Chronicles of a Royal Pet: A Princess and an Ooze (Royal Ooze Chronicles Book 1)
Page 13
“Ah, you should see it in the spring! The fields are blooming with flowers, and in the fall the forests turn into an explosion of color.” Eric reminisced. “And because half of the country is covered in heavy forests which inevitably filled with monsters and magical creatures and the Starblind Mountains are a stone’s throw away it has given rise to all sorts of people who raises and tame the wild beasts as partners and pets. We sell and breed the finest Pegasi, Thestrals, and elusive Unicorns in all of Orria!”
“And speaking of monsters, Liliana, it seems the rumors were true! You’ve got yourself a rare little companion,” King Eric continued, looking down at me as I remained nestled in my owner’s embrace.
“Yes, this is Jelly! Say hello, please,” Liliana introduced, and I extended a pseudopod, waving it merrily in greeting.
“Oh! Such discipline! It seems to listen well, and for it to be able to create tentacles! And you haven’t even had it a full year! Most beast tamers don’t bother with trying to control slimes because they’re normally too dumb to command and train. Usually only the more advanced sorts, like Healing Oozes, can be made into proper pets,” King Eric praised, which inflates Liliana’s ego a tad. I too am honored by the compliments, though the reminder that the rest of my kind are so different to myself brought my mood down a tad.
“He can do a lot more than just listen and wave!” Liliana said excitedly, moving away a bit to a clearer spot before letting me down. “Come on Jelly, let’s dance! Show them what you can do!”
I wiggled in confirmation, and though I’d never admit it, I found it extremely satisfying to see the wide eyes and dropped jaws of almost half the party as they watched me expand and twist into my rudimentary bipedal form. With an exaggerated bow I offer my stubby little arm to my owner, and she giggles and took it in her hand. She began to lead me through a simple dance, which consists of simply shuffling back and forth. As I got more control over my legs, we sped up, our dance becoming a modified form of the Swan Step, with Liliana leading and myself following along. After a few minutes of being the center of attention, Liliana brought the dance to a close by giving me a twirl, then stopping and giving a bow towards her family the royalty of Brune. I mimicked her bow, and wild applause swept the hall. Some do so merely for the novelty of seeing a slime do the Swan Step with a princess, while others were impressed with my control over my body and Liliana’s training. She and I, myself now back to my more comfortable spherical shape, head back to the two royal couples, when two new figures approached.
“That was both one of the most amusing thing I have ever seen, and one of the most impressive. Very few Ooze can move as well as yours can, and I have seen many of those creatures before.” An old but strong voice carried over to us, and I could see Liliana and Julius’ eyes light up as they took in the speaker and his companion.
One of them I recognized as Silas Revel, the half-elf who was the Guild Master of the entire Adventurer’s Guild. He looked about the same as when I’d seen him last at the Reaffirmation of Faith, but in a richer outfit with golden charms and jeweled accessories dangling from his person, each holding potent magic within. He smiled kindly at my owner, taking her hand and pressing his forehead to her knuckles in the standard display of respect and greeting. He then took the hand of Julius and shook it warmly.
Both of the royal children had star struck expression at being so close to what amounts to idols for them. Of course, a great deal of that goes out to the retired adventurer’s companion, and I had to say I was also impressed.
He stood a full head above King Eric of Brune, who was already a tall, imposing man. He had dark streaks of grey cutting through pale blonde hair, along with icy blue eyes that held great wisdom and pain, even as he smiled politely at us. Muscles like rocks were barely restrained by his black and gold evening wear, with crimson belt holding up his trousers. His boots too were black, but silver buckles laced with some sort of water walking spell added a bit of flair to his outfit.
This person was an adventurer without a doubt. And if his physical looks were not enough, then his blindingly bright soul would have given it away. What was most unusual was how it burned like a rainbow.
