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To Blind a Sniper (Women of Purgatory Book 2)

Page 30

by India Kells

  “I have no doubt you can find him. But when you do, it will be too late. Calvi has the upper hand and he knows it. I was so focused on Matthew that I made Wes a target, and now, I may not have the choice of sacrificing my life anymore. What I know is that Wes is still alive, and Calvi is bound to contact me. And at that next meeting, he’ll make sure I see Wes die.”

  Lance walked to her. “No, you can’t focus on that. Sully and the team are already searching for them.”

  It pained her to glance at Lance, there was so much of Wesley in him. “Calvi had been two steps ahead of me, of us, the whole time. We can’t find his lair. What is left?”

  “You, me, all of us. There is a way to bring him down. I think you’re right when you say he will contact you. I have Wes’ cell phone, as it’s probably the way Calvi will reach you again. And when he calls, we will be ready for anything, do you hear me?”

  When Lance touched her shoulder, it was her undoing. Tears welled up. “He’s his prisoner, Lance. I can’t bear it. He was just beginning to come back to life, to dig himself out of that black hole … he could be tortured again, as we speak. Worst of all, I can’t do anything about it.”

  Her body started shaking so hard, it took her a moment to notice that Lance had her in his arms. She held him like a lifeline as she soon realized he was with her.

  He stroked her back and murmured reassurance that they both knew couldn’t be real.

  When she breathed more easily again, when the deep pain settled down some, Mac looked up at him. “What if I can’t save him?”

  Lance offered her a sweet grin, ignoring his own tears sliding down his cheeks. “I know my brother. Above all, he would want you safe. His second mission would be to kill Calvi. At any cost, even his life.”

  “I can’t live without him, Lance. Don’t ask me that.”

  “I can’t live without him either, sweetheart. But we are soldiers, and the mission comes first. Wesley knows that, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Are you prepared for that? Are you strong enough to finish it? More than just my brother’s life is on the line. More than only yours. Do you understand?”

  In her deepest self, in the core of her soul, she knew. Sacrifice would need to be made and blood spilled in order to close that chapter. Tears were no longer an option, nor were regrets.

  When she looked at Lance again, they had an agreement. Calvi was going down.

  Lance frowned. “I’m vibrating.”

  He scooted sideways to grab Wes’ phone from his pocket. A blocked caller. The same as last night. All three nodded at each other as Mac put the call on speaker phone.

  “Rise and shine sleeping beauty. How’s your head?” Calvi. His voice fueled her hatred for the man, but she knew better than to let it mess with her mind.

  “How’s your groin, sweetheart? I bet it hurt you won’t be able to use it for while.”

  Calvi laughed. “Feisty this morning! I like it. So unlike your man who had, let’s say, a difficult night.”

  Mac looked at Lance who nodded. “I don’t believe you are calling for chit-chat. What do you want?”

  “And still you ask. We haven’t had the time to finish our discussion yesterday. And it may be for the best, as even though you were a vision in that soaked dress, I would have preferred a little less rain and a little more blood, if you know what I mean.”

  “Still babbling, Calvi. Tell me what you want, and I’ll consider if I agree to your terms.”

  “Oh, you will agree. I’m certain of it. Evacuate your mansion. Only you must remain. And I will come to you. Me and the love of your life. Your castle and your land must be free of all intruders. And you, my dear, I will offer you the choice you crave. Bring your rifle, little sniper, and stand on the western tower. When in place, I’ll call you back with more instruction. The sun sets at 4 p.m. Be ready at 3 p.m. If you play one of your tricks or I detect another soul, I won’t put only one bullet in the head of your beloved, but first in every single inch of his body before he dies.”

  The line went out. Gabrielle checked her watch. “It gives us three hours to evacuate. And find a decent plan.”

  “We don’t know what he has in twisted brain, Gabrielle. That would be tough to anticipate.” Lance raked his fingers in his blond hair.

  Mac stood still, looking at the phone in her hand, her mind going full speed. “The only solution we have is for you to evacuate. Get all the available men and spread. When Calvi comes, alone or with more men, you’ll be able to take him down from behind.”

  Gabrielle nodded. “I agree. It’s our only option.”

  “Maybe I can hide in the castle. Calvi probably doesn’t have the exact number of people inside the estate at the moment.” Mac dismissed Lance’s proposition and Gabrielle agreed.

  “We can’t take that risk. What if he has a way to know? And you’re easily recognizable, Lance. No. I say we stick to Mac’s plan. We are good at improvising, and if the whole team is on alert, we have chance of getting him. Closing in on him.”

  Mac was filled with an unusual calmness. Or maybe it was surrender.

  “Calvi will do everything in his power to make sure Wes is killed before my eyes.” She took a steadying breath before continuing. “I don’t see how Wes will come out of this alive. I will do anything, everything, but it may not be enough.”

