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Page 10

by Gina Watson

  Ryder peered down into a large mixing bowl. “Usually Mom lets me crack the eggs, but I guess I can’t do it with my cast.”

  “Tell you what … I’ll crack them into the bowl with the cream, and then we’ll let you whisk them.”


  Everett held the bowl still while Ryder attempted to vigorously whisk the eggs with his non-dominant hand. It pulled at Everett’s heart to watch him as he struggled and poked his tongue out of the corner of his mouth while he focused on the task.

  “Okay, I think the eggs are stirred up.”

  “Looks perfect.” Everett poured the mixture into a shallow pan, and then held two pieces of white bread in the air. “Now it’s time for these guys to skinny dip.”

  “What’s skinny dip?”

  “It’s when a person dives into a pool naked.”

  Ryder squealed in delight. “The bread is naked.”

  “It is. Here”—he passed a slice of white bread to Ryder—”you do the honors.” Ryder pressed the bread into the pan so that it soaked up the egg juice.

  “Do people skinny dip in your pool?”

  Everett grimaced with a flourish. “I certainly hope not.”

  Ryder pinched the bread between his thumb and index fingers. “Eww, it’s squishy.”

  “Lay it flat in the pan.”

  It wasn’t long before they had mounds of eggy custard bread. “How many pieces do you want to put on the plate for your mom?”


  “Go for it. I’ll dish out the melon.”

  They arranged the plate artfully, and then Ryder reached for the powdered sugar.

  “Hold on, let me grab the tea strainer.”

  “What’s that for?”

  “So we can make it rain.”


  “Spoon the sugar into the strainer.” Everett held the device directly over the toast. As Ryder added the sugar, a little made it through the sieve, but it was when Everett had him tap the contraption with a metal spoon that it snowed all over the toast.

  “Wow! That’s awesome!”

  “What’s going on?” A sleepy feminine voice inquired.

  “Mommy, look! We made it snow!”

  She walked up to the counter. “Oh, it’s so pretty. You two have been quite busy.” They both smiled at her. “We made French toast.”

  Everett leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, rubbing her back. “Sleep well?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “How about some hot tea?”

  “I’d love some.”

  “Mommy, you go sit and we’ll bring everything to you.”

  “Sounds wonderful!”

  As they shared breakfast, Ryder animatedly regaled Fiona with the steps required to make the French delicacy they enjoyed.

  “Hey Everett, after we eat will you let me give you a tattoo?”

  Everett looked to Fiona for answers.

  “Ryder has an extensive temporary tattoo collection.”

  “Well in that case, do your worst.”

  “You can tat me too. And we’ll tat Mommy.”

  Everett held his hand up. “I volunteer for that job.”

  Ryder giggled. “Mommy, did you know these toasts”—Ryder held a slice in the air—”skinny dipped naked in the pool?”

  Everett choked on his swallow of tea.

  “Is that so?” Fiona cut her narrowed eyes at Everett. “Corrupting my firstborn already Everett?”

  “It’s okay Mom, Everett said people don’t do it in his pool.”

  Fiona giggled as she shook her head.

  “I guess I shouldn’t have taught him that.”

  Fiona continued to smile as her eyes scanned from Ryder to Everett.

  “I like to be taught stuff.” Ryder lowered his voice to a whisper, “I know the swear words too.”

  “No.” Everett placed his palm on his chest, aghast.

  “Yeah, Mommy taught me.”

  Everett gasped. “Ms. Miller has a dirty mouth?”

  “Not very often, but occasionally I let one slip.”

  “Mommy says it’s okay for me to say damn and hell, but I can’t say shit.” Ryder gasped as his hand swiftly covered his mouth. “Oops.” He mumbled.

  Fiona and Everett laughed until tears filled their eyes.


  Using her cover of thumbing through a magazine, Fiona inconspicuously watched from the couch as her son sat on the living room floor with Everett, digging through piles of rub-on tattoos.

  “This one is Spider-Man 2099, do you know it?”

  “Yeah, Miguel O’Hara becomes Spider-Man.”

