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Viking (A Real Man, 9)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  He blocked the move.

  Over and over we did this, sparring with each other, playing this game of swinging and blocking. I knew he was going easy on me, but I felt pride in myself for holding up, for keeping this going. I was a strong woman in my own right, and I wouldn’t be brought down. Gunnar saw that in me, could see that I was an equal. That was one of the reasons I had fallen for him.

  That realization slammed into me.

  I had fallen for him, saw my life tied with his, and didn’t want that to end.

  My thoughts made me falter, and Gunnar was on me, his big body pressed to mine. “Be alert. Always.”

  I moved back but tripped over my own foot. I went backward, my ax and shield falling from my grasp. Before I hit the ground, Gunnar had me, my body pressed tightly to his, his strength cradling me, protecting me.

  I called up the little training I did have and jabbed my leg out. He must have anticipated it because he blocked the move and backed away. He had a grin on his face.

  “Good, Ingrid. Very good, my wife.”

  He came at me, to subdue me. I blocked him and kicked out. My leg coming in contact with his body was slightly painful, but it made me feel alive.

  “I have a little warrior on my hands,” he said, grinning. And then he had me in his arms before I could stop him. I was panting, breathing so hard I felt dizzy. Sweat beaded my brow, sliding down the valley between my breasts. He watched me, the amusement fading the longer we stared at each other. He started breathing harder too, and I felt his arousal press against my belly, that huge iron rod of a cock that had stretched me so good the night before.

  I was getting aroused.

  For so long neither of us moved, didn’t even speak. We shared the same air, our focuses locked, the fact that people were around us, watching us, not even a concern. I don’t know what came over me, but I found myself leaning in and kissing him, needing his mouth on mine.

  He groaned, reached behind me, and took hold of my hair in his fist. I loved the sting of pain, that tug of him controlling me, owning me. I felt us moving backward and let him carry me away, the fighting forgotten.

  When I pulled back, I saw we were in the hut again, the privacy surrounding us. Although truth was I wouldn’t have cared if everyone saw us, if they watched what my husband, my Viking did to me. I stared into his eyes, saw fire in the blue depths, icy flames of passion, of need. I knew what was about to happen, where this was headed. I was pleasantly sore from last night and ready for more.

  I knew I’d always be ready for more with Gunnar.


  I stared at my wife, the cream dress she wore, the flowers on her head, around her crown, making her seem like a gift from the gods.

  She is a gift from Odin, my own prize to forever cherish.

  We held our swords up, touching them, sealing our union. The words being spoken, tying us together, having this union official, played through me. I was stronger because of Ingrid. Everyone watched us, my loved ones, my people.

  Her people now.

  When the sword ceremony was finished, we held hands, a woven piece of fabric tied around them and our arms, bonding us. All the while Ingrid smiled, her gaze locked on mine, the truth and genuine emotions for me clear. I loved this female, had since the moment I stared into her wide blue eyes, her face covered in our enemy’s blood.

  And then she was mine in the eyes of my people and our gods. I pulled her in, cupped the back of her head, and kissed her. I didn’t have to make a huge show of this, but I wanted to. I wanted everyone to see she was mine, that I’d show her how I felt for her, how she made me feel, no matter where we were. When I pulled away, the cheering of our people was loud, surrounding us, making us whole.

  “My wife,” I whispered. I cupped her face, kissing her over and over again, never able to get enough. She’d come with me, taken a chance on the unknown. She was so strong.

  “A feast fit for the gods.”

  Everyone seemed to roar out in unison. Ingrid laughed, her smile wide, her eyes bright. I pulled her against my side, and together we turned and looked at our people. They cheered, waving flowers, colorful cloths and flags in the air.

  This was what I’d been missing, what I’d been searching for, fighting for. I just hadn’t realized it until Ingrid came into my life.



  I watched as the pleasure washed over Ingrid’s face, saw her cheeks flush further, her mouth part, and heard her cry rise above everything else. My heart thundered, a war drum beating against my very soul, the very heavens, as if knocking on the gods’ door.

  “Gunnar,” she whispered, and I came right then, filling her up, making her take all my seed. When she’d wrung me dry, my balls emptied in her tight, warm pussy, I slowly pulled out of her. Our bodies were dotted with perspiration, and I didn’t stop myself from leaning forward and running my tongue between her breasts. She tasted salty and sweet, and all mine.

  I collapsed beside her, breathing like the winds that whipped around our longship when we sailed. Looking at Ingrid, I was struck by my love for her, by the fact that I made her smile daily.

  “You’re happy, sweetness?”

  She had her eyes closed, but the smile she gave me told me she was. That had pride filling me.

