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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 11

by T. G. Hanson

  Lynn looked at the wallet, the photo, then at Meg as she flopped down in the chair.


  The little town had grown still and quiet for the night. Most of its residents were tucked safely in bed with their doors locked. A first in Mystic Pines. It was well past one in the morning but you could see a sliver of light through the front window of the Who-Dun-It bookstore and two cars in the parking lot.

  It was unfortunate that the town’s deputy Wade Hooper wasn’t on patrol, instead of sitting at his desk, thinking about the night’s events and drinking stale coffee. If he had been out and about he would have seen Henry Means creeping around the diner trying to look inside.

  Henry knew one of the cars in the parking lot belonged to Lynn Foster and after what had happened earlier, he assumed she was in there guarding the place. He could also see Megs bike still propped against the bench out front so he had to assume she was inside as well.

  He thought about how he had hidden on the side of the diner earlier, listening to all the folks chatter about what had happened as they left. Laughing to himself he thought, Heck nobody even noticed me. But then I could have stood in the middle of the dang parking lot and as usual nobody would have noticed me. Cept maybe that nosy busy body Helen Bells.

  So far, it seemed to Henry that Sheriff Briggs and Wade didn’t know much about what had happened to the stranger or who he was. And as far as Henry could tell, they never even knew he had been there. Probably won’t unless busy body opens her mouth and tells them. Nothing more I can do tonight though.

  Henry pulled his ball cap off, ran his hand through his hair then replaced the cap on his head. May as well get on home and try to grab some shut eye before figuring my next move. I need to find out what the Sheriff knows about the murdered guy. He realized that with the man dead, there was no way the cops would find any connection between himself and the stranger.

  Hearing voices near the front door of the bookstore and someone turning the knob, he quickly rounded the corner and ran towards the back of the building. He’d take the alley part of the way home where he wouldn’t be seen.


  The two women sat in Megs office and stared at each other. Meg with tears in her eyes and Lynn with a look of disbelief on her face.

  “Oh my goodness Meg, how on earth did you ever manage it, leaving and everything?” She thought her friend was a very brave woman, but didn’t say so at the moment.

  “Well it wasn’t easy, but I truly had no choice. I needed to be safe and the only way I could be was to leave and disappear. Only our family attorney knows where I am and my new name.”

  “So how did you decide where to go and what made you come here, of all places? It’s a long way from California.”

  “Honestly, I didn’t even think about it Lynn. I simply got on one bus, then another, and another, not paying much attention where they were going. I just knew it needed to be someplace far away.”

  “But Mystic Pines? Not much here for women our age.” As soon as she finished her sentence, Lynn got it. Mystic Pines was perfect for someone who wanted to vanish.

  Meg smiled at her friend. “That’s exactly the point though isn’t it. Not much here and not a lot of nosy folks all up in my business. Well except for Nyla Hanson.” The last statement made both girls laugh out loud.

  “That’s for sure. I swear that woman knows everybody’s business in town and has no clue as to the word personal. Did you notice her just about break her leg trying to get to me earlier when the Sheriff asked if anyone knew anything?” Lynn shook her head. “Why I thought she was going to knock me out of the chair.”

  Meg laughed again, “Oh my, so what did she have to say? Did she see anything at all or know the guy?”

  “Oh no, she didn’t know a thing. She just wanted to “offer her services” during the investigation, since she is such the great sleuth and all.”

  The two looked at each other and burst out laughing again. Meg grabbed the bottle of wine and filled the two glasses with the last of it. Now is the time I see if my trust was well placed or not, she thought.

  She looked at Lynn with a serious expression, “So Lynn, do I need to ask you to not repeat what I’ve told you and keep it quiet? I mean you work for the Sheriff for goodness sakes. I swear to you that I have no idea who the guy was. However, It would appear that he was here for a reason that has something to do with me, and my guess is that my brother has something to do with all this.”

