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Texas Daddy (Sweet Texas Love Book 4)

Page 1

by Shanna Handel

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  EBook Offer

  Texas Daddy

  Sweet Texas Love Book 4

  Shanna Handel

  Blushing Books

  ©2018 by Blushing Books® and Texas Daddy

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Shanna Handel

  Texas Daddy

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-545-1

  Print ISBN: 978-1-61258-589-5

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

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  Ten Years Later

  Buttercup’s eyes roved over the room taking stock of everything that she owned in this world. She had ten minutes, fifteen at most. Then she had to be out of this house, out of this town, out of this life.

  Grabbing the bus pass from the dresser top, Buttercup caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. Purple circles hung like crescent moons under her panicked, green eyes. The pale shade of her skin dramatized the dark rings. Her hair hung down lifelessly around her shoulders the red tint gone from lack of hours in the sun. The sight of her collar bones sticking out disgusted her. When had she become so thin, so—gothic looking?

  Turning away from the mirror she got to work. Kneeling on the floorboards, Buttercup fought with the big green suitcase. Grunting, she pulled it out from under the metal bedframe. The beaten leather now had another long scratch running along its smooth surface, a battle scar from one of her and Tom’s many moves.

  Heaving the heavy suitcase onto the mattress she said to herself, “Think, Buttercup. What can you possibly need from this place?” Nothing. That was the only thing she could think to take. Everything else held memories.

  But she would at least have to have clothing. Throwing open the closet doors Buttercup took down armfuls of the hanging garments, stuffing them into the case. The purple dress Carrie had bought her for Ray’s wedding lay on top. Ten years later it was still her favorite, but the fabric hung limp from her thin frame. Buttercup laughed, bitterly. The entire town of Poke had made it their mission to fatten her up, and now she was much thinner than when she had left a decade ago.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall Buttercup’s heart began to beat against her ribcage. There was not enough time—there may be no time. Buttercup opened the top drawer of the dresser. Digging around until she hit the back of the drawer extracting what she had been searching for.

  The manila envelope that held her personal documents. Stuffing the envelope into the purse that was slung over her shoulder Buttercup turned to the door. A stream of sunlight hit the diamond on the ring finger of her left hand blinding her momentarily with its sparkle. Considering the ring for a moment Buttercup tore it from her finger. The weight of it on her finger wasn’t worth the money it might bring her. She paced back to the dresser leaving the ring on the center of its bare top.

  Leaving the suitcase open on the bed with clothing spilling out, leaving everything, Buttercup walked over the threshold of the bedroom door. There was nothing for her here and if she stayed any longer there might not be anything left of Buttercup.

  But where could she go? Taking one last glance at the purple dress, she grabbed it, shoving it into her purse as she ran from the room.

  Chapter 1

  “I swear if I have to pick up one more sweaty sock I am going to lose my mind,” Jessica yelled from the living room of her Texas ranch. Grabbing the filthy culprit from her five-thousand-dollar cream colored couch she stomped in the direction of the laundry room.

  Rounding the corner while grumbling to herself, Jessica ran smack into the broad chest of her husband. Ray stood looking down at her seemingly amused by her bad mood.

  “I heard you all the way from the back room, Miss Jessica.” Looking down at her hands he said, “All this over one little sock?”

  “It’s not just this sock, Ray. This is the hundredth one I’ve picked up this week. It’s driving me crazy.”

  “Well, what can we expect with three rambunctious boys running around here? I told you I built this big house to fill it with children. And a few extra dirty socks come with the deal.”

  “But I have our anniversary party to prepare for and nothing’s going to get done if I have to spend all of my time picking up dirty laundry. Then Colton and Harry have t-ball, and Evan has a soccer game. And I still have five cakes to bake for the PTA bake sale and my order of ‘support the parks’ tee shirts are running behind and I’ll never get them in time for the Spring Fling. I just can’t keep up with it all.” She threw her hands up in the air.

  Her husband’s warm brown eyes flashed at her knowingly. Raising an eyebrow, he as
ked, “Does someone need a stress relief spanking?”