  “I am,” she whispered. I pushed the damp hair from her face, slid my finger along her jawline, over her neck, and kept descending. “They’ll be waiting for us.”

  I grunted, not caring if the other warriors were in the main hut with mead and food. I’d rather starve and please my wife any day. “Tell me you’re happy, that I make you that way.” She turned over and faced me, and I slid my hand down her belly. My child rested in there, safe, warm, healthy. She had her hand over mine, her smile still in place.

  “You make me happier than I can put into words.”

  I leaned down and kissed her, taking in her very breath, the very essence of her.

  “Do you wish things were different, that you could change your decision with me?”

  She shook her head instantly. “Never,” she whispered. “This is where I belong. I knew that the moment I looked into your eyes back in my destroyed village. I knew I was meant to be here with you. I can’t explain any of it, but I don’t want to. I want to be able to enjoy this, to not worry about anything else because I know this is where I’m supposed to be, by your side.”

  I pulled her in close, kept her tucked against me, my hand on her belly, my life content. “You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Right here. With me.”


  Nine months later

  “So strong, so beautiful.”

  I could hear Gunnar, but my heart was thundering in my ears, my body was damp with sweat, and the pain I felt racked my entire body. But this was all worth it. I was going to have our baby. Our lives would change for the better. The scent of herbs burning and the traditions of our people surrounded us.

  And then my child was born—our son or daughter—and it felt like the heavens opened up, brought down the gods and Valhalla itself into my life.

  The little cry that came through was one of a warrior. Whether boy or girl, this little baby would be strong, would be proud of where he or she had come from.

  “A son,” Gunnar said with pride. I felt my smile stretch across my face.

  Once the baby was cleaned and wrapped in warm cloth, Gunnar handed him to me.

  “A son, Ingrid.” He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “You make me so happy.”

  I smiled up at my husband. Then we both looked down at our son.

  “Little Lachlan,” I whispered, touching his head, the blond hair like the softest fur I’d ever felt.

  “He’ll be strong, know how to fight, to defend.”

  I nodded.

  “He’ll know that his family, his people love him.”

  I looked at Gunnar then. “He’ll know of our history, of our path,” I supplied. Gunnar rested his forehead on mi
ne, and we breathed the same air.

  Family wasn’t just about Gunnar and me together. It wasn’t just about the baby we’d welcomed into our community.

  It was about the world we were in, the people that surrounded us, and the love we had for each other. I knew without Gunnar, without me agreeing to come with him, my future would have been bleak and dark.

  It was my Viking that made my world bright, made me look at each day with a positive attitude, and brought this little baby into our lives.

  Together we were stronger than anything else.

  He was my Viking, and I was the strong woman by his side.

  The End

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  Coming February 2017

  Blacksmith (A Real Man, 10)

  You can add to your TBR shelf HERE

  Excerpt: You’ve Always Been Mine (You’re Mine, 2)


  Welcome back: Twelve years later

  It had been so damn long since I’d been back to this town.

  Twelve years.

  One hundred forty-four months.

  Six hundred twenty-five weeks.

  Four thousand three hundred and eighty days.

  It seemed like a lifetime ago.

  It was a lifetime ago.

  But I never stopped thinking about her.

  I stared at the sign that greeted us. Blue Springs. The town I’d moved away from all those years ago. I was a different person now, a man. I was a Marine, had seen violence, horror. I had a bad leg to show for it, scars, a memory of what I’d done in my life. My memories held darkness and pain, but it wasn’t just about getting injured while fighting that stayed with me, that coated me like this thick second skin.

  It was about who I’d left behind.

  The town held so many memories for me. When I’d first left, as a child, not knowing how to cope, I’d cried myself to sleep so many times.

  “Can you believe we’re back here after all this time?”

  I turned and looked at my mom. I knew she was tired, scared, and pissed most of all. But she put up a good front. She stayed strong, and I knew it was because of me. Even if I was a grown man now and should be taking care of her, still she tried to shelter me. Even though I’d seen war and death, been on the receiving end of it all, still she was a mother.

  I knew it was for me.

  I reached out and took her hand in mine. “Everything will be fine. I’m here now, he’s out of our lives, and we can start over.” Well, it was starting over in the place we began, but she knew what I meant, I was sure.

  And if I ever saw my father again, I’d kick his ass.

  Not only did we uproot our life all those years ago because of his new job, but it was only recently that we found out he’d been banging the office secretary for the last five years.

  He threw away his family for a piece of ass, a twenty-something-year-old piece of ass at that.

  My mom smiled. I was really proud of her for not putting up with his bullshit and having the strength to leave. I rubbed my leg absently.

