Montferrand (Ba ‘rin) 188, 197, 198
Montfort (Galilee), Teutonic Knights’ HQ 748, 754
Montgisard, battle of (1177) 352, 353, 360, 363
Montréal (Shawbak) 203, 224, 239–40, 372, 403, 404, 405, 639
Frankish widow of 240, 404
Montségur, massacre at (1244) 603
Morphia of Melitene 186
Mosul 12, 187, 344, 352, 353, 362, 364
motives 84–9, 163–4, 168, 171–2, 262, 266, 398, 502, 504–5, 506–7, 603, 680, 685–9, 691, 707, 709, 711–12, 759, 769, 772, 782, 795, 800, 809, 883–4
Mount Pilgrim (Qal’at Sanjil) 196
Mount Tabor 362–3, 612, 628
al-Mu ‘azzam, ruler of Damascus 612, 628, 636–7, 645, 746, 748, 749
al-Mu ‘azzam Turanshah, sultan of Egypt 789, 790, 794–7
Muhammed, prophet 51, 362
Muhammed, Seljuk prince 128
Muhammed, sultan of Baghdad 270–71, 272
al-Muqtadi, caliph of Baghdad 128
Murad II, Ottoman sultan 844, 846, 862–3
Muret, battle of (1213) 587, 594, 595, 669
Muslim converts to Christianity 228, 638–9, 656, 670, 811, 815
vice versa 788
al-Mustansir, caliph of Egypt 128
Myriokephalon, battle of (1176) 342, 535
Nablus 224, 229–30
council of (1120) 206, 226, 254
assembly of (1167) 355
assembly at (1186) 365
Naim al-Din Ayyub 188, 350
Napoleon Bonaparte 802
Narbonne, council of (1054) 43
Naser-e Khosraw, Persian traveller 81
al-Nasir, caliph of Baghdad 353
al-Nasir Dawd, ruler of Damascus and Kerak 749, 764–9
Nicaea 11, 59, 75, 98, 113, 121, 124, 129, 135, 142, 317, 320, 321
Nicephoras Phocas, Byzantine emperor 53
Nicetas, Cathar leader 574, 579
Nicetas Choniates, civil servant and historian 423, 425, 514, 515, 536, 537, 546, 553
Nicholas, leader at Cologne of Children’s Crusade 610–11
Nicholas II, pope 14
Nicholas IV, pope 829, 840, 905
Nicholas V, pope 863, 865, 866
Nicholas Kannovos, Byzantine emperor 549
Nicholas Mesarites 553
Nicholas Sabraham 885–6
Nicomedia 82, 83, 173, 174, 323
Nicopolis, battle of (1396) 836, 837, 843, 847, 856–7
Niklot, prince of the Abotrites 305–7, 678–80, 683
Nîmes, Council of 74
Nivelo of Fréteval 86
Nivelo, bishop of Soissons 519, 553, 557
Nizam al-Mulk, vizier of Baghdad 127, 128
Norman conquest of England 17, 19, 44–5, 46, 48, 218
Normans in Greek service 77, 82, 108, 113–14, 116, 193–4, 262, 534
Normans in Italy and Sicily 11–12, 13–15, 46, 54, 55, 119
numbers on crusade 77, 79, 83–4, 89, 97, 112, 117, 124, 130, 134, 143, 153, 160, 179, 308, 317, 333, 374, 389–90, 398, 413, 416, 418, 433, 434, 435–6, 441, 443, 449, 472, 497, 512–14, 520–21, 525, 531, 533, 554, 621, 626–7, 635, 638, 707–8, 743, 745, 746, 747–8, 764, 775, 781, 782, 786–7, 808–10, 813, 815–16, 832, 852–3, 854–6, 867
Nur al-Din, ruler of Aleppo and Damascus 189, 193, 195, 198, 199–200, 203, 225, 268, 270, 271, 273, 330, 331, 332, 333, 343–53
al-Aqsa minbar of 345, 353
Odard, pilgrim 81
Odo, abbot of Cluny, Vita Geraldi Comitis Aurillac 41, 43
Odo, bishop of Bayeux 76, 117
Odo, duke of Burgundy 171
Odo III, duke of Burgundy 584, 587–9, 593, 622
Odo of Châteauroux, cardinal and legate 773–4, 776, 778
