Fighting Fire!
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Rogers, Marion Elizabeth. Mencken: The American Iconoclast. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Smith, Dennis. History of Firefighting in America: 300 Years of Courage. New York: Dial Press, 1976.
______. Firefighters. New York: Doubleday, 1988.
Von Drehle, David. Triangle: The Fire That Changed America. New York: Grove Press, 2003.
Waldman, Louis. Labor Lawyer. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1944.
Warden, G. B. Boston 1689–1776. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.
Winchester, Simon. A Crack in the Edge of the World: America and the Great California Earthquake of 1906. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.
Newspapers and Journals
Bloomekatz, Ari B. “Mexican Fire Crew Joins the Fight.” Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2007.
Carp, Benjamin L. “Fire of Liberty: Firefighters, Urban Voluntary Culture and the Revolutionary Movement.” The William and Mary Quarterly, 58 (2001).
Gold, Scott, and Ari B. Bloomekatz. “Tasting Soot and Defeat.” Los Angeles Times, October 25, 2007.
Grant, Casey C. “Last Dance at the Cocoanut Grove.” NFPA Journal, November/December 2007.
Magers, Boyd. “Cocoanut Grove Controversy,” Western Clippings, No. 8, November-December 1995.
New York Times. “Baltimore Saved, Loss $150,000,000; Fire Controlled, but City Stunned by Its Greatest Disaster,” February 9, 1904.
______. “$400,000 Loss in Baltimore; Business Section of the City Swept Away by Flames Which Raged All of Sunday,” February 8, 1904.
______. “Stories of Survivors and Witnesses and Rescuers Outside Tell What They Saw,” March 26, 1911.
______. “Girls Fought Vainly at Triangle Doors,” December 12, 1911.
Nolte, Carl. “The Great Quake: 1906–2006/The Great Fire.” San Francisco Chronicle, April 12, 2006.
Perry, Tony, et al. “Massive Evacuations Ordered as Onslaught of Fires Spreads.” Los Angeles Times, October 23, 2007.
Zúñiga, Janine. “Firefighters See an Outpouring of Gratitude.” San Diego Union-Tribune, October 27, 2007.
Boston Fire Historical Society. “Boston History Before 1859.” See
Chicago Historical Society and the Trustees of Northwestern University. “The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory.” See
City of Chicago. “History of the Chicago Fire Department.” June 10, 1904. See
City University of New York. “Great Fire of December 1835.” See
Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations. “The Triangle Factory Fire.” See
Kalafus, Jim. “The General Slocum: The Horror of Fire at Sea.” See
Maryland Digital Cultural Heritage. “The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904.” See
Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities. “Boston Burns. March 20, 1760.” See
Mayhew, Jonathan. “A Sermon Occasioned by the Great Fire in Boston, New-England.” See
Seck, Momar D., and David D. Evans. “Major U.S. Cities Using National Standard Fire Hydrants One Century After the Great Baltimore Fire.” See
Trivia Library. “Natural Disasters: The Cocoanut Grove Fire in Boston in 1942, History and Account of the Tragedy, Death, and Destruction.” See
Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco. “Account of Louise Herrick Wall.” See
______. “The Dire Calamity and the Greater San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.” See
______. “Experience of Battalion Chief John McClusky.” See
______. “George F. Brown Captain, San Francisco Fire Department Engine Company 2.” See
______. “Jack London and the Great Earthquake and Fire.” See
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Adams, John
Adams, Samuel
Alderman, Jane
Alderman, Pete
Alert San Diego
Alpert, Mickey
American Revolution
Arizona wildfire of 2013
Balser, Nicholas
Baltimore City Fire Department (BCFD)
Baltimore Great Fire of 1904
damage caused by
deaths and injuries caused by
explosion in
start of
water problems and
Balzarini, Frank
Bernstein, Samuel
Blanck, Max
fire safety and
mutual fire society in
number of fires in colonial
volunteer fire company in
See also Cocoanut nightclub fire of 1942
Boston Board of Selectmen
Boston Fire Department
Boston fire of 1631
Boston fire of 1711
Boston fire of 1872
Boston Great Fire of 1760
American Revolution and
damage caused by
explanations of
explosion and
start of
Boston Harbor
Boston Tea Party
Bradley, John
British Parliament
Brooklyn Fire Company No. 110
Brown, George F.
Brown, Louis
Burnham, Daniel
Bush, George W.
See also San Diego County wildfire of 2007
California Highway Patrol
California Rim Fire of 2013
Call Building
Callender, William
Caylo, Nicolino
Cedar Fire of 2003
Chaney, Ray
Chicago Fire Academy
Chicago Fire Department (CFD)
Chicago Gas Works
Chicago Great Fire of 1871
damage caused by
deaths and injuries caused by
escapes from
map of
Mrs. O’Leary’s cow and
rebuilding after
start of
water supply and
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago lumber mill fire of 1871
Chicago River
Chicago School of architecture
Chicago Water Works
first professional fire department in
volunteer fire companies and
Coakley, John
Cocoanut nightclub fire of 1942
deaths and injuries in
escape and rescue attempts and
start of
Collins, John
Concord, Battle of (1775)
Cooper, William
Costello, Augustine E.
Croker, Edward F.
Croton Water System
Cullen, C. J.
Currier, Nathaniel
Currier & Ives
De Martini, Frank
De Martini, Nicole
Detroit fire of 1805
Disoway, Gabriel O.