  “Is it bothering you?” she asked, and I shook my head.

  “No. It’s just a habit.” When a bomb had gone off, shrapnel had gone straight into my leg. Now I had a scar that ran the length of my thigh to my knee. I told myself things happen for a reason. Although I was no longer on active duty, I’d earned a Purple Heart, and was now home to be with my mom during this shitty time.

  She left, and I left with her.

  No way in hell would I let her do this alone. Even at twenty-two I knew I had to be there for her. I could finish school in Blue Springs. I’d already applied for the spring semester at the community college, and I’d find work somewhere.

  “I hate that we had to leave all those years ago, only to come back and stay with your cousins and aunt.”

  I shrugged. “It’s better than staying there with that asshole.” I had my hands on my thighs, wanting to punch him right in his fucking face.

  “He’s still your father. Don’t talk about him like that.”

  I clenched my teeth but was respectful enough not to say anything else. I could have said a shitload about him. Him fucking that woman explained a lot; why he’d seemed distant, stayed later, was gone on “business meetings” on the weekends. He’d neglected us to get his dick wet.

  Yeah, I had no fucking sympathy for that bastard.

  Silence stretched on for long minutes, and my thoughts went back to all those years ago, to happier times, to a person that hadn’t ever let me down.

  Paige Masterson.

  She’d been my best friend since kindergarten, and for the next four years we’d been inseparable. Leaving her behind when we moved had been the hardest damn thing I’d ever done. I might have only been a child, but even now I still remembered her. I remembered the sweet smell of her and how she made my heart race.

  “It’s a shame you lost contact with Paige,” my mother finally said, breaking up the silence.

  I stared out the passenger side window.

  It was a fucking tragedy that we lost contact. But I was back in town now, and I had the rest of my fucking life to make it up to her, to be there for her in all the ways that counted.

  I thought back to how it had all gone away, how we’d drifted apart. I should have tried harder, been a better friend.

  For a year after we moved I wrote to her every day. And if I was lucky I was able to call her. But back then my parents didn’t have a cell phone with unlimited minutes. We didn’t have the Internet where I could Skype with Paige. I was at the mercy of letters, a calling card if I was lucky, or my parents being generous and letting me call her long distance.

  But seeing her again, actually coming back to Blue Springs back then wasn’t an option, not when it was a three-day drive straight through, and I didn’t have my license. My parents also couldn’t afford a plane ticket.

  And by the time I was old enough and had enough money, we’d drifted apart, to my devastation.

  So those few phone calls had been my saving grace.

  But as the years went on, those letters we wrote back and forth grew less and less. Schoolwork, friends, and the distance put this wedge between us. I hated that it had come to that, loathed that we hadn’t tried harder to stay connected. Then I’d gone into the military right out of high school. Four years later and here I was now, coming back, wounded, my heart still beating for one girl.

  “Yeah, it’s a shame.”

  It is a fucking tragedy.

  But I never forgot about Paige.

  I never stopped thinking of her as my best friend, never stopped seeing her as my soul mate.

  And coming back to town had this excitement tunneling through me the likes of which I’d never felt.

  “Although she won’t recognize you,” my mom said and started laughing. She glanced at me, eyeing my arms and neck. “You went crazy with the tattoos and working out. I doubt even your cousins will recognize you.”

  The working out wasn’t just for my sanity, but because I had to be strong to be a Marine. Not just in body but in mind, as well.

  I stared out the window again, thinking about her, imagining what she’d look like now. We might have sent pictures back and forth as the years passed, but I hadn’t seen one of her since we were thirteen years old. Was her dark hair still long and wavy? Did her blue eyes pop with color still? The last time I’d physically seen her had been when I was a devastated ten-year-old, wanting to hold her tight and not let go. I could still hear her voice in my head. How much had she truly changed?

  As drastically as me?

  God, I want to see her so badly.

  Even through the shit storm that was our current situation, I’d anticipated coming to Blue Springs and reconnecting with Paige. I had no doubt it would be like I’d never left. You don’t have a friendship like that without knowing that person
even a thousand years later.

  But the one thing that stuck with me, like a living nightmare of reality, was the possibility that she had someone. Hell, she was twenty-two now, the same age as me. For all I knew she could be married, have children.

  The very thought of her with someone else, of having a family without me, made me so damn anxious I shifted on my seat.

  No, I wouldn’t go there. If it came to it and I found out she did have someone, that she was happy, I’d gladly take her in my life as a friend.

  I’d take her any way I could have her.

  Are you sure you can just let go like that, though?


  About the Author

  Find Jenika at:






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