  “If you want, I’ll let you have it.”

  “Thanks, that’s really cool.” He shrugged, half-committedly and Everett stifled a giggle. “Tell you what, I think I’ll take this one of the Amazing Spider-Man right here”—Everett slapped the stencil against his left bicep.

  “Cool! And I’ll do Spider-Man 2099 right here”—Ryder laid the stencil on his shin. “Mom needs one.”

  “I wanna be Catwoman.”

  “Oh, man.” Ryder huffed.

  All eyes turned toward her. “What?”

  Everett shook his head at her. “You can’t be Catwoman, that’s DC comics. We’re doing Marvel.”

  “How about Wonder Woman?”

  “Nope. Same issue.”

  “Just pick me something out.”

  Ryder held up a stencil. “You can be Spider-Woman.”

  After they sported three tats each, they decided it was time to actually watch Spider-Man and make Ryder’s favorite snack—M&M popcorn.

  “How long will these temporary tats be with me?”

  “Sometimes I can have them for the whole week,” Ryder boasted.

  “Good thing I wear a suit to the office.”

  “Everett,” Ryder called. “I want to show you how we make the popcorn.”

  They all joined Ryder in the kitchen. “Mom, do we have mini marshmallows?”

  “I think we do.” Fiona reached into the cabinet where the mugs were housed and pulled out a half bag of marshmallows. She also grabbed pretzels and a bag of M&Ms. At the microwave Ryder popped a bag of kettle corn.

  Ryder passed the bowl reserved for the concoction to Everett. “You have to pour the M&Ms in the bottom so they get melty.”

  Everett complied and dumped the candy into the bowl. Fiona added the marshmallows and pretzels.

  When the microwave pinged, Fiona reached in to grab the steaming bag of corn.

  “Somebody has a sweet tooth.” Everett chuckled.

  “I’m afraid we both do.”

  “Wait until you try it Everett, it’s the best.” Ryder popped a marshmallow into his mouth as he stirred the amalgamation.

  Everett scooped a handful of the treat into his mouth.

  “Mmm, it’s actually good.”

  “Did you think it wasn’t going to be?” Fiona asked.

  “Kind of, but it’s salty and sweet.” Everett whispered the rest of his message in her ear, “Salty and sweet just like you.” His eyes flashed fire at her and she forced herself not to think of his impending flight.


  On the way to the airport not much was said. They all appeared to be deep in thought and apprehension. Fiona had spoken to her son in Everett’s absence to ensure he understood that Everett would separate from them during the week to go and work in Boston. He’d said he understood. It was after ten, but Fiona knew Ryder would need to see Everett off at least this first time. She hoped Ryder wouldn’t cry at the airport because his pain would be like a wooden stake in her heart.

  Fiona and Ryder escorted Everett through security, Ryder insisting to bring his Kermit the Frog.

  At the gate Ryder held the plush animal out to Everett. “I wanted you to take him with you so you wouldn’t forget about me.” Ryder spoke in his big voice and held his chin high, in an attempt to demonstrate a brave front.

  Everett squatted in front of Ryder, taking the dol
l from his hand. “Ryder”—Everett’s voice was broken and Fiona watched him swallow, the action causing an audible thud in his throat. “I could never forget you. Ever. Or your mother.” He grasped Ryder’s free hand in his. “I love you. I’ll be here—always. If you need anything, all you need to do is call and I’ll be on the next plane.”

  Fiona cried as she watched them converse. Everett caught her eye, grasping her hand from his position in front of her son.

  “Do you understand what I said, Ryder?” Ryder stood, staring at Everett. “Ryder?”

  “Are we gonna be a family?’

  “I don’t know what the future holds, but I know I want it to include you.”

  Ryder nodded and leaned in to wrap his arm around Everett’s neck, and then he whispered something in Everett’s ear that caused him to pull her son tightly to his chest. When they pulled apart, Everett dug in his pocket. He pulled out a set of keys and fiddled with a charm. He placed the trinket in Ryder’s palm.

