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God's War: A New History of the Crusades

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by Tyerman, Christopher

as part of Great Schism 900–901

  against Hohenstaufen 805–6, 834, 894, 895, 898

  in Hungary (1514) 881–3

  against Hussites 835, 862, 902

  in Italy 835–6, 851, 895, 898–901

  and kingship/nationalism 601, 672–3, 773, 776–7, 783, 794, 813–14, 831, 838, 872, 885, 906–12

  and knowledge of wider world 912–15

  the last (1684–99) 917

  for Latin Constantinople 756, 761–2, 763, 772, 775, 835, 838

  of Louis IX (1248) 93, 604, 630, 648, 722, 770–802

  of Louis IX (1270) 805–12

  to al-Mahdiya (1390) 852–3

  against Markward of Anweiler 500, 516, 894

  mercenaries on 499–500, 514, 531, 542, 743, 763, 802, 832, 878

  of Nicopolis (1396) 836, 847, 851, 852–8

  and Orders of Chivalry 855, 859–61, 878

  against Ottomans 835–8, 843–74


  ‘Peasants” 59, 78–81, 94–106

  as pilgrimage 65–6, 72–4, 172, 175, 375, 384, 396, 421, 440, 610, 687, 752, 782–3, 811

  popular, of 1309 879–80

  privileges and vow redemption 63, 64, 67, 74, 258–60, 274–5, 288, 293, 296, 297, 375, 376, 383, 391, 431, 481–6, 567, 583–5, 607–8, 612–17, 621, 622–3, 652, 655, 664, 666, 668, 671, 682, 685, 690–91, 736, 757–8, 769, 776, 778–9, 834–5, 852, 865, 871, 888, 892, 894, 896, 911

  against Protestants 902–3

  against Russians 756, 835

  scope of 834–8

  Second 8, 28, 93, 105, 167, 189, 199, 216, 245, 260, 268–338, 341, 345, 384, 418, 665

  Shepherds’ (1251) 721, 802–4; (1320) 880–81

  social and civil impact of 607–9, 611, 619–20, 671, 679, 736–8, 758, 775, 802–4, 855, 875–88

  in Spain 168, 258, 263–4, 293, 304–5, 308–17, 341, 488, 585, 608, 652, 660–73, 834, 838

  taxation for 276–7, 297, 298, 381, 389–91, 424, 482, 487, 490, 499–500, 508, 586, 600–601, 617, 631–2, 691, 697, 743, 747, 757, 778–9, 808–9, 814–16, 830, 831, 832, 837, 865, 871, 878, 888, 896, 897, 900, 905