Odo of Deuil, chronicler 291, 295, 318, 321, 322, 325, 326, 328
Odo of St Maur-les-Fosses 42, 43
Oliver de la Marche 860–61
Oliver of Paderborn 618–19, 621, 633, 634, 638, 640, 647, 736
Oliver of Termes, Cathar sympathizer, crusader 604, 722, 774
Orderic Vitalis, chronicler 48, 214, 249–50
Ordinatio de predicatione Sancti Crucis in Angliae 387–8, 620–21
Origen of Alexandria 29, 32
Orkhan, Ottoman sultan 843, 846, 851
Osbert ‘Anglicus’ 316
Osman (Uthman), founder of the Ottoman dynasty 843
Oswald, king of Northumbria 36, 40, 41
Otho of Trazegnies 389
Othon of Grandson, Savoyard crusader 817, 820
Otto, bishop of Bamberg 678
Otto, bishop of Freising, writer 274, 278, 282–3, 287, 293, 294, 297, 304, 320, 324, 326, 328, 329, 330, 335, 336–7, 680
Otto I, king of Germany, emperor 5, 8–9, 40
Otto IV, king of Germany, emperor 582, 589, 595, 612, 619
Ottokar II, king of Bohemia 702, 704, 815
Ottoman Turks, empire of 560, 711, 826, 828–9, 834, 836–7, 843–74 passim
Oultrejourdain, lordship in Transjordan 203, 205
in twelfth century: culture of 233–9; physical characteristics 176–8; settlement in 219–25; society of 212–40
in thirteenth century 715–33; extent of 721
Pannonhalma, massacre at (1096) 95
Palestine, partition of 152
paratge 577–8
crusade assembly at (1188) 378, 381, 387, 389, 391, 392, 485
siege of 885/6 38
Treaty of (1229) 566, 601–2
Paschal II, pope 72, 75, 170–71, 248, 249, 261, 664
Paschia de Riveri, patriarchal mistress 229
Paul, saint 30, 32, 36, 250
Paul III, pope 873, 893
Paul IV, pope 902
Paul V, pope 874
Paul Vladimiri, Polish advocate 710
Pechenegs 11–12, 61, 115
Pelagius, cardinal and legate 630–49
passim, 740
Pelayo, legendary king of the Asturias 656
Pelekanum 121, 124
Persia, Il-Khanate of 715
Peter I, king of Aragon 659, 662
Peter I, king of Cyprus 831–4, 843, 886
Peter II, king of Aragon 582, 587, 593, 594–5, 596–8, 612, 668–9
Peter III, king of Aragon 898
Peter of Alipha (or Aups) 113–14, 132
Peter Bartholomew, visionary 143–6, 152, 160
Peter of Blois 379–80, 381, 387
Peter of Bruys, heretic 580
Peter of Capuano, legate 495–6, 503, 524, 525, 528, 530, 539, 556
Peter of Castelnau, legate 581, 582
Peter Damian 70
Peter Desiderius 146, 156
Peter Garcias, heretic 567
Peter the Hermit 59, 60, 61, 71, 78–81, 83, 92, 94–100, 106, 108, 109, 138, 146, 156, 160, 282, 497
Peter of Les Vaux-de-Cernay 586
Peter Mauclerc, count of Brittany 759, 761, 762, 765, 775, 793
Peter of Montague, master of the Templars 633, 647
Peter Pitoes, bishop of Oporto 310–11, 312, 314
Peter Raymond of Hautpol 145
Peter des Roches, bishop of Winchester 624, 648, 736–7, 743, 744–5, 748, 752, 753, 759
Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny 245, 283
Petra 203
Pheasant, Feast and Vow of 860–61
Philaretus Brachamius of Antioch 134
Philip, bishop of Beauvais 412, 429, 466, 584, 586
Philip, duke of Swabia, king of Germany 519, 520, 538–40, 690
Philip I, the Fat, king of France 11, 62, 107, 192
