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More than Scars

Page 31

by Brocious, Sarah

  I saw dark spots float before my eyes and my arms felt weak. I squeezed the steering wheel and shook my head. I pulled up to the spot. I hadn’t been here since.

  It had been snowing that night! Dad had almost called Mom to pick us up because of the heavy snow. He didn’t want me walking home in my heels. I had called him silly! Tears rose up now. “You weren’t silly,” I whispered to myself. How I wished we had called her!

  I put the car in park and stared now at the spot I had recalled many times in my memories…in my nightmares. It was covered in snow now…as it has been that night…but there was no blood. It was just the purest of whites. I swallowed and shut off the engine. I pushed the door open and slid out of the car.

  The cold took my breath away, but I welcomed the icey fingers. It woke me up and chased away the faint that had been upon me. I thoughtlessly walked to the spot I had last seen my father alive. I ran through in my mind his struggle, his cries…the cowardice of the man running away…and the uttered words of a dying man. “I love you Nerissa, your Mom, your brother. Always remember I love you.”

  I bit my lip now and my body shook as I fought the sobs.

  “You are lovelier now then you were then.”

  I froze and the bile rose in my throat. The rage I felt now I don’t remember ever feeling, but I tamped it down and turned to meet my attacker, my father’s murderer, my mother’s kidnapper. “I’m here,” I said evenly.

  “Do you know that night…I had planned to take you? I took your Father’s ring instead…but I wanted you. He knew that. It is why he fought so hard.”

  I didn’t want to look at him and the bile was nearly choking me now. But I looked in his face. His dark eyes were full of malice and his silver hair was salt and pepper hair was brushed back severely from them, making them the dominant feature on his face. I wanted to look away in fear but my pride would not allow it.

  “I would have taken you too…and then you began to scream as if something had awoken in you…a will to live. I ran…but knew if I found a moment…I would take it to make you mine.” He smiled wickedly. “I didn’t know your big brother would become so protective! And then I didn’t know watching you would become so fulfilling! Capturing you…trapping you would be like putting a butterfly in a jar. I wanted to watch you without hindering my view.!”

  I took a step back as he took a step forward.

  “So scared? Do not step away from me.”

  “Where is my Mom?” I whispered.

  “First we talk.” He stepped forward and I forced my legs to not move. He reached out and touched my hair, sighing with contentment.

  I swallowed and gritted my teeth.

  “Beautiful Nerissa…why did you have to change everything? Now I can’t watch you…you are behind those walls with that man. The man you let touch you…you let kiss you…you let in. You love him…don’t you? All these years you went keeping all of those suitors away...blocking their advances and it’s the scarred broken one that breaks through.” He stepped closer. “Answer me…you love him, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I spoke clearly. “I love Liam.”

  He growled and suddenly I was spun about, his arm crushing me to his chest and something sharp to my neck. I had no time to react. “I said not to say his name.”

  I gasped and did not struggle, sensing one movement would put that sharp blade into my skin. I murmured a sound of submission.

  His lips came to my ear.

  “I wanted to slit his throat each morning he came to the stables because I knew you loved him. I knew you wanted him! I knew you would let his hands on you. You wouldn’t struggle against him. You would give yourself to him.”

  I closed my eyes and tears squeezed out.

  His lips were at my throat now. The knife lifted to my cheek. “You give yourself to me without struggle and your mother is free,” he breathed. His hand slid to my waist pulling me tighter to his body. His teeth grazed my skin. “Deal?”

  I wanted to wretch right there. “No,” I whispered. “I’m Liam’s,” I said in defiance. I felt the bite of the blade at my cheek and gasped at the stinging pain. The warmth ran down my face and I knew that I was cut. In the same instant, I was freed of the man.

  I fell to the snow and saw the tell tale drops of blood below me. They were scarlet in the white. I reached up and touched my cheek, my fingers were instantly wet.

