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The Eve of Forever

Page 9

by S J Batsford

  “I think so,” I take another breath, I can’t believe I’m standing here in the back of a church waiting on my bride arriving. “No, I feel sick.” I pull at the shirt collar feeling like it’s choking me.

  “Nerves, you’ll be fine when you see Amy,” he assures me coming to brush imaginary dust from my shoulders. “I’m really happy for you E and I’m proud of how far you’ve come since the whole Lily thing,” he winces at the mention of that time of my life. I know I was the biggest douche on the face of the earth, I’m lucky Amy stuck with me when she found out.

  “Thanks, it’s all different. I feel different, Amy makes me a better man,” I smile just thinking about her brings a smile to my face.

  “I can’t believe you’re making me an uncle again,” he chuckles punching me in the arm.

  “Hey, I can’t help it, have you seen my bride to be?” I ask blowing out a breath willing my cock to stay down at least until later. “Never mind,” I scowl thinking about them seeing Amy the way I do.

  “Don’t worry man, I don’t need any more women in my life thanks,” he pats my arm smirking.

  “Oh really? You finally gonna tell me what’s going on with you?” I ask turning to face him. He opens his mouth to speak as Mason bursts into the room laughing with Luke.

  “Hey, you ready?” Mason asks oblivious to the fact that he just interrupted our conversation.

  “Yeah, in a sec,” I turn back to Niles.

  “Later,” he whispers shaking his head and straightens my tie.

  “Okay well, the women have just arrived and I gotta hand it to you man, that ride is badass. Now hurry your ass up,” he says and pulls out his phone zoning out.

  “How you feeling man?” Luke asks coming over, smiling at my green face. Niles moves aside as Luke approaches, Luke scowls at him briefly, clearing his throat he shoves his hands in his pockets and smiles at me. I watch as they avoid each other. Weird.

  “I’m good man, ready to be married.” I say shaking his hand, “thanks for being here and for all your hard work,” I pull him into a hug and slap his back.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, you ready for this?” He asks checking me over.

  “So ready,” I grin and straighten my jacket.

  “Let’s go then,” he nods and steps away so I can go first as Mace holds the door open for me.

  When we reach the hallway my mom rushes over dabbing her face. “Oh my gosh, you all look amazing, quick let me take a photo,” she pulls out her phone. Luke moves aside as Mace and Niles stand on either side of me. “Get in Luke,” she admonishes him making us all chuckle as his face pinks a little. She takes a few shots then puts her phone away and smiles brightly at us.

  “You look beautiful Mom,” I say, and she does in a burgundy shift dress, her hair sits artfully on top of her head.

  “Thank you honey, you all look dashing,” she grins and looks behind her. I hear giggles and laughter and my heart begins to gallop in my chest. “Come on boys, let’s get to our spots,” Mom ushers them all away until only Niles and I are in the hall.

  “Breathe deeply, it’ll be fine, I’m right there,” he assures me a hand on my elbow.

  “Thanks Ni.” I take a deep breath and stand a little shaky.

  “Okay?” He asks, at my side and I nod unable to speak as the breath is stolen from my lungs as Amy steps down from the sleigh and looks up at me, holy crap, there she stands at the bottom of the stairs.

  She’s a vision in white, with a long cloak over her shoulders, her hair curling around her face, my breath freezes in my lungs. Her dress sparkles and shimmers as the light from the snow bounces off it. The red sash tied at her waist adds to her hourglass figure, but it’s her face that takes my breath away. She’s glowing, happy and grinning down at me. When she lifts her dress with the help of the girls and starts toward me, I feel dizzy and take a much-needed breath. It’s like everything is in slow motion, my heart is unequivocally hers.

  “Wow,” I whisper hoarsely when she stands in front of me, “you look stunning, I can’t, I mean, I have no words,” I stutter tongue-tied.

  Giggling she looks up at me grinning and steps closer. “Shit, you’re tall,” she blurts making me laugh loudly.

  “I know,” I grin, sliding a hand around her waist, it feels amazing to have her looking up at me.

  “I didn’t know you were this tall,” she breaths laying her hands on my chest.

  “Is it gonna be a problem?” I ask grinning happy down at her.

  “No, it’s sexy as hell,” she whispers standing on her tiptoes and kisses me gently. “I missed you last night,” she whispers against my lips.

  “Mmm, I missed you too,” I reply pulling her closer.

  “Are you two going to get married?” Mace sticks his head out of the door and gasps nearly falling over when he sees me standing.

  “You’re, holy shit you’re standing,” he looks like he’s about to cry.

