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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 26

by T. G. Hanson


  Nyla and the girls had worked tirelessly on Henry’s home. It now looked nice and homey, but not at all frilly. Nyla had found a nice comfy sofa in a garage sale, while driving back from visiting Henry. With a little bit of leather conditioner, it came back to life and had a rich look to it.

  Janet brought over her husband’s lazy-y-boy chair she no longer wanted. When her husband passed, she had moved it out to the garage and placed a sheet over it. While it smelled a bit of pipe tobacco, it was still in good shape, and the girls figured that the smell would be gone by the time Henry came home.

  They painted the kitchen cabinets a slate blue color and added shelf liners inside. With a light cream color paint on the walls, the kitchen looked almost new. With the donations they collected, the cabinets were stocked with boxed and canned goods that should last a few months at least.

  New dishes, glasses and silverware were put in place along with some dish towels and a wooden paper towel holder. There was a three-piece set of glass canisters from Helen’s things on the counter, each filled to the top with staples and the fridge had been stocked as well.

  In the end, it hadn’t made that much of a dent in Helen’s stash and they still had items people had donated left over. Helen, having consented to Meg organizing and tallying up her credit cards bills, discovered that if everything sold, she would be able to pay off all her credit cards, and still have a little bit of money left over.

  Meg had offered the diner as a place to hold the sale since it was going to be so hot outside, and Helen had so much. The widows had everything ready to go and had arranged to drop it all by the diner tonight, by five o’clock.

  Nyla grabbed a book from the stack Meg had brought over and let the girls know she was off to visit Henry again. “I think I’ll leave the hanging of these pictures up to you two girls, but I’ll be back in a bit and we can work on getting the signs for the sale taped up around town.”

  “Behave yourselves now,” she called as she walked out the door.

  Helen, Myra and Meg looked at each other and laughed. Myra looked at the other two, “Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think our Nyla might be getting a bit sweet on ole Henry!”

  Helen laughed and shook her head “Surely not, surely not our Nyla.”

  Standing and stretching, Meg announced that she was headed back to the dinner. “You two have fun and I’ll be seeing you later.”

  Working for another half hour the two women looked around the room. “Very nice, even if I say so myself. Don’t you think so Helen?”

  “Indeed it does Myra.”

  With a big hug Myra let Helen know how proud of her she and the others were for letting go of all her shopping channel things. “You did a very nice thing here Helen, you should be proud of yourself.”

  Walking out the door and smiling at the floor Helen replied, “Aww shucks, wasn’t nothing at all.”

  They had decided to clean up and rest a bit before meeting back at Henry’s later in the day. “See you later Helen, called Myra as she climbed into her car.” Helen waived as she crossed the street towards her own home.


  Henry found that he could raise his bed up now to more of a sitting position without so much pain. He still couldn’t remember anything before waking up in the hospital or from the cops coming by to see him, but wasn’t sure he wanted to. They told him he had fallen in with some bad guys and gotten beaten up. Seemed to him he was much better off not remembering.

  He heard the clicking of high heels coming down the hall outside his room and looking up, was happy to see it was one of the ladies who had visited him before. Nyla smiled at him. “Good afternoon Henry. I see your sitting up today, feeling better I hope.”

  “A bit yes and how nice of you to visit me again. Could that perhaps be pie I smell in that little basket you are carrying?”

  “Sure is and, I brought a book you might like as well. Thought I could read some of it to you while you ate and then you can finish it up yourself later.”

  Henry sure liked this nice lady but somewhere in the back of his mind he kept thinking that he wasn’t the kind of person who deserved all this special treatment.

  “Miss Nyla?”

  “Yes, Henry?”

  “I want you to know that I appreciate all this you are doing for me but I can’t help thinking that I don't deserve it. I mean if I got all tangled up with these bad men, what type of person must I have been?”

  Nyla smiled down at Henry. “Now that’s where you are wrong Henry. Everyone has their lot in life. Some have it better than others and yours, well now, yours was not all that great to begin with.”

  “You may not remember it now, but we have known each other for some time. We haven’t always been good friends, but I suspect that was because of your behavior and there were reasons behind that. But now, if you want, you have the chance to make some changes and be a better person.”

  Henry thought for a few minutes and asked, “If I wasn’t a very nice person before, why would all you ladies come up here to visit me and do all these nice things for me?”

  “Why because Henry, we folk in Mystic Pines take care of one another. If you choose to use this second chance to change some of your ways, you’ll find that out for yourself when you come home.”

  “I’ll give that some thought Miss Nyla, I surely will.”

  Henry smiled and Nyla, after fixing his pie for him, picked up the book and began to read. She had managed to get through five chapters when she realized it was getting late.

  “I’d better be headed back home now Henry but I’ll come visit again. The doctor said it wouldn’t be long before you will be able to come home, so I’ll visit a couple more times between now and then. I’ll bring another book next time in case you finish this one in the meantime.”

  “Thanks again Miss Nyla. I look forward to it, and I just might get a little further on that book you brought. I had no idea I would enjoy a mystery.”

  Nyla patted his hand, sat the book on the food tray and walked out the door. She hoped she had done something good for Henry today.