  I turned to the sounds of the struggle behind me. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me. I expected a policeman…Liam would have called the police…he would have read the letter on the desk. He would have known the place. I had told him about it in great detail that night in my bed. I had told him it was the last place I ever wanted to go again! Of course he would want to be here with me! Liam had come after me…he had left his safe place.

  The man was beneath him now and Liam had the knife. He raised it above him now. He was going to attack.

  “Liam no!” I screamed.

  The brown eyes found mine.

  I scrambled through the snow to him. “He knows where my Mom is!”

  The man beneath Liam was still and whimpering.

  “We know where she is,” Liam said through his teeth. His eyes dropped to the man below. “We may not have gotten his finger prints when he came to work at the house…but the idiot gave his real address. Your mother is safe.” His arms were still poised above him.

  “Liam, you can’t kill him,” I whispered softly.

  “I could end this for you now Nerissa.” He drug in a deep breath. “He has tortured you long enough!”

  “He will pay,” I whispered, walking on my knees now to him. “He will. But not at the expense of me losing you.” I glared down at the man who had brought me so much agony. “He can rot in a cell knowing we are happy out here…living…loving…together.”

  The man began to say something and Liam emitted a growl. He pulled back his arm and threw his fist into his face, effectively shutting him up and knocking him out.

  Liam lowered the knife, tossing it aside .His eyes turned to me and softened. He pushed away from the man and pulled me into his arms. His hand reached out and brushed at the blood. “You’re hurt.”

  “You’re here,” I whispered. My hands grasped at the massive shoulders, suddenly needing something to hold onto. I was feeling light headed.

  “I had to come,” he whispered back. “I told you I was going to make this right my love! You are mine now. I’m done hiding!” He smiled. His lips touched mine tenderly.

  I swear I saw sparks. The warm eyes before me blurred and then refocused. I shook my head, trying to fight the numbness.

  “Look what you’ve faced tonight Nerissa! Look what we’ve both faced!”

  It was then that it hit me…the shock…it all came flooding in at once and it was too much the darkness came flooding in. I didn’t fight it this time. Didn’t have the strength. I let the strength of the one I trusted the most take over.

  Chapter 22 Fairytales

  Waking in the hospital was strange. It was scary strange. Seeing the relieved face of my mother above me quickly tamped down that fear. I nearly tore away the I.V. they had on me out of my arm to get to her. Apparently I was dehydrated and my body had gone into shock. Go figure. My cheek throbbed and I found by tentatively searching with my fingers that it was bandaged up. I was informed I had several stitches where I had been cut, but there would be no scarring…if any the lightest of marks.

  “No his and hers,” Ian had teased me when he came to visit that next morning. I was very upset at him. I knew he had as much lack of sleep as I had.

  And I was upset because I very much would have preferred seeing the other brother walking through the door but baby steps. What Liam had done was a big deal. A huge deal.

  Ian did bring a very large bunch of white roses with him…from his brother. This did make up somewhat for my disappointment.

  “You would think he would upgrade from white to red,” Ian sighed.

  I rolled my eye
s at him and then returned them to my lovely flowers. “I love them!” I drew in a breath. “They stand for a new beginning. Isn’t that what this is?”

  Ian didn’t argue anymore with his brother’s choice. He just gave me his happy smile. “I’m just glad you are okay Rissa.”

  “How are the girls?”

  “Worried about you,” he said softly. He pulled two folded pieces of paper out of his pocket and held them out to me. “They made you cards.”

  “Will Liam bring them?”

  The dark brow furrowed. “I don’t think so.”

  I guess last night should be enough for now.

  I had another visit from the police to take statement. The man who had murdered my father had broken down and confessed after being brought in. He was ready to plead guilty before a judge. My words would be the cherry on top as it came to his sentence. Robert French was his name. A name I would forever detest…and sadly never forget.

  My Mom took me home that afternoon.

