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Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1)

Page 9

by R M Taylor

  They pulled up to the hotel and she looked around before opening the door, seeing no-one who looked like the scary guys in the woods, she got out. After paying and saying goodbye to the cabbie, she pulled her suitcase into the hotel, and headed to the desk.

  “Hi, I need a room, something very private and secure please” Lucy asked, then saying as the receptionist looked mildly surprised. “I am a light sleeper, and I am a writer, I need quiet and space from people. Do you have a suite or penthouse?” Lucy lied to the receptionist seamlessly.

  She knew it was a 5* hotel, but small, so maybe a suite or penthouse was pushing it. Suites and penthouses tended to be a bit quieter and more secure, which was the only reason she was interested in it, she would happily hide away in squalor at this point if it meant she was 100% safe.

  “We have a large 2 or 3-bedroom suite available but our 2 penthouse suites are already occupied, there are only 4 suites on the 16th floor and only one other occupied so it should be very quiet for you?” He said.

  “Excellent, I will take the 2 bed please” She smiled and took the forms off the receptionist. Lucy dutifully filled in paperwork and handed her card over. When she received her key card, she headed to the elevator. Scouring the lobby, she looked for anyone she recognised. There were very few people, but she had to pay close attention to faces. She stared at the elevator doors, and her reflection stared back. She looked bewildered and alarmed, rabbit caught in headlights kind of look on her face, not surprisingly. She took a deep breath and when the doors opened, she exited the elevator and looked for the suite. It was to the left of the spacious lobby. When she finally opened her suite, she dumped her case and bags in the first bedroom she came to. After stripping off her damp sweaty clothes she dragged herself on top of the beautifully made bed, very glad to be off her feet. She lay there naked, enjoying the cool air, listening to her own breathing.

  After a while she started to relax, then realised she didn’t finish the conversation with Aris. She dug her phone out and looked at the messages. One from Aris.

  Sounds good, let me know when you’re free

  She mulled over options while opening her email, she pulled up David’s email address and sent him a long email asking for more information, explaining what had happened earlier and that she needed to know how much danger she was in. Would he even email back? It wasn’t his problem now was it? She had to try, and again she knew that answers were in that big book in her bag. She needed to read it, needed to translate it or get an interpreter to translate it. She had to know more, had to find out what the hell was going on and who wanted her dead. She was suddenly starving and needed a bath to relax. She had a date to get ready for, and she wondered if prioritising a date was a sign of mental instability.

  This was the worst time to be going on a date, Aris could be involved. Her gut told her he wasn’t, but she had missed Althea and Connor, so she could be wrong about Aris. It had dented her pride, missing so much. She was meant to be so talented and able yet couldn’t spot deception from her boyfriend. She had deliberately blocked him due to how painful it had gotten, but even when she wasn’t sensing someone actively, she should have picked up on this surely? They were avoiding each other in the end, and so many times he slept on the sofa having “fallen asleep” while watching TV. Now she knew it wasn’t just to avoid her, it was to keep distance, so she wouldn’t pick up on anything. Why didn’t he just end things before she did? Was it fear that kept him from ending it? Did they think she would be furious and harm them if they came clean? It was baffling to her, because under different circumstances she would be happy for them. Maybe not right away, a woman is only human, but eventually. Her phone pinged with a notification. It was her email, David had replied! Relieved, she opened the email and read it quickly.


  I am terribly sorry this has happened. I had hoped so much that the death of your grandmother would signal the end of the danger. I was being watched constantly when we last met, and even my staff could not be trusted, so I could not explain adequately. I was sure one of them was working for him. I cannot explain via email, as it likely is still being monitored despite my measures. Be very careful, stay in crowds and go nowhere alone. Do not see your friends as they could be used to coerce you. It is safer to stay away from them for now until you know more. It would be wise to stop using electronics that can trace you. Withdraw cash from the bank, cards can be traced. Get a new phone, a throw away disposable one.

