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To Blind a Sniper (Women of Purgatory Book 2)

Page 32

by India Kells

  His face turned to steel. “I’m at awe of you for shooting. At that distance, I was sure that it would be a full-body hit. In fact, I never thought you would have the nerve to try a two-inch head target, with me in the way.”

  “I saw the blow. I saw two … splashes of blood. The bullet hit you first before killing Calvi. He’s … dead. You’re not telling me he resurrected, too?”

  “Oh, he’s dead. Flat cold on a slab, and never to threaten anyone again.”

  “And your wound?” She traced the ragged lines on his temple.

  Wesley caught her hand and kissed it. “You hit me.”

  Breath seized her in lungs and she nodded.

  “The bullet grazed my temple before hitting Calvi square on the forehead.”

  “Grazing wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Well, it was a small ricochet if you prefer. The doctors said that it hit the bone and caused a crack and a concussion. A bad one, but not fatal. When they found me, the medics thought at first that the bullet had entered my brain. The blood came from where it split my skin. I stayed at the hospital two weeks, because they wanted to make sure there was no permanent damage or residual bruise. Then, I had to deal with serious headaches, but they subsided. When I finally got out, I only wished to find you. Don’t look at me like that, because even if it wasn’t how you intended to do it, you saved my life. You’re one hell of a sniper, lady, an incredible asset to Purgatory.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to shoot again. Each time I close my eyes, I see you, taking that hit and rolling on the ground.”

  His arms gathered her closer, tighter in his embrace. “Hey, stop. I’m an expert about nightmares of that sort, and we will find you the proper way to channel it. But not now. Not when I’m alive, here with you. Not when I have plans for you.”

  “Plans?” His newfound cheerfulness pushed her gloom away a little. Everything was going so fast, it was as if she was caught in a whirlwind.

  “Oh, yes. First, I have a message from your brother, telling you that you are expected … no, let me rephrase that. You are to return to Castle Mirth as soon as possible for the christening of your goddaughter.”

  “My goddaughter?” Mac wasn’t sure if she had to be filled with joy or fright.

  “Yes, the new and adorable Marion. Jenny told me not to come back without you. And you know how I am when given an official mission.”

  “I can live with that plan. I can’t believe they chose Marion. One of my middle names. They’re fearless.”

  Smiling, Wesley brushed her hair from her forehead. “That’s not all. Message number two. This time from Gabrielle.”

  “Oh shit.”

  Now Wesley chuckled when she cringed at her boss’ name. “Yeah, I would say that too in your position. But don’t fret, I talked to her and she was quick to understand your point of view as per your disappearing act. She only told me to find you and bring you back. She needs to talk to you, because she’s not only your commander, but your friend. She worries about you.”

  Mac owed an explanation to Gabrielle, but there wasn’t any other option in her mind when she left the castle without a word.

  “Again, it will be painful, but Gabrielle deserves it for everything she has done for me. And if I want to keep my job at Purgatory. After all, without her suggestion, I wouldn’t ever have gone undercover and hid in that apartment over the club.”

  “That’s my girl. But there is one point of order left.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Living arrangements. Are you still on for renting that apartment from my brother? I had the chance to talk to him, Owen’s wrapping up his mission and will return home. We can meet him there.”


  “The apartment will be a bit snug for the both of us, but I think that it will be a good start over. Oh, and I have a special request.”

  Smiling, she took his hand. “Aren’t you full of them?”

  Ignoring her, he continued. “I want you to do something special for me. Something you haven’t done to me before.”

  His face was so serious; she wasn’t sure where he was going. And the sexual current between them, it was difficult to keep her mind out of the gutter.

  “And what haven’t I done to you yet that you would like me to do?”

  His eyes heated and he traced her lips with his finger. “I want you to bake for me.”

  It took her a moment to understand the words he was saying and when she did, it was impossible not to laugh.

  “If it’s all you need to be happy, I’ll do it, Wesley Sorenson.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if it’s all I need, but it’s a good start, Elorian. I love you.”

  At that instant, as he softly spoke her true name for the first time laced with the very words that sung to her heart, Mac decided that as for beginning, she could do with that, and for each one of them afterward. Sealing the deal, she kissed him.


  The staircase at the back of the apartment had never appeared steeper to Mac than tonight. It seemed the toll on her body was always high when both the soul and mind needed to get into shape. In reality, she would have preferred running a marathon then do meditation and therapy sessions. She may be whining about it, but all those steps were necessary. In fact, there was a progression when she went back to the shooting range, instead of dealing with Wes’ head exploding with blood, she saw a target. Well, for most of the time anyway.

