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Captive (Detective Jade Monroe 2)

Page 8

by C. M. Sutter

  The brothers took the stairs to the basement. Matt hung back and pulled a syringe and the Xylazine out of the jelly cupboard. He spun the roller chair toward him and sat while he poked the needle tip through the rubber stopper. He pulled back the plunger and drew a double dose into the syringe. He checked the amount through the clear plastic barrel then covered the needle with the protective cap. Matt looked around the corner and nodded to Jeremy that he was ready.

  “Let’s go, Beth. You’re looking awfully pale. I think you need some sunshine.”

  “What? Why? I don’t want to go outside. Please, I’m good. I like my cage.” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she scooted to the farthest corner of her enclosure.

  “That’s nice. Let’s go.”

  Matt spoke up, “Either come outside on your own or get the prod, it’s your choice. Either way, we’re going outside, and you’re coming along.”

  Matt unlocked the cage, and Jeremy grabbed Beth by the legs and pulled. She kicked, grabbed the sides of the cage, and held on while she screamed for help.

  “Zap her,” Jeremy yelled. “That skank just kicked me in the face.”

  With the cattle prod between the links, Matt zapped Beth in the chest. Her hands twitched and fell to her sides as her grip on the cage loosened. Jeremy yanked her out and heaved her over his shoulder. With a nod toward the cellar door, Jeremy motioned to Matt to open it and the outer wooden ones at the top too.

  “If she wakes up, nail her again. I don’t want to look scratched and bruised up later when we dump off Melanie.”

  Matt followed Jeremy into the woods, with the cattle prod centered at the base of Beth’s neck. She moaned and began to squirm.

  “Hit the bitch again before I drop her,” Jeremy yelled.

  Matt zapped Beth in the neck. Her body arched unnaturally then slumped back over Jeremy’s shoulder. The grave lay straight ahead where the mound of dirt and shovels interrupted the flat forest floor. Jeremy dropped Beth to the ground.

  He straightened his shoulders and cracked his neck. “Got the needle ready?”

  Matt nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, do it.”

  As he knelt on one knee, Matt turned Beth’s head to expose her carotid artery. He sank the needle into her neck and pushed the plunger in until all of the Xylazine was gone. Each brother found a tree trunk to sit against while they waited.

  Jeremy looked at his watch. “We’ll give it another few minutes. She’s probably dead already, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Let’s strip off her clothes. Somebody else can wear them.”

  “When are we going to take pictures of Gina and Carley?” Matt asked as he pulled the T-shirt over Beth’s head.

  “Probably tomorrow. We have a long drive ahead of us, and I might want to go out and celebrate later. That’s eight thousand bucks we just got for Mel. Gina and Carley should bring that much too. Liz, I’m not sure. Maybe six thousand if that guy from Miami is still interested.”

  Matt put his fingers against Beth’s neck and tried to find a pulse. There wasn’t any. He nodded at Jeremy. “She’s gone.”

  “Good, let’s finish this up. Give me a hand.”

  With a heave, they lifted Beth and threw her in the hole. A thud sounded when her head cracked against a rock. Without missing a beat, they each grabbed a shovel and threw dirt over her face.

  The deed was done within a half hour. Jeremy patted the grave with the shovel head to flatten it out. He returned the shovels to the barn and set them inside.

  He wiped his brow and turned to Matt. “I’ll take a quick shower, then you can. After that, we’ll get Mel ready. She might need to get dosed for the drive. I’m not about to listen to her wailing for two hours. Get a syringe prepared to go.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll give them something to eat while you clean up.” Matt headed to the house with Jeremy right behind him.

  Chapter 18

  “Woo-hoo, don’t you look pretty?” Jeremy’s face lit up as he looked her over. Melanie came out of the bathroom and wore a clean dress. Her hair was glossy and smooth. Jeremy sniffed the air. “Man, you even smell good. Let me take a look at your forehead.” He brushed her hair aside as she stood frozen in place. “Yeah, it’s just a little bump. Your hair will cover that. See what happens when you try to run? It didn’t work out very well for you, did it? Hey, bro, come and take a look at the new and improved Melanie.”