  Meg had just finished making up the signs for the big sale when Nyla popped into the bookstore. She gathered up the signs and placed them in a box then turned them over to Nyla.

  “So, did your second visit with Henry go any better than the first” she asked.

  “About the same I’m afraid. He still doesn’t seem to remember anything, but he is much nicer to talk to now.”

  “I think it’s very big of you Nyla to do all this for him. I just hope when and if he remembers who he was, he realizes how kind you have been.”

  “I think he will for some reason, but we will see, won’t we? He did tell me to say thanks to you for the pie and he enjoyed what little of the book I managed to read to him. Funny though, I got the impression he’d never read a book for fun before, let alone a mystery. Kind of sad, isn’t it?”

  Nyla thanked Meg for making the signs up and for allowing them to hold the sale in the diner then headed out the door. She managed to hang a sign on each store window in town before she drove off.

  Kevin heard Nyla drive up and went outside to get the box of fliers from her. “You sure it’s all right for you to put these in folks’ mailboxes Kevin?”

  “Sure Miss Nyla, no problem. It’s a little town so I seriously doubt anyone would complain. Especially since it’s for a good cause and all.”

  “Well we thank you Kevin, you’re a nice boy.”

  “You’re welcome there Miss Nyla, and you be safe now driving home.”

  Leaving the fliers with Kevin, Nyla drove off heading home. It was hot and she needed a little nap before helping with the sale tonight.

  Meg had saved the two largest sale signs for both the diner and bookstore. She had just finished taping them on the window when Lynn walked in the door.

  “Hey stranger, where you been all day?”

  “Mostly in the offi
ce checking on some things. Seems like the phone wouldn’t stop ringing today. That was nice of you by the way to offer the diner for the garage sale.”

  “It’s just so hot outside and supposed to be the same tomorrow. I figured they would have a better chance of getting people to come, if they knew it was inside with air conditioning. And besides, it will give the customers something new to look at while they eat.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot . . . Wade stopped by and talked to Daisy. Seems she has some kind of cold, supposedly, and that’s why she hasn’t been answering her phone and hasn’t been to work. Wade got the idea that she didn’t have any intentions of coming back to work so it looks like you might be out an employee.”

  “Dang, nice of her to bother to pick up the phone and let me know. What’s wrong with these young kids these days. Don’t they have any manners anymore.”

  “Truthfully Meg, I think Daisy has been on her own for so long now that she just doesn’t know any better. If the truth be known, I think she must have been an oops baby. Her folks were older when they had her and they have never seemed the parental type to me.”

  “She sure seems to be left on her own a lot huh.”

  “Yup her folks run around with a travel group and they are always going here or there. I think they only come back home to exchange one bunch of suitcases for another.”

  “Shame, huh?”

  “Yes it sure is.”

  Walking to the door Lynn let Meg know that she had just dropped in on her way home. She was going home to shower and rest for a bit then she’d be back to help set up the sale tonight.

  “Thanks Lynn. See you later.”

  “Sure and watch for Wade, he should be by in a bit as well.”

  Looking down at herself, Meg decided she could probably use a quick shower herself. She yelled at Randy letting him know that she was going home and she’d be back in an hour.

  An hour later Meg had showered and having changed clothes was walking down to Lynn’s house. Letting herself in she called out, “Lynn, you dressed?”

  “Just finishing up what are you doing here? How come you’re not still at the diner?”

  “Just thought I’d come home to freshen up a bit and pick up Chewy. Thought we might talk a bit and have a glass of wine before going back to the diner.”

  “Sure thing, wine’s in the fridge and I’ll be out in just a sec. Help yourself.”

  Meg fixed two glasses of wine then carried one over to look at the books on Lynn’s shelf. “Why Lynn, I didn’t know you read ghost stories as well as mysteries.”

  “Blame it all on The Shining. Couldn’t close the shower curtain for a year after that one and that was my downfall into ghostly territory” she laughed. “Give me a good haunted house story any day and I won’t sleep with the lights off for a month.” They laughed and talked a bit more about the other books in Lynn’s collection.

  “You have a very eclectic taste when it comes to books. I’ll have to start stocking up on some other titles for you I can see.”

  “Thanks, that would be great! I always feel a little guilty going to Amazon to get them.”

  “So, tell me Lynn, do you think the three men Houston are holding will be let go?”

  “It’s looking more and more like they will. Henry still hasn’t remembered anything yet.”

  “Do you think they would come here to Mystic Pines if they are let go. Should I be worried about that?”

  “Truly Meg, I don’t think so. I mean we don’t have any reason to suspect they would. I don’t see any connection to you so I wouldn’t worry about them.”

  Meg smiled at Lynn but in her gut, she wasn’t so sure.


  Bill and Sally were just climbing into the car when they heard the pay phone begin ringing. “Do you think we should answer it Bill?”

  “I don’t know Sally. What if it’s that guy John mentioned. I’d have no idea what to say or what not to say and it might make things worse.”

  “Guess you’re right, but maybe we should mention it to John just the same. That’s not the first time I’ve heard it ringing you know.”