  “It was my father’s.” Ryder admired a die cast ship. “He got it when he was in the Coast Guard.”

  “Wow!” Ryder sat and played with the ship, turning it round and round in his hand.

  Everett stood and placed his arm around Fiona, pulling her into his chest and kissing the top of her head. Next to her ear he whispered, “I’m sorry I have to leave the two of you. It’s hard. I understand why you protected him from this, but I swear to you, I’m committed. Now that I’ve spent so much time with you, I don’t know how I’ll live without you.”

  “You’re making me cry.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s very ungentlemanly, but you need to know how I feel.” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. She ran her finger over his embroidered initials. “EAD.”

  “Everett Aaron David.”

  “That’s quite a name. It’s a solid, earthy name.”

  His palm cupped her cheek. “In three days, I’m going to show you just how solid it is.”

  Her face heated as she smiled. He kissed her temple as boarding for his plane was announced.

  They waved goodbye and he disappeared into the jetway.

  “He’s gone.” Everett announced.

  “He’ll be back, baby.” She raked her hands through his hair. “Let’s go home. You’ve got school tomorrow. I think you should skip the first hour, don’t you?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, I do.”

  After his bath, Ryder crawled into bed with Fiona. Given the events of the day, she knew he’d join her. He tried to remain independent, but whenever something wasn’t quite right, he’d always crawl into her bed. She wrapped her arms around him and they fell into a restless sleep.

  Chapter 9

  The months passed. Fiona and Everett were still no closer to a permanent solution, so they resolved to take things week by week. They fell into a routine and even Ryder seemed to adjust to their sporadic schedule.

  Today, Fiona and Ryder were extra energetic because it was Friday and they’d be awaiting Everett’s arrival. It had been ten days since they’d seen him as he was unable to leave Boston last week and she couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into him, literally.

  This particular day was made even more spectacular due to Maura’s return. Fiona couldn’t wait to spend time with her best friend and she was happy Maura would finally have the family she deserved.

  Fiona picked Ryder up from school and steered her vehicle toward the David estate.

  “Can we go through the line at Dairy Queen?”

  “Sure baby, what would you like?”

  “Strawberry milkshake.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m gonna hold out for David crawfish.”

  When Fiona set eyes on Maura at the estate she could hardly contain her joy. She ran to her, squealing, and hugged her from the side since it was impossible to give her a frontal hug due to her large round belly.

  “Oh my God Maura, look at you. You’re glowing.”

  “I’ve missed you so much.” Maura cried large tears and Fiona joined her—Fiona herself was unable to keep her eyes dry if anyone in her immediate vicinity cried. Therefore, she was a good partner in crying.

  Ryder sat at a desk in the den and proceeded to start on his school work while Fiona and Maura caught up on the nearby couch.

  “Will you be moving back to Baton Rouge?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got to finish out the semester in Portland, but was due maternity leave in the spring. So instead, I’ll just resign. I’m hoping to get back on at LSU.”

  “Shouldn’t be a problem, they love you there. Julian’s cool with the situation?”

  “Oh Fiona,” Maura’s smile was one of love and contentment. “He’s been wonderful. I haven’t told anyone, but I knew deep down that he’d come for me—for us.” She lovingly caressed her belly. “He just needed to realize his worth and let go of his past.”

  “I couldn’t be happier for you. How much longer?”

  “Seven weeks.” Maura’s expression turned grim.

  Fiona grasped her hand. “Maura, what is it?”

  “It’s just, I was this far along when I lost Audrey. I’m scared.”

  “But that’s not going to happen this time. You’ve got a supportive network of friends and family who love you. You’re going to have a healthy, beautiful baby and you and Julian are going to be a family.”

  Maura nodded and swallowed back her tears. “I know,” she gasped.

  “Maura?” A ragged voice called from across the room. Julian was at her side in an instant. His lips tight, he nodded once at Fiona in appreciation. He caressed her back as he squatted beside her.

  Fiona thought she should leave to give them some privacy, but when she tried to disengage, Maura’s hand closed tighter around hers.

