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NEBULAR Collection 4 - Second Reserve: Episodes 17 - 21

Page 7

by Thomas Rabenstein

  Now, the Aqua-Dome was glowing in a very expressive display. Strong colored light beams were directed at the dome’s zenith, where the light refracted from the specially engraved crystal-glass in all directions into the ocean, in all the colors of the visual light spectrum. The light display lent the dome an ambience suitable for this important conference.

  A radio message from Triton Base had also been received a couple of hours ago, telling of the events on the tachyon portal and including updated information from the Blue Moon on what they had found on Sedna.

  Suddenly, the arrangements for the conference were interrupted by an important newscast on all available Solar Union channels. The message spread like a wildfire throughout the solar system.

  Lai Pi was just showing Kuster~Laap and his ZyClonian companions one of the submarine health and fitness centers when all the holographic news displays in Puerto Nuevo activated at the same time.

  A news anchorman nervously announced an upcoming important broadcast.

  »Fellow Union citizens on Earth and the Colonies, we interrupt our program schedule with breaking news from Denver, Colorado, USA canton.«

  Pi watched the introduction on an oversized holo display as it switched to a journalist obviously broadcasting from a rural area Amish village near Denver. The female journalist was good looking and presented a sympathetic smile to the viewers. She was tall, slim and wearing a simple Amish dress.

  »My name is Patricia Lok and I’m reporting from Amish Paradise, a small village about 100 kilometers south of Denver,« she introduced herself.

  Pi squinted and asked himself what could be so important in an obscure Amish village.

  »After our encounters with Globusters, the Stinger and the Agitator, Humanity has slowly begun to understand that we’re no longer alone in the universe – that we were and still are subjected to the good or evil will of cosmic powers.«

  She took a deep breath before she continued, »It’s vital, therefore, that we find allies and friends to help us. We don’t even need to look beyond the edges of our solar system, because they are already living amongst us.«

  ›What did she say?‹ Pi started.

  »Most of Human history is lost in the deeps of time. We’re only slowly beginning to understand Humanity’s past … and even that information is still sketchy at best. We’ve all heard the Progonaut story, their sad demise and the deportations of millions of their people – many of them to Earth a million years ago. That happened so far back in time that it’s hard to understand everything that took place, or what is must have been like for those people.«

  Pi swept his right hand nervously over his bald head.

  ›C’mon ... c’mon, what did you find out?‹ Pi thought impatiently.

  »We don’t know the reason why so many Progonauts of all houses were deported to Earth, but one question needs to be answered: What happened to the deportees over time? It’s been speculated that we modern Humans are the direct descendants of those Progonauts, or that Progonauts mixed with early Homo Sapiens or even Cro-Magnons … which many leading evolutionary scientists vehemently deny. The answers are buried somewhere in the past, but now one part of this history has been revealed … right here in Amish Paradise!«

  Pi activated his wrist-comm and contacted Toiber Arkroid aboard the Techno-Ferry. Arkroid answered instantly.

  »… I know what you want to tell me, Pi. We’re following the broadcast too. It’s being transmitted throughout the Union. Watch … I think she’s coming to the point …«

  »… people should know from today on. There are still direct Progonaut descendants living among us! These people have adapted and maintained themselves and their culture for many, many years, assisting and helping Humanity under cover. They have been persecuted and hunted down, but now they want to leave the shadows and reach out to us as partners.«

  »Pi, can you hear me?« Arkroid asked over the wrist-comm. »Vasina has asked me to change course and fly to Denver and this Amish village. We’ll be late for the conference but right now we need to find out what’s going on at Amish Paradise. Since it’s too late to cover it up, we can only hope that people will understand – and act accordingly.«

  Arkroid disconnected the link. Pi couldn’t believe what was unfolding before his eyes on the holo-display. Patricia Lok had found the story of her lifetime, and she was telling the whole solar system!

  Moments later, a man stepped before the camera and greeted the audience by raising his right hand.