  It was difficult to show compassion for herself in this situation when all she wanted was to get her old self back.

  On the up side, she was on a semi-vacation and it did her good. Since Mac started to work for Purgatory, she barely had time off and when she did, she often denied it and instead accepted another mission right away.

  For the first time since they returned, Mac realized that she would once again work for Purgatory; she needed the challenge, the surge of adrenaline, the control, and she couldn’t deny the pull. But this time, she would choose the missions and the risks. She had tasted what living could be, what it could offer her, and she wasn’t ready to ignore herself anymore.

  The lights were bright in the kitchen, which meant someone was using it and she wasn’t happy with that. When she pushed the door open, a delicious smell caught her nose and even more mouth-watering man caught her sight, busy at the stove. Dropping her bags down in the entrance, she watched as Wesley turned.

  “Hey! Just in time. And you can erase that frown from your face. There is nothing sugary being made in this kitchen. I cook, you bake. I do salty stuff, you’re all sugar.” He quickly gave her a peck on her lips before returning his attention to the pots.

  “Sweet talker.” She liked the teasing of Wesley Sorenson. Dark edges still surrounded his soul, and he was in recovery, mostly from his capture than the bullet, but she was glad he was on the lighter side of things. She hugged him from behind, putting her head on his back, inhaling the woodsy scent of him she came to adore. “Sorry, if I’m proprietary of my passions and that includes this kitchen and you.”

  “And who’s the sweet talker now? How was training? Did my head blow up again?”

  Unable to laugh about her nightmares yet, she pinched his delectable bottom. “I don’t know if I will ever be able to make a joke about it, and it’s not even my own head.”

  “Let bygones be bygones. You didn’t answer me.”

  “It was better. My focus has improved and I should be fit for duty soon. I’m the one putting on the brakes, slowing things down. The therapist says that after I complete my first mission, everything should be back to normal. Well, as much as can be for my crazy mind.”

  Mac peeked around him and was happy to discover he was doing his famous pasta dish.

  “Do I have time for a shower before dinner’s ready?”

  “Nope. Not if you want your dish scalding hot as you prefer.”

  “You know me too well, so shower after.”

  Mac picked up her bags and pu
t them in their room before sitting at the table.

  A small mountain of pasta was put in front of her. “And am I supposed to eat all that? You must have mixed the portions up; you’re the one that needs to put on some weight.”

  Wesley looked at his plate and then at hers and shrugged. “Eat what you can and I’ll finish the rest.”

  Mac shook her head. SEALs burned great amounts of calories, and that was insane. But she didn’t complain, he had returned to intense training, in parallel with PTSD counseling and he needed a little fattening up. Fat shouldn’t be the word to use, everything he ate turned into muscle and part of her envied him. She would have to run forever to burn up what he engulfed in a single meal. That was the fate of snipers, stay in shape for not moving at all.

  “Owen is gone again? I saw Margot on my way up and she said you were playing babysitter.”

  He wiped his mouth. “Yeah, but not for long. My brother told me it would only be for a recon mission. Not infiltration as the assignment he just returned from weeks ago took a toll on him. He needs to rest.”

  “And speaking of missions, did you contact your CO?” Mac knew he intended to call his commanding officer for a while now. Not that she was thrilled of seeing him to go, but whatever happened next, whatever he wanted to be back as a full-fledged SEAL or not, Wesley needed first to return in the field to confirm if he could be the man and the team player he once was. To be sincere, she understood perfectly, as she was threading the same path.

  “I did. I’m meeting with him next week.”

  It took all her might to keep her smile in place. He needed her support and she would give everything she had. Even if part of her was reluctant to see him go, and jump into danger again. “Good, I’m sure he’s impatient to know if you’re ready for the teams.”

  Wesley put his fork down, his plate half-finished. “You don’t have to play it for me. I sense that you aren’t that enthusiastic with my decision.”

  Mac shook her head and touched his hand. “It was selfish to think that everything would remain like this forever. And it’s not logical. You have a career, and I do, too. I will leave also. I want you happy, and I know, in my gut and my soul that testing the waters is important in the process. So I promise you to support your decision, we are a team, right?”

  His face softened. “Yes, we are. And one I never thought I’d find again.”

  It looked like she barely made way in her meal and pushed the half-eaten dish to his side. This time she winked and turned back at her plate. “I’m full, and I need a shower. No, scratch that, I’m desperate for one.”

  She slid her plate in his direction. “And don’t hesitate to lick it all up when you’re finished.”

  Mac laughed as she evaded his hand trying to swat her ass before running into the bathroom. As her usual self, she let her clothes fall like breadcrumbs on her way to the shower and turned the water to as hot as she could stand.