Philip II, king of France 18, 252, 342, 377–8, 389–90, 391, 393, 394, 397, 470, 484, 496, 502, 508, 513, 518–19, 576, 582, 587–9, 595, 599, 604, 613, 615, 617, 622–3, 736
on the Third Crusade 403, 418, 424, 430–43, 448–55
Philip II, king of Spain 671, 902, 910
Philip III, king of France 812, 816, 818, 898–9<
br />
Philip IV, king of France 706, 743, 829–30, 841, 879, 899
Philip V, king of France 830, 835, 880–81
Philip VI, king of France 881
crusade plan of 830–31
Philip of Alsace, count of Flanders 218, 341, 360, 378, 397, 437, 440, 443, 450, 453
Philip of Aubigny 624–5, 745
Philip Basset of Postwick 297
Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy 854
Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy 828, 858–61, 865–6, 870–71, 883
Philip of Mézières, chancellor of Cyprus and propagandist 827–8, 831, 832–3, 854, 857–8, 887, 891, 905
Order of the Passion of 854, 875
Epistre Lamentable 857–8
Philip of Montfort, lord of Tyre 725, 726–7, 728, 796
Philip of Novara, chronicler and legist 729, 730
Philip of Oxford, academic and preacher 623
Philomelium 147
Piacenza, council of (1095) 61–2, 82
Pierre Dubois, writer and polemicist 913–14
Pierre de Thomas, legate 832–3
pilgrimage 43, 54–55, 56, 65–6, 68–70, 72–4, 81–2, 116, 167, 169, 180, 217–18, 221, 247, 251–3, 259, 330, 396, 558, 708, 884, 913
Pilgrimage of Grace (1536) 903
Pippin, king of Italy 37
Pisa, Pisans 54, 55, 178, 179–80, 201, 402, 407, 424, 449, 450, 461, 465, 511, 514, 516, 631, 718, 727, 789, 796, 817, 820
Council of (1135) 248
Pius II, pope 829, 837, 844, 860, 864, 867, 870–71, 893, 908
Pius V, pope 902
Plaisance, queen of Cyprus 728
Poitiers 74
battle of (732) 52; (1356) 909
Poland, kingdom of 9–10
Pons, count of Tripoli 197, 207
poulains, pullani (i.e. Outremer Franks) 216, 717
preaching 64–6, 71, 74–5, 76, 79–80, 170, 245, 246, 278–84, 287–8, 311, 376–89, 477–88, 490, 495, 497–9, 503–4, 568–9, 584–5, 588, 607, 608, 610, 615, 618–23, 690, 705, 736–7, 744, 756, 773–5, 810, 814–15, 832, 867–8, 871, 891
Prester John 641, 642
Pribislav of Lübeck 682, 683
Pribislav of Mecklenberg 683
prophecy 31, 288, 619, 641–3, 909–10, 914
Protestants 873, 893
Prussia 677, 685, 687, 688–9, 694, 698–705, 710–11, 756
Qaqun (Caco), administration of 233–4
Qutb al-Din of Rum 426–7
Rachel of Mainz 102
Radulf (or Raoul or Rudolph), Cistercian demagogue 282–6, 311
Raimbold Croton 87, 156, 249
Rainald Masoir, Antiochene noble 191–2
Rainaldo, crusade commander 98
Rainier Sacconi 573
Ralph of Caen, biographer 87
Ralph of Domfront, patriarch of Jerusalem 193
Ralph Glaber, chronicler 55, 56, 657
Ralph Hauterive, archdeacon of Colchester 432
Ralph Niger, writer 216, 382, 390
Ralph of Tiberias 429, 493
Ramla 117, 153, 160, 219, 224, 463, 807
battle of (1102) 87, 175
Ramon Berenguer I, count of Barcelona 658, 660
Ranieri of Pisa, saint and messiah 219
Ranulf Glanvill, justiciar 386, 395, 428, 433, 435, 438, 441
Raol, chaplain, author of De expugnatione Lyxbonensi 27, 312, 314, 316, 317
Rashid al-Din Sinan, ‘Old Man of the Mountains’, Assassin 199, 352, 466