  Third 18, 93, 105, 245, 260, 290, 354, 375–474, 483, 484

  of 1239–41 755–69

  of Varna 847, 862–3

  Venetian (1122–5) 265–6, 515–16

  women and 295, 396–7, 415, 420, 428, 483, 486, 619, 621, 736, 802

  Cyprus 52, 53, 135, 138, 145, 195, 781, 817, 826, 834, 837

  conquest of (1191) 436, 443–6, 448, 473, 532, 535

  Frankish rule in 716–33 passim

  Daimbert, archbishop of Pisa, patriarch of Jerusalem 63, 161, 178, 201

  Damascus 12, 187, 188, 254, 264, 267, 268, 272, 330–35, 344, 346, 353

  Damietta 349, 629–49 passim, 736, 784, 787–9, 792, 794–5, 797

  Danishmends, Turkish tribe 11, 127, 128, 129–30, 173–4, 190, 195, 201

  Dante Inferno 351

  Dartmouth, crusade muster point 295, 296, 298, 299, 308–9, 311, 414, 436, 627

  Demmin 307, 680

  Devol, treaty of (1108) 193–4, 262

  Dhuoda of Septimania 37

  Diego Gelmirez, archbishop of Compostela 263, 664

  Diego, bishop of Osma 581, 615

  Dirgham, Egyptian vizier 347–8

  Dobin 306, 680

  Dobrin (Dobryzn), Knights of 257, 686, 704

  Dolcino, Piedmontese heretic 899

  Domenico Michiel, doge of Venice 265–6

  Dominic Guzman, founder of Dominicans 581, 615

  Dominicans, Order of Preachers 487, 581, 602, 705, 736–7, 756, 775, 777, 811

  Dorylaeum, battle of (1097) 73, 84, 93, 117, 129–30, 140, 148; (1147) 317, 320

  Dream of the Rood, The 39

  Drogo of Nesle 107

  Duqaq of Damascus 128, 138

  Duodechin of Lahnstein 299

  Durazzo (Durres) 12, 108, 112, 113, 115, 118, 193, 262–3, 290, 537

  Dyle, river, battle of 38

  Ecry-sur-Aisne, tournament at (1199) 502–3, 504

  Edessa 59, 126, 129, 145, 149, 158, 189, 202, 330

  principality of 134, 178, 185–9, 190, 331

  fall of (1144) 268–9, 273–5

  Edmund, king of East Anglia, saint 41, 624

  Edmund Crouchback, earl of Lancaster 809, 810, 898

  Edward I, king of England 722, 814, 818, 909

  on crusade 720, 731, 808–10, 812–13

  Edward II, king of England 829–30

  Edward III, king of England 830, 886, 909

  Edward IV, king of England 887

  Edward VI, king of England, Prayer Books of 893, 903

  Egypt, Egyptians 22, 155, 175, 342, 344, 360

  Fatimid caliphate of 1–2, 12, 53, 124, 125–8, 129, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 149, 152, 153, 177, 181, 202, 203, 225, 346–9, 352

  Fifth Crusade and 628–49

  target of crusades 461, 469, 473, 509, 511, 512–13, 515, 521, 524, 540, 542, 551, 648, 789–90, 799–800, 802, 810

  attacked by Louis IX 784–802

  wars over in 1160s 346–9

  Ekkehard of Aura, chronicler 104, 174, 243

  Eleanor, duchess of Aquitaine, queen of France and England 280, 295, 319, 331, 335–6, 442

  Elias of Périgord, Cardinal Talleyrand 832

  Elijigidei, Mongol general 785–6

  Elizabeth I, queen of England 902, 903

  Embriaco, Genoese family, rulers of Gibelet/Jubail 181, 198, 728–9, 732

  Emeric, king of Hungary 510, 527, 626

  Emich, count of Flonheim 80, 95–6, 100–105, 108

  Engelbert of Tournai 155

  England, kingdom of 18–20, 205, 206, 395–7

  English 61, 140, 153, 308–17, 336, 395–6, 623–5, 708–9, 744–5, 786–7, 788, 820

  Enrico Dandolo, doge of Venice 512, 513, 515, 526–33, 542, 550–51, 555

  Ephesus 325–6

  Ephraim, rabbi of Bonn 106, 283–4

  Erard of Valéry, crusader 814

  Erdmann, Carl 35, 68

  Eric I, king of Denmark 251

  Eric IV, king of Denmark 696

  Eric IX, king of Sweden and saint 697, 908

  Eric XI, king of Sweden 697

  Erlembald of Milan 47

  Esbern, brother of Absolon, archbishop of Lund 681

  Eskil, archbishop of Lund 305

  Establissement dou roi Baudoin 206

  Estonia 677, 681, 682, 685, 688–9, 692, 693, 694–6, 698, 705–6

  Etampes, assembly at (1147) 276, 290, 291

  Eugenius III, pope 260, 273–5, 281, 289, 293, 304, 318, 336, 337, 665

  bull Quantum praedecessores 274–5, 278, 285, 296

  Eusebius of Caesarea 33

  Eustace III, count of Boulogne 59, 108–9, 116, 207

  Eustace Garnier, lord of Caesarea and Sidon 220

  Everard III of Le Puiset, viscount of Chartres 249

  Everard of Barres, Templar 327

  Evesham, battle of (1265) 896, 908

  Excalibur, sword 451

  Fakhr al-Din, Egyptian emir and diplomat 745–6, 749, 753, 787–8, 789, 790, 792

  Fellin 685

  Ferdinand I, king of Leon-Castile 658–9

  Ferdinand II, king of Aragon 671, 910, 914

  Ferdinand III, king of Leon-Castile 670, 908

  Field of Blood, battle of (1119) 187, 191, 265, 271, 371

  finance 27, 76, 78, 85–6, 103, 108, 116, 139, 149, 179, 276–7, 290, 297–8, 331, 389–99, 418, 423–4, 432–7, 441, 444, 450, 452, 483, 485, 487, 489–90, 498–9, 503–8, 512–14, 517, 525–8, 533, 540, 546–7, 553, 586, 607, 616–17, 631–2, 722–3, 736, 742–5, 757–8, 763–4, 765, 769, 777–82, 798, 807, 808–9, 813, 828, 899–900

