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The Eve of Forever

Page 2

by S J Batsford

  “Can I wear a green dress with a flower?” Evie squeals batting her eyes at Amy the way she does when she wants an extra cookie.

  “Err,” Amy stalls looking at me with wide eyes, I shrug chuckling.

  “Maybe we can look at some different shades of green?” Ava suggest, pulling on Evie’s hair playfully making her scowl and pull Ava’s in return, harder though. “Ow, that hurt,” Ava shouts rubbing her head.

  “Serves you right, you shouldn’t have pulled her hair first,” Niles tells her chuckling from his perch on the couch.

  “I didn’t do it that hard!” Ava glares at him and sticks her finger up.

  “Ah, that’s naughty!” Evie shouts, pointing at Ava accusatorially.

  “Yes, it is baby, Auntie Ava needs to learn how to behave or she’ll have to go on the naughty step,” mom says raising her brows at Ava who looks at Evie apologetically.

  “Sorry little bean, I forget sometimes.” She kisses Evie’s cheek, trying to hide her grin.

  “That’s okay Auntie Ava, I’ll remind you,” Evie deadpans and turns back to the computer.

  Everyone bursts out laughing and she beams at everyone before winking at me! She actually winked. I laugh so hard my side aches. This kid!

  “Oh, I like this shade,” Ava blurts and hands her phone to Amy.

  “It’s beautiful, but I don’t know if I want the theme to be green. I wanted it to be bright and Christmassy,” she speaks absently, still looking at the screen.

  “Couldn’t we have green dresses on the younger bridesmaids and red on the adults?” I ask, not sure what the hell I’m talking about.

  “Wouldn’t that be too much colour?” Mason ask cringing.

  “No, I think it would be classy,” mom replies earning a grin from her granddaughter.

  “Would you be okay with green muffin?” I ask Bailey, I don’t want to exclude her in all this.

  “Yeah, as long as it’s not a booger colour,” she gags even saying the word and I laugh.

  “I would never let anyone dress you in boogers,” I say holding my arms out to her. Grinning she stands and comes to curl up in my lap. I pull her into my chest, loving that she still snuggles up to me. The trust and love this little girl has given me, warms my heart. I am so blessed to have her in my life. When we’re alone she calls me dad or daddy, God, I melt and I wish I were her dad more than anything. She’s too shy to say it around others yet, especially the kids, I think she’s worried about how they’ll react.

  “I’ll make sure you get extra dessert after dinner tomorrow,” she whispers making me grin, she knows how much I love my sweets and makes a sport out of sneaking me them when Amy’s not looking.

  “Thanks muffin, I’m glad I have you looking out for me,” I whisper back.

  “What about my extra helpings?” Mason interjects beside us making Bailey scream in my ear, I wince and glare at my brother who is pissing himself laughing.

  “That wasn’t funny Mace!”

  “It was,” he wheezes, bending over.

  Bailey hides her face in my chest, she still gets all red in the face when Mason is around. Poor girl needs better taste in boys.

  “Okay boys, we need to get this done, so why don’t you guys go look for suits since you’re all here and have nothing better to do?” Mom asks scowling at us.

  “Yep, gotta look hot for my wife,” I say winking at Amy, her eyes light when I call her my wife. Getting up she walks over and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “You always look hot, but you look hotter with absolutely nothing on and I doubt your mother would approve of you standing naked waiting for me to walk down the aisle, now would she?” She whispers huskily in my ear so no one else can hear.

  “Mmm, that would be unique wedding attire,” I hum, wrapping my arms around her waist bringing her onto my lap. “I’d do it, if that’s what you really wanted,” I chuckle imagining my mother’s reaction. Pulling my head back so I can see her face, I laugh, seeing her seriously contemplating it.

  “I don’t think so, I wouldn’t want all our guests seeing the goods,” she winks at me and lays a hot kiss on my open mouth.

  “Okay you guys, save some for the wedding day, huh?” Mason laughs beside us, making me laugh and Amy blush.

  “We better be off if we want to actually get into the mall,” Niles adds, thumping my shoulder. Getting up Amy throws me a blinding smile and blows me a kiss before going back to the mess on our living room floor. I feel drunk, giddy with happiness, Christmas can’t come soon enough for me.