  »My name is Abraham,« the man began. »My brothers and I live in Amish Paradise, among the people, whom we admire very much. As Patricia stated, we consider ourselves descendants of the people deported to Earth a million years ago. However, our gene pool is also partly Human, so that we don’t exactly belong to either people. Our golden eyes come from the Progonauts, but in our hearts we feel Human. Even we don’t know how many of us there are on Earth. We encourage anybody like ourselves to come forward. We cannot hide any more – we have to trust that Humanity will accept us as we are.«

  The news was out! Everywhere on Earth, Mars and the Moon, people revealed their true golden eyes. Even before Toiber Arkroid and the Techno-Ferry arrived at Puerto Nuevo over 24,000 people had been reported to be of Progonaut–Human ancestry.

  The conference

  All the delegates and ministers had arrived, including the presidents of the different Union cantons and off Earth colonies, and those admirals of the fleet whose duties permitted them. There were, too, extra-terrestrial visitors such as Vasina of Atlantika and the Pleunatan, Paafnas. The conference was attended by every person in a position of Union responsibility, except those who couldn’t be there in person because of the short notice and the distances they had to travel.

  The Techno-Ferry had changed its shape; it sailed like an old schooner into the Puerto Nuevo surface harbor – one more unexpected surprise among many!

  Abraham and Patricia Lok were aboard the Ferry. Arkroid had invited them to the conference, especially Abraham, to speak as a representative of his people. Patricia’s job was to document the conference on behalf of Humanity, despite the fact that the event was recorded by broadcasters.

  Arkroid was the first to step onto the podium.

  »Ladies and gentlemen, Solar Union citizens, my name is Toiber Arkroid, and today I’m speaking to you as a member of the Council of Ministers. We have debated before this conference and decided to not make this a public event. However, the conference will be recorded and documented and presented to the people later. I’m not only addressing the representatives of Humanity, but also extend my heartfelt welcome to our extra-terrestrial friends and companions, as well as Abraham who joins us today as a representative of a newly discovered group of people.«

  Patricia, acting as media floor director, zoomed one of the cameras in on Abraham’s face where he was seated beside Vasina in the first row. Both had golden eyes, although Abraham was not a Progonaut.

  Arkroid nodded, smiled at Abraham and continued his address.

  »Humanity and the galaxy are facing a great threat whose dimensions we cannot fully understand yet. We can consider ourselves lucky to have found extra-terrestrial friends who will help us against the aggressors. Before we begin with this conference, I’d like to express my gratitude to Vasina of Atlantika, Paafnas … and to Scorge … who have helped make our first galactic expedition a success. Let me also include the Techno-Clerics who gave us the Techno-Ferry, a truly remarkable present.«

  Toiber Arkroid made a short pause to emphasize his next words.

  »Whatever the envoy of the Galactic Brotherhood has to say, we have to keep in mind that we Humans have unknowingly been a part of a great plan for a long time. Whether we want to accept our role or not, it won’t change the facts. We’ve been carrying a heavy load on our shoulders without knowing it. We cannot look the other way or ignore the warnings, and just wait to see what the future holds. I believe that the events that unfold in the near future will affect all
of us in this galaxy. Let’s act wisely and not jump to conclusions. Let us listen to what the Prophet of the Genorantans has to tell us!«

  The applause was weak as Arkroid left the podium. Kuster~Laap stepped up and looked around, flanked by his ZyClonian companions who never left his side. They kept their eyes on the audience. Everyone in the Aqua-Dome understood that whatever Kuster~Laap had to say, it would bring drastic changes.

  This time, Kuster~Laap spoke English, so that everybody could understand him. His voice was deeper than usual, causing some discomfort to some conference members.

  Arkroid had read the report from the Blue Moon commander, and he knew that the Chiropters were very quick learners. He wasn’t astonished at all as Kuster~Laap addressed the audience in well modulated English. Some of the representatives were, however, caught by surprise.