  Finland 685, 697–8

  Firuz of Antioch 114, 142

  Flanders, county of, Flemish 17, 62, 64, 67, 72, 82, 308–17, 453

  Florence, General Council of the Church at (1439) 849–50, 862

  Folkwin, master of Swordbrothers of Livonia 693
  France, kingdom of 15–18, 42

  Francis I, king of France 873

  Francis of Assisi 630, 638

  Franciscans, Order of Friars Minor 487, 705, 756, 777, 826

  Franco, Francisco, General, dictator 673

  Frankfurt, Diet of (1147) 288, 292–3, 304, 305, 489, 679

  Frederick, duke of Swabia 398, 426, 427–30

  Frederick I Barbarossa, duke of Swabia, king of Germany, emperor 245, 288, 293, 335, 342, 377, 389, 394, 397–8, 434, 439, 537

  on Third Crusade 403, 409, 413, 414, 417–28, 430, 431, 550

  Frederick II, king of Germany and Sicily, emperor 493, 606–7, 612, 615, 616, 625, 626, 627, 630, 632, 633, 641, 643, 644, 646, 647–8, 699–700, 704, 716, 724, 725–6, 736, 756, 760, 765, 768, 780, 785, 897–8

  his crusade 736, 738–55

  Frederick III, king of Germany, emperor 865

  Frederick von Hausen 426

  Frisia, Frisians 82, 398, 412, 636

  Froissart, John, poet and chronicler 856, 857

  Fulcher, brother of the vidame of Chartres 95, 109

  Fulcher of Chartres, chronicler 86, 106–7, 134, 161, 177, 181, 202, 214–15, 222, 227, 240, 258

  Fulk, patriarch of Jerusalem 167, 330

  Fulk V, count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem 188, 195, 197, 206–8, 220, 230, 249, 252, 254, 256, 258, 259. 264, 268, 330

  Fulk of Guines 221

  Fulk of Marseilles, bishop of Toulouse 575, 577, 585

  Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou 43, 252

  Fulk of Neuilly, evangelist 497–500, 502, 503–4, 508, 588, 615

  Fulk le Rechin (the Sour), count of Anjou 63, 72

  Gaimar, poet 246

  Galilee, principality of 178, 179, 197, 205, 220, 221, 355

  Gaston, bishop of Cahors 63, 73

  Gaston IV, viscount of Béarn, engineer 155

  Gaza, battle of (1239) 766, 767, 768

  Gelasius II, pope 250

  Genghis Khan 641

  Genoa, Genoese 55, 85, 155, 156, 170, 179–81, 197, 198, 238, 304, 316, 389, 402, 424, 433, 437, 440, 441, 450, 461, 465, 511, 513, 516, 619, 631, 665, 718, 726, 727–8, 738, 780–81, 787, 789, 796, 808, 817, 837, 838, 845, 847, 851, 852–3, 914

  Geoffrey, abbot of Vendôme 64, 74

  Geoffrey, count of Anjou 195, 207

  Geoffrey of Asch 231–2

  Geoffrey Chaucer and his Knight 708, 833, 905

  Geoffrey FitzPeter, English justiciar 395, 485

  Geoffrey of Lusignan 403, 454

  Geoffrey of Monmouth, writer 250

  Historia Regum Brittaniae 250

  Geoffrey of Rancon 294, 295, 326

  Geoffrey of Sergines, bailli of Jerusalem 722, 727

  Geoffrey of Signes 27

  Geoffrey of Thoisy 859, 861

  Geoffrey of Villehardouin, crusader and chronicler 495, 498, 499, 504, 505, 510–11, 514, 516, 517–20, 525–33, 535, 542–3, 551–2, 556

