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The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires (An Anthology)

Page 20

by Liz Everly

  Not that she and her crew had permission, either, but that was beside the point.

  Apart from the distant rumble of thunder, all around them was silence.

  "Think we scared them off?"

  Faith shrugged. "Maybe for the moment. Although if those teens are anything like I was at their age, they're not going to give up on a good fuck space quite that easily."

  Dana raised an eyebrow. "Really? I didn't realize you were such a wild child, Ms. Luna. Do tell."

  Faith grinned. "What happens in college dorm rooms stays in college dorm rooms. My lips are sealed."

  "Fine," Dana huffed as they started back down the stairs. "I'll get vodka when we're done and then you'll tell me."

  They chuckled as they headed toward where the boiler room should be. As they walked they could see that the floor in the basement area was covered with patches of moss that had pushed up from the ground, like in a forest. They spotted the boiler room. As they made their way toward it, a pack of startled rats raced in circles around them, their sharp squeals as they ran causing both women to jump.

  "Cripes!" Dana clutched her heart. "I'm twitchy as those damn rats."

  Faith expelled a long sigh. "Me, too. The noises from those screwing teens put us on edge." She lifted the camera back up to her shoulder and prepared to shoot footage of the room. Her camera light started to dim.

  "Damnit. I don't know how long this thing's going to last." She looked around the room. "And it's getting darker from those storm clouds."

  "I'll head over to the room ahead," Dana suggested, "and set up more lights. According to the map it's an equipment area so there might be some interesting things to film."

  "All right. Get set up and I'll be there in a few."

  Dana grabbed her lights and exited through the door in the back. Faith stayed behind, poking around the massive boiler room to see if she could find the entrance to that tunnel. She'd just decided to head toward where Dana had gone when she heard it again — a long, low moan. This time there was no mistaking the distinctive groans of someone in the grip of a powerful orgasm.


  "Dana?" Faith whispered. She'd wanted to shout, but her voice wouldn't cooperate. Those teens had to be close by; their sex sounds echoed all around her. Despite her annoyance about her project being compromised, she couldn't help her body's response to the teens' noises. Being so focused on this project hadn't left much time for her love life, even just a casual partner. The deficit was making itself known now, as every groan caused her pussy to clench with growing arousal and her nipples to harden to stiff peaks beneath her blouse.

  She raised a hand, for a split second tempted to slip it down her dampening panties and give herself relief. But with a curse, she resisted the powerful impulse. What the hell was she thinking? Focus on the project, Faith. Forcing herself to move and find where Dana had gone, she shook off the odd temptation to masturbate and pulled her thoughts back to the business at hand, which was finding Dana.

  Maybe her lighting assistant had found the teens, which was why she wasn't answering Faith's calls. Rushing toward the back door, she pushed it open and entered the adjoining room. Her foot kicked something and sent it spinning across the floor. Beams of light shone on the ground where the object lay. Faith stepped toward it and a shiver of fear raced down her spine. It was Dana's flashlight.

  "Dana?" This time her voice obeyed and she loudly out called her lighting assistant's name. No response.

  Propped up against a crumbing wall was Dana's lighting equipment. Faith set her camera down next to it. She retrieved the flashlight from the ground and waved the beam of light around. The room was massive, the size of a gymnasium. She wondered if that was what it had been but didn't feel like wasting time consulting the map. Right now she had to find Dana.

  She continued calling out her name, her nerves getting more frayed as seconds ticked by without a word from her friend. She tried telling herself to be logical. Dana couldn't have just disappeared. But what about those teens? her worried inner voice whispered. Maybe they weren't just a couple of lusty co-eds. Maybe they were strung out meth addicts. Or criminals. Murderers.

  Faith cursed under her breath. What the hell. She had to stop freaking herself out and focus. Find Dana.

  But half an hour later, her friend was still missing.

  Denying her fear had become pointless and Faith knew she needed help. She pulled her phone from her back pocket, tapping on Cam's number from her favorites. No signal.

