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Malice (Rina Walker Book 3)

Page 16

by Hugh Fraser

  ‘Easy now, my darling,’ she says as she puts my head on her shoulder.

  I take a deep breath and wipe the tears from my cheeks. ‘Thanks for coming.’

  ‘Don’t be silly.’

  ‘You had Gerald there, didn’t you?’

  ‘I can’t get rid of him.’

  ‘I thought he was living at his brothers.’

  ‘He’s supposed to be but he reckons he’s in love with me and he can’t bear to be apart and all that bollocks.’

  ‘How’s the escort business shaping up?’

  ‘He’s done really well with it. Had our first date tonight. A fiver commission up front. They met for dinner at the Savoy and they’re probably doing the business about now.’

  ‘That’s great. Who was the girl?’

  ‘Cute little thing from Murray’s.’

  ‘How’s the office?’

  ‘Great. I feel really serious and important at the desk, answering the phone.’

  ‘Will I have to call you Miss Jenson?’

  ‘Madam will do. You can give me a drink an’ all.’

  ‘Sorry,’ I say, as I pour a large one and hand it to her.

  She takes it and reaches for my hand. ‘So why are you shacked up here?’

  ‘Just a bit of aggravation.’

  ‘Is it about Dawn?’

  ‘Kind of.’

  ‘Do you want to tell me about it?’

  ‘Probably best if I don’t.’

  ‘I worry about you, you know.’

  I’d love to share my troubles with her and tell her about the film and everything, but I don’t want to put her in any danger. I know she’d be shocked if she knew what I get up to and the less she knows the better.

  ‘It’ll be sorted in a couple of days,’ I say.

  ‘Why don’t you stop being a gangster and come and help me run the agency?’

  ‘Believe me I’d love to.’

  ‘Well then?’

  ‘Just let me try and sort out this bit of malarkey, then we’ll see.’

  She puts her arm round me, pulls me close and puts her lips to my ear. ‘Very good Miss Walker,’ she whispers.

  We put our glasses down and lie back on the bed.

  • • •

  Lizzie gets up early to get to the office and asks me to go with her. I’ve got nothing I need to do until I’m filming in Islington tomorrow, and I reckon I can learn my lines later, so we have a quick breakfast downstairs, served by a woman who’s even grumpier than the bloke was on reception last night, and get a cab to Harrods. I buy a new pair of jeans and a dark blue suede jacket, and then it’s on to Belgravia.

  Ebury Street’s looking immaculate in the sunshine and the cab drops us outside number forty-seven.

  ‘Brass plate’s coming tomorrow,’ says Lizzie, as she unlocks the front door.

  ‘What are you called?’ I ask.

  ‘I suggested “Hump and Dump”, but he wouldn’t have it.’

  ‘I’m not surprised!’

  ‘We’ve gone for “VIP”. The company’ll be in Gerald’s name and he wants to keep it discreet.’

  We go up to the first floor and I follow Lizzie through a door off the landing. Gerald’s sitting at a desk turning the pages of an album of photographs. He looks up and sees me. ‘Ah, Rina. Hello again.’

  ‘Hello Gerald,’ I say, as we shake hands.

  ‘I’ve just picked up the brochure from the photographer, darling,’ he says.

  ‘That was quick,’ says Lizzie.

  ‘I know,’ he says, standing up and offering the album to Lizzie. ‘Have a look, while I make some coffee. How do you take it Rina?’

  ‘Just milk, thanks.’

  He opens a side door and goes into a small kitchen. Lizzie sits at the desk, opens the album and I go and look over her shoulder. The girls are in evening dresses on one page and swimsuits on the other, and they’re all giving it a come-hither smile and a promise of a good time to come. I recognise a couple of them from round the clubs. As we get to the end of the book the phone rings and Lizzie picks it up. ‘VIP. Can I help you?’

  She winks at me and I try not to laugh.

  ‘Certainly sir. Would eleven-thirty this morning be convenient?… We’re number forty-seven Ebury Street… We look forward to seeing you then, good day,’ she says.

  Gerald comes in holding a tray with three cups on it. ‘Did I hear the phone?’

  ‘Punter at eleven-thirty,’ says Lizzie.

  ‘Did he say where he heard of us?’

  ‘The Athenaeum.’

  ‘Now we’re motoring!’ says Gerald, handing me a cup of coffee and putting one on the desk for Lizzie. ‘I don’t suppose we could persuade Rina to join our little fold of beauties?’

  ‘Not exactly her line of work,’ says Lizzie.

  ‘Talking of which, I really ought to be going,’ I say, taking a swig of coffee.

  Lizzie says to call her later and gives me a VIP card. I say goodbye to Gerald and I can hear the phone ringing again, as I go downstairs.