  Matt came around the corner and smiled. He had just filled a syringe for the drive to the state line. “Wow, you should have gone for at least ten grand the way you look now. Maybe we should keep you for ourselves.” He licked his lips slowly and deliberately.

  “Too late, brother, we’ve already been paid.”

  Melanie trembled as she stood in front of Jeremy and Matt and looked over at the three women still caged. She had known Carley and Gina for only a day, but Liz had been with her for two months.

  “Just think, Mel, you’re going all the way to Morocco. Man, who knows what that dude is going to act like with a hot, blond babe like you? He’s going to be out of his mind with ideas.” Jeremy laughed. “Okay, it’s time to go. We don’t want to keep your new owner’s representative waiting. Say your goodbyes and make it quick.”

  Melanie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Where’s Beth? I want to say goodbye to her too.”

  “Yeah, Beth is gone. She asked us to say goodbye on her behalf.”

  “Where did she go?” Mel coughed between sniffles.

  “Where is Beth, Matt?” Jeremy looked at his brother with a questioning smile on his face.

  “Hmm… oh yeah, the last time I saw her, she was in the woods.”

  “That’s right, she’s in the woods. Now say goodbye to your friends. It’s time to go.”

  Melanie began sobbing as she ran to Liz’s cage and held her hands through the wires. “You’ll be okay, Liz.” She leaned in and whispered, “The cops will find you, all of you. You’ll get out of this, just don’t make these two mad, and do what they say. Tell the cops where they sent me when you’re rescued.”

  “Okay, that’s enough blabbering.” Matt pulled Mel backward by the hair. “Get upstairs.” He pushed her toward the cellar doors with the prod.

  Jeremy opened the back of the van and set a cage inside. Mel and Matt stepped out into the late afternoon sun. The brightness made her squint.

  “Get in. You have a choice, Mel, and I’m only going to explain it once. You can sit in the cage quietly and accept your fate, you can get zapped every time you make a fuss, or you can get hit with the needle. Which do you want?”

  “I’ll be quiet.”

  “Good choice. Here’s a bottle of water for the ride. Remember, one peep and you get the needle or the prod.”

  She climbed up on the bumper and crawled into the cage. Jeremy handed her the water, closed the gate, and padlocked it. He slammed the back of the van shut and got into the driver’s seat. Matt set two bottled waters in the cup holders and got in. Jeremy exited the long driveway and turned left onto Division Road. He headed south for ten minutes on different country roads, passing an occasional tractor before reaching a main highway. Jeremy turned east and drove for another fifteen minutes, then he merged onto the interstate. They would be at the Wisconsin and Illinois border in an hour. The rep they were meeting was supposed to be at an abandoned ski hill just west of Union Grove. He would be in a black SUV. The syringe of Xylazine would be given to him in case he needed it.

  Just before dusk, Jeremy turned off the frontage road and into the entrance of the long-forgotten ski hill. A broken ski lift and a chalet with most of the windows shattered stood ahead to their left. The thick chain that had been stretched across the weedy driveway and holding a yellow “No Trespassing” sign had been taken down and was lying to the side. A lone black SUV sat idling with its fog lamps on. The gravel crunched under the van’s tires as Jeremy pulled up side by side with the other vehicle. A large man in a dark suit exited the SUV. Jeremy killed the engine, and he
and Matt exited the van. Whimpering sounded from the back. Jeremy heard it just before he closed the door.

  “Shut the hell up,” he said in a snarled whisper.

  The three men met at the rear of the van, shook hands, and introduced themselves. They talked for a few minutes before Matt opened the back doors.

  “One moment,” the rep said. He excused himself, returned to the SUV, and tapped on the driver’s side window. The window came down. The rep spoke to the driver for a few seconds before the SUV started, and the driver turned the vehicle around in the driveway. The headlights illuminated the back of the van. Mel squinted and covered her eyes with her hands.

  “Much better,” the rep said.

  “Put your hands down so he can see your face,” Matt instructed.

  She reluctantly complied.

