cause your dad is just Cupid? You really good with a bow and arrow? Or are love potions your specialty?” I counted down from ten, waiting for the explosion. I was betting he wouldn’t make it to five.

  “That’s total bullsh-!”

  “Whoah there mister!” I raised my voice. I could feel heads turning to stare at us, like they hadn’t been straining to hear the conversation already. “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  “-crap…” he finished, albeit more quietly. “Just because my dad can do that doesn’t mean that I can. I’ve got my own thing.”

  His lip was starting protrude a little and I re
ached over to give him a pat on his forearm.

  I leaned forward further and whispered, “How about I take you for who you are and you do the same for me? I won’t judge you by your parents and you won’t judge me by mine?”

  Understanding lightened his eyes and he nodded.

  “Ok then. So, what do we do after lunch?”

  Scott was about to answer when a thunder boom of a voice echoed through the courtyard. “There you are Grace! I was wondering where you had gotten to when I saw that Dylan was without you.”

  Great, I still hadn’t gotten used to the idea that this guy was my stepfather and now I’d have to deal with it in front of a bunch of kids. I guess that since I was the adult here, I’d have to set the example.

  I pasted a smile on my face and stood, turning to greet the man. “Zeus, it’s a pleasure to see you as always. You're well?”

  Small gasps and the buzzing sounds of conversations starting surrounded me.

  “Good, good!” he boomed. No wonder he was the god of thunder. I got it now. “I see that you've taken to your training?”

  “I am sir, thank you.”

  “Sir?” he laughed and clapped me on the back. “You can call me Dad!”

  All I could think to myself was – Someone kill me. Someone kill me now. I suddenly felt like I was sixteen again.

  Frantic whispers got louder by the second and I rolled my eyes.

  "You're a jerk. As if training with a bunch of teenagers wasn't hard enough. Let's go."

  I picked up the rest of my lunch and preceded him out of the courtyard into an open hallway. "Your Lab?"

  "No, let's go to my sitting room. I left your son with Athena. She's teaching him how to swear in five different languages." His voice resonated with fatherly pride.


  He led me down the hallway through a series of passages until we finally stopped at a heavy iron door that was carved in intricate designs.

  "Beautiful door."

  "Your mother created it. The artwork is actually spells designed to keep me in."

  "Oh." Oops. Reminding Zeus of his imprisonment wasn't the best way to remain on his good side.

  "She's a talented crafter," he paused and took a deep breath. "I miss her," he finished quietly.

  I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. "I know."

  He opened the door and led me into a medium sized chamber filled with sunshine. Rich, vibrant colored pillows and furniture littered the room and it reminded me of the first place Diana had taken me.

  Was it weird that I didn't miss her so much as I missed the lack of mother? People stood in awe of her. I could understand why. I'd read the legends. What haunted me was the look of unadulterated love on her face as she'd pulled my father through the Rift to save me. My heart squeezed at the memory and I felt the need to sit down.

  We'd been in Olympus for a month already. Dylan had taken to training like a little duck to water - while I was struggling and incredibly annoyed that I was lumped into kids' classes. It still felt odd being here.

  The first week was spent being paranoid that Brandon would charge me with kidnapping and I'd never be able to go back to my life. Athena finally squashed that by paying him a "visit.” She refused to tell me what she'd said to him - or even did to him - to make him sign papers granting me full custody for the immediate future. I wasn't sure whether I was grateful or afraid.

  Once that matter had been settled, I'd been thrown into a 'Controlling your Powers for Beginners' class. My peers were all ten through thirteen. Dylan, also in that class, had snickered at me and said I must be squidgy for them to put me in with the babies. If you knew what squidgy meant in our household, you would be affronted for me. Trust me.

  But things were great, right? We were getting to where we needed to be to remain safe. Dylan was learning to control his temper along with his powers and I was making stride with my own changes. So why was my heart filled with a hollow ache? I realized that this had been the longest I'd gone without talking to Drew since he'd shown up at my door. Somewhere in my head, I'd thought that he was my best friend. But you don't build friendships based on lies.

  At this point it wasn't just that he'd lied about being Dylan's father. He was a married man. I'd kissed and fantasized about a married man. That's not the kind of woman I was. There were some cardinal rules and I didn't break them. If I was one of those girls, I'd have plopped myself into Fred's life - one of my best friends - wife be damned.

  I suppose that three hundred years is good grounds for a separation. He may have truly believed that she was dead. I wondered briefly if they were together now - happily reuniting over one of his awesome dinners and a good bottle of wine.

