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Page 10

by Greene, Brook

  He was holding a bag of chips shoving a handful into his mouth, ‘What? I don’t know what she did with Leo but she just serviced me once or twice that’s it.” Dalton holds his arms out to the side as he explains to Piper.

  “It is still gross.” Piper is standing in front of him with her hands on her hips tapping her foot.

  I can feel him when he hits the door, ‘Roman man I thought we discussed this shit.” His face is contorted with anger and his hands are fisted at his side.

  “No harm man, I was just comforting her.” Roman drops his arms from around me and moves so Leo can fill the space.

  “If she needs comforting, I will give it to her,’ Leo states in passing, ‘hey babe.” I am once again taken up in the strong arms of a big man but these arms somehow feel different than Roman’s, and I am liking it too much. I have fallen silent and watch as his eyes shift from a hard coal color to a liquid black pool I could drown in.

  “She said you sent her in here.” I state to him never diverting my eyes from his.

  “Well I didn’t, she is a bitch Avery, who has over stayed her welcome. She will not be back, the guys have orders.” His stern tone leaves little doubt of her returning and it eases my nerves somewhat.

  “Okay.” My reply is sheepish at best.

  “Food ready, I am fuckin’ starving babe.” Leo changes the subject giving my ass a tight squeeze in the process.

  “Yeah, why don’t you three fix your plates first and then I will take the rest out for the crew.” I train my gaze on the plate busting with burgers.

  “Hells ya, membership has its privileges.’ Dalton bellows as he grabs the plate Piper is handing him.

  Leo reaches and yanks Dalton’s hand free of the empty plate, ‘hells ya man,’ he does his best Dalton surfer dude impersonation, ‘President and woman than Piper then VP than you.” Leo points out the pecking order. I laugh at the dejected look Dalton has on his face. Piper doesn’t help the matter by turning and sticking her tongue out at him as she begins to fix her own plate. Children.


  Leo leans back in his chair rubbing his belly, ‘ladies, you out did yourselves.” He puts his arm around me and brings me in for a kiss on the temple.

  Dalton and Roman are still stuffing their faces with the angel food cake I had picked up for dessert, ‘shit this should become an every Sunday afternoon thing.” Roman spits cake crumbs from his mouth spraying the table in front of him.

  Piper laughs, ‘Eww Roman, gross don’t talk with your mouth full.” I find my face has begun to hurt from the smile I had worn through lunch and I have been laughing so hard my sides are splitting at the antics of these three.

  I love seeing this side of Leo, the lighthearted joker he is when he is around his friends. I am very thankful the caveman didn’t reappear the moment he stepped foot into the clubhouse. I lean over and innocently place my hand on his thigh. He in turn covers it with his, I rub back and forth as I listen to Roman tell how Dalton vomited somewhere and then fell in it.

  The whole table erupts in laughter except for Leo, who has his eyes trained on me. Taking my hand up from his thigh he stands hauling me up with him, ‘now it is time to go work it off.” He announces to the table garnering a few whoops and hollers. I bury my face in his back, out of sheer embarrassment.

  Leo leads me through the back door and down the same hall as we had during the party, except this time I am a willing follower because I know what is coming, and that would be me and I hope it is several times.

  Going through the door I am pleasantly surprised the place is now clean, ‘cleaning lady come by?” I ask as I notice the several piles of dirty clothes and the random beer bottles were gone.

  “I paid to have it cleaned yesterday, I didn’t want you in here again the way it was.” His voice is deep and husky, his eyes are dark and scorching my skin with his heated gaze. We stand toe to toe just staring as if it is the first time we have seen each other.

  “Enough talking.” He declared right before he crushed my mouth with his. He pulled me to him and turned so he could lay me back on the bed. Laying me down slowly he never broke the contact of the hot kiss he was giving me. I felt the softness of the covers on the bed and the smell of fresh laundered linens filled my nose. I felt the pressure of his hands on either side of my head as he lowered himself to his elbows so the full weight of his torso was on me and it was divine.

  I moan into his mouth and roll my hips against him, ‘I want you Leo.”