Every person, be they human, dwarf, or elf, had color and shape in their souls, representing what magic they were most attuned to, what god they pray to the most, and a number of other factors, such as age and innocence, which resulted in no two souls being the same in appearance. This man however had the mark of not only each of the Eight Elements of magic, but the presence of the entire Divine Family and a host of other gods and spirits swirling about in his soul. Even the most pious of the Clerics and Paladins I had observed at the display during the Reaffirmation of Faith had the power of at most two deities in their soul.
To have close to a dozen meant that whoever he was, this man was beloved of the gods more deeply than anything, or anyone, I’d ever encountered. And yet I felt no fear towards this man. Similar to how the presence in the church all those days ago had calmed me, so too did this man. I knew, with the very core of my being, that this man was not a threat, but the greatest of allies.
“Sir Tomas Nierz,” Liliana breathed in awe, and I could see Julius, and even King Tiberius and Queen Amdora, become shocked and flustered by this man’s presence. “The World Paladin!”
Chapter 14: Falling amidst the feast
“I’m honored that I am recognized so easily by a princess,” the middle aged man said with a cheerful grin, which made my owner’s face flare up in embarrassment. “But I am indeed he. As you said, I am Tomas Nierz, pleasure to be of service.”
A short, respectful bow follows the adventurer’s introduction, while he took Liliana’s hand and presses his forehead to her knuckles in a formal greeting. This did absolutely nothing to reduce the red hue on my dear owner’s cheeks, and even after he moves on to greet the rest of the royal family, Liliana had to fight her blush into control.
“Jelly! Meet Tomas Nierz! He is a human, and wields tremendous Divine magic gifted from numerous deities! He is an X-ranked adventurer, a feat only a handful of people have ever reached. There are less than a dozen X-ranked adventurer’s in the world, and with over a million registered adventurer’s, reaching this rank is impossible for normal people, no matter how skilled. One of the most active of these rare individuals, the World Paladin has vanquished monsters and demons alike, even saving the world once!” Liliana gushed, beckoning me forward while I was still in my Gel Doll form.
In Erafore, high ranked and popular adventurers earned more than just money. Fame was also a common gain. This meant that occasionally merchandise, such as books and toys based on these heroes, were made and they became a popular commodity among all strata of society. Some of the most powerful and renowned adventurers became akin to celebrities, and few were as famous as the man before us.
“I did not think you’d be able to attend, Sir Nierz,” King Tiberius stated, my gaze able to see that while he was stoic on the outside, he was giddy like a boy about meeting such a famous person. Same for his wife, while Julius’ excitement was visible and palpable.
“I finished my last mission earlier than I thought, and had some time to spare. Master Silas convinced me to attend, though I hardly needed much incentive for free food and good company,” Tomas explained to the king, before giving some space for the Guildmaster to approach and perform his greetings to the royalty as well. I even shook his hand when I offered him my own!
“Might I ask where you found such a talented and obedient Ooze?” the World Paladin inquired once greetings were completed.
“The Gilded Parlor Pet Shop, down on Kaleidoscope Way in the Purple District,” Liliana revealed, before hastening to add, “Though they said they just found Jelly out back in the alley one day and plopped him in a spare glass case.”
“A common Ooze or not, I think the real praise for it, I mean his, talents go to the owner,” Tomas said, offering his opinion, earning yet another blush from the princess. However, I noticed
the legendary World Paladin and the elderly Guildmaster shooting the king a knowing look, which King Tiberius responded to with a nod. It seems that Sir Nierz and Sir Revel knew something about the bloodline magic of the Roans and Ar-Varians, if the flickering exchange of knowing glances between them and myself are any indicator.
I sincerely hoped this did not become a common event. Having people privy to, or at least suspicious of, my intelligence was testing my nerves. Not that I doubted or suspected the current, diverse group, but if high ranked adventurers could uncover this secret, what exactly was stopping a semi-competent criminal or villain from finding out? Their glances were not as subtle as they thought they were!
Silas Revel must have detected my mood somehow, because he turned to me and offered a fleeting placating grin. For my owner, I assumed she rationalized the gesture as an apologetic notion for talking down about me. I think.