  The rep lifted his cell phone and began taking pictures. “These are for the buyer. He wants to make sure she looks the way she did in the auction photos. I’m sure you understand his concern.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Pull her out, Matt, so Mr. Lawrence can get a better look.”

  Matt unlocked the cage and grabbed Mel’s arm. “Get out.”

  She crawled out of the cage and slid off the bumper. She stood and smoothed out her dress while more pictures were taken.

  “Wipe your face. Your makeup is running,” Matt said with an air of disgust. He turned her in different directions while Mr. Lawrence snapped a few more shots.

  “It will be just a few minutes. I’m sending these photos to the buyer.”

  “Sure, no problem—how about a bottle of water?” Jeremy asked.

  “No, thank you. Ah—there we go. The photos went through. It should only be a few minutes more, gentlemen.”

  They waited in silence.

  “Yes, very good—our buyer is pleased. Let’s go.” He took Melanie by the arm.

  Matt handed Mr. Lawrence the syringe of Xylazine and showed him the amount in the barrel. “Half of this will knock her out for a good three hours. Don’t give her all of it at once. It’ll kill her.”

  “I understand. Thank you, gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure. I’m sure we’ll be in touch.”

  “See ya, Mel. Have a nice life.” Jeremy turned and got into the driver’s seat of the van.

  Matt walked around to the passenger’s side and climbed in. They heard Mel’s wailing as they drove away.

  “How about grabbing a couple of beers on our way back?” Matt said.

  “Yeah, I like that idea. We have eight thousand reasons to celebrate.” Jeremy turned to his brother and high-fived him.

  Jeremy’s cell phone, lying in the cup holder between the seats, rang as he drove. He lifted it to see who was calling. Not many people had that number since it was a burner phone. The screen illuminated, showing the caller was Mr. Lawrence.

  “Crap, this can’t be good.” He grimaced as he answered. “Hello, Mr. Lawrence.”

  “Jeremy, I just wanted to tell you what a spitfire you sold us. My client will be amused.”

  Jeremy smiled. “That’s good to know. What did Melanie do?”

  “She obviously had her own agenda. As you drove away and before she was loaded in the SUV, she twisted out of my grip and ran toward the woods. My driver and I chased her down, of course, and quickly caught her but not before we each got a few scratches and bites in the process. She’s resting comfortably now.” He laughed into the phone. “She’ll be sleeping for hours, and by the time she wakes up, we’ll be over the Atlantic. I doubt if she’ll try to make another break for it at thirty thousand feet.”

  Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief. “Sorry about that. I did hear her threaten to make a run for it, but she tried that earlier—hence the knot on her forehead. What is it they say? If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again? Good night, Mr. Lawrence. We appreciate your business.”

  “Good night, Jeremy.”

  The brothers drove the ninety miles back to the outskirts of North Bend while drumming their fingers to the music playing on the radio.

  “Hey, check out that bar,” Jeremy said as he pointed and slowed down. “Want to stop and have a few?”

  “Yeah, definitely. This looks like a pretty happening place.” Matt scanned the parking lot when Jeremy turned in.

  Jeremy shut off the van and got out. “Let’s see what makes this place so popular. It’s got to be the women. That might even give me some ideas.”

  They walked toward the front door, checking the roofline as they got closer.

  “I don’t see any cameras,” Matt said.

  “Sucks for them. Let’s see what’s inside.”

  They entered the jam-packed bar area. There was barely room to pass by another person and definitely no place to sit at the bar. Two guys stood, and Matt grabbed their bar table just before a couple got to it.

  “Sorry, folks. You snooze, you lose,” Matt said as he claimed both chairs. He saved one for Jeremy, who was squeezed between other patrons at the bar, ordering their beers.

  “Pretty crazy place you’ve got here,” Jeremy shouted to the bartender through the noise.

  She smiled and nodded while she filled the pints he ordered.

  “They come here for her.” A voice sounded to Jeremy’s left.

  He turned his head and grinned. “Are you talking to me?” He noticed the woman’s good looks and gave her the once-over.

  “Yeah, I said she’s what brings in the business.”

  “Knock it off, Jade. You’re embarrassing me.”