  “I love you, Maura.” Julian rubbed Maura’s belly. “And I love our son.”

  She smiled at him. “I love you.” She turned to Fiona, “And I love you too, Fiona. I’ve been a little emotional this week given its significance, but I know everything’s going to be wonderful.”

  Julian kissed her cheek, his kind smile and appreciation for the woman in his life had Fiona’s own eyes filling with moisture.

  “From the looks of it, that’s gonna be a huge baby.” Laughter rang out as they all observed Ryder pointing to Maura’s belly with wide eyes.

  Fiona kissed him on the head. “Our comic relief.”

  A few beats later Parker and Bailey entered the fray. Fiona smiled knowingly at Bailey. She was getting married in a few weeks, not very long after Maura had the baby, and she and Fiona had collaborated on the perfect wedding gift for her to give Parker—a tattoo on her shoulder of two crabs, claws conjoined, with their names on the shells. Corny, until one knew how much Parker loved crabs.

  “I brought seating charts and Ben and Jerry’s.” Bailey held papers high in one hand and a plastic sack in the other.

  “If you’re going to start going over that damn thing again, I’m going to help Julian with dinner.”

  “I just want to make sure everything is perfect.”

  “As long as you’re there, everything will be.” He leaned in to kiss her sweetly on the lips.

  Bailey scoffed, but accepted Parker’s affection.

  “Can I help with dinner?” Ryder asked.

  “Of course,” Julian answered. “Come, the men will go make dinner and leave the ladies to their planning and ice cream.”

  After the men were out of hearing range, Bailey asked, “So … how’s it going with Everett? Do tell.”

  “It’s perfect when he’s here, but we spend so much time apart that it becomes a strain.”

  “Have you talked about the future?” Maura inquired.

  “Yeah, but we don’t get very far. He wants us to move to Boston, I want him to move here. We each list our pros and cons and just before we get to the point where we’d argue, we have sex.” Fiona shrugged. “It really is not productive.”

  Bailey frowned, “You guys are using the L word

  “We have been for months, but that doesn’t mean he wants to give up Boston.”

  “Well you have Ryder”—Maura waved her hand in the air in a determined gesture—”the only option is that he move here.”

  “I can’t ask him to do that.”

  “If you guys can’t reach a compromise then it’s over.”

  “Bails!” Maura gasped.

  “What? It’s true.”

  Fiona sighed. “She’s right, if we can’t figure out our future, where does that leave us? Plus, it’s not like I would be compromising anything. I’m asking him to do all the giving—to leave his life and job in Boston.”

  Maura clicked her tongue, “That’s not true. His compromise would be smaller than yours. You’d have to uproot Ryder from friends and school. You have the tattoo studio and your art course. His family is already here. It’s not like he’d be leaving his hometown. However, were you to go to Boston, you would be leaving behind everything you and Ryder know. He’s being completely selfish if you ask me.”

  Bailey aimed a cocked brow at Maura, “Now who’s being a douchenozzle?”

  “I’m only suggesting Fiona hold her ground. If Everett’s worth his salt, he’ll come around.”

  Fiona nodded, “That’s true. We all watched it happen with Julian.”

  “Exactly,” Maura agreed. “And Everett already knows he loves you and Ryder, he just needs to fully commit. Sometimes it takes losing the thing most important to you to make you realize what’s most important—it’s not a law partnership in Boston I can tell you that.”

  “Looks like you’re going to have to bring down the hammer.” Bailey gestured with her words. “Issue the ultimatum.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  Bailey shrugged, “You could suggest taking a break.”

  “Wouldn’t that hurt Ryder?”

  “Fiona’s right, Ryder would be devastated.”

  “So what should I do?”

  Maura shook her head, “It’s difficult. What if you were to speak with Ryder about the options?”

  “Do you think he’s old enough for that?”

  Bailey scratched at her neck. “He’s pretty mature for a ten year old.”

  “Yeah, he is. I’m lucky.”

  “You’re a great mom,” Maura said with an understanding smile.

  “Speak of the devil—guess who just pulled up in a cab?”


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