  Chapter Two

  “Can we take the Wrangler?” Mace asks, holding his hands up pretend begging. “Please, I don’t want to be seen in the mom van again,” he laughs jumping out the way of my fist.

  “Dick, there is nothing mom about my van, it’s manly and butch,” I say trying to hold back my laughter.

  “Oh yeah, cos the, my little pony blanket in the back is so manly.” He nods, folding his arms as Niles pulls his keys out and opens his Jeep.

  “Let’s go then,” Niles interjects ending our argument.

  “Can I drive?” Mace asks, grinning and running a hand along the shiny black hood.

  “Hell no, I’ve seen your driving. The only thing you are gentle with is that bike of yours. Plus, I seem to remember asking that question about your bike and what was it you said?”

  “No one rides my baby but me. Well, same applies,” he says and nods to me, smirking I push forward putting on my brakes as I hoist myself into the passenger seat.

  “Where are we going anyway?” Mace asks, getting in the back while Niles stows my chair.

  “I hadn’t thought of that,” I laugh, we only left to give the girls space to finalize their side of stuff. “I suppose we could go look at suits,” I suggest, looking over at him as Niles gets in and starts the Jeep.

  “Sure, I’m gonna look smoking either way,” Mason shrugs leaning back in his seat and pulls out his cell seemingly ending his part in the discussion. I look at Niles who just rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

  “So, I’ve been thinking,” I stall, feeling uncomfortable.

  “Don’t hurt yourself,” Niles jokes, chuckling making me smile and forge ahead. “I want you both up there with me, maybe I can have two best men?” I blurt, well that didn’t exactly come out as planned. I’ve been dreading this, I really want Niles because he’s my twin, but I don’t want to upset Mayo by making him feel excluded.

  “E, seriously, it’s fine. I know you want to make everyone happy, but this time around why don’t you have what you want?” Mayo says, sitting forward and slapping me on the shoulder. “Honesty, I’m good with being groomsman, I know you want to ask Niles and rightfully so, you two did drink each other’s piss as babies… It’s all good man.”

  “That would have been a really incredible speech if you hadn’t fucked the ending up,” Niles laughs rolling his eyes at Mayo making us both laugh.

  “Good thing you turned down the best man gig, you need to work on your best man speech giving skills dude. Amy would kill me if you said shit like that on our big day.”

  “No, she wouldn’t, she adores me.” Mace smirks and sits back throwing his feet up on the back seat.

  “Get your feet off my leather,” Niles growls, without taking his eyes off the road.

  “So, how’s work going?” I ask, looking back at Mace just in time to see him glare and scowl.

  “Fine, why?” He snips tensing.

  “Just wondering how it’s all going. It’s a big deal to be in the running for Lily’s cover. I’m proud of how you’ve gone out there on your own.” I say confused at his reaction.

  “Thanks, but it’s not that hard, I like design, and I want Lily to have the best.” He shrugs, putting his phone in his face like he’s trying to avoid talking to us.

  “I heard Lily has a new assistant,” Niles supplies, as we stop at a red light.

  “Really, I didn’t know that,” I look over at Niles, “it’s amazing news for L
ily though, she needs the help.” I smile, I’m so happy she’s getting her dream to be an author, I remember when she first told me about that dream, she seemed so shy about it. She deserves every bit of happiness after everything she’s been through.

  “Hell, she didn’t like the idea of having help but that changed when she had a taste of 3 kids and a career to manage,” Mayo laughs, shaking his head. I can only grin, because it’s typical Lily, she likes to do everything.

  “Poor Jackson,” I sympathise, knowing how Lily is with her kids.

  “Yeah, it took a bit of adjusting,” Mace says, scowling.

  “What’s she like?” I ask as we pull into a parking space outside the mall.

  “Who said it’s a she?” Mace snaps and jumps from the Jeep without answering me, I raise my eyebrows at Niles who shrugs as clueless as me and gets out to get my chair set up.

  “So, what’s she like?” I ask again after opening my door, I watch my brother closely and see his jaw twitch and clench.