Ratibor of Pomerania 307
Raymond II, count of Tripoli 197–200, 330, 331, 346
Raymond III, count of Tripoli 197, 198, 199, 200, 234, 348, 354, 358–69, 407
Raymond IV, count of Toulouse 31, 48, 59, 63, 66, 94, 111, 113, 114–16, 120–21, 130, 131, 137, 139, 141, 142, 144–5, 148, 149–61, 173–4, 175, 190, 196, 197, 580, 661
Raymond V, count of Toulouse 397, 579, 580, 605
Raymond VI, count of Toulouse 566, 581, 582–600, 605, 616
Raymond VII, count of Toulouse 599–604, 773, 774, 775, 781
Raymond of Aguilers, chronicler 31, 60, 92, 115, 145, 156, 157
Raymond Pilet of Alès 85
Raymond of Poitiers, prince of Antioch 188, 189, 194, 195, 196, 207, 220, 236, 273, 274, 319, 323, 329, 331, 334, 344, 346
Raymond Roger, count of Foix 579, 596, 598–9
Raymond Roger Trencavel, viscount of Béziers, Cracassonne, etc. 576, 579, 589–90, 593
Raymond Roupen, failed prince of Antioch 644, 723
Raymond of Trencavel, viscount of Béziers, Carcassonne, etc. 600, 601, 604
Rebecca of Cologne 102
Reconquest (reconquista) in Spain 13, 54–5, 652–73
recruitment 77–8, 80, 83–4, 87–9, 92–3, 94–6, 106–8, 112, 115, 139, 170–72, 262, 264, 280, 288–301, 305–10, 377, 382, 389–99, 432–3, 437–8, 483–4, 490–92, 497, 502–8, 587–9, 595–6, 607, 610, 618–28, 668, 685, 690, 700–701, 703–4, 707, 710, 736–7, 738, 743–4, 747, 758–60, 773–6, 808–9, 832, 852–3, 855, 867–8
Reiner von Sleiden 297
relics 69, 167–8, 173, 217–18, 266, 278, 291–2, 371, 384, 511–12, 553, 556–8, 605, 762, 783, 808, 879
Renier of Montferrat 517
Reval (Tallinin) 692, 692, 695–6, 698
Reynald of Broyes of Epernay 95, 99
Reynald of Châtillon, prince of Antioch, lord of Oultrejourdain 193, 194, 195, 196, 346, 358–62, 365–72, 380, 405, 407
Reynald Grenier, lord of Sidon 234–5, 358, 371, 404–5, 461, 463
Rhodes 138, 706, 884
see also Hospitallers
siege of (1480) 837, 872; Caoursin’s account of 887
fall of (1522) 844
Richard, abbot of St Vanne 70
Richard, count of Aversa 14
Richard, earl of Cornwall 717, 762–3, 802
crusade of 757–8, 759–60, 763–4, 767–9
Richard I, king of England 18, 234, 290, 351, 374, 376, 377, 389–90, 393, 394–5, 397, 484, 496, 497, 502, 504, 613, 641, 738, 749, 750, 768, 781, 886
on the Third Crusade 403, 430–74
Richard II, king of England 854, 856
Richard Filangieri, imperial agent 725–6, 747, 765
Richard FitzNeal, bishop of London 430
Richard of Salerno (of the Principate) 112, 186, 221
Ridwan of Aleppo 128, 134, 137, 140, 261
Riga 686, 687, 691, 706
Robert I, Count of Artois 772, 788–9, 792–4, 799, 800
Robert I, count of Dreux 280, 295, 432
Robert I, count of Flanders 82, 116
Robert I, duke of Normandy 116, 252
Robert II, count of Dreux 432
Robert II, count of Flanders 59, 72, 82, 106, 114–15, 116–18, 119, 130, 138, 142, 150–52, 155, 157, 161, 248, 505
Robert II Curthose, duke of Normandy 59, 76, 82–3, 106, 114, 115, 116–18, 130, 149–50, 155, 157, 161, 246, 249, 262
Robert of Ansa 112
Robert of Arbrissel 70
Robert of Boves 528
Robert the Bugger (le Bougre) 573