  Zeus' beautiful voice interrupted my thoughts and I refocused on his face. What had he been saying?

  "You haven't heard a word I've said…"

  "Nope. I've completely ignored this entire conversation." What was the point in lying? He'd know right away.

  "Want to tell me again what happened between you and my son?"

  "Want to tell me what happened between me and your son? Cause frankly, I have no idea. One minute he was my best friend. In less than seven seconds that was destroyed by an illusion and a lie." He raised an eyebrow at my dramatic proclamation but stayed silent.

  "I still can't figure out why nobody thought it was prudent to tell me that he had been - or was still - married to my sister."

  "It wasn't as if you were sleeping together, Grace. I imagine that nobody thought it was relevant."

  "Oh, but as you know, we sure did do the nasty in the pasty. Where do you think Dylan sprouted from? The doorknob?"

  "That, m'dear, was just as much of a surprise to me as it was to you."

  "How did things get so complicated? I mean, weren't they complicated enough before?"

  "Life is what you make of it. You either survive the punches or you lay down. I have undeniable proof that you're a survivor, Grace. You just need to put this out of your mind so you can be as strong as possible." His face softened as he laid his harsh truth on me.

  I nodded around the doubt and sat down in an overstuffed chair. "Hope is a nasty piece of work, Zeus. I don't know what she was like before, but she's become pure evil. Geb really fucked with her head."

  "How does that make you feel?"

  "Guilty," I replied with a grimace. Feeling guilty wasn't on the top five list of favorite things.

  "Do you think that you've had it any easier than she has? If I recall you were tortured, kidnapped and left to fend for yourself for most of your life. Uh…I guess I should apologize for that bit."

  I shot him a baleful look and nodded. "Apology accepted. Let's just try to forget it happened."

  "Good advice. So here you sit, strong and tempered like a fine blade. She on the other hand, is quite obviously unbalanced. What is the difference? She had all of the love and adoration anyone could ask for as she grew to womanhood."

  "Do you think that it's her human blood?" I bit my lip and looked at him with uncertainty.

  "It could be. Or, it could be that she grew up without the challenges that you faced. She always had a safety net. The only hardship in her life happened when Geb kidnapped her."

  "Why are you taking my side on this? Shouldn't you be defending her? Drew described her as a paragon of virtue, strength and beauty."

  "Are those really strengths? Being beautiful and virtuous? Or is surviving adversity to conquer not only your fears but also kick some ass? Think about that. You remind me of my daughter. Athena is my pride and joy. She is the embodiment of everything that we as a race should stand for…and the girl is just plain sassy."

  I laughed. She was sassy. If I'd ever wanted to model myself after anyone, it would be her.

  "Don't let Drew hear that she's your pride and joy. It would hurt his feelings."

  "Pfft, that boy doesn't need anything else to enlarge his ego. I won't admit it to anyone else, but I'm proud of him. Excepting his recent behavior
, he's chosen to be noble and good. He's a strong fighter and generally exhibits excellent judgment. I thought he'd finally picked an exceptional mate. I would have been proud to call you daughter."

  "Yeah," I responded quietly. "Well, you know…technically, I am your daughter now - even if it's only through marriage. And I guess that Dylan is your grandson. Holy mother of pizza. He's totally fucked. He's got such a mixed bag of genetics. Who knows what’s going to come out of him."

  "Ahh yes, my protégé. I've been teaching him to control his storm abilities. He's the only one who has exhibited an affinity for my powers. I'm really quite excited. Finally someone I can mentor."

  "Well, don't mentor too much," I began sternly. "You saw how those kids treated me - knowing that I was connected to Diana and then you. We don't need him to be ostracized before he even gets started. And I really don't want him thinking that he's on tap to rule the roost. Damn kid is cocky enough."

  Despite my words, I was smiling like an idiot by the time I'd finished. Dylan was special. I'd always known that. He was awkward in his own skin, but he was still the wonderful little boy that had curled up next to me wanting stories of heroes and monsters.

  I was afraid that knowing the full extent of his powers would twist that. I should know better but Stan Lee wasn't wrong. With great power comes great responsibility and since he generally couldn't bring himself to pick up his dirty clothes, trusting him to not sizzle a city with a stray lightning bolt or blizzard was a bit much.

  "You made the right decision bringing him here. He needs to learn control. He needs to understand the consequences of his choices."

  "I would have liked him to have led a normal life with kids and a wife and a white picket fence."

  "The white picket fence is a myth Grace. If you don't get that by now, you are going to spend a very long time disappointed."


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