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Millie’s Outlaw

Page 5

by Hart, Jillian

  "A living?"

  "I've made hats for other employers since my first job at eighteen."

  "You make hats? Lady, that's a liquor store downstairs."

  "A liquor store?" Millie's step faltered.

  "And quite profitable too."

  "What one minute. What did you just say? Let's go back. I'm confused. Did you just offer to buy me out?"

  "Hell, yes, I did. I own a stake in this business."

  "The property too?"

  "I'm the lienholder, baby. And I ain't none too happy about it. Here comes Homer Minks lugging your trunk up the stairs by the sound of it."

  Leo watched the bright gleam in her eyes dim and the smile fade from her soft mouth.

  For a brief moment she had looked so beautiful and full of spunk and gumption, that his heart simply forgot to keep beating.

  When it started up again, it drove a certain kind of heat through his blood.

  A sexual one. Like a thirst, it needed quenching.

  He cleared his throat to say something to her, anything to her. He could not explain the need he felt to simply step forward and brush back the blond tendrils away from her face.

  To look into her eyes and see more of her. To see past the independent manner, she tried so hard to show, and to see beneath it to the more tender part of her she did her best to keep hidden.

  He was not deceived. He saw more of the true Millie than he was comfortable showing.

  "Why, Homer!" Millie greeted just as the door swung open.

  Leo blinked. Damn, he'd been so busy thinking about Millie he'd forgotten his entire mission.

  The whole god damned thing.

  Too late too hide now. Homer set down the trunk against the wall.

  "I see you're not alone, Millie." He squinted, looking a bit pissed off about having another man in the room.

  Competition for Millie's hand.

  Leo resisted the urge to roll his eyes again. Hot damn, he had the best idea of all.

  There was only one way to save this situation. Yep, there was just no other way to do it.

  "Who are you?" Homer asked pointedly, proof he'd already made up his mind to get himself all hooked up and married.

  The man looked so serious, there was no backing down.

  Leo opened his mouth and said the biggest lie he'd ever told anyone uncover. "I'm Millie's husband."

  "Are you kidding me?" Millie's eyes went saucer wide. "I don't see a wedding ring on this finger. What is wrong with you that you would be so obnoxious and just assume that I would want anything to do with you."

  "Aw, baby. I know you're mad at me. Why don't you just calm down and forgive me."

  "I'll give you something to calm me down with. A big stick. That's what. Or a broom ought to do. Let me look around this place, which is a mess by the way. Let me see if I can find anything big and hard to beat some common sense into you with."

  "She's violent. Often. Don't mind my poor sweet, stunning wife. She can be awfully forthright but she's rarely ever dangerous."


  "Only once she tried to beat my father's friend with the bad end of a rifle. He lived to tell the tale, but he fully recovered from being bested by a woman not even half his size."

  "Oh, my. I had no idea." Homer took a step back, shocked.

  He was shocked, I tell you, and Leo strode to the door and opened it wider. The look he gave the man was scathing.

  "Guess I'd best be gettin' on my way. Forget the credit. I won't be stopping by, so I don't need that store credit."

  Homer rushed down the stairs, very eager to escape.

  "Seriously, where's a broom? Although I'm gonna need something better to make you pay for saying that about me."

  The better part of valor when dealing with a woman was to absently nod and not pay attention.

  He had a killer to find.

  At least he didn't see any trouble out there. Just Millie's horse standing lonely and forgotten in the alley.

  Well, he'd have to find some clothes of Fitzhugh's because now he could see the wisdom in coming here. Pretending to be a married man inheriting it all was the best disguise of all.

  Too bad it meant keeping Millie around.

  And cooperative.

  "Say, how would you like to earn five hundred dollars?" He shut the door with his boot and turned around.

  She stopped from hunting through a nearby closet and pulled out an old wooden mop. The handle was worn and cracking, but it looked sturdy enough to make a good weapon.

  A man could get awful bruised from that thing.