Some people might find it surprising, but Liliana’s mood was fairly stable and even most of the time, so getting an accurate read of her emotions was surprisingly hard, even for magically empathic beings like myself. A trait I assumed she obtained from her father, who was also a master of this mental craft. Unless she’s blushing like a maiden or scowling like a drunken sailor, in which case her mood was painfully obvious to everyone.
Before I could muse any more, the World Paladin surprised me yet again but extending his hand to my owner with a tiny bow. The gesture was clear: he wanted a dance! Giggling like a giddy little girl, which I supposed she was, Liliana passed me over to Julius who took me eagerly, more for the fact he could hide behind me now than any other reason, and she lightly took the offered hand.
With fluid grace and practiced steps, the taller and much more solidly built man led the younger and more delicate princess onto the dance floor and into the Leol Waltz, their movements slowly matching up to each other’s until they have a natural rapport going. They moved two-as-one, a term Rene Bluemont had used more than once to describe the way dancing was supposed to be when done between two competent dancers. And I could see where the term came from. Though they have only just met, my owner and the World Paladin could comprehend and react to the other’s movements.
My owner was light on her feet and graceful, thanks to her upbringing and her own natural aptitude. Tomas Nierz had spent years on the hunt, slaying monsters and heretics alike in all manners of terrain and conditions. These two vastly different backgrounds are now complementing each other on the dancefloor, neither one of them leading but both of them following. It truly was an amazing sight, and I was glad to be able to have a front row seat to my owner’s debut on the stage that was royal socializing.
As for the rest of the audience? Prince Julius might be young, but he looked up to his sister, and he could tell that she had poise in abundance. Her parents were immensely proud of her, for what parent wouldn’t be glad to see their child excel? Guildmaster Silas Revel and the royal couple of Brune were also impressed by the display put forth, though one side appreciated the lack of wasted movements and how the dancers work astonishingly well together while the other appreciated the good breeding and excellent care that had gone into both participants.
King Rederik Greatgold of the Dwarves shouted his approval for the daughter of his greatest ally, while the two elves from the Second Domain showed not a single twitch in their facial expressions. Only their emotions scrutinized through my magical senses gave them away. Ambassador Roseknot had praise, albeit grudgingly so, for the two dancers and their steps, while his guard looked at the X-ranked adventurer with a combination of battle lust and respect.
As for me, I still had naught but adoration for my owner. Watching her dance was soothing in a way.
A little less than half an hour passed, and soon more guests begin to drift onto the dancefloor, dragging partners along. For the next hour the marble tiles of the Grand Reception Hall are all but obscured beneath twirling silks and fancy footwear. My owner and her first partner had split up earlier, going from one dance to the next, greeting and mingling with style on the dancefloor. Every so often Princess Liliana and Tomas Nierz reunited briefly, exchanging words. It looks like my owner had gotten control over her emotions and blush for the moment, as her face was smiling a serene smile regardless of who held her hands during the dancing.
Prince Julius had also been dragged into the dancing, much to his chagrin. Currently he was dancing with only a hint of awkwardness hand in hand with a girl of similar age and adorable disposition, whose father was a Senator of the Partaevian Empire’s Council, if I recalled correctly. I had a few dances with Rene and Orleen in the fringes of the party crowd, and even Queen Sasha of Brune took me for a spin, as she referred to it, much to her husband’s laughter and applause. Few others approached me that evening.
All of a sudden, a set of soft bells begin to chime all across the dance hall. Princess Liliana, Sir Tomas, and the other dancers came to a slow halt, the music fading, and everyone turned towards a corner of the room where two large double doors were creaking open, allowing a breeze of tantalizing aromas to waft through the room and fill it with watering mouths.
“It seems that dinner is now ready to be served. Shall we adjourn to the dining hall?” King Tiberius suggested, and many people eager to partake in a hearty meal nodded happily. Finger food and snacks were fine and dandy, but you needed more after dancing for so long. The Grand Reception Hall soon became a sea of silken waves as people bowed politely to their dance partners before heading off in an orderly rush to the next room. If I could, I’d lick my lips. No better time than a banquet to beg some nibbles from the guests!