  "Fuck!" Faith screamed her frustration as she turned back in the direction she'd come to head upstairs. She raced through the door but didn't see the stairs. She must not be where she thought. Then she remembered that she needed to go back through the boiler room and keep moving straight. Heart pounding, blood roaring in her ears, she ran through the boiler room, the light beam from her flashlight guiding the way. More thunder, louder this time. She wondered if it was raining yet but couldn't tell since there were no windows in that area of the basement.

  She pushed through the door, searching frantically for the stairs. Not there, either. The cold grip of panic clutched her throat, cutting off air. She opened her mouth, gasping like a fish out of water as she strained to breathe. Loss of control danced on the edge of her sanity. Time to do something, fast. Resting her hands on her knees and lowering her head, she fought off the panic. Techniques from yoga flitted through her mind. Her eyes fluttered closed as deep breathing took over, long, slow breaths that eased her pounding heart and kept her fear at bay, at least for the moment.

  With deliberate slowness she lifted her head and shined the flashlight beam around the room. There. The stairs were straight ahead.

  She raced up, two at a time, back to where she and Dana had started their journey what seemed like hours ago. Again she tapped at her phone, sure she'd have a signal, but the result was the same. Nothing.

  Damn it! Why hadn't they thought to check for signals before they even started? Too late now. The only thing Faith could do was to get out of there, grab the guys and head back inside to find Dana. Pulling the map out of her pocket, she traced her finger along the route they'd taken to begin with, determined not to lose any more precious seconds by wandering aimlessly through the hospital.

  She sped down the hallways through rooms that were now familiar. Minutes later she found the door. Her hands slammed down on the release but the door didn't budge. Frowning, she pushed harder but still it wouldn't give. She stood on her tip-toes and peered out the small narrow window. The storm clouds and waning light combined to make it look like nighttime outside. She saw no sign of her crew. Her heart stopped as she realized what must have happened. The cops had discovered the guys filming out there, rounded them up, and relocked the door. And, as agreed beforehand, her crew assured the cops that no one was inside.

  Faith lifted her fingers to the sides of her head, her temples throbbing. How could a day deteriorate so quickly from bad to hell? Her crew was in jail, her assistant missing, and her phone dead. Fitting irony that she was locked inside a looney bin, because she felt like she was going to lose it at any second.

  Her lips curled from the dark humor. She took a deep breath, considering her options. Since they were locked inside, Dana had to be here. She couldn't have escaped any more than Faith could. Even if Dana had found another busted door she wouldn't just leave Faith behind.

  She pulled the map out of her pocket, wondering if there were any rooms she'd missed or not noticed, maybe small ones where Dana could have gone to explore. She herself might be lost, and Faith was the one with the map.

  But what about the flashlight?

  Yeah, that was a problem. Even if Dana had set down her equipment to go exploring, she wouldn't have discarded the flashlight. Faith bit her lip, thinking. It wasn't worth trying to figure out the answer. Her sole focus now was finding her friend.

  More thunder, this time followed by streaks of lightening. She aimed her flashlight beam toward some windows. They
were all covered with crisscrossing iron bars allowing no chance to crawl through them and run for help. Fat raindrops began pelting the glass. Faith opened her mouth, breathing deeply, doggedly fighting her growing sense of panic.

  She turned back toward the direction where she and Dana had gone. Her plan was to retrace her steps, go over every inch of ground they'd covered until she found her. She wasn't leaving this place without Dana.

  Her steps were slow, deliberate, determined not to skip any place they'd been. When she entered one room her flashlight reflected the beady eyes of a rat as it plucked at the carcass of a dead pigeon. Fighting off a surge of nausea, she turned away and continued.

  Heading back toward the stairs that led to the boiler room, she heard what sounded curiously like the caw of an exotic parrot. She stopped walking, feet glued to the ground. Her flashlight revealed nothing but seconds later she heard the sound again, this time followed by the menacing growl of a lion.