  “Yup, I’ll be sure and let him know next time I see him.”

  Pay phone guy had been calling for days now and couldn’t get a hold of Danny. Something was wrong here. Plus, some reporter had been snooping around lately calling some of his friends and asking about him. He was starting to think he’d have to find someone else to send out there, to check up on Danny. What was that old saying? If you wanted something done right, do it yourself. He was beginning to believe it.

  Bill and Sally drove off to get some dinner at the Knife’s Edge. They did indeed see John at the diner and let him know that the pay phone had continued to ring each night.

  “Thanks for letting me know. Unless you have any objections, I’m going to call the phone company and see if they will turn it off for a few days. That’ll give whoever is calling something to think about, won’t it?”

  “That will be fine with us John. Better than hearing it just ring and ring.”

  Back at the motel, two men sat inside a black sedan parked on the side of the building. They were drinking beer and discussing what to do next. Earlier they had learned that the Boss had sent Molly up to the hospital and pretending to be a nurse, she had checked on the old guy. Looks like they weren’t going to get anywhere with him, since he couldn’t remember anything, but they could follow through with Henry’s plan and that would more than cover his debt.

  They put the car in gear and drove through town by way of some back roads. Seeing that most of the town was at the diner, they figured now was as good as time as any to do a little snooping.


  Meg was thrilled to see everyone show up at the diner to help lay out all of Helen’s things. By the time they were finished they had filled one side of each table leaving the other side, for people to sit and eat. Standing back and looking around everyone thought it turned out nicely and were already wandering around picking out what they wanted to purchase.

  Randy had cooked up a special meal of baby back ribs, mustard potato salad, baked beans and thrown rolls for tonight. Everyone thought it was a meal that would entice the entire town out for supper and as it turned out they were right! Between the meal and Megs Homemade Chocolate Pie, everyone was full to the brim when they got up to leave.

  By the end of the meal all but a couple of the items had been purchased and when the final tally was counted, Helen had enough to pay all her credit cards off and then some.

  When Meg locked the door of the diner only herself, Wade, Lynn, the Sheriff and the Widows were left. She brought out Wine, Beer and more Tea to celebrate the success of the evening as everyone turned to Helen and congratulated her on the sale.

  Standing and rubbing his belly, the Sheriff stood up announcing he’d best be heading home. Wendy was tired and had left a bit earlier and he wanted to make it home before she went to bed.

  Nyla had noticed that while everyone had been laughing and chatting, Helen had been quiet. She nudged her friends arm and asked what was wrong. To everyone’s surprise Helen jumped up and ran to get between the Sheriff and the front door.

  John stopped and looked down at the woman. “Helen, what on earth is wrong with you?”

  Helen shoved her hands out in front of her. “I give up Sheriff, I can’t hold this in any longer. Not after today. I’m a bad woman! Go ahead and cuff me and take me to jail.”

  The entire room had gone silent watching Helen.

  John looked down at Helen, “Woman what on earth are you talking about.”

  “That man, that man in the alley, I was the one killed him. Honest, I didn’t mean to and I had no idea that a fly-swatter could do such a thing. But it was me sure as the day. I smacked him in the head but good and then ran.”

  The Sheriff, trying not to laugh, took hold of Helen by her shoulders and set her down at the nearest table. The others didn’t know whether to laugh or get up and help Joh
n calm Helen down.

  “Nope Sheriff, go ahead, I need to pay for what I’ve done just like anyone else. Just cuz I didn’t mean to kill him doesn’t mean I’m not guilty. I’ll serve my time willingly.”

  Part of the room had no idea what Helen was talking about while the other half had their hands over their mouths trying not to laugh. The Sheriff thought for a moment and turning to Wade motioned for him to come over to them.

  “Wade, you heard the woman, cuff her.”

  Nyla jumped up from the table and started toward them but John motioned for her to just sit back down and be quiet.

  “Sorry Sheriff, but I left my cuffs back at the station” then snickering, “Would you like for me to go get them” asked Wade.

  “That’s fine Wade, I’ve got some in the car. Everyone remain seated please and I’ll be right back.”

  Wade sat down beside Helen who was hanging her head and looking at the floor.

  Nyla and the other widows were holding onto each other and whispering. Seeing they were getting a bit upset Lynn leaned over and whispered something to Nyla. Shaking her head that she understood Nyla turned and whispered to the group.

  John walked back into the diner with a large hefty bag in his hand, stopping in front of Helen. She looked up at the Sheriff asking, “What’s that Sheriff? Where are the handcuffs?”

  “So Helen, before I can take you to jail I need to confirm something.” Pulling the large fly-swatter out of the bag he showed it to Helen. “Would this here swatter perhaps belong to you?

  “Oh my goodness, how’d you get that thing. I threw it away in the trash the other day and thought it was long gone. Guess you would call that the murder weapon huh.”

  Both John and Wade, unable to contain themselves any longer, burst out laughing as they sat down beside Helen. She jumped up and turned around to look at both men. “I don’t see what is so gall darn funny here you two. I’ve just confessed to murder and will probably spend the rest of my days in prison being someone's girlfriend or something worse!”


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