  Jessica’s temper flared. Wanting to flip her long blonde hair over her shoulder in a sassy retort she stopped herself before she could complete the old habit. Instead, she ran her fingers agitatedly through her chin length locks. Throwing a hand on her hip and with a roll of her eyes, Jessica sassily retorted, “No, someone does not need a stress relief spanking. What I need is a secretary, a chauffeur and a full-time housekeeper. Which I know we can afford but you still refuse to pay for, always telling me ‘the Stevensons can clean their own home’.”

  The warm look was replaced by a flash of anger in Ray’s eyes. “When you come from modest beginnings tucking away every penny you earn, you learn the importance of hard work. And I do as much around this house as you, without any of the grumbling. My offer to give you a stress relief spanking is now revoked, little lady. You just earned yourself a good old-fashioned spanking.” Ray grabbed a firm hold of Jessica’s arm, pulling her into the laundry room and shutting the door behind them.

  His muscles bulged in his shirt as he swiftly bent Jessica right over the top of her front-loading washing machine.

  “Oomph.” Jessica braced herself over the top of the machine as the first hard smack came down onto her jean covered bottom. Glad she still had her pants on, Jessica could tell by the intensity of Ray’s swats that he was not in a playful mood.

  “When you get stressed out you act like you have the right to march around this house, snapping at everyone,” he lectured as he spanked. “Not going to happen in this household, young lady.”

  The spanks were coming hard and fast. Jessica’s skin was starting to burn but it wasn’t quite enough to help her hold her tongue. “I am not snapping. I have every right to be upset about having to pick up everyone’s crap all the damn time,” she huffed.


  “Is that so? And words like, ‘crap’, and ‘damn’, are allowed in this house? I think not.” The spanks came down harder and faster. Ray was covering every inch of her bottom clearly unimpressed by her terrible attitude.

  Jessica, not one to cry, began to sob. Not from the pain, from the feeling of absolutely being overwhelmed by the life she had created. When had her life gotten so hectic? Why had she felt like she needed to volunteer for every event and committee that came up?

  The spanking stopped. Ray’s big hands wrapped around Jessica’s waist. In one fluid move, he had her turned around and sitting on top of the washing machine. Centering himself between her thighs, Ray wrapped his arms around her waist. “Now, that I’ve got your attention let’s talk. I want you to tell me everything you are frustrated about, honey.”

  Sniffling and drying her eyes she asked in a small voice, “Then I won’t get spanked anymore?” The feel of her husband’s rock-hard body between her thighs, his hand gently rubbing her lower back calmed her, melting her tough exterior.

  Holding her chin between his thumb and forefinger his warm eyes locked on hers. “You will most certainly be getting your bottom warmed by me again today. Your attitude has gone from bad to worse and you seem totally out of control. And Daddy knows exactly what it takes to get you back on the right track. But first, I want to know how you’re feeling.” Releasing her chin, he waited patiently for her to speak.

  Giving a heavy sigh, Jessica picked at the buttons of her husband’s shirt. Sitting on top of her washer her husband formed a protective wall around her. The temper had been spanked right out of Jessica. She was finally able to process the emotions she had let control her actions. “I think I just signed up for too much stuff. I can’t keep up with it all, Ray.”

  His voice was soft as he spoke. “I see.”

  “You don’t need to tell me ‘I told you so’, either, Ray Stevenson.”

  Raising a brow to her he said, “Careful there, honey. I did warn you about this.”

  “I know.” Jessica gave a sigh looking down at her husband’s familiar hands that were resting on her upper thighs. His polished silver wedding band sparkled under the light. She ran her fingertips over the cool metal.

  With his fingertip, Ray tilted Jessica’s chin. Her gaze met his. “And what did I say would happen if you overbooked yourself and got feisty with me? Hmm?”

  Wanting to roll her eyes, Jessica somehow found the strength to resist. She did not want to say the humiliating words. Ray waited patiently.


  “I believe the exact words were, ‘young lady, I do believe I’m going to be purchasing a paddle to use on you this spring’.”

  “And you signed this family up for every sport this season, you volunteered to head up the school PTA, and you just joined the Athletic Booster Club for the Town of Poke. Did I miss anything?”