  The hairs on her arm shot straight up and she screamed, whirling around, searching frantically for the source of the noises. The room was empty.

  "Hold it together, Faith. Hold it together." She uttered the words aloud, over and over, an incantation to keep herself calm. Unknowingly her steps had been reduced to tiny shuffles as a river of fear coursed through her blood. Her body was drawn tight as a wire as her eyes flitted around like a lab mouse in a maze, searching for signs of her friend.

  A breathy whisper tickled her ear.

  She jumped back, gasping, craning her neck to see who stood next to her, but there was no one in sight. Her trembling fingers aimed the flashlight around an empty room.

  Faaaaiiiit‌tttthhhhhh.… .

  What the hell? How did they know her name? Suddenly an icy finger, cold as death, brushed along her cheek. She screamed once more and spun, frantic, her arms pinwheeling as she stumbled backward and away from whomever was tormenting her. The flashlight flew from her fingers and clattered to the ground. She glimpsed it spinning across the floor right before it went out, probably broken. Near darkness consumed her, with the curious exception of a light ahead. Its source was unknown but it seemed she had no choice except to move in that direction. It was too dark to walk anywhere else.

  She advanced slowly, heart ricocheting in her chest, but threads of annoyance also wove their way in. Who the fuck was screwing with her project? And why wouldn't the bastards show themselves?

  "Who's out there?" No response. A slow burn of anger simmered her blood. "C'mon, you people, game's up. I have work to do and no time for your bullshit."

  She thought at first that she'd get another round of silence, but then,

  Ooooooooh yeeeeaaaaahhhh!!!

  Seriously? They were at it again? Who was having sex for that long? Or was this round two? The moans and whispers increased in volume as she moved toward the light and Faith was certain that this time she'd discover the identities of the sex-starved teens. They'd probably found some old mattress, plopped it on the floor, and were going at it with the vigor of youth and raging hormones. Probably gave them a creepy thrill to be doing it in an abandoned psychiatric hospital, too, like having sex in a graveyard.

  The light grew stronger as she walked. The sighs and moans continued, becoming more frequent. And, just as before, Faith's body responded. Low pulses throbbed between her legs, moisture soaking her panties. Her breasts grew heavy, aching for touch. Without being aware of what she was doing, her hand drifted over to her breast and began teasing a hardened nipple through her blouse and bra. She crept forward, now able to see a dim corner of the room. Nothing was there beyond a single metal chair and chunks of fallen plaster. An empty cabinet hung crookedly against a wall, its shelves devoid of whatever it had once held.

  Faith approached the threshold, her shallow breaths echoing in her ears as she peered around the corner, expecting to see naked students in the middle of action. Judging by the noises there was more than one couple, a veritable orgy of college kids in the midst of sexual awakening. A crazy, illogical thought about whether they'd welcome some company flashed through her head, but then her mind went numb and all thoughts vanished as she stepped into the room.

  Directly in front of her was the ghostly, eerily erotic image of a couple making love. Their features were indistinct, no more substantial than cobwebs. They floated through the air, curled around one another like wisps of smoke, their sinuous bodies writhing in ecstasy as they mated.

  A spear of terror pinned Faith's feet to the ground and froze her in place. Her mouth fell open as she gasped, at once horrified yet unable to look away. The sighs and moans she'd been hearing clearly came from the ghostly couple before her, the loud noises strangely at odds with their delicate images.

  She was unaware of how long she stood there, transfixed by the sight, until she once more heard the whisper of her name.

  Faaaaiiiit‌tttthhhhhh.… .

  The sound broke the spell and she looked around, desperate to identify its source.

  "Dana?" She knew it wasn't Dana calling out, but maybe her friend was here somewhere, trapped by whatever entity haunted the hospital. She looked back to where she'd seen the couple but now they were gone and the room stood as empty as if they'd never been. The light remained, however, yet Faith was unable to identity its source. It was almost as if its origin was the room itself.