  “She’s a PA, what more do we need to know?” He shrugs leaning against the Jeep looking up at the cloudless sky. The sun is beating down today, it’s humid and sticky out here, I’ll be glad when we get into the mall under the air-conditioning.

  “Is she nice? Is she doing a good job? Where is she from? How old is she?” I prod waiting for him to answer a question properly.

  “What, are you looking to hire her too?” He finally snaps, turning on me glaring angrily, for what I have no idea.

  “Hey, I was only asking because she must spend a lot of time with the twins,” I defend as I pull myself into my waiting chair. Feeling my anger rise at being snapped at and spoken to like shit, I watch for cars as I cross the parking lot.

  “Jesus Mace, he has a right to ask about a woman who is around his kids. What’s wrong with you?” Niles snaps and I hear Mason curse in return. His feet slap the ground as he runs to catch up to me.

  “E, Ethan. I’m sorry for snapping, I don’t know what came over me,” he says softly, placing his hand on my shoulder staying me.

  “If you don’t want to talk about it just say so next time,” I reply and start pushing myself again.

  “So, what sort of suit we looking at? Just a standard suit, a tux or one of those penguin ones?” Mayo asks walking beside me with his hands stuffed into his jean pockets. Niles comes up on my left as we step into the beautiful air-conditioned air in the mall. As expected it’s packed with people. All the seasonal decorations look like they’ve exploded everywhere. It seems Christmas has arrived over the weekend; I was only here last week, and it didn’t look like this.

  “Penguin ones?” I have to ask, chuckling at him feeling the last of my irritation slip away. Maybe we should have made this trip last week. I cringe as I see one woman run straight into the back of another, who turns and starts cursing her out in front of everyone, not giving a shit who is watching her. Christmas makes people crazy.

  “Yeah, the ones with the train things,” he answers dodging an old lady who nearly ploughs into him. “Jesus, what is it with this time of year? Do people go blind and lose their manners?” He glares raising his voice, so the old lady hears him, she turns around and flips him off before scurrying away. “Did you see that?” He asks his mouth hanging open.

  “Hell yeah, I think I love her,” Niles laughs, as I carve a path through the crowd, People move out of the way of the guy on wheels.

  “You would, she’s just your speed.” Mace says shoving Niles laughing his ass off. I chuckle because it’s funny.

  “Fuck you mace,” Niles laughs, “don’t be jealous, just because I have a way with the ladies.”

  “You can have all the senior citizens, I’ll handle the rest,” Mace answers winking at a group of young girls who gawk at him and Niles as we pass.

  “I think you’ve handled too many,” I deadpan, spotting a shop boasting suits in the window and head that way.

  “Oh, says the self-claimed ladies’ man?” He scoffs in return.

  “That was when I was young and stupid.”

  “Well, you had your reasons and so do I.”

  “Fuckin’ hell, can we just look at the suits?” Niles curses quietly as to not disturb other shoppers although there is only one other guy in here.

  “Welcome to Marcus Tailor, is there something specific you’re looking for today?” A sharply dressed man appears in front of us, he looks from Mason to Niles, smiling. Then his gaze drops to me and he looks away quickly as if the mere sight of me offends him.

  “Well, for starters, I’d like a different assistant please,” I snap angrily, who the fuck does this chump think he is?

  “Oh, err, l-let me go and s-see who is free,” he stutters turning red and scuttles off toward the back of the store.

  “Fucking douche,” Niles whispers angrily, his hand subconsciously lands on the handle of my chair, his unwavering support amazes me.

  “I can’t believe the way people treat you, it never ceases to amaze me. How people like him are employed in this line of work with a personality is beyond me.”

  “Me too. He’s lucky Amy wasn’t with us she ripped a woman a new ass for talking about me to her as if I were stupid.” I grin thinking of my bride to be. She’s fierce when protecting those she loves.

  “I’d love to have seen that, I love when Amy goes into momma bear mode,” Mayo chuckles rubbing his hands together.

  “She’s a fierce woman that’s for sure. You’re a lucky bastard,” Niles smiles down at me and squeezes my shoulder.