  Stewart had called to say I was to be collected but she argued with him on the phone that she would be caring for me. She informed him that Liam could have me back when I was all better but that she wanted to play Mom for a bit longer.

  We got home and I was tucked into my bed. I hadn’t gone through much physical trauma but mentally I was whipped and it translated to my body. I slept for hours…feeling like a helpless baby. Being on the pain medication for my injury didn’t help the sleepiness. I awoke to hear my Mom arguing on the phone. I soon realized it was Liam she was arguing with and the conversation made me smile…at least the one side I could hear.

  “I don’t care if you have a big mansion with all the comforts! I am Mom, and I know what is best! You can have her back when she is all better! I know that you miss her and you want nothing more than to hover over her…but that is my job. You just settle yourself Mr. and do what you do best and I will do what I do best! I have done a good job of it for thirty two years!”

  I sat up, biting my lip when she grew silent, obviously listening to him. I wished I could hear the rough and lovely voice on the other end.

  “And she loves you too Liam…she is safe here…and I will tell her you called. If she is up to it I will even let her call you,” she teased. “If you will behave yourself and not get her worked up! She’s in healing mode now! No…I am not bringing her there! You want to see her…you bring your little tush here! Oh, you don’t like that idea? Well then you will just have to be patient! The Doctor said she needs to rest for a few days. The wound is fine…but after the shock she went through she doesn’t need added stress…so stop your pushing!”

  I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh. My Mom had never been afraid of anyone…not even powerful billionaires!

  She laughed at something he said now. “I really like you, you know that? I’m glad she has you!” She was silent for another moment. “I will make sure she is awake in an hour to receive the package Stewart brings over,” she promised.

  ”Take care!”

  I flopped back on my pillow and feigned sleep as I heard her making her way to my room. She opened the door to peek in on me. I fought to hold back a smile, and sighed relief when she exited again. I curled up in a ball and let myself daydream a bit about Liam Byrne wondering what kind of package was being brought over. I wished he would wrap himself up and come on over! I allowed myself fifteen or so minutes and when my cheek began to throb and my mouth turned to sawdust, I pulled aside the blankets. My arms slipped easily into my comfy robe and I stared out into the darkening winter sky. There was a light snow falling in the light of the street lamps. It made me shiver a little as snow often did…not from its coldness…but from the memories it held.

  My Mom was in the kitchen, already heating water for tea as if she knew. She was super Mom that was for sure. I hugged her shoulders and sat down at the table.

  “Al will be home soon.” She handed me my tea and another pain pill. “And you have a date.”

  My eyes widened in horror, looking down at my pajamas.

  “Not a physical date,” she laughed.

  “Stewart is coming by with your phone…fully charged. Liam wants to talk to you…and he says he has a date planned.”

  I frowned. “I’m not leaving this apartment with Stewart.”

  She smiled at my grumpy mood. “Aren’t you happy to be hearing from Liam?”

  I shrugged. “I rather he’d see me now in my rumpled pajamas.”

  My Mom laughed at me…actually laughed at me!

  “Al is bringing home some pizza…wait to take your pill with some food on your belly. Then when Stewart gets here, you take your phone to your room and spend some time with Liam. You will feel better when you hear his voice I am sure.”

  I hid my smile behind a sip of tea.

  Al showed up his boisterous self. He would be staying the next couple nights here…worrier that he was. Mom and I were both okay with that. We ate our pizza and talked about everything but the last nights events. With the exception of the masquerade. It had been one heck of a party!

  Stewart arrived and followed my Mom into the kitchen to see me. He held a gift bag in one hand and my phone in the other. He promptly placed both on the table and forgot his usual gentlemanly decorum and threw his arms about me. Instant tears were spilling onto my cheeks as I hugged him back.

  “Miss we are so happy you are okay,” he whispered hoarsely. “Mary was blubbering on and I did not realize how much I agreed with her until just now seeing you!”