Robert of Clari, knight and chronicler 498, 499, 505, 511, 513, 514, 525–33, 540, 546, 552, 554, 556, 557
Robert of Cokefield 390
Robert of Courçon (Curzon) 584, 613, 620, 621, 622–3
Robert FitzFulk, the Leper, Antiochene noble 191, 230
Robert FitzGerald 112
Robert FitzTristan 112
Robert Guiscard, ruler of southern Italy 11–12, 14, 20, 54, 112, 204, 537
Robert of Rheims, chronicler 86, 93
Historia 245, 418
Robert of Rouen, bishop of Ramla 117
Robert of Sourdeval 112
Rodrigo, last Visigothic king of Spain 653
Rodrigo Diaz, el Cid 20, 126, 204, 659, 663
Poema de Mio Cid 663
Roger, count of Foix 81
Roger Bacon, Oxford don 688
Roger of Barneville 116
oger Borsa, count of Apulia 77, 112, 117
Roger, son of Dagobert 113, 114
Roger I, count of Sicily 14, 48, 55, 117
Roger II count and king of Sicily 14–15, 194–5, 248, 274, 289–91, 296, 319, 322, 324, 326, 537, 660
Roger Flor, Catalan Templar privateer 821
Catalan Company of 850
Roger of Howden, chronicler, crusader, civil servant 388, 390, 395, 433, 434, 435, 452
Roger of Moulins, master of Hospitallers 367
Roger of Mowbray 296
Roger of Salerno, prince of Antioch 187, 191, 192, 194, 196, 221, 265, 271
Roger of San Severino, Angevin bailli 731
Roger of Wendover, chronicler 721, 745
Romania, Frankish Greece 554–60, 848
Romanus IV Diogenes, Byzantine emperor 11, 96, 127
Rommersdorf, abbot of, letterbook of 615
Roncevalles, battle at 654
see also Song of Roland
Rorgo Fretel of Nazareth 169
Rouen 71, 100, 104
Roussel of Bailleul, mercenary 82
Ruad, island of 352, 732
Rudiger, bishop of Speyer 101
Rudolf of Habsburg, king of Germany 704, 816
Rügen, Rugeners 306, 678, 682, 683, 684
Rum, Seljuk sultan, sultanate of 12, 98–9, 118, 124, 127, 128–9, 173–5, 319, 322, 342, 354, 418, 422, 426, 534, 629, 636, 843, 848
Runciman, Steven 28–9, 101, 406, 495, 558, 560
Russia, Rus (Novgorod), principality of 10–11, 681, 684, 693–4, 696–8, 701–2, 710–11, 756
Ruthard, archbishop of Mainz 102
Saher of Achel 296, 309
St Benet Holme, abbey of 297
St Denis, abbey of 117, 289, 291–2, 440, 585, 610, 783, 811
St Edward, Order of 722
St Félix de Caraman, Cathar assembly at 574
St Germain, abbot of 38
St Mary, Hospital of, Jerusalem 221
St Mary, interfaith shrine at Saidnaya of 719
St Sabas, War of 727–8
St Symeon, Syrian port 135–6, 138, 140, 329
St Thomas of Acre, Order of 257, 745, 908
see also Thomas Becket
St Victor of Marseilles, abbey of 27
Saladin, Yusuf ibn Ayyub, sultan of Egypt and Syria 20, 158, 179, 200, 204, 211, 212, 225, 227, 235, 239, 343, 345, 347–54, 362–4, 366–74, 379, 492, 715
and jihad 21, 345, 352–3, 366, 403, 414
legend of 350–51
and Third Crusade 402–17, 418, 419, 420–21, 422, 425, 427, 443, 446–73
Saladin Tithe, the 381, 389–91, 393, 394, 431, 433–4, 437, 484
al-Salih Ayyub, sultan of Egypt 764, 766–9, 771, 784, 787–90
al-Salih Isma ‘il, ruler of Damascus 764, 766–7
Salimbene of Adam, OFM 816
Samaritans, sect of 213, 229
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