  He takes his nose and knocks my chin with it signaling for me to lift my head, in doing so I am met with his soft lips touching the skin as his thumb makes tiny circles on my temples. I wrap my leg around his firm ass and pull him into me, he rolls his hips rubbing my sweet spot. I run my fingers through his luscious hair tugging it lightly garnering a groan of satisfaction from him.

  He lifts from me and reaches down to my feet to take off my shoes dropping them to the floor. I lean up on my elbows and watch as he unbuttons and tugs down my blue jeans leaving me only in my tank top and panties. He begins kissing up my thigh as I lie back closing my eyes and begin to feel the all too familiar strings of my pleasure being plucked by his lips.

  When he reaches the crease of my leg he gives the same treatment to the other leg, I roll and moan from the sheer exquisite attention he is paying to me. I tug at his shirt he lifts only long enough for me to pull it over his broad inked shoulders and then goes back to his task. I scrape my fingernails over the skin on his back only making him seem more desperate.

  I feel a jerk and hear an audible pop and realize he has torn my underwear from me, again. But at the moment I don’t care and my fingers find their way back into his hair, ‘Oh Leo.” I mumble as his tongue as found my sex and if twisting me into knots.

  He slings each knee over his shoulders and makes quick work of getting right to the point. His tongue works its way inside of my folds and is followed by his finger pushing deep into me making my back bow and my breath rush from my lungs.

  “Oh Leo I am close.” I pant as my body is responding to his mouth in ways I didn’t think would be possible again. My body begins to vibrate and my muscles have gone rigid. I feel the radiating lava throughout my body with each lick Leo is providing. His one finger has grown to two and they plunge into me with each pass of his tongue. Then the tendrils of sheer bliss begin to pull back on the lava bringing it all back to my sex and Leo’s mouth.

  He makes two more passes, ‘oh Leo.” I come squeezing my knees into his head but he doesn’t stop his assault as he wrings every last bit of pleasure from me he can get.

  “Stop Leo stop.” I beg as his mouth has still not stopped its mission.

  Finally, after having to beg, he lifts his head and looks up at me through hooded lashes, ‘shit you almost made me come baby.” He pushes up taking my legs off his shoulders and gently laying them to either side of his hips. He is still in his jeans and on his knees between my legs. I see an opportunity but before I sit up I take him in, to explore his body with my hands.

  His lean body and thick arms, the top button on his jeans is lose exposing the small dusting of hair I think is so sexy disappearing under the waist band of his worn jeans, and all that fucking ink, yum. My finger traces the numerous lines defining the scene played out on his torso.

  “What do they all mean?” I ask as I study them. His stomach is covered with one large intricate scene where one thing rolls into another. They are mostly black with a splash of color thrown in for detail.

  Taking my hand from his stomach, ‘that is a conversation for a different time.” Bringing my hand up to his lips he kisses each finger. I see the pain in his eyes quickly morph into lust as he takes the hem of my top and pulls it over my head.

  I lay back as his eyes take in my body, ‘a blank canvas.” He leans into my stomach and his lips lightly brush the skin. I didn’t even have a body piercing, so yes I am a blank canvas.

  He looks at me, ‘I haven’t been with a vanilla since
high school.” His lips go back to my skin.

  “Vanilla?” I tug his hair up so that I can see his eyes.

  “No ink, no rings.” He clarifies his comment for me.

  “Yeah I am so rocking the non—hep b threat.” I breathe deep as he looks at me like a virginal buffet.

  His gruff laugh vibrates the whole bed making me laugh too, ‘Avery there are places that are really clean.”

  “You know you can’t give blood if you have a tat?” The nurse in me sees no reason as to why you would expose yourself to such things.

  “Never crossed my mind but I do know what I have in mind to do to you now.” He growls as he buries his face down in my neck. A loud knocking at the door pulls him away with a sharp curse, ‘Fuck, you better be dead or bleeding,” he exits the bed, ‘take the sheet and cover up babe.” He is standing at the door when another desperate knock comes through the door, ‘hold the fuck on.” He shouts as I scramble to get under the covers.