  I hugged him back and laughed despite my tears. “Thank you Stewart!”

  He pulled back, shame faced. “Liam is pacing the floor right now waiting for you. Call him as soon as you can! Put him out of his misery!” He turned to nod to Al and my Mom and then hurried back out into the cold. Always a man of few words. His action had touched me greatly though.

  I laughed, looking at my family.

  “Still pissed you lied to me,” Al growled. “Whole time Liam knew where you’d be!”

  I frowned. “Al…I can’t…I won’t apologize. I can’t help that Liam and I connected in a way that I was able to share things I haven’t shared with others!” I shook my head. “You are my brother, but he is my…he’s my…”

  “Soul mate,” my Mom whispered. “He’s your soul mate Rissa.”

  I nodded with a small smile.

  Al snorted.

  “One day you will have yours!”

  “Aw Mom,” he growled. “Don’t get all mush romantic on me now! It’s enough that I have to watch it on Riss here.”

  I laughed at his eye roll. I made a grab for my gift bag and phone. “Speaking of which…I have a date!” I started for the doorway.

  “Remember your pill,” my Mom warned.

  I paused. “I don’t think I will need it.”

  She shook her head. “Right now you are all high on excitement!” She went to the fridge for a bottle of water and handed me the pill. “Take it before you need it…not after…but talk to your boy first.”

  I almost danced to my room, clutching phone, bag, pill and water bottle. I shut the door behind me with my hip and set my water and pill on the end table. The bag I laid on the bed by the phone and threw my robe on the chair. I felt like a nervous school girl, staring at my phone. It buzzed as if to taunt me.

  Are you going to call me or not?

  I laughed at it and leaned back on my pillows, hitting his speed dial. My heart hitched itself between my ribs. I held my breath when it rang more than twice. He had just texted me. I knew he had his phone…was he teasing me?


  His voice warm as whiskey ran through my veins and I sighed. “Hello.”

  “You took forever,” he growled.

  “Stewart just left,” I laughed at his impatience.

  “It felt like forever.”

  I bit my lip.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m okay,” I said softly. “Tired…a little sore.”

�What can I do?”

  I drew in a breath. “I could use a hug.”

  “I’m glad your Mom is able to take care of….”

  “I could use you Liam,” I said softly. “Do you know how nice it would be for me right now to just crawl up in your arms and make good use of those big shoulders of yours?”

  He cleared his throat as if my bold words affected him. “I will send Stewart to pick you up then…”

  “Come to me,” I whispered. “Please.”


  I sighed. “I know. And I will be back under your roof soon enough. My Mom is right…I need her right now and she needs me. Having me here to care for helps her. Having Al stay here for right now helps her too. I just was…well, you asked what you could do.”

  “Are you upset that I can’t do that yet? Just up and come running to you?”

  “You did it last night when it was important,” I said softly. “I am very thankful for that.”

  “But me showing up…right now would make you happy…wouldn’t it?” His baritone dipped deep with emotion.

  “Yes,” I said meekly.

  He sighed. “I’m working on it my love. I’m working on being the man you deserve.”

  I smiled into the phone, deciding to lighten the mood. “Can I open my gift?”

  He chuckled. “Where are you?”

  “My room.”

  “You have a T.V.? DVD player?”

  I looked at the gift bag with suspicion. “Yes…where are you?”

  “My room,” he said warmly…and if I wasn’t mistaken…a little seductively. “We’re going to have a date.”

  “I’m intrigued,” I said softly. “And flattered.”

  “Open,” he said a little nervously. “I know you probably already have it but I wasn’t sure if you did at your Mom’s and in order for this to work….”

  I pulled out the first item…a package of milk duds. I laughed. A billionaire who gives milk duds to a lady. “Chocolate is a good start,” I teased. I pulled out the tissue paper that covered the main gift and then almost dropped my phone to cover my mouth. Something between a laugh and a cry escaped. “Liam!”


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