  Lynn stood up, walked around the desk and put her arms around Meg. “No need at all my friend. This is strictly off the record and I’m not a cop so therefore not obliged to share friend’s secrets. Besides, you don’t even know for sure if that man has anything to do with you or not yet.”

  “I know, but with my photo in his wallet, I have to assume that it does have something to do with me. Or at least give some thought to the fact that someone may have sent him looking for me and knows I’m here.”

  Lynn couldn’t imagine what Meg was going through right now, but she was sure her friend was scared. “Let’s just sleep on it for a few days and then we can talk some more after the Sheriff does his job. I’ll keep my ears and eyes open and let you know if I hear anything.”

  “I guess that’s all we can do, for now. And I do appreciate your friendship Lynn. I know it’s a lot to ask of someone but I’d like to keep my past out of all this if possible. It’s not as if I’ve done anything illegal, at least not entirely. But, someone could cause some problems for me if they find out what I did I guess.”

  “No problem girl, that’s what friends are for isn’t it. Besides you haven’t harmed anyone and it’s not illegal to change your name. But, you know, you are going to have to turn in that wallet to the Sheriff, right?”

  Looking down at her empty wine glass Meg stood and hugged Lynn back. “Yes and I intend to do that tomorrow, minus my photo that is. I’ll just say I found it in the grass. At least I know the guy’s name and where he came from so it gives me something to go on.”

  “That’s true. We can search for him online and see what we can find. I can help with that.”

  “Well I guess we had better wrap up this little party and go on home. Tomorrow is Daisy’s day off at the bookstore so I have to be here bright and early. I’ll be regretting all this wine in the morning” she laughed.

  “Mind giving a friend a ride home? I’m not sure a bike would be such a great idea for me tonight.”

  “No problem at all. Let’s get your things and head out.”

  The two picked up their belongings and shut the light off as they walked out of the office. Just as they reached the counter in the bookstore, Meg grabbed Lynn’s arm hard and pointed at the front window.

  They both stood stock still as they watched a dark shadow cross in front of the window and turn towards the alley. “Don’t move” Meg told Lynn and quickly ran behind the counter pulling out the largest baseball bat Lynn had ever seen.

  “Oh my gosh Meg, where did you get that thing? Why, you could knock out a bear with it!”

  Meg didn’t answer, but crept to the front door and quietly unlocked and opened it to peer around the edge of the door. Seeing nothing, she crept out the door and over to the corner of the building. She was just in time to see the shadow, of what she was sure was a man, turn the corner and head down the alley. Turning around she just about knocked Lynn over. “Whoever it was is gone now, but who in the heck was it?”

  Shaking her head, Lynn replied “I couldn’t see, but we had better leave before whoever it was decides to come back. AND, you are not staying alone tonight. I’m bunking at your house.”

  “Fine by me. Now let’s get going.”

  As the two climbed into Lynn’s sporty Mustang, Meg had one thought going thru her mind, someone knows, someone knows I’m here.

  Neither of them heard the little bark coming from inside the bookstore as they left.


  Wade, still sitting in the station office, took
a sip of his coffee and turned on the Sheriff’s computer. He typed in a name and watched the screen as the search engine popped up a list of links.

  An hour later he’d not found anything connected to a Meg Stinner and no photos of her either. He’d found a couple listed on Facebook but neither were their Meg. Trying a few other social sites didn’t get him any further.

  Leaning back in his chair he rubbed his sore eyes. How can that be? How is it possible that there was not one thing on Meg? People these days weren’t invisible. It just isn’t normal, he thought.

  Closing the web browser, he logged into the police database and ran a search again. Once more, nothing. Well, that’s a good sign though. At least I know she doesn’t have a record. So, what is the connection between the victim and Meg, he wondered, and how did he get his hands on the mini part? This just doesn’t make any sense.

  Looking at his watch he decided to give it up for the night and head home to get some sleep. Shutting the computer down he picked up his hat and closed the office. Inside his truck he pulled out his cell phone and called Lynn.