  “The party,” she mumbled.

  Sweetly tucking a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, Ray said, “Ah, yes, the party. Our ten-year anniversary party that you want to throw—putting all other parties in this town to shame. Knowing how much hosting stresses you out, won’t you reconsider and spend a quiet evening out with me? What about Giorgio’s?”

  Giorgio’s would be a romantic choice—it was where they had their first date. It was the place Ray had made her insides turn to a pool of liquid, saying, “I think we both know who the Daddy is here.” But, she wanted the party. Jessica didn’t have a response, so she sat silently on the top of her washing machine while her husband considered her fate.

  A moment later, Ray snapped into decision making mode. Giving her thighs a soft slap with his open palms, he said, “Change of plans for today, hon. All activities have been canceled. I’m calling Wes. I’m sure they can handle the boys for us, today. You and I need a little special Daddy time together.”

  Her eyes widened, and she sat ramrod straight, unable to jump down from her throne as Ray was blocking her way. “No way, Ray. They cannot miss the first game of the season. What would the other moms think if the boys don’t show up on the first day?”

  “Then Wes can take them to the games.” He remained firmly planted.

  “It’s too complicated. There is no way they will be able to get everyone where they need to be, and have all the gear and…”


  The tone of his single command was one Jessica knew well. It was his, ‘Daddy is in charge and unless you want your butt tore up you’d best zip it. Now’. And so, she stopped her rant heaving a great sigh.

  “I will call Wes, pack up the boys myself and take them to go play on the ranch for the day. You know they will be more excited about riding than playing sports anyway. They love athletics, but they are true blue Texans, through and through. My little cowboys love nothing better than to spend the day at The Lonestar Cattle Company soaking up everyone’s attention, riding, and being spoiled to death. They keep the deep freezer at the ranch chock full of homemade pies, cookies and cakes, all ready to be defrosted at the first sign of a little Stevenson boy clomping up the front steps in his muddy cowboy boots.”

  Jessica still found it difficult to relinquish control. “Okay. I’ll start planning the party, then.”


  “Well, then I will get cleaning up this pigsty of a mess. Since I can’t hire someone.”


  Jessica threw up her hands in frustration. “Then what am I going to do, today?

  “The first thing you are going to do is drop this sassy attitude.” His darkened eyes flashed at her in warning. She knew what he needed to hear from her.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. You and I are going on a little shopping excursion.”

  Her mood instantly brightened. Jessica did so love to shop. And loved it even more when Ray took her out, spoiling her and buying her pretty things he loved to see her in. Her mind began to wander to the chic boutiques with the high price tags lining the streets of downtown Clinton. “I can get a dress for the anniversary party.”

  “Guess again.” The look he gave her told her everything she needed
to know. There would be no trying on of pretty dresses, no peeking in windows of home décor stores, no searching for the perfect party decorations. “We are shopping for a paddle to help me keep you in line this spring.”

  Jessica groaned. “You can’t mean it, Ray.”

  “Oh, yes, I can—and I think it’d be best if you called me ‘Daddy’ for this trip, young lady. You seem to need a reminder of who’s in charge around here.”

  Ray grabbed her around the waist once more, lifting her up as if she weighed about as much as a bag of flour, and gently set her on the ground. Opening the door to the laundry room and holding out a hand to gesture for her to exit, he said, “Now git.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Jessica walked out receiving a sharp slap on the rear as she did.

  Chuckling to himself, Ray said, “Hustle up. We don’t want all the paddles to be sold out, now do we?”

  Entering the adult super store reminded Jessica of her earlier dating days. She had been a Dominatrix, playing games and creating scenes at a local BDSM club. Seeing the leather outfits, masks and whips made her cringe to herself. She had changed so much since those days.

  Wild, reckless, partying, drinking, going home with strange guys. The birth of her son, Evan had cured her of that. Ray had come along at the perfect time showing her that she was ready for a different type of love. One, where the man led, and the woman followed. Ray was everything she hadn’t known she needed until he had lovingly shown her. She was a taken in hand woman and loving every minute of it. Well, almost every minute. She would have to see how much this paddle stung.


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