  "Keep your weapon holstered. Or in the closet." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Would you really beat me with a mop?"

  "I'm gonna run you out of this apartment, that's what I'm going to do. My apartment. My store. I don't want your money. I want you to pay for running off a perfectly good customer."

  "Lady, let's get one thing straight. That's a liquor store down there."


  "In a lawless town like this, where every deputy and sheriff has been run out of town by the robber gang living in the hills on the way into Willow Glen, you'll do a fine business anyway you look at it."

  "Not for long it's not. I'm a hat maker, not a liquor seller. And I'm not your make-believe wife—"

  He cut her off. "You will be if we can make a deal. Five hundred."

  A knock pounded on the door.

  "Who's there?" Leo's hand flew to his holstered gun.

  "It's Stan, from over at the livery. The town attorney asked me to come unpack your wagon, but I see it's already been done and take your gelding and vehicle over to my barn."

  Leo stepped back and gestured to Millie. "Open it, but don't say one thing about me being here."

  She gripped the mop handle tighter, gave him a scathing grimace and cracked open the door.

  "Good day, ma'am." Stan politely tipped his hat. "I must say, the word on the street is correct. Right on the money. You are awfully beautiful."

  "Oh, that's very kind of you to say."

  "The word in town is that you are going to open the store."

  "Yes, sir. I'm very glad you've come for Beauregard. The attorney recommended you so highly."

  "He's a good man, no doubt. And no fear, I'll take real good care of your Arabian. He's purebred, ain't he? It sure would be an honor to take care of him."

  "Why thank you. I can't thank you enough."

  "You don't have to worry about any horse thieving in my livery barn. I sleep right on the premises. I keep all the horses in my care safe."

  "H-horse thieves?" Millie wobbled, stumbling back a step.

  Looked like it had been an awful tough day for her. And it wasn't even half over yet.

  "I look forward to talking to you again sometime soon. Maybe about more than just your horse." The man blushed, took a step back and took off down the staircase.

  Millie closed the door, looking shell-shocked. "Lawlessness. Horse thieves. No lawmen. And now you. What did I get myself into?"

  "A pretend marriage." He grabbed her by the hand and slapped the thick fold of twenties, fifties and a hundred dollar bill or two into her palm. "Or I toss you out. I own the majority of this business. And these living quarters."

  "You would throw me out? I mean, this place is all I have. It's my chance to do what I've always wanted to do." She stared down at the money in her hand. "Let me get this straight. You need a place to hide out, don't you? If I let you pretend to be my husband, you will pay me five hundred dollars and that's it?"

  "I'll even toss this in to sweeten the deal. I'll cancel out my share of this place. Deed you my share of the property. And the business."

  "I'm fairly sure that is not a good deal. Do you know how I know?"

  "Trust me, I'm afraid to ask."

  "Because you're an outlaw and a thief, aren't you?"

  "Lady, I need a place to stay. That's it, that’s all. No questions asked. Not one, got that?"

  "No, I won't do it.
You can take your money and shove it where the sun don't shine. I make no deals with renegades like you."

  "Renegade, huh? That's a step up from being considered an outlaw or a thief. I guess I'm coming up in the world. Or at least in your opinion."

  "That's not true at all." Millie leaned the mop against the wall. "Although I have lost my urge to beat you with it."

  "You're starting to get the picture now, aren't you?"

  "I'm stuck with you anyway. You're my partner in this business. In this property."

  "I ain't interested in running no liquor store."

  "At least we can agree there." Millie smiled with a great amount of trepidation in her heart. "You are not an outlaw, are you?"

  "Once again you're wrong. I'll defy any claim that I'm anything but the biggest, baddest wanted man in three territories."

  "This is a good deal you're offering me. It doesn't make any sense, because I should be paying you."

  "Maybe because I like you, Millie. Do we have a deal? I stay here. I stay out of your way. You say I'm your husband, no questions asked. The money and the property, all of it, it's all yours."