  “Don’t say a word,” I whisper and hug his head quickly. “Shall we?” I ask Amy holding out my arm to her. Taking my arm, she stands beside me as the doors are opened, our family turns grinning and freeze when they see us standing together.

  “Oh my God,” mom screeches, the kids stare open-mouthed. Mason raises his camera as the first strains of the Cannon D start to play.

  Holding my arm tightly, we start to walk slowly, one step at a time seeing my whole family watch in awe as I walk my bride down the aisle. I feel proud, so proud to be walking to have achieved my goal and proud I’m the man she can depend on, I’m the man she trusts with her life and the lives of our kids.

  It’s stunning in here, magical exactly what Amy wanted. The biggest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen dominates the room; garlands hang from the pews. Small fairy lights hang from the upper gallery.

  We smile and laugh as we pass the kids who jump up and down laughing and shouting they love us from the altar, since we decided to surprise everyone by walking down the aisle together we decided the girls would still be bridesmaids but they’d wait in the church for us.

  When we reach the altar, I feel Luke step forward, he stands close so if I need him, he’s there.

  “Welcome and Merry Christmas,” the officiant smiles happily at everyone. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love and union of Ethan and Amy….”

  I look at Amy and I’m lost; her eyes are locked on mine, her face is glowing with so much happiness.

  “I love you,” I mouth, grinning up at me she squeezes my hand and places it over her belly.

  “We love you too,” she mouths, and I want to shout at the top of my lungs that she loves me, that she’s mine and that she’s carrying my child. She’s the mother of my child. I look at her fully seeing just how beautiful she looks.

  “Wow,” I mouth blowing out a breath, making her grin and wiggle her eyebrows.

  The woman stops rambling and looks at me, I focus on her for the first time. “Ethan, do you take, Amy, to be your lawfully wedded wife, do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” I say, kissing her hand.

  “Amy do you take, Ethan, to be your lawfully wedded husband, do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” she breathes, her voice shaking with nerves or emotion I’m not sure.

  “Ethan, take Amy’s left hand, place the ring on her finger and repeat after me. Amy, I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage and a symbol of my love and respect.”

  With shaking hands, I take Amy’s hand and place the ring on her finger, looking into her eyes, I repeat the vow to her feeling my heart racing in my chest seeing my wedding band sparkling on her finger.
/>   “Amy, repeat after me…” I zone out her voice and only see and hear Amy say her vows to me as she slides her wedding band onto my finger branding me as hers and hers alone.

  The officiant drones on and on, I wait impatiently to pull Amy to me and taste her sweet lips as my wife for the first time.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss you brid…”

  I pull Amy onto my arms and take her mouth before the woman is finished speaking, she falls gently into my arms, mindful of how much she leans on me and grasps my lapels in her fists, pulling me tighter against her. She tastes amazing, it’s like it our first kiss, I explore her mouth with my tongue wishing we were alone so I could ravage her properly.

  “Erm, E, mom looks like she’s about to faint,” Niles clears his throat chuckling slapping me on the back. “Congratulations guys,” he adds laughing as we pull apart.

  “Well, okay then, I give you Mr and Mrs Barker.”

  Laughing we turn slowly, grinning happily and walk down the aisle. Halfway down, I pause holding onto a pew as my legs wobble. Luke is there a second later holding my arm as Amy hold my other. I’m placed safely in my chair feeling relief as my legs relax. I did it, I can’t believe I did it.

  We stand out in the snow, taking pictures in front of the beautiful white church, the pictures are going to be stunning.

  “Now the Barkers,” Mason calls out. Amy and I stand, me leaning slightly against the railing as Eliza, Seb, Evie and Bailey crowd around in front of us. Wow, the Barkers… And we’re about to add another to the mix. I grin putting an arm around Bailey as Amy does Sebastian and smile.

  When we’re back in the warm, Amy and I opt to sit on the couch while mom and Cora dish up dinner, I feel tired if I’m honest but I’m not missing a second of this.

  When we sit to eat, everyone takes it in turns to make toasts, sharing happy, funny and embarrassing stories of me and Amy, more of me since they just love taking the piss. When we’re finished eating the kids ask to play outside, I don’t see why not so we agree as long as they change first.

  “Are you okay, my beautiful wife?” I ask speaking into her ear. Turning her head, she shivers against me smiling a blissfully happy smile.

  “I am perfect if not a little worn out, my handsome husband,” she replies kissing my lips. We’re in our own little bubble, the same one we’ve been in since we said I do.

  “I love you so much Mrs, Barker,” I breathe, kissing her soft lips feeling my heart jump as I say her new name.

  “I love you too my husband,” she smiles kissing me back weaving our fingers together.