  Kuster~Laap began his speech without delay and greetings.

  »The reason for my arrival at this Retreat is also an admission of failure and defeat. And that threatens the lives of the nations and people of many planets!«

  Kuster~Laap’s deep voice painted a grim picture, one that stifled any rejection or rising voices by the audience.

  »I have come to call upon the Protector Fleet!«

  Now the conference members began talking to each other, but the Prophet easily drowned them all with his bass.

  »However, the fleet is not ready, which prevents us from limiting the catastrophe. The Dimensional Mirror has been misused by our enemy; the five galactic keys were lost. The enemy’s counter plan has suppressed the Protector’s development. The fleet was never built! The Retreat that was established as a hideout, a safe haven for the fleet and the Protectors, has been taken over and abused by the degenerated technology. We were able to contain and defeat that technology in the last moment, and the Conceptor and the Chiropters Fourth Class are working to re-establish and re-activate the Dimensional Station on the planetoid Sedna.«

  »What does all of this mean?« somebody interjected from the audience.

  »It was Humanity’s destiny to be the Protectors of the galaxy!« Kuster~Laap continued. »However, the counter plan changed Human DNA by mixing it with Progonaut DNA, and altered your evolutionary path, degrading the Progonaut and Human seed. Now, when we need you the most, we can’t rely on you!«

  The Aqua-Dome fell silent, till only Kuster~Laap’s deep and powerful voice filled the air.

  »Early Humans were the only galactic species we found with the potential to become future Protectors in their original development. The DNA of the early Humans was ideal for our purposes. It promised a great intelligence and ability to resist the degenerated technology. Our selective process was based on a message received from the Kokraders via the tachyon continuum. The message contained a warning about a future event we call the Great Tremor! The Galactic Brotherhood had to devise a long term plan.«

  A member of parliament rose from his seat.

  »I represent the Pacific underwater cities and I’d like to know what you mean by original development?«

  Kuster~Laap raised both hands and the ZyClonians reacted promptly. Their nanopods created an oversized holo display directly above the audience’s heads. Two double helixes, almost indistinguishable from each other, were displayed spiraling across the holo.

  »This is a graphic representation of the genetic information of the Human and Progonaut helixes. They seem alike but they are, however, not compatible, although certain similarities exist. The Brotherhood could not find the common denominator – the race these two branches developed from. There is – and was – no mixture by copulation possible between these two peoples – not a million years ago and certainly not today!« Kuster~Laap told an astonished audience.

  Arkroid leaped from his seat.

  »What about Abraham’s branch … all these people who’re coming forth? Aren’t they living proof that a mixture had occurred? The gene sequence amalgamation of these two groups even produced extraordinary abilities, as we’ve learned,« Arkroid objected.

  The Chiropter didn’t flinch as he replied, »At first glance my statement seems contradictory; nevertheless, a natural mixture or amalgamation was and is not possible, and was never intended! The ZyClonian analysis is unshakable. There is only one explanation to explain Abraham’s branch: The genetics have been manipulated. No natural process can have done this.«

  »Are you telling us that genetic experiments and manipulations with both genotypes are what formed Humanity as we know it?« Arkroid asked.

  »Yes!« acknowledged Kuster~Laap. »There is one line in which the early Human strain is dominant and a second one dominated by Progonaut traits. In both cases, the genetics were manipulated! Our enemy has been at work for a long time.«

  ›This doesn’t make sense,‹ Arkroid pondered. ›Where would Humans be like today if the genes had never been manipulated?‹

  Suddenly, the Aqua-Dome fell silent again. Nobody had expected this kind of devastating news. People in the audience had difficulties accepting their new realities.

  Arkroid made an all encompassing arm movement as he spoke into a small microphone holo before him.