  George, count of Weid 627–8

  George Brancovic, ruler of Serbia 862

  George Dozsa, crusader rebel 882

  Gerald of Nazareth, bishop of Lattakiah, writer 231, 236

  Gerald of Wales 385–8, 395, 396, 479

  Journey through Wales 385 et seq. Gerard of Avesnes 221

  Gerard of Ridefort, master of Templars 359, 367, 371, 405, 411

  Gerhoh of Reichersberg, chronicler 247

  Gerold, patriarch of Jerusalem 747, 750, 752, 754

  Gervase, sacrist of Canterbury, chronicler 393, 434

  Gesta Francorum, account of First Crusade 244–5, 246

  author of 92

  Geza, king of Hungary 289, 318, 321

  Ghibellines 898

  see also Guelph

  Ghillebert de Lannoy, courtier and spy 859, 860

  Gibbon, Edward 846

  Gil Albornoz, legate 900

  Gilbert of Garlande 107

  Gilbert of Hastings, bishop of Lisbon 316

  Gilbert of Mons, chronicler 473

  Gilbert of Tournai, OFM 815

  Gisors, crusade meeting at (1188) 377–8, 381, 392, 394, 397, 409, 431

  God, Peace and Truce of 43–4, 48, 56, 64, 613, 660

  Godehilde of Tosni 109, 202

  Godfrey, bishop of Würzburg 377, 383, 386

  Godfrey of Bouillon, duke of Lower Lorraine 48, 59, 60, 77, 78, 94, 103, 108–10, 111, 113, 114–15, 119, 130, 131, 137, 142, 150–52, 155–7, 159–62, 168, 178, 201, 202, 216, 221, 232, 308, 716, 826, 845, 887

  Godfrey of Esch 109

  Godfrey of Lower Lorraine 48

  Godfrey of St Omer, founder of Templars 254

  Godfrey Burel of Etampes 94–5, 97, 99

  Godfrey de la Roche, bishop of Langres 277, 295, 297, 322, 323

  Godric of Finchale, hermit 259

  Golden Fleece, Order of 859–61

  goose, from Cambrai, crusade leader 88

  Gormond, patriarch of Jerusalem 214, 515–16

  Gottschalk, crusade leader 80, 95, 96, 99

  Göttweig, abbey of 32

  Granada, capture of (1492) 655, 672, 910

  Gratian of Bologna, Decretum of 258

  Gregory I, pope 28

  Gregory III, pope 5

  Gregory IV, Armenian Catholicos 420–21

  Gregory VII, pope 7–8, 44, 47–50, 55, 56, 61, 67, 73, 75, 126, 569, 571, 659, 660

  his Militia Sancti Petri 47, 48

  plan to help Byzantium 49–50, 74

  Gregory VIII, pope 374, 380, 482

  bull Audita Tremendi (1187) 374, 375–7, 380, 386, 391, 392, 484

  Gregory IX, pope 620, 648, 688, 700, 736, 739–40, 747, 755, 756–8, 760–62, 769, 835, 897

  Gregory X, pope 706, 721, 722, 812–13, 814–16, 905

  Gregory XI, pope 889, 905

  Guelph 898

  see also Ghibellines

  Guibert of Nogent, writer 85, 86, 88, 92, 93, 96, 214, 243, 245, 246

  Guigo, abbot of Chartreuse 255–6

  Guillaume Dufay, composer 860

  Guillaume de Machaut, poet and musician 833

  Guillaume le Veneur 259

  Guillermus of Cormery, expatriate chaplain 83

  Gunther of Pairis, writer 245, 479, 498, 532, 540, 557

  Guy, abbot of Les Vaux de Cernay 503, 529, 532, 542, 584, 586

  Guy of Beirut 334

  Guy of Florence, cardinal of St Grisogono 295

  Guy of Hauteville 77, 114

  Guy of Lusignan, king of Jerusalem 209, 211, 354, 359–72, 405–11, 415, 416, 429, 444, 450, 454, 457, 460, 465, 490