  Later that night after all the food and wine is drunk, we excuse ourselves for some much-needed quiet and alone time, who am I kidding. I want to get my wife naked as fast as humanly possible.

  We get to our room and I move from my wheelchair to the old comfy looking recliner in front of the window, sighing as the pillows hug my back.

  “Strip for me sweetheart, slowly. I want to enjoy seeing my wife undress for me.”

  “I need help with the buttons,” she giggles nervously and kneels, presenting her back to me. Pushing her hair aside I run my fingers along the edge of the dress, grinning as she gasps.

  “You have beautiful skin my wife, so soft,” I murmur and slip the first white button open I kiss the skin I covers. “I can’t wait to have you under me,” I kiss more skin. “My dick has been hard as rock ever since I saw you at the top of the stairs.”

  “That must have been distracting during our wedding. Did you hear all that you agreed to?” She asks and laughs mischievously.

  “I agree to any terms to have you by my side for the rest of my days,” I kiss her bare shoulder as I undo the last button and help her stand.

  “I knew I should have added more into your vows,” she smirks over her shoulder and lets her dress slip down her body.

  Holy shit, she wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing beneath it. “Who helped you dress?” I ask, my voice thick with arousal.

  “Your mom and sister,” she grins stripping out of it but keeping her heels on.

  “You’re naughty my wife. You stood by my side the whole day know you didn’t have anything on beneath it?” I ask pulling her back onto my lap. Fuck slow, I need her now. “Now I wish you’d kept the dress on while you ride my cock,” I breathe turning her so she’s straddling me, it’s a little tight in the chair but we can make it work.

  “If you want, I can put it back on,” she breathes, grinding her pussy against my cock.

  “Next time, right now I want that pussy sliding down my cock,” I groan, lifting her slightly so I can unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants just enough to release my dick. “This time will be fast sweetheart; I can’t wait to get inside you.”

  “Fuck me husband,” she moans leaning forward thrusting her tits in my face and giving me room to line my cock up with her pussy.

  “Slowly,” I breathe against her lips, groaning at the blissful feel of her hot, tight pussy slipping over my cock, she’s wet enough for me to slip in without any prep-work.

  “Oh fuck, so good,” she moans arching her back and rolling her hips, grinding her clit against my pubic bone.

  “Mmm, that it baby, roll those hips, fuck your husband,” I let go and sit back letting her do what she wants, take what she needs.

  “Ethan,” she moans scratching her nails over my chest as she lifts her hips before slamming back down on me. “Ahh,” she cried, screwing her eyes shut and riding me faster.

  “Fuckkkk, Amy. This is my pussy,” I groan palming her tits as she bounces up and down on my dick. “Tell me it’s mine Amy, tell me you’re mine,” I gasp, feeling my balls pull up tight ready to come.

  “It’s yours, I’m all yours Ethan. I’m your wife,” she moans loudly, I feel her orgasm nearing.

  “Come on your husband’s hard cock baby,” I groan twisting her nipples and grinding into her as I come yelling her name.

  “Oh, oh God, yes,” she screams, her rhythm faltering as her orgasm takes over. Her body locks around me, I pull her into my chest rocking us together until she collapses onto my chest. I fall back with her on my chest spent and exhausted, but so fucking happy.

  “I’m gonna be aching like a bitch tomorrow,” I say playing with her curls.

  “Me too. Too old to be fucking in a recliner chair,” she laughs, causing said chair to creak ominously.

  “I think we better move this to the bed honey,” I laugh nervously, only now realising how flimsy this chair is.

  “Yeah, I guess,” she sighs and shifts getting off me.

  After cleaning us up, my wife helps me to bed and curls around me sighing happily.

  “Merry Christmas Mrs, Barker,” I whisper feeling sleep tug at me.

  “Merry Christmas my husband.”

  “Forever begins here sweetheart,” I whisper my words slurred slightly.

  “I love you, Ethan.” She sighs sleepily.

  “Love you too, my wife,” I smile and kiss her head and let sleep take me.

  The End

  About the Author

  S.J. Batsford is a New Adult Romance Author from the UK. In The Blink of an Eye is her first published book. As a wife and mother life is busy, but never short on inspiration.

  She enjoys reading romance novels. So, as a romance reader, she naturally gravitated toward writing romance.

  You can follow S.J. Batsford for updates at:







  S.J. Batsford

  Other books by S.J. Batsford

  In The Blink of an Eye (Loving Lily Series book #1)

  Making Memories (A Loving Lily Christm
as Novella 1.5)

  With a Beat of my Heart (Loving Lily Series book #2)

  A Chance On Love

  A Life For Riley (Sweetest Love book #1)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine




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