  “Jade? Nice name—it matches your eyes.”

  “Thanks, that was smooth. Back to her, though—it’s true, just look at that face.”

  “I certainly can’t disagree. I’m Jeremy and new in town. May I buy you two a beer?”

  “Sure, and by the way, you better be nice to your bartender. Amber is my little sister.”

  Jeremy looked back and forth from one beauty to the other. They were both gorgeous. The dollar signs rolled in his head. The playful spark in Jade’s eyes made her look very appealing. “Oh, I intend to be nice to her. Amber, huh? So when do you get off work, Amber? I’m having a ‘get to know your neighbors’ party at my house.” He looked at Jade and gave her a dimpled grin. “I’d love it if you were both my guests of honor.” Jade looks to be my age, older than most of our girls but very hot. I bet she’d still go for a good price.

  Amber leaned forward over the bar. “I work until closing. Sorry, dude, but you don’t need to worry about being nice to me. It’s Jade you have to watch out for.”

  “Really, why’s that?” He gave Jade another look of approval.

  “She’s a sergeant at the sheriff’s department, and she has a wicked gun.”

  Jeremy’s excitement quickly diminished, but he couldn’t let on. He laughed instead. “Yeah, you look like someone who could easily handle herself.”

  Amber passed the pints across the bar. Jeremy handed her thirty dollars and told her to keep the change. “Nice meeting you ladies.”

  “You too, Jeremy, and thanks for the beer,” Amber yelled out.

  Jeremy carried a pint of ale in each hand and placed them on the table. “Can you see that chick bartending from here?”

  Matt craned his neck, trying to look around the sea of people. “Nah—can’t see shit.”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty damn hot, and young. She barely looks old enough to be a bartender. There’s another hot-looking babe sitting at the bar—long black hair, huge green eyes. She gave me a smile and started talking, so I bought her and the bartender a beer. Turns out they’re sisters, and the one sitting on the barstool is a cop. Damn it, they would have gone for top dollar. I think we should steer clear of this place. Drink up, brother—we need to go.”

  Chapter 19

  It seemed that whenever we solved a case, I’d finally have a weekend off. Lately, that wasn’t happening very often. Other than the week I took off while Amber and I moved, and she recuperated, we’d all been putting in extra hours.

yton, you’re catching on,” I said, joking with him when I walked into the bull pen. “It’s about time somebody other than yours truly brought doughnuts in on a Saturday.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I figured it was time I paid my dues.”

  I walked over to the open box on the table at the back of the bull pen and peered in. “Oh, yum—French crullers, my favorite.” I grabbed two and a napkin then sat at my desk. For a split second, I thought about that hot guy standing next to me at Joey’s last night. I was flattered when he bought Amber and me a beer. I guess I still had something going on, and Amber? She would be gorgeous forever. I smiled then forced my focus back on work. “How’s it going with the roads between here and Grand Forks?”

  “We’ve picked two alternates, but we’re still checking out the interstate too. We’ll split up the areas into counties and cities. It might take all of us working together, but we can make contact with the larger cities’ PD and sheriff’s departments and see if anyone has been reported missing or if any bodies have been found with the same MO as Reanne’s,” Clayton said while he chewed on his sugary treat. “If anything pops, it will likely be handed off to the FBI. We can’t get them involved unless we know there have been other crimes like this committed.”

  I nodded as I tore off a piece of the doughnut and popped it into my mouth. “Yeah, murders crossing multiple state lines, that’s definitely the FBI’s job, not ours.”

  Jack walked in and headed directly for the doughnuts.

  “You’re amazing,” I said.

  “I am?” He turned and grinned at me, almost blushing and most likely expecting a compliment.

  “I swear, you’re like a dog. You probably smelled those doughnuts before you even got out of your car.”

  His smile quickly evaporated, and he was fast with a comeback. “Yep, you’re right, Miss Piggy. How many have you had already?”

  I frowned. “Just two, and I’m done, thank you very much.” I wiped my hands on the paper napkin, balled it up, and threw it ten feet to the garbage can. “Swish—nothing but net and another three-pointer for me.”


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