  Lance touched her shoulder. “We will do anything, everything in our power. And whether it’s enough or not, we will need to learn to live with it.”

  Chapter 36

  Mac walked the western tower, examining every inch of the landscape. The last guard had left with Gabrielle, Sullivan, and Lance twenty minutes ago.

  It would take them another twenty minutes to reach their position, and Mac didn’t know if they had that much time. The sun was sinking fast and she had no idea where the danger would be coming from. Thank goodness, the sky remained covered; the wind was calm and there was no rain.

  Her rifle was prepped and ready, but would it be useful? Calvi’s words repeated in her minds like a broken record, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that destiny had already made its final decision, and nothing could be done to stop the course of the day.

  Like the ghost of Mirth Castle, she walked the ramparts, looking for her lost love who may never return. If the dread turned out to be reality, she feared of what would become of her soul.

  Time ticked, and still nothing. Could Calvi had tricked her again? Every scenario was possible.

  A low hum buzzed in her ear before Gabrielle’s voice came through.

  “Alpha Team in position.”

  “Omega Team in position.” Lance’s voice was hard as steel. He may have told her that this wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t imagine the situation he was in, with his own brother’s life at stake again.

  “Nothing.” Sullivan seemed so serious, far from his usual self. Gabrielle rounded up with more information.

  “Roger that. Mac, your cell is connected to our communications. When Calvi calls, we will be able to hear what he says. Every entry point of the castle is linked to our security system. If someone tries to come in or get out, the silent alarm will be triggered.” Gabrielle’s voice shifted. “Mac, we can be there in less than five minutes if you give the signal. We have the castle in visual. It’s your call.”


  Time passed and light started to decline. It was at this moment something appeared on the moor. But a small hill was in the way and she lost sight of the moving object for a while.

  “Possible target coming from the west. I’m getting into position.”

  “We don’t see anything; we are too low. We are changing location and will touch base again in two minutes.” Gabrielle ended the transmission.

  Lance cursed. “Can’t see a thing either.”

  Mac laid down on the turret, giving her a hawk’s view of the situation. She adjusted her visor and waited for the possible intruders to enter her field of vision.

  Two figures emerged f
rom behind the hill as her worst fear materialized before her eyes.

  When Mac saw Wesley in her visor, she cursed in desperation. Her heart constricted as she forced her whole body to relax and her hand to stay steady.

  Calvi was using him as a shield as he climbed down the hill toward the castle. The bastard knew where she was positioned. Not a single inch of him was easily attainable without risking Wesley.

  The madman hiding behind the warrior’s tall frame and by the way he moved, she guessed that Wes’ wrists were bound on his back, mostly to restrict his movements to the maximum. His legs were free, but there was no doubt he was holding the SEAL at gun point. Nowhere to run, no possible escape.

  Her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. When she answered, again the caller id was blocked. The man at the other end didn’t need any introduction.

  “I may not see you, my lovely, but you’re on that turret, ready to shoot me if I move into the open range.”

  “You son of a bitch. Coward.”

  “Such foul language from your mouth. This is exactly what I promised. I’m offering you a choice. You can now decide to end the suffering of your beloved, or try killing me, which will result in the same outcome for him.”

  It took everything she got to hold her voice steady.

  “You’re shielding yourself behind another man. Are you even capable of doing anything on your own?”

  “I’m capable of the worse. You think I’m hiding, but you’re not quite right. Now you discover one of my traits, one I share with you and all of your friends. We have in common our incredible ability to adapt to any situation. And it changed all right, don’t you think? From the moment I dreamed of revenge, and tracked your brother, down to this moment.”

  “What do you want, Calvi?”

  “You keep asking me the same question, and I will continue with the same answer. Nothing you can give back to me. In fact, I’m going to offer you a gift, the one you gave me when you murdered my brother. Eternal sorrow. Fiery regret. Endless rage.”

  Wesley struggled against his bonds and she heard him shouting. “Shoot, Mac! Kill him!” His voice seemed so far away. Both men stood on the top of the hill. If Calvi shot Wes, he would still have the time to run and hide. Mac was slowly dying inside when she realized Wes’ words. He yelled for her to kill and he understood what it would entail. From this distance, with the two men so close in her visor, the weather conditions and wind, her only certainty was that she would hit, but not only Calvi. The type of bullet she had was able to go through a human body and most probably hit two men in one shot. Kill two men in one shot. Mac realized deep down inside that Wesley was right. She had one shot at attaining a criminal who would certainly kill the man she loved out of revenge and then turn to her family and friends, one after the other without end. One shot to end all this. The pain of this realization tore deep jagged pieces from her heart.

  Mac muted the cell phone. “Lance, Gabrielle, you heard him. Calvi has Wes standing as his human shield. I can’t reach Calvi. And if he shoots Wes, I’m losing him behind the hill.” Mac wet her lips. “I can try to hold him until you can have a better position. You should probably be able to kill him.”