  "It would take me years to pay off the lien on the property. And then there's the matter of the property taxes. The attorney said they are a bit behind."

  "I wouldn't know about that. That was Fitzhugh's responsibility. I was just helping him out."

  "If you knew my uncle and lent him money, then you can't be all that bad."

  "Do not let that get around. With the way rumors travel, especially in a place like this, my image will be ruined. Next thing you know I'll have this squeaky clean, neat and polished up look and reputation. I might even have to start paying taxes."

  He winked, looking happy to play the part of a man living on the edge of the civilization. This was the Wild West, after all.

  She did not know what to think of that. "Well, you did help save Beauregard. That man who shot me was going to steal him."

  "I know. Why don't you sit down and get your weight off that leg? It's got to be hurting you."

  "I suppose it is. Quite much, actually."

  He hauled out a wooden chair and sat her down in it. "There, now you're finally showing some good judgment. Just say yes to my offer. You won't be sorry. Not for a minute. Do we have a deal?"

  Chapter 8

  "How can I say yes? I don't even think I know you well enough to share a business with you much less a bed. Look around, I only see one of them."

  "I never said a bed had to be involved, but if you insist."

  "Funny. Hilarious."

  "Go ahead and laugh. I have my reputation to think about. If I spend too much time hanging out with a pretty woman like you, think of what it will do to my reputation."

  "Your tough-guy image will be ruined?"

  "Precisely. I won't be able to scare anyone off then."

  "Does anyone really know you around here? I think you're a lot of hot air, Mr. Leo Ryder."

  He merely winked. Winked! He was a charmer. Maybe a man who lived just on the outside of the law, at the edge of civilization and civility.

  Still, he was quite, well, alluring. There was no mistaking the ripple of muscle beneath his cotton shirt.

  Whew. Millie tried to look somewhere else, but it was impossible. His shirt stretched over his hard chest and sculpted shoulders with each movement.

  My, she was growing warm. Very warm.

  But Leo seemed unaware of her arousal. He unbuttoned the top button of her waistband without glancing up. "Don't get any wrong ideas. I'm not trying to separate you from your panties. I'm strictly business here."

  "You mean, it's medical?"

  "Sure. You need to take care of that bullet wound. But I'm taking care of my investment."

  "Me? How can I be your investment?"

  "You'll see." He pulled down her trousers to her knees. "Now, sit still and let me care for you."

  Little sparks of affection ignited and radiated through her body.

  Through every part of her body.

  She cleared her throat. "It's nice to know you care."

  "Against my will, of course. I feel responsible for you."

  The warmth in her chest faded. "Responsible? That's all?"

  "Yep. That's all." He smiled.

  Wow, did he dazzle. Bright eyes, deep dimples, a hint of a different, gentler man.

  Then in a blink it all faded.

  As if he'd let her see too much of his true self.

  He untied the bandage and left her to search through cabinets.

  Then it struck her. "You seem to know your way around. You've been here before."

  "Once." He found what he wanted and returned with a small metal pail of medical supplies and some whiskey.

  He knelt before her and took a long swig from the bottle. "Want some?"

  "No. You look like a man who drinks a lot."

  "I can be." He poured some of the whiskey over her wound. "You have such soft skin."

  "I do?" Her breath caught. There she was, on fire again.

  And in unmentionable places. She squirmed, aware of heat thundering through her veins.

  "You can't keep secrets, Millie. Not with your honest face." Humor sparkled in his wicked eyes.

  "Secrets?" She blushed.

  Had he guessed how she was reacting to him?

  Sexually, and not just a little bit either.

  She cleared her throat. "What secrets am I hiding?"

  "Certain feelings. For me."

  Did it show that much? "Perhaps just a few."

  "It must hurt to admit. Feeling something for a man like me."

  "Feeling what?"

  A smile touched his lips. "How about a little gratitude."

  "Gratitude?" Oh, he was so wrong. He couldn't be more wrong.