  While the stream washed away the grime and sweat and relaxed her muscles, she tried to reason with herself. Why was she scared about life reverting to normal? She was a sniper, he was special force, after all they went through, both separately and together, she should be ecstatic that they returned to what they had before. Mac had discussed with Gabrielle earlier, and she felt hyped at coming back to Purgatory. As for Wes, after all he suffered, the torture he endured, she would be forever grateful that his soul found enough peace and strength to jump into the work he loved.

  Then, what was troubling her? Asking the question was answering it. They were slowly returning to the life they had was before they met. What would anchor them, what would keep them together? Love, of course, she loved that man, but she also knew that life could play tricks on them. Would they be strong enough for the long run?

  Mac stretched and washed as she considered that question. After a moment she smiled. She always went after what she wanted and she wanted him. She would find him, he wouldn’t be able to escape, even if he wished to. They would make their own way, as they did with every ordeal they had faced, as they did during the last two months they have spent here after returning from Scotland.

  The water turned cold. When she stepped out of the shower, she was feeling steadier than she had in her entire life. After drying her hair, she walked into their bedroom, only to find the apartment dark and strangely empty.

  “Wes? Are you here?”

  When he didn’t answer, her heart picked up and she went for the bedside table where she put her sidearm, but one lamp had been left on in the bedroom. On the bed was a dress. No, it was the dress. The perfect replica of the emerald-green shift she had worn at the Yuletide Ball. Beside the sild sheath was a pair of long black gloves and the onyx choker, her mother’s! What did that mean?

  A small piece of paper was tucked underneath the gemstones.

  Wear me

  Wear me? What was that, Alice in Wonderland? Wesley had something in mind, and him being so playful, she couldn’t deny him.

  Mac pinned her hair in the similar style she had at the ball, and then slid into the dress. She even dared applying some make-up and heels before clasping the choker on her neck.

  It was impossible to admire her entire reflection in the small bathroom mirror, but the trip back in time was successful. And very strange.

  When Mac walked into the kitchen, but still no one in sight. However, on the table, there was another note.

  Come to me

  Come to him? Where? If he wasn’t in the apartment, he was downstairs. In the club? It was still early and there wouldn’t be patrons in there at this hour.

  If Wesley wanted to play, she would, too. Mac opened the door and was greeted by cold air that made her shiver. Spring was on its way to Seattle, but so very slowly. Carefully, she went down the stairs and entered the club’s back entrance.

  When she stepped in, Margot stood inside a sly look on her face, giving her a quick wink. She didn’t say a word, only pointing at the door. A door she recognized. The dungeon. On it was pinned a piece of paper.

  Play with me

  The double entendre was so obvious, she laughed and pushed open the door.

  The sight of him rendered her speechless. Wesley was naked, his muscled body stretched on display on the infamous St. Andrew’s cross in the middle of the room. His face both showed challenge and a fair amount of growing lust he couldn’t deny.

  Fire spread in her belly as she locked the door behind her.

  “I never thought you would ever consider re-entering this room again.”

  One corner of his mouth quirked up. “Let’s say it took me some time to separate what happened in the first part of that fateful evening to the second part. And when I did, I decided I wanted to try it. With you.”

  “And you allowed Margot to tie you up naked on that cross. I’m impressed.”

  She came forward and his gaze shifted, turning to fierce desire. His voice lowered to become a rumble. “You’re magnificent.”

  “Why this dress?”

  “My own personal fantasy. And a way of erasing what happened at the mountain to replace it with better memories.”

  Temptation overcame her and she kissed him, letting her gloved hands slide down his quivering body.

  “You should have told me; I would have imagined about some sort of scenario for you.”

  Both breathless, he smiled at her. “I thought of something. Your clue is in the first drawer.”

  Arching an eyebrow, Mac shook her head. “If you’re going straight for the implements, you’re a more courageous man than I gave you credit for.”

  Just before opening the drawer, she winked at him. “Let me know if I have to start calling you slave any time now.”

  As she pulled the drawer open, she froze. That couldn’t be.

  A small velvet box was the only object inside. She swallowed hard as she took it between her trembling fingers and opened it.

  “If you want to call me something, I suggest husband. If you accept me, that is.�
� His voice was low, tentative, and filled with so much hope, Mac whimpered.

  Her emotions on tight control, she turned to him. “Are you serious?”

  For the first time, she saw it on his face. The same love she had for him, right there on display. And so much more.

  “You’re not a conventional woman, and I knew I couldn’t do a conventional proposal. So I thought of this. I believe this is the very place where I first felt something for you. Something that became love. And it’s also a way of offering all of me to you.”


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