  Lynn picked up on the fourth ring. “Do you have any idea what time it is Wade Hooper?”

  “Sorry Lynn. I’ve been at the office and just didn’t think. Just wanted to make sure you two got home ok.”

  “Yes, DAD,” Lynn replied sarcastically, “I’m at Meg’s. We just got inside and we’re all tucked in, safe and sound. You can go back to playing cop now and stop bothering the residents” she teased.

  Wade, telling her to go back to sleep, hung up the phone. He pulled the envelope out of his pocket and read the note again. After what happened he was glad Meg wasn’t alone tonight.

  He started the truck and began backing out of the parking lot thinking, whatever this is, he had a bad feeling about it all. Just like with Kim. Not good, not good at all.

  He turned the truck onto the street and headed home.



  As Nyla pulled into the driveway of her house she looked over at Helen. “Alright Helen, spit it out, what’s got your pa-toot in a twist tonight, other than the fact someone was killed behind the diner.”

  Helen, who had ignored Nyla’s constant chatter and remained silent all the way home, turned to look at her friend. “Oh Nyla, I’ve, oh just forget it. I’m just tired.” Helen threw open the car door and stomped off across the street right into her house without ever looking back, leaving Nyla standing by the car with her mouth hanging open.

  Well if that don’t beat all. She was truly beginning to wonder about Helen and if maybe she might need mental help. She sure hadn’t been herself this evening. And her fixation with Henry, what was that all about?

  Picking up her purse and book, Nyla walked into her house. Dang it all, she thought, I was supposed to solve the mystery scene tonight and get my name back on the top of the list! With all the excitement, she had literally forgotten all about it. “I’ll just have to help solve the real mystery and when I do that, Meg must leave me at the top of the list forever” she said aloud.

  Dropping her things on the couch, she headed to the bedroom to get ready for bed.


  Helen slammed the front door behind her and sat down in the large overstuffed chair. She had so many thoughts running through her head that she couldn’t keep them all straight. Not to mention the fact that she was beginning to get a headache. What have I done? Did anyone see me go outside and around the side of the building? Nyla was so busy arguing with Giles that she didn’t even notice I left, I think?

  Standing up and walking into the kitchen she put the kettle on the burner for tea. I’ve got to change my clothes and then, some tea and an aspirin should help. Did I lock my door?

  She had way too many questions running through her head and couldn’t seem to calm herself down. She checked the door and finding it locked, headed to her bathroom. She had just finished washing her face and brushing her teeth when she heard the kettle whistling.

  Slipping on her comfy chenille robe she padded back into the kitchen and fixed her tea. With the bottle of aspirin from the cupboard and her tea in hand, she headed back to the couch to think. She suddenly stopped dead still spilling her tea and said aloud, “OH MY GOSH! The fly swatter! I left it in the back of Nyla’s car!”

  She had a feeling she was not going to get much sleep tonight and began to pace around the room, talking out loud to herself. “Nyla always puts the car in the garage and even if I was able to sneak into the garage, the car would be locked. No way can I get that swatter back tonight.”

  Sitting down on the couch she realized nothing could be done till tomorrow. Shutting her eyes in hopes the headache would ease up, she slowly drifted into a fitful sleep right there on her couch.


  Henry, hearing the two girls leaving the diner, had crept down the alley between the two buildings, and headed towards home. As he walked through the door his stomach let out a rather loud growl. Rat farts, I guess I should try and fix something to eat since I missed out on dinner. I paid ten whole dollars and got nothing to show for it. What a waste.

  He reached into the almost empty cupboard for a can of beanie-weenies, opened them, and poured them into a microwaveable bowl. While those were heating up he pulled a few slices of bread out of the bag and opened a can of beer. At least with that guy dead, it might buy him some more time to find the tin and get the money he needed to clear his debt, he thought.