  I just barely get under the sheet when Leo yanks open the door, ‘what the fuck dude?” He asked a very unnerved Beeker. His bare back is to me and I once again face to face with the angel of death, creepy but sexy because it is covering Leo’s back. A little shiver runs through my body.

  “What Beek?” Leo’s sounds frustrated as he prompts the boy to explain why he interrupted us.

  “Um he showed up about five minutes ago, what do you want me to do?” Leo ducks his head and runs a rough hand through his hair and releases and aggravated breath.

  He threw his head back and cursed at the ceiling, ‘mother fucker.” I glance over at the clock and see it is around nine at night and wonder who would be coming to a Motorcycle clubhouse at this time of night on a Sunday.

  “Leo I can go and see you later this week, I have to work in the morning.” I sit up holding the sheet statically so Beeker can’t see anything of importance.

  “Fuck no you are staying right where you are, I will be back in a minute.” He growled as he turned to pick up his shirt to pull it over his head.

  “Leo it is okay really, I don’t mind to leave.” I start to survey the array of clothing lying scattered over the floor.

  The bed dips from his weight as he climbs on giving me a face to face, ‘did you just hear what I said? Stay the fuck put Avery, I mean it, I will be right back.” He kisses my nose as my mouth hangs open, and there he is the bad ass biker boy and his bossy streak.

  “Damnit Leo,’ I argue as I have gone up to my knees taking the sheet with me.

  “Enough said Avery, I am locking the door.” He warns over his shoulder as he walks out and I hear the familiar tumblers of the lock falling into place from the outside.

  I slam myself back into the bed, ‘Awww asshole!” I scream at the ceiling as I lay there and stomp my foot into the bed. I jump up and throw my feet off the bed dragging the sheet with me and wrapping it around me toga style. I find the panties he had torn off me dropping the skimp of fabric back to the floor knowing they are a helpless cause. I go over to the chest and begin to pull open the drawers not necessarily snooping but if something interesting falls out, I will look. But for now I will settle for a tee shirt.

  After I find an over abundance of the short I choose a logoed, Knights of Mayhem, it is large and smells of Leo’s cologne. Pulling it over my head I return the sheet and straighten the bed. I go to the door placing a hesitant hand on the knob and test it gently, yep true to his word locked from the outside.

  When this strategy fails I press my ear to the door to see if I can hear anything interesting going on or find out the identity of the mystery man. I hear muffled male voices one happening to be the strongest in the crowd belongs to Leo, the rest are indiscernible. Leo shouts and I hear a man stumble back seemingly trying to calm Leo down.

  I wonder where Piper went and if Dalton tucked her away in his little room away from home, if he has one. For all I know this is where they all live, there has never been any mention of them staying anywhere. I take out my phone and call her.

  “Hey.” She answers in a whisper.

  “Hey, what is going on?” I whisper as well why I don’t know.

  She pauses before she answers me, ‘um girl I don’t know but from what I can hear through the door it is bad and Leo is pissed.” She reaffirms my suspensions of it being Leo who is yelling.

  “So Dalton locked you up too?” I slump down on the bed.

  “No he just jumped up and ran out leaving me naked and pissed.” She sounds so dejected.

  Although Leo left in the middle of something, it is not something I am going to use as public discussion especially not with Piper who sometimes can get diarrhea of the mouth in front of the wrong people, ‘he didn’t lock your door?”

  “No why?” She yawns with boredom.

  “Leo, that ass, locked our door from the outside.” I jump back up headed for the door pounding on it with my fist, ‘hey Beeker I know you are standing right outside.” I scream at the door.

  “Calm down and stop yelling Avery, Leo will be back in a minute.” Beeker whispers on the other side of the door, I can hear Piper laughing on the other end of the line, ‘he is such an ass.”

  Throwing myself back onto the bed I slump and sigh, ‘So what is going to happen now?”

  “Oh we sit and wait for them to finish their little pissing contest out there and then they come back all charged up on testosterone and fuck the hell out of us.”