  »People … dear citizens! We don’t need to be embarrassed about things that occurred in the distant past! So far what Kuster~Laap has presented is just circumstantial. We can be proud of ourselves and our achievements. It’s irrelevant where we came from … what counts is what we are today!«

  » … Humanity developed the way it had to under the prevailing circumstances,« Kuster~Laap’s voice boomed through the dome, interrupting Arkroid. »It is unfortunate that this deviated further and further away from your intended destiny.«

  »Taking into account the Progonaut gene pool, shouldn’t we have evolved faster, given the Progonaut traits injected and superimposed by the enemy?« Arkroid voiced his doubts.

  »This is a very interesting twist, Toiber Arkroid,« Kuster~Laap replied, not fully addressing Arkroid’s question. »As far as we know, your assumption is incorrect. The Progonauts were never destined to improve Humanity; on the contrary, they were brought here without our knowledge,« Kuster~Laap defended the Brotherhood. »The enemy transferred members of all Houses to the Retreat that we had prepared here long before their arrival, and used them unknown to us …«

  » … and nobody of the Brotherhood ever thought to check on the early Humans?« Arkroid sounded annoyed.

  »We didn’t need to; everything was perfectly planned and executed! We had no knowledge of the enemy’s counter plan,« Kuster~Laap replied emotionlessly.

  »OK … I get it …,« Arkroid commented sarcastically, and left the sentence hanging. There was nothing more to say. He sat down in his seat.

  ›Let’s hope we’ll never understand that kind of screwed up logic …,‹ he thought.

  »Kuster~Laap, I think you should tell us everything you know about the approaching catastrophe,« Arkroid urged the Chiropter to get to the point; this gene pool discussion wasn’t going anywhere, with the lack of hard evidence and knowledge of the counter plan.

  The Prophet briefly lost control over his voice, causing the dome to vibrate. The audience looked up fearfully, expecting the crystal glass dome to burst. Then they waited silently for what the Prophet had to say next.

  »The catastrophe the Kokraders warned us about is unfolding on the other side of the galaxy, and is the greatest threat we have ever faced. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about it. An inter-dimensional zone is about to establish itself and materialize on the other side of the galaxy,« Kuster~Laap began. »This zone has a mass of about 200 billion suns and is the size of one-fifth of this galaxy. It is big enough to overlap the outer spiral arms by about 20,000 lightyears.«

  The members of the audience looked at each, cowed and silent. None of them could grasp the significance of what the alien had said, except Vasina. She jumped out of her seat.

  »You mean that an object the size of a small galaxy is going to manifest itself in our galaxy?«

; »Correct, Progonaut woman. However, this zone has not materialized yet. It still remains at a higher space potential level. The zone has already been visible for a long time, and slowly but steadily it penetrates our continuum. Upon its materialization, a gigantic shockwave will upset the gravitational balance of the Milky Way, as you call our galaxy. Entire star regions will explode and transform into super novas, destroying countless solar systems. A large destabilized zone will be established, eradicating the spiral arm opposite to this one on the other side of the galaxy, and vanish in a dimensional tremor. To protect the guardian fleet from the shockwaves, this Retreat was created to counteract the side effects of the dimensional transfer. The Dimensional Station on Sedna has adequate energy reserves to envelop this solar system in a dimensional bubble for 24 minutes of your time standards. That is long enough to withstand the first shockwave, which will be expanding in zero time, almost instantly running through the galaxy from one side to the other.«

  Arkroid didn’t know exactly if the prevailing silence was due to the importance of the message or if people just couldn’t comprehend it.

  Pi got up and asked to be heard.

  »I understand what your predictions mean,« he said in a raspy voice. »I’m concerned; nobody in this hall expected a catastrophe of such a dimension.« Pi took a couple of seconds to collect his thoughts before he continued, »Still, I don’t quite get the connection between the Dark Brotherhood and the imminent catastrophe.«

  Kuster~Laap flattened his ears and seemed to search for words.

  »The Great Tremor and the Dark Brotherhood are directly connected! The materialization of the dwarf galaxy is not a natural phenomenon – but a controlled event by our enemies, just as it was in the Kokrader galaxy.«


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