  She was desperate for Gabrielle’s tactical advice, but it was Lance’s voice that spoke in her ear. “There is no way we can reach him in time. Listen, Mac, you’re the best sniper. It’s been a while since you held your rifle. However, this is your weather, your terrain, your home. If anyone can do it, it’s you. I have faith in you.”

  “Lance, they’re too far away, it’s not an easy kill in ideal condition. I only have one inch of Calvi visible.”

  “Mac. Gabrielle just called the police, they should arrive in a few minutes as reinforcement. You heard Wes. There is no way Calvi walks away from here alive. Wes isn’t stupid; he knows that the shot will probably kill him, too. But too much is at stake. You must try. Even if it means ending the life a man we both love.”

  Was this how it was supposed to end? Lance was right, even if she didn’t accept it, any of it.

  Mac settled into position. Wesley had stopped struggling and was standing still, tall and straight, looking in her direction, as if he was trying to pinpoint her location. Then he winked and closed his eyes.

  Calvi resumed his position before he lifted his gun to Wes’ head. A single inch of the madman was visible over one hundred and twenty yards away. An impossible shot, one she didn’t have a choice to take. Everything stilled inside her, her brain taking control of the target and she made one final adjustment and pulled the trigger. Color red exploded at a distance. Calvi swayed and fell, quickly followed by Wesley who tumbled and rolled down the small hill. Mac’s eyes blurred and she cried out. After all she hoped, even in her last decision, she had failed him.

  Just before she removed her earpiece, she uttered dreaded words, “Target down.”

  Her body froze, her eyes only on the unmoving body of Wes, at a distance, the bottom of the green slope. The silent alarm indicating that someone had entered the castle went off. She was glued in place for a long time, until running feet resonated up the turret stairs. Like a robot, she got on her feet and pulled her side arm. She felt so numb that she didn’t even think of hiding. One man appeared, gun drawn. Her brain recognized him as one of Calvi’s men and he was dead before he hit the ground. Calvi didn’t come quite alone after all.

  From a distance, there were police sirens. Another man started firing in her general direction from the staircase. She simply acted, unfeeling, and walked toward the shooter, putting two rounds in his head as soon as she turned the corner. Mac looked at the staircase and it seemed that only two were stupid enough to come after her. She made her way down and when she reached the great hall, police had arrived.

  When they saw her, ten guns pointed in her direction. She guessed they all were yelling at her to drop her weapon and surrender, but with the echo, she didn’t understand the words. Despair and tiredness made her open her finger, her gun falling to the ground, and she lifted her hands. They came around her like swarming bees, kicking her weapon away and forcing her to her knees.

  Her ears were buzzing so hard, she barely distinguished a familiar voice from a distance.


  It took a minute to register the presence of her brother in her fractured mind. What is he doing here? Shouldn’t he be with Jenny in the safe house? She lifted her head at his voice, and there he was, discussing with what seemed like an officer.

  Just as they were to handcuff her, the captain ordered his men to step aside.

  “Lady MacKinnon. I’m Captain Montgomery. Your brother just explained what went on. We need more information about what just happened here.”

  Mac nodded as her brother came to her side. His arm around her was almost her undoing. “Ellie, Gabrielle called to notify me of the situation. I couldn’t stay away. Gabrielle is on her way to deal with the police.”

  Oh yes, the police, she had killed men after all.

  “I understand. I’m ready to tell you everything you need to know. In the meantime, there are two bodies on the western turret. There is my sniper rifle. And on the western moor, you will find the body of Jorge Calvi and …” Mac swallowed hard, but forced herself to continue. “And the body of Wesley Sorenson, of the U.S. Navy.” As soon as she said his name, all strength left her and she collapsed against Matt, fighting off her tears.

  “My lady, we can wait until you feel better …”

  “No, we do it, right here and now.”

  Matt supported her. “Captain, we can use my office.”

  Captain Montgomery nodded and quickly dispatched his men. Mac was steadier when she entered her father’s study, now Matt’s. Her brother guided her to the sofa, but Mac preferred one of the chairs near the desk. Once seated, Matt crouched in front of her.

  “Are you sure you’re not hurt? You’re pale as a ghost.”

  Mac shook her head and let him take her trembling hands in his. “I’m unharmed, Matt. I w
ill tell everything that happened only once. I won’t survive more than that.”

  Her brother cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “Are you okay? Wesley…”

  At his name, tears escaped.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be okay again, Matt.” Her voice broke and Matt quickly gathered her in his arms. It’s how the police captain found them when he arrived. Mac pushed away from her brother and tried a smile for him, before turning back to the police officer.

  “Captain. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  Chapter 37

  Night had fallen, questions, many questions were asked. At some point, Mac wondered if the Captain was starting to think she had become completely mad. As if on cue, Gabrielle waltzed in to confirm her story and even add more details. Mac was thankful for her intervention, but she was incapable of raising her head and expressing her gratitude.


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