  Guy of Signes 27

  Guy of Vigevano, doctor, slug recipe of 828

  Guyuk, Mongol Khan 785–6

  Hadrian IV, pope 336, 481

  Haifa 153, 179, 511

  al-Hakim, mad caliph of Egypt 55

  Hamdan ibn Abd al-Rahmin, doctor and chronicler 192

  Hamo l’Estrange, lord of Beirut 728–9

  Hanbali, Muslim sect of 229, 270

  Harald Hardrada, king of Norway 19, 20

  Harold II, king of England 19, 44, 459

  Harold Bluetooth, king of Denmark 19

  Harran, siege of (1104) 186, 190

  Hartmann, count of Dillingen-Kybourg 80

  Hartwig II, archbishop of Bremen 488, 491, 689–90

  Hastings, battle of (1066) 45, 67, 75

  Hasunan, Kurdish knight 230

  Hattin, battle of (1187) 158, 179, 342, 351, 353, 354, 356, 368–74

  Hayton, Armenian prince and writer 913

  Heliand, The 39

  Helmold of Bosau, chronicler 304, 306, 307, 337–8, 679, 682

  Henry, bishop of Strassburg 377, 398

  Henry, count of Malta 625, 647

  Henry, prince of the Abotrites 678

  Henry I, duke of Brabant 491–2

  Henry I, king of Cyprus 727, 748

  Henry I, king of England 195, 207, 247, 249–50, 252, 262

  Henry I, king of France 10

  Henry II, count of Bar 759, 761, 762, 765–6

  Henry II, count of Champagne, ruler of Jerusalem 416, 428, 432, 457, 464, 466–70, 492, 505, 723, 724, 761

  Henry II, king of Cyprus, I, king of Jerusalem 732, 818, 820–21

  Henry II, king of England 18, 205, 209, 234, 252, 342, 356, 361, 376–8, 380–82, 390, 393, 394–5, 397, 419, 434–5, 453

  Henry II, king France 902

  Henry II, king of Germany, emperor, saint 10, 289

  Henry III, king of England 351, 600, 603, 623, 737–8, 744, 753, 755, 773, 774, 800, 807, 809, 813, 895–6, 898

  Henry III, king of Germany, emperor 6

  Henry III, duke of Limburg 397

  Henry IV, king of England 708–9, 851

  Henry IV, king of France 910

  Henry IV, king of Germany, emperor 6, 7, 47, 48, 62, 69, 105, 109

  Jerusalem plan of 246, 251–2, 677

  Henry IV, duke of Limburg 744, 747–8

  Henry V, king of England 456, 859, 912

  Henry VI, king of England 844

  Henry VI, king of Germany, emperor 392–3, 417, 418, 423–4, 441–2, 472, 489–94, 495, 509, 537, 539, 699, 716, 724, 740, 742

  Henry VII, king of Germany, emperor 899

  Henry VIII, king of England 901, 902, 903

  Henry of Albano, cardinal 376–7, 379, 380, 381, 386–7, 417, 420

  Henry Despenser, bishop of Norwich 892

  his crusade 900–901

  Henry of Esch 109

  Henry of Hainault-Flanders, emperor of Constantinople 505, 547

  Henry Jasomirgott, duke of Bavaria 288, 293

  Henry Knighton, chronicler 909, 911

  Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony 218, 259, 292, 306, 341, 378, 393, 394, 418, 419, 679, 680, 682, 683

  Henry of Livonia, chronicler 686

  Henry Marcy, abbot of Cîteaux 580–81

  Henry the Monk, donatist heretic 580

  Henry the Navigator, prince of Portugal 672

  Heraclea (Ereghli) 131, 174, 175

  Heraclius, Byzantine emperor 35, 52, 58, 379, 887

  Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem 216, 218, 342, 357, 361, 363–4, 365, 372, 382, 417, 429

  Herluin, interpreter 146

  Hermann ‘quondam Judeus’, né Judas Levi of Cologne, convert 286

  Hermann of Salza, master of the Teutonic Knights 699–701, 743, 747, 753, 839

  Hervé, count of Nevers 587–9, 593

  Hervey of Glanvill 309, 312

  Hildegard, abbess of Bingen 341

  Hitler, Adolf 689

  Hodierna of Jerusalem, countess of Tripoli 199, 200

  Hohenstaufen dynasty and crusade 606–7

  Holy Blood, for women 621

  Holy Fire, ritual of 231

  Holy Lance, the 93, 144–5, 146, 160, 173–4

  Holy Sepulchre, priory and canons of 221–2, 223–4, 253, 355, 665

  Homs 188, 198, 331


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