  At least he hadn't guessed she had, well, desire for him.

  He wrapped a fresh bandage around her thigh. "There are two little words civilized women say all the time."

  "Which words?"

  "You know them." Leo stared hard at her mouth. "Come on. You can thank me. Go on. It won't hurt to do it. Much."

  Oh, he could be very charming. And he knew it. With that lopsided grin and twinkle in his eyes.

  He watched her expectantly.

  "Thank you." The words sounded perfectly normal, but she didn't feel that way at all.

  She was weak and invigorated at the same time. Probably because he was so attractive. See, it was his fault she felt this way.

  Entirely his fault.

  Warmth sparkled in his eyes. An amused grin tugged up one corner of his mouth. Why, he even had sexy lips.

  She had never noticed a man's mouth before. Not like this. She could not look away.

  What would his kiss feel like?

  "See?" He winked again. "It didn't kill you to thank me."

  "No, I'm still alive. My heart is still beating. I'm still breathing."

  "It's a miracle." His smile broadened, and it was like the sun in the sky. "Everyone needs help now and then. Even you."

  "Fine, I admit it. But what about you? You don't look like a man who ever needs help?"

  His smile faded and he pushed away. "Not me. I never need anybody."

  No, of course not. Millie could feel her heart sink. Leo Ryder, so tough, so damnably male, certainly did not need someone like her.

  Well, she did not need the likes of him either. She pulled up her denims.

  She wanted to say something smart to him, to prove to him she was not starting to fall for him, but then she looked into Leo's eyes.

  She saw strength, intelligence, and warmth.

  He was like no outlaw she'd ever seen.

  "I don't need anyone, especially some woman. I've been on my own and happy about it until you showed up. I had peace and quiet."

  More than humor rang in his voice. It felt like friendliness. Warmth.

  Blood roared in her ears. He leaned closer, so close she could see nothing but his eyes, warmer than hot cof
fee on a cold day.

  Goodness, his lips were almost kissing close. She could feel the heat from his mouth hover over her own.

  "I can't deny I have needs." Leo's upper lip brushed hers.

  Once. Just once.

  Oh, if only it had been twice.

  "But I'm not a man who kisses and tells."

  "If you think I'm the kind of girl who goes around wanting a man to kiss her, you would be dead wrong." Her chin went up.

  Whew, talk about a big bold lie. Her mouth tingled like it was on fire.

  Inferno hot.

  "Never crossed my mind." His upper lip brushed hers again. Such sweetness. "I have to admit it, though. I've never kissed a woman wearing pants. A man's pants."

  Both his upper and bottom lips brushed hers as he spoke.

  Oh my God, this was a kiss. A real kiss. Not a brush. Not a tease. But an all-out, full-fledged kiss.

  The kind of thing she'd always been dying to know. To experience.

  No wonder all her girlfriends back home had talked about it. Had raved about the pleasures to be found with a man.

  And this kissing thing was just the start? Oh, goodness. What was she going to do now? Her entire mouth was tingling.

  Not to mention every other place in between. Her breasts. Her nipples had gone pebble hard.

  And her pants were still unbuttoned.

  This did not bode well for her reputation.

  Or the fact that at the ripe old age of twenty-five, she had never been kissed.

  All she wanted was to keep on kissing.

  She'd never felt anything so incredible in her entire life. Please, don't let it end.

  "Say yes." He nibbled her lips.

  Oh, wow. Talk about bliss. Exploding dynamite could not have torn her away. She was all sensation, all aching want for his lips on hers, warm and tender and so hot.

  Good heavens, he was hot.

  Then he pulled away. He stopped! Right when it was really getting good.

  Before she lost her good sense and her self-control.

  Whew, talk about good timing.

  Something sinful danced in those black eyes of his. Excitement. Desire. Downright amusement.

  That's how she felt too.

  What was happening to her? She buttoned her pants.

  What she felt for Leo was powerfully exciting. She had never experienced this before.


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