  Gathering everything up he sat down at the little bar counter and began to eat while thinking over the night’s events. The more he thought about it all, the more his hands began to shake. By the time he got to the last few spoonsful of beanie-weenies, he couldn’t hold the spoon steady enough to keep the beans from spilling out.

  You big dummy. You have certainly done it this time, haven’t you? You always said your temper would get the best of you one day and looks like it just might have. A certain person was not going to believe any of what I have to say and I . . . just might be the next to turn up dead.

  Unable to sleep, Henry turned on the old television and started flipping channels in search of something to watch. Not long after sat down he saw the lights from Nyla’s car through his front window, pulling into her garage. Walking into his bedroom, he put his ear up next to the wall that faced Nyla’s house, trying to hear what the two women were saying. Seemed to him they were having a little spat, but he couldn’t hear what it was about. He figured that he wasn’t going to find out anything more tonight, so he went back to his living room to watch some more TV before turning in for the night.

  He wasn’t positive, but he hoped that Meg and Lynn hadn’t noticed him at the diner earlier. If they had, the Sheriff would probably have been on his doorstep by now. What he was going to do next was beyond him.


  Leaving the car running, Lynn ran into her house just long enough to grab one of the big T-Shirts she loved to sleep in. She stopped once more at the door and grabbed a book off the side table. May as well take my book. If I can’t sleep I can at least catch up on my reading, she thought.

  Back at Megs house the two took turns getting ready for bed then fell into the couch looking at each other. Lynn was the first to speak.

  “Hey, if you want, I can stay over here for a few nights. Just till the Sheriff knows more about what happened tonight.”

  “Honestly Lynn, I’m glad you are here, but beyond tonight I’m not sure? You have your own life and things to do. I wouldn’t want to be a nuisance.”

  Lynn thought for a second, “Tell you what. From now on I’m going to come by the diner each night that you work late and give you a ride home. At least that way we can sort of keep an eye on each other. I can drop you off then head home and we can call each other making sure all is well. Sound alright to you?”

  “Thanks Lynn. I’d rather not be walking around here after dark, till we know more about what is going on, so I’d really appreciate the ride.” Meg sm
iled giving her a friendly pat on the leg. “I’ll be fine tomorrow. Besides, I have Chewy who makes a great alarm if needed” she laughed.

  Suddenly Meg froze. “Oh my gosh! Chewy!”

  “What Meg, what’s wrong?”

  Jumping off the couch Meg grabbed Lynn’s arm, “I need your keys! I just realized, with all that went on, I walked out and left Chewy at the bookstore! Oh, my goodness Lynn, I forgot all about the little thing.”

  Lynn, seeing that her friend was visibly upset, dug her keys out of her purse. “Come on, I’ll drive.”

  “No, really Lynn, stay here. I’ll be fine. It’ll only take me a few seconds to grab her and get back here. Just stay and get comfortable.”

  Lynn hesitated, “Well, if you’re sure you’ll be alright?”

  “Yup, no problem. I’ll be back before you can read two pages in that book your holding.”

  Meg grabbed the keys and headed out the door.

  Lynn, pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and got comfortable. She opened her book and began to read, but didn’t even make it to the bottom of the second page before falling asleep. It was close to three in the morning and had been a long day.


  Chewy had been sleeping when the sound of a door closing woke her up. She had let out a little bark, but when Meg didn’t come back for her, she had curled up on the blanket in the corner of her pen and fallen back asleep. The next thing she knew, she was picked up by a strange hand and shoved inside some dark place. The little dog began to bark and whine, but when nobody came she laid down with her ears perked up, listening.

  Sometime later, hearing a door open and recognizing Meg's scent, Chewy began to bark again. “Chewy, oh mamma's so sorry baby, I’m coming” Meg called to the dog.

  Chewy began to bark furiously as Meg’s voice came closer. Running back to the pen and looking inside, she expected to see Chewy there jumping up and down excitedly. But the little dog was gone and it sounded like she was in the supply closet. “Now, how in the world did you get in there, little girl?” Meg cooed to the dog.


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