  She inched forward, casting her gaze everywhere as she looked for Dana. Her earlier arousal from seeing the couple had been replaced once more with fear. She wanted nothing more than to find Dana and get the hell out of there. She'd figure out some other hospital where they could film. No project, even one that was as important and personal to her as this one, was worth her or her friend's life.

  She walked through the door on the opposite end of the room from where she'd entered, still following the trail of light. It almost seemed to pulse within the hospital, the weird, unidentifiable glow not fading but remaining steady as she made her way through what appeared to be a tunnel connecting this building to the next. Goaded with purpose she picked up her pace, stepping swiftly through the tunnel to reach the next building.

  There were more windows there than in the building she'd just left, and the rumbles and crashes of the storm were more prominent. The rain had picked up, sounding like huge shovels full of gravel pummeling the glass. Water poured in where some of the windows were cracked or broken, accompanied by the high-pitched howl of the wind, like the screams of a tortured soul.

  A flash of lightning lit the room, drawing Faith's attention to another ghostly image. This time it was a man and two women. Again, as before, they were transparent, but the muted glow allowed her to see what they were doing. In this scenario the man lay on his back while both females straddled him. The first had her thighs on either side of his hips as she rode him like a bull, pounding his cock with her hungry pussy. Her female companion faced her while straddling the man's head, perfectly positioned for his tongue to lick and tease her clit. As the women took their pleasure from the man, they stroked and fondled each other's breasts, their deep whispered sighs floating through the air.

  Suddenly the women broke apart, as if sensing they were no longer alone. Then, like a movie in slow motion, one of them turned her head and stared straight at Faith.

  Her mouth went dry, terror racing through her blood as she gasped, stepping backward, wanting to get away. The spirit rose from the man and began floating toward Faith, her arms reaching out as if to grasp hold of her. She cried out and spun around, not knowing where to go but desperate to run. A long corridor loomed ahead to her left and like a panicked animal she took off, feet flying over the littered ground. The muted light remained, enough for her to see, but as she ran deeper through the corridor the light began to fade and soon she was barely able to make out where she was going. Her foot kicked something, hard enough for her to cry out but still she fled, frenzied panic gripping her.

  "Dana!" The scream ripped from her throat as she ran. She didn't chance a move back, wasn't
even sure if the ghostly spirit was still in pursuit, but all logical thought had vanished. All she knew was that she had to get away. She made out another hallway, this time to her right. She rounded the corner, hoping for a place to hide or even better to get the hell out. There had to be an exit somewhere, an old door that kids had busted through and cops hadn't yet discovered. Faith just had to find it.

  She called Dana's name once more, hoping against hope that her friend would hear, but there was no response. Just then she thought she saw a door. It was difficult to know for sure, but she'd head in that direction. Her ragged breaths echoed in the hallway, blood roared in her ears. She was just about there and yes, it was a door, she was sure of it. All she had to do was —

  "Ah!" She ran straight in to something hard and low. Maybe a table. She flew through the air and landed with a thud, her head smacking the ground. All breath left her body and she lay sprawled where she fell, resigned to her fate. She groaned and lifted a hand to her head, feeling for blood. Her fingers came away sticky.

  Dying in this hell-hole asylum was not an option. She'd figure a way out of here. Her natural resilience would not allow her to fall into hopelessness and accept that this was the end of Faith Luna.

  "I certainly hope it's not the end of Faith Luna."

  A man's voice, seductively soft, floated across the room to her left. Faith groaned and turned her head. As she did so the light returned, allowing her to see the source of the voice.

  In an enormous ornamented chair, almost like a throne, sat the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. He wore robes similar to those of ancient Romans, draped casually to partially hide his naked body. His muscled calves were exposed, and Faith's eyes roamed over them and then down to his sandaled feet. He sat languidly upon his throne, like a bored king, eating bits of fruit. With long, beautiful fingers he slid spears of apple between his lips, slowly sucking in the fruit as a devilish smile played about his mouth. It was as though he could tell, in spite of everything — her missing friend, her fear, her injured head — that Faith was aroused by him.


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