  “Piper!” I chastise her crassness.

  “Well that is what is going to happen, baby hope you are ready cause you have the uber alpha male.” She giggles.

  “It is not funny.” I sit back and encircle my waist with my free arm, ‘well fine if you are just going to sit and laugh at me I am hanging up on you.” I huff as I slam the phone down on the mattress. I cover my eyes with my arm blacking out the fucked up situation my life has become since I have been in the vicinity of Leo.

  I slink up to the pillows lying still long enough to know that Leo is going to be awhile so l let myself drift off to a fitful sleep, my head filled with visions of a naked Leo moving on top of me.



  Stalking down the hall to end someone, rounding the corner I am greeted with the usual suspects hanging around the clubhouse on a Sunday night, Dalton was in his blue jeans after having just come from his room where he and Piper were probably doing the same thing Avery and I were. Roman had on a pair of gym shorts and was covered in sweat, he had been hitting the weights and Cowboy has showed up and was sitting on the couch with his ever present Stetson resting on his knee.

  And then Kent Delaney comes into view, ‘hey boss, why the late visit?”

  Looking a little more withered than usual he turns to me, ‘just in the neighborhood and stopped by for an update on matters at hand.” I am sure he was just in the neighborhood. He was probably tracking Avery’s vehicle and traced the beacon to our parking lot, in the fucking neighborhood my ass.

  Knowing better than to challenge his words I prop against the wall and cross my arms over my chest, ‘pretty much the same as around three hours ago, the last time we talked, but Matthew is on the tail tonight.” Matthew was young like Beeker, who took the shit work and shifts and was always ready for work on time, ‘he is getting information out of lockup some way, we just haven’t figured out how yet.” I look over at Dalton rolling my eyes, ‘we think it might be a guard.” My mind goes back to the conversation Avery and I had had about her job and why it put her in danger.

  Nodding his head the man has yet to stop his constant pacing, ‘you need to find out and quickly,’ he pauses to look up at me, ‘keep a tail on them and let me know if anything new comes up.”

  Swallowing hard, ‘there is something else you need to know boss,’ I paused before I dropped the bomb, ‘Avery is a nurse at the prison.” The room fell silent as all the eyes in the room settle on Kent waiting his reaction.

  “And you are handling this situation how?” His hands resting on his h
ips, his posture isn’t relaxed.

  Rubbing my hand down my face in aggravation, as I am finding myself doing a lot these days when Avery is concerned. Laughing, ‘hell boss I have tried to talk to her about it but you and I both know how stubborn she can be so she isn’t having any of my suggestions about finding a new job.”

  Then his face goes sullen and shifts from business to something else. Tilting his head in the direction of the parking lot, ‘she here?”

  Toeing the shag carpet with my boot I avoid eye contact with him, ‘yea she is, but you already knew that.” I look up for the first time acknowledging having my boss’s daughter naked and in my bed only thirty feet away. I lick my lips and savor her taste still lingering on them, I stand and wait for whatever he has to say.

  His face flushes with anger as he storms the distance between us. Throwing his finger up in my face, ‘Leo, do I need to remind you of your line of work and the dangers that come with it, or are you going to make the wise choice on your own?”

  I feel the side of my mouth pull up, ‘look man she is an adult, able to make her own decision. It's not like I am holding her here against her will or anything.” At least it hasn’t resorted to me having to do that yet, I chuckle to myself and then give my head a shake trying to clear the images of Avery with her hands tied above her head as her naked body is laid out before me like an erotic buffet ready for my feasting.

  Not pleased with my choice of words Kent’s face flushes, ‘but I am sure she isn’t fully aware of the whole situation.”

  Ticking my finger against my nose, ‘you are right sir but if you will remember I am just complying with your request to keep her in the dark about all this.” I sweep my arm around the clubhouse. I realize then that the other men are still in the room and completely captivated with our conversation.

  “And if I am guessing right, I am sure she doesn’t know exactly what you do either, or the fact you know me?” I point out our deceit is running deep when it comes to Avery.


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