  I am not technically minded, but these measures will help. You do need to trust someone who will help you, someone strong enough who can defend themselves. I will consider options and in the meantime, we can communicate via this email for now. I have been reassured it is secure by someone talented in such matters, but I still distrust it. Too much has happened that I cannot believe anything is safe, I cannot trust. Even the authorities were useless when I asked for their help when your grandmother died. I firmly believe they are corrupt and in league with our enemies. You need to be very careful, there is so much to tell you that I did not want to say last year, I did not want to frighten you needlessly and I am aware I am more than a little paranoid. Even I do not know everything, your grandmother was not the sort to share details, so I know only what I have witnessed myself and the information she left in her histories and her letter to me. I will meet you tomorrow, we can discuss things properly. There is a church next to the lake in Mathis and Mather Park, we could meet there at 1pm tomorrow?

  Best Regards


  Thank goodness he replied, she was so relieved and no longer felt alone or like she was going crazy and unnecessarily paranoid. He said the danger was real, she was right to be afraid. She was right to keep her friends out of it. He was also right in saying she needed to trust someone. Someone strong and able to defend themselves as well as her? Like Aris? That was a new kind of weird, and she would normally think it was rude and odd and under no circumstances would she ask for help, especially not off someone she had known only a day. What kind of crazy ass female would approach a man like Aris and ask for help only weeks after meeting him? Ah, that would be her.

  Chapter 19

  Aris had a shitty night sleep, or day’s sleep as is the case with him. He finally drifted off around noon, and then was woken by someone banging at his door. He answered and found Isobel stood with arms crossed, scowl on her face as usual. He used to think she was beautiful, but the bitterness seemed to have distorted her now, she had permanent “bitch face” these days.

  “Isobel, is Isla ok?” He asked.

  “She’s fine, I’m here to talk to you about something else, can I come in?” Isobel smiled, and for a second, he debated whether to say yes or not. He really could do without her drama.

  “Sure, come in” Aris opened the door wider to let her in. He then went back to his room to put on a t shirt, being in just pj bottoms made him feel uncomfortable around her. Returning to the lounge, he gestured to the seats and sat in the arm chair, so she couldn’t sit next to him. She was like that, always extending the intimacy, or trying to.

  “So, what’s up Isobel?” he asked.

  “I have a proposal for you. I know you will likely say no, but I thought I would ask regardless.” Isobel looked at him nervously.

  “Ok, out with-it Isobel” His suspicion leaked into his words. He did not like games.

  “I want another child. I feel ready, and since Isla is so wonderful, I would like to know if you would father another child with me. I know we do not get along well, so it would be an arrangement, I could pay you if needed, we would co-parent as we have with Isla. I know you will likely reject the idea but please think about it, it was not always bad with us, Aris. We had good times, and I still believe we could have worked things out. That being said….” Aris cut her off mid-sentence, trying not to show his outrage in his response.

  “Isobel, I have no intention of having any more children. Not now, not ever. I’m afraid you will have to find anoth
er guy to help” Aris could not have been more surprised or repulsed to be honest. He would never regret being with Isobel, as he had Isla and she was the most wonderful person in the world. But the idea of another child, another tie to her, and more drama was distasteful and honestly horrifying. He would rather staple his balls to a chair than have sex with her again. He was sure she would suggest a medical alternative, and he already had an answer ready for that too. Plus, she was not aware of the issues with the other coven yet, there would be no planning babies for anyone until that issue was sorted.

  Isobel’s face was unreadable as she considered his words. She stared down at the floor, obviously thinking.

  “You owe me Aris. You refused to wed me, so I may as well have another child since my reputation is already ruined. I am lonely, I want a child, Isla distances herself from me these days, she is too busy learning her craft. She is already grown now Aris, she is strong willed and independent. She has no need of her mother now. Please Aris, I need this” Isobel looked close to tears as she almost begged him.