  “I know, she’s amazing. When I think about it, I have no idea why she stuck with me.” I say, looking around the store absently touching sleeves of suits. I spot a dark grey pinstripe suit and I know it’s the one, like women know when they’ve found the dress, I know that’s the suit I want to wear for Amy.

  “Hello sir, sorry about the wait. What can I assist you with today?” An older balding man asks, standing straight backed with his hands tucked behind his back. He is talking directly to me, he doesn’t even look at Niles or Mason, he’s been briefed by the douchebag.

  “I want to try this suit here; I’m getting married on Christmas day.” I say grabbing the suit and handing it to him.

  “Wonderful sir, congratulations. If you will follow me,” he gives a slight bow, grabs the suit and a white shirt and walks out in front of us.

  I look up at my brothers with wide eyes and laugh quietly, Mayo being Mayo he mock bows and holds his hand out for me to go first. I clock him in the thigh as I pass him, he’s always acting the clown.

  When we catch up with the assistant, I start to get anxious, it’s a small room with mirrored walls on all sides making it feel closed in and with three men standing over me, I feel small and vulnerable. Seeing my reaction Niles sits in the chair against the wall, not taking his eyes off me he talks to Mason.

  “Mace, why don’t you go see if you can find us a suit close to Ethan’s?” He suggests, Mason catches on and walks off back into the store. “Sorry, what’s your name?” He asks looking up at the guy.

  “Joseph sir,” the assistant answers, politely.

  “Joseph, could you give us some privacy please? I think we have it from here, we’ll call you when we’re ready.”

  “Right, of course,” Joseph nods and sweeps out of the room. I take a deep breath and close my eyes trying to compose myself, so I don’t have a full-on panic attack. I don’t have them often, but little things that never bothered me before seem to trigger them now.

  “Better?” Niles asks after a few silent minutes.

  “Yeah, sorry. Just too many people crowding me,” I say blowing out a breath.

  “It’s fine, I did it more for myself than you. I needed a break from Mace,” he jokes making me feel better.

  “Sure you did.” I smirk rolling my eyes at his poor attempt to stop me feeling like a baby.

  “Shall we try this on?” He asks standing and pulling the pants off the hanger.

  “Yeah, I guess we
should since I can’t exactly go down the aisle in these.” I nod at my jeans and tee.

  “Come on then, I better dress your ass before they come back,” he lays the pants on his chair and undoes the buttons on the shirt as I pull my tee off and undo my belt and pants.

  “I’m gunna need help getting these off in such a small space,” I mutter feeling humiliated for having to ask my brother.

  “Amy pampers your ass too much,” he snips and pulls my pants down far enough for me to sit and do the rest myself.

  “Oh yeah, she just loves playing mommy to me,” I smirk, my mind going to her beautiful tits and what I love doing to those when she helps me undress.

  “Okay, okay. No more thinking those thoughts we don’t need any awkward boner encounters,” he laughs pulling me from my Amy fog.

  “Yeah, I’ve had too many of those to last me a lifetime already, thanks.” I undress myself until I’m in just my boxers and Niles helps me stand so we can get the pants on, my legs shake under my weight but hold steady with his help. Still have a lot of work to do if I want to be ready. Scowling at my reflection I push those thoughts away as I sit and shrug on the crisp white shirt, when it’s fully buttoned, I stretch my arms to the sides and check the wrists for length. It fits amazingly well to say the guy didn’t even know my sizes.

  “Looks good, let’s get it tucked in and the rest on and see what you think.”

  With the help of Niles, I manage to get the rest of the suit on without sweating through it thanks to how cool it is back here, they must anticipate how hot it is in these three-piece suits in a stuffy dressing room. When I’m fully dressed Niles stands behind me and straightens my collar.

  “You look grown up,” Niles remarks making me laugh.

  “I have worn a wedding tux before,” I remind him, straightening the shirt.

  “I know, but then you looked uncomfortable, like you were going to jump out of your skin any second. Now you look content and happy, I’m really happy for you and Amy. And just so you know, I accept your invitation to be best man,” he assures me sitting back down.


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