East Baltimore
electric power lines
arcs from
danger to firefighters and
water pumps and
Emancipation Proclamation
emergency 911 system
Emrich, August
See New York City Fire Department
Ferneissen, Henry
cities destroyed by
damage done by recent
history shaped by
weather and
bond between
bravery of
equipment carried by
first paid
first professional
first volunteer
training of
wildfire training of
firefighting equipment and methods
bucket brigades
carried by firefighters
colonial fire engines
evolution of
fire hydrants
hand tub engine
hook and ladder carts
hose carts
hose couplings
nineteenth century
fire injuries
burn treatments
smoke inhalation
trauma and grief
fire safety measures
automatic fire alarms
automatic sprinklers
building and fire codes
building materials
fire drills
fire exit signs
fireproof buildings
nighttime watches or vigilant patrols
revolving doors
street call boxes
Flanagan, Ed
Franklin, Benjamin
George IV, King of England
General Slocum steamship fire of 1904
crew and
deaths and injuries caused by
escape and rescue attempts and
life preservers and
start of
trials and
Goodell, Goody
Graney, George “Red”
Gray, Hewson
Greeley, Samuel S.
Gulick, “Handsome Jim”
Haas, Rev. George C. F.
Halphusen, Joseph
Hancock, John
Harris, Eva
Harris, Isaac
Harris, Josephine
Harris Ranch
Hayden, Peter
Hayes, William
Helsing, Pat
Home Insurance Building
Hone, Phillip
Hopper, James
Horton, George
insurance companies
Judge, Mychal
Kahl, John
Kircher, Elsie
Kircher, John
Kitch, Kevin
Knickerbocker Steamship Company
Lawrence, Cornelius
Lemlich, Clara
Levine, Samuel
Lexington, Battle of (1775)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindemann, Dr. Erich
London, Jack
Los Angeles Times
Lutz, Deborah
Mason, Roswell B.
Maurer, George J.
Mayhew, Rev. Jonathan
McClusky, John
McLane, Robert
Meta (tugboat)
Monick, Ethel
Mueller, Walter
mutual fire societies
National Fire Prevention Week
National Fire Protection Association
National Guardsmen
National September 11 Memorial and Museum
Navy Reserves Sea Combat Squadron
New Orleans fire of 1794
New York City
See also General Slocum steamship fire of 1904; Triangle Waist Company fire of 1911; World Trade Center fire of 2001
New York City Fire Department (FDNY)
New York City Great Fire of 1835
damage caused by
deaths and injuries caused by
explosions in
start of
water supply and
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
New York Times
Oellrich family
O’Leary, Catherine
O’Leary, Patrick
O’Neil, James
Oriole (tugboat)
Perditsky, Frank
Perry, David
Pfeifer, Joseph
Pfeifer, Kevin
fire of 1850
first volunteer fire company
Picciotto, Richard
Pittsburgh fire of 1845
Poway wildfires
Ramona, Lake
Ramona wildfires
Regis, Dan
Revere, Paul
Reverse 911 system
Ritter, Nate
Rome, ancient
San Diego County wildfire of 2007
causes of
damage caused by
deaths and injuries caused by
emergency services and
evacuations and
firefighters injured in
outside firefighters brought in to battle
rescue attempts in
start of
water supplies and
San Diego Fire Rescue
San Francisco Fire Department
San Francisco fire of 1851
San Francisco fire of 1906
damage caused by
deaths and injuries caused by
rebuilding after
start of, with earthquake
San Miguel, Mount
Santa Ana winds
Savannah fire of 1820
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Seattle fire of 1889
September 11, 2001, attacks
“Sermon Occasioned by the Great Fire” (Mayhew)
Shanksville, Pennsylvania
Sheridan, Martin
Shirtwaist Kings
collapse of
first built in Chicago
San Francisco and
World Trade Center as world’s tallest
Stamp Act (1765)
steamboat safety regulations
Steur, Clara
St. Louis fire department
St. Louis fire of 1849
Sugar Act (1764)
Sullivan, Dennis
Summit Reservoir
Swartz, Charles, Jr.
Tentler, Dan
Tischner, John
Tomaszewski, Stanley
Tomson, John
Tree, Lambert
Triangle Waist Company Fire of 1911
deaths caused by
escape and rescue attempts and
fire safety problems in
payments to families of victims of
start of
trial and
Union Fire Company
United Airlines
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service
Uprising of 20,000
Van Schaick, William
Villegas, Jorge
volunteer fire companies
Baltimore and
Cincinnati and
Franklin organizes first
New York and
replaced by professionals
Waldman, Louis
Walker, Scott
Washington, D.C., firefighters
Washington, George
water supply systems
New York
San Diego County
San Francisco
Weber, Anna
Weiss, Daniel
special training for
See also San Diego County wildfire of 2007
Williams, Robert A.,
Windows on the World restaurant
Witch Fire
Woodson, Mount, tower
World Trade Center
bombing of 1993
construction of
/> as world’s tallest structure
World Trade Center fire of September 11, 2001
damage caused by
deaths and injuries caused by
elevator and sprinkler failures and
escape and rescue attempts and
explosions and
North Tower collapses
North Tower hit by plane
radio communication problems and
rebuilding after
South Tower collapses
South Tower hit by plane
staging area
start of
Yosemite National Park
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Copyright © 2014 by Michael L. Cooper
All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
ISBN 978-0-8050-9714-6
First Edition—2014
eISBN 9781627792073