  “Isobel, I can’t. I won’t. Not now or ever. I’m sorry” Aris said firmly.

  Isobel’s face contorted for a second and then became hard, anger flashing in her eyes. She stood from the sofa and looked at him square in the eyes.

  “If you do not do this I will not forget it Aris” Isobel gave him an evil glare as she left.

  Taking a deep breath after he shut the door, he took to the bathroom to have a shower. He was up so he may as well get ready. He could have had at least another hour of sleep. Damn Isobel. The woman drove him mad, how he had ever liked her he couldn’t understand. The woman grated on his nerves big time.

  After a long shower where he thought of Lucy, he got dressed in a suit, a Brioni Brunico in black, his default attire when he was working, which was a lot of the time. He left his apartment and made his way upstairs to see Lina and Dante, he needed to get an update and touch base with them. Checking the time, he decided to text Lucy, he needed to see her again, he was completely preoccupied with her. Her reply vexed him.

  Hey, I’m not free earlier, but I could be later tonight I just need to sort a couple of things. We could meet later, maybe about 9pm?

  A few hours sounded good to him. That would give him time to sort things too. He sent off a quick reply, as he entered Lina and Dante’s suite.

  “Knock, knock, anyone home?” Aris smiled at Lina as they entered the living area at the same time.

  “Hi Aris, you and Joseph are not the only ones who have had trouble. Since last week we have also had reports from Jasmin, Julia and Raya. Their shops were broken into, a lot of jewellery and clothing was taken as well as a lot of stock damaged. Selaine has also had problems, someone vandalised her salons. Saul reported assaults on two of his staff caught off guard on their way home. Seems too coincidental, someone is targeting us” Lina said with a frown.

  “Are we meeting with the others? People need to know so they can be observant, if someone is targeting us we need to be careful” Aris said.

  “We sent a message round just now, so the others should arrive soon. Once we discuss things as a council we can take it to the rest of the coven” Dante said as he joined them.

  They sat on the leather sofas opposite each other, a solid coffee table sat in the middle. The suite was just as high end and stylish as the rest of the coven building, with extra touches from antiques and rare art representing the individuality of the owners. As they talked, his mentor Will Reid arrived, along with two other council members.

  “Evening everyone” Will said, nodding at the people sitting on the sofas.

  “Evening Will, Carrie, Sarah, Bernice, I hope you are well?” Lina asked.

  “Very well yes thank you Lina, business is good, The Queen’s Theatre is the best rated in town these days, we can command the best prices and the best acts flock to us, it’s all good!” Bernice exclaimed brightly, while taking a seat next to Aris. Carrie smiled at them and reported good news from her businesses and took the seat on the other side of Aris. She was a quieter one, but when Carrie talked you listened, as it was usually something significant. Sarah barely spoke normally, and she erred on the timid side. Terumi and some others arrived, and they chatted until all 12 council members were present.

  “We gathered today because something unexpected has happened. Another coven wants to take root in the city, and they have petitioned the High Court for permission for half of our allocated population allowance” Lina outlined in full the problem and the events of the last 24 hours. They sat in silence once she finished, absorbing the information.

  “Can they force us to share?” asked Bernice.

  “Potentially they could if they insist on the High Court ruling, which they will if we cannot come to an amicable solution. Plus, I think the break ins and vandalism are related to this, they may be trying to get information about our businesses and people to use against us. Two of our newly turned were threatened on their way home from work after they refused to divulge details to someone pretending to be a researcher wanting to write a book. Who knows? We need to be careful, we need proof of our ability as a coven as well as proof that the humans want us here, or the very least that they are happy to co-exist. The other coven could throw a lot of problems our way if they wanted to. All our businesses must be squeaky clean, taxes all paid, everything. We cannot afford to have any negative attention” Lina stated. Aris absentmindedly rubbed his chin as he considered things that were said. His mind kept returning to Lucy of its own accord, and he wondered what she was doing that meant she was busy till later. Maybe she had a date earlier in the evening and was planning on meeting him afterwards. He frowned as he realised that bugged him more than it should, he had met her once she was hardly his to get possessive of. Maybe his stalker side was getting stronger, he would end up in therapy at this rate, or worse, prison. His thoughts were interrupted when Dante asked him a question.