Exiting the Grand Reception Hall was fairly easy, for myself and my owner, at least. As part of the royal family we headed in first before the others as a matter of protocol. I was back in Liliana’s arms, snuggling down. I felt lethargic. Dancing took a lot of energy out of me. Added with the mental strain of keeping my bipedal form intact while doing, and it was a wonder I was not asleep yet! My owner was no less tired, but hid it well behind smiles.
Soon enough we all emerge into the warm and bright Great Feasting Hall, as it was known. The set-up was impressive, and far more dedicated than what went on back at the dance floor. Here, seven long and imposing tables have been moved in, one at the front of the room where the royalty and important guests would sit, while the other six were divided into two rows of three. Still put close to each other, but placed in a way to denote a person’s importance. Naturally, the nobility and other high profile guests will sit close to the king, but not directly at his table. Each one was made of heavy dark colored wood that could probably survive a fall from the top of the towers without taking much damage. Heck, you could use these tables as impromptu battering rams they were so thick and massive!
Swiftly everyone started to take their seats. Though there was no official assigned seating, there was an unspoken hierarchy that everyone was quick to follow. Upper nobles at the front closest to the king, minor aristocrats and wealthy non-nobility to the further ends of the tables. Some jostling and elbowing goes on for the preferred spots, but for the most part the entire ordeal was soon over with minimal fuss.
Immediately to King Tiberius’s right was Queen Amdora, as befitting her status as wife. To the king’s immediate left sits Prince Julius, as his heir. I, held lovingly in the arms of the princess, sat with her two spots to the right of the king, on the right side of the queen. Further down on the right of Liliana was King Redarik of the dwarves and Eric of Brune as well as Ambassador Roseknot of the elves at the very end. Guildmaster Revel and Tomas Nierz sat close to the end of the royal table as honored quests on the left side. And finally at the very end of the left side Rene Bluemont sat, her seat assured thanks to her position as a noble and royal tutor.
And of course there are the all-important utensils, cutlery, and drinking vessels, just waiting to be covered in food and drink. Most of the plates and bowls were made of clay and ceramics, only a few made of precious porcelain from Di
stant Qwan, and those were reserved for those sitting at the royal table. Cups were made of ceramic as well, with only a single fluted wine cup per person being made of carefully cut glass. It was not an expensive material, as alchemists used the crystalline material to store their wares, but it was fragile, which meant it could became expensive quickly if one had to constantly replace them. Thankfully no one here would go about smashing containers and glasses on the floor. Not on purpose or while sober, at least.
Before the food was brought in, the king stood, raising a glass to the audience as they all turned to him.
“I wish to thank you all for gathering here tonight, to join in a festival of peace and unity. For centuries, the Adventurer’s Guild had served all peoples and nation of Erafore. From hunting the monsters that prey on us, to researching ancient ruins to better understand the past and through it the present. Some see adventurer’s as little more than glorified mercenaries, others as heroic ideals to emulate. Regardless of who they are or what they do, adventurers follow in a tradition of aide that was passed down by my ancestor. Tonight marks the one thousandth year of the Adventurer’s Guild’s operation. Tonight, I thank you in honor of those who have given their life for the world, and by praising those who continue to fight for all that was good and noble about Erafore. A toast to the promise of victory! Tam ur varia!”
“Tam ur varia!” Across the room these words were echoed back in an overwhelming roar. Tam ur varia: A promise of victory. Ancient motto of the Varian kingdom, spoken in the Elder Tongue of the first humans. I shouted these words as well, though only in my mind. King Tiberius’ speech was a good one, and I appreciated the message. Something within me resonated with the final words, stirring feelings I couldn’t properly identify. Did they come from my bond with Liliana? Were they a reaction to the magic that birthed me? I did not know, but I felt they mattered.