  “Sorry, say again?” Aris asked

  “I asked if you could speak to Mya, she works at the High Court. If we can get some details on who is running the other coven it would be great, that would give us a starting point” Dante explained.

  “I’ll ask Mya, but she will likely say no if she is directly involved. Worth a try though I’ll call her. I wanted to ask her about Isla’s progress as a healer anyway” Aris had no problem asking friends on the High Court Council, but he wouldn’t risk upsetting Mya, she was Isla’s only mentor for her healer training. Isla needed guidance, she was powerful, Mya was more important to him as his daughter’s mentor than as a source at the High Court.

  “One other thing, no-one has seen Matt since Thursday, and he’s not answering his mobile. I know he goes off sometimes, but I think it would be good to track his phone, and maybe go see if he’s ok” Dante said, receiving nods from the rest of the group. He needed permission to track someone’s phone using the coven’s resources. Vampires were a very secretive bunch, even with each other. Such infringements on privacy needed the council’s approval.

  “He’s probably holed up somewhere with the newest fuck buddy” said Bernice with a scowl. Matt had dated her for a while a few years back, but broke it off with her, leaving Bernice heartbroken. Obviously, there was still some bitterness there.

  Several other council members smiled, suspecting the same. Matt was a loveable rogue personality type. His faults seemed to also be his attributes, no-one seemed to stay mad at him for long despite the pain in the ass he was at times.

  “I think he has been seeing Jared for a few weeks now, so it’s unlikely he’s distracted that much, the initial newness would have worn off a bit. It may be nothing but best check” said Terumi, but Bernice just rolled her eyes. Bernice was judgemental and obnoxious at times, especially when it came to Matt, anyone different from her she considered wrong and was critical of them. Matt was bisexual and promiscuous to the point it was a hobby. How they dated for the two months Aris had no idea, they must never have talked to one
another as they should clash immediately, their outlook and beliefs were polar opposites. The conversation went on for a while, Aris contributing every now and then, but he was mostly distracted by the thoughts of Lucy and kept missing snippets of conversation.

  The meeting ended, with Lina planning the next steps, each council member had a couple of floors of the building they were responsible for communicating to. Meetings were planned, arrangements made, all while Aris daydreamed. As they were the last left, Will collared him in the hall, a frown on his face.

  “You ok?” he asked.

  “Yeah, just tired I got very little sleep and then Isobel woke me early” Aris explained.

  “What does the bitter shrew want now?” asked Will.

  “Another baby. I said no. Not just no, hell no. She was not very pleased” Aris pressed the button of the elevator and waited for Will’s response.

  “I am glad, the woman is poison, another child would give her more leverage over you and block your progress with the Council. Also, I would feel sorry for the child” Will shook his head at the thought.

  “Exactly my thoughts” Aris entered the lift as it opened.

  “What else is bothering you?” Will asked. Aris smiled, the guy knew him too well, or he was that transparent, which bugged him.

  “I met a woman last week, she’s on my mind which is unusual for me. It’s distracting” Aris played it down hoping that Will would buy it. He kept his eyes forward as he waited for Will to respond.

  “I see, is she a vampire? Shifter? Human?” Will asked.

  “Dragon shifter. First I’ve ever met” Aris looked at Will to gauge his reaction. His eyebrows shot up slightly, but he just nodded, but otherwise didn’t react. As the elevator stopped at his floor, he looked expectantly at Will in question, expecting him to warn him to be careful or take things slow, or some other words of caution like he usually did. After a pause, Will asked “What’s her name?”


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