  I want to go home but I reckon it could be dangerous until I’ve settled Brindle and discovered where it leaves the Teales and maybe a good few others. I phone Bert from a call box, in case there’s anything I need to know, and he tells me George is getting impatient for me to off Brindle. I tell him I’m nearly there and I’ll be in touch, then I get a cab to the hotel.


  Harry picks me up at 2 o’clock the following afternoon and drives me to the location in Islington. It’s the Brunswick Close Estate, which they finished building a few years ago. There are three massive tower blocks, standing one behind the other with a balcony for every flat, and I count fourteen storeys in each. It reminds me of Berlin when I was there a couple of years ago. There are three other blocks that aren’t so tall and one with a curved front. Harry says he grew up nearby and did a bit of labouring on the site in the fifties. The estate already looks run-down and neglected even though it’s not been there long. The film trucks and trailers are parked on the road in front of one of the big blocks and I can see men, carrying lamps and equipment, heading for the entrance.

  Harry stops the car and Kirsty appears and opens the door for me. She takes me to my trailer and shows me my costume, which is laid out on the bed. She says she’ll let me know when make-up are ready for me and asks if I’d like tea or coffee. I say yes to coffee and change into the underwear and the Mary Quant skirt, blouse and jacket that I wore in the last scene with Kim. I sit at the table and check on the call sheet that Brindle’s not coming in until later, then I open the script and look at the scenes we’re doing. There’s the one where me and Kim arrive at the flat in Islington, on the run from Challoner. We put the baby to bed and I tell her that I’m going to move in with her and help her look after the little one, then we talk about whether we should try and find our sister Jane who’s mental and got committed after our mum died. I learnt the lines last night and when I run through them I find I can still remember them. The next scene is the one where Brindle rapes me and then gets killed by Kim. I don’t speak until the end, after she’s done him, and I’m just checking my lines when Kirsty arrives with the coffee and tells me that I’m wanted in make-up.

  Colette’s looking bright-eyed and lovely today, and while she’s making me up and telling me how she can’t wait to pick her cat up from her mother's, where it’s been while she was in Birmingham, Mike comes into the trailer and stands behind me. ‘I’ve just seen a rough cut of your scene in Erdington and it works incredibly well. There’s a real chemistry between you and Kim. The way you fight your corner at the end, and make her take the baby and leave with you, is perfectly played and completely believable.’

  ‘That’s good to know,’ I say.

  ‘See you on the tenth floor,’ he says, as he opens the door and leaves.

  Colette picks up her mascara brush. ‘I only saw the rushes, but I thought you looked really great.’

  ‘Oh, thanks.’

  She puts the finish
ing strokes on my eyelashes and brushes on some powder and then Kirsty’s there and it’s time to go to the set.

  The lift smells of stale piss, and as we grind up to the tenth floor, I read on the walls that Doreen Macy’s a slag and Kenny R is going to get his head chopped off. The doors open and a ginger-haired woman with a pram and a couple of young boys are on the landing. The boys rush into the lift and stand in front of us. I try to pass between them and the woman shouts at them to come out of the way and let us get off. They push past us to the back of the lift and start jostling and punching each other. We get out and I smile at the woman as we pass her.

  ‘With this filming lot, are you?’ she says.

  ‘That’s right,’ says Colette.

  ‘Tell them to keep the noise down will you? I’m next door and it’s driving me bleeding mad.’

  ‘We’ll try.’ I say, as she wheels the pram into the lift. The doors close and we can hear her shouting at the boys as it descends.

  Kirsty leads me along the corridor to the flat we’re filming in. Various crew members are standing around the tea and coffee table, which is outside the door, and Mike and Kim are sitting on canvas chairs on the far side. Deidre turns from the coffee urn and sees me.

  ‘Good morning loveliness. How are we today?’

  ‘Very well thanks.’

  ‘Cozzy all right?’

  ‘Feels fine.’

  ‘I think we’ll use the Verrier dress for the nastiness scene with Herr Challoner that we’re doing later darling.’


  ‘I’ve bought a couple of spares for backup in case it gets ripped or damaged,’ she says, and goes into the flat. While I’m hoping I’m not going to get ripped or damaged, Mike sees me and comes over. He smiles, takes me by the arm and we walk a short way along the corridor.

  ‘I wanted a quiet word about the rape scene,’ he says.

  ‘Oh yeah?’

  ‘As you saw when you came to Hoxton, Johnny can get a little carried away on occasion.’

  ‘I did notice.’

  ‘These scenes have to look frightening and horrid and one of the great qualities that Johnny has as an actor is the realism that he brings to his work. Having said that, I want you to promise me that you will not permit him to hurt or injure you in any way and that you will feel free to stop the scene at any point if you are not comfortable with what’s happening.’

  ‘Understood.’ I say.

  Ed appears at his elbow. ‘Ready for you to take a look, Guv.’

  Mike smiles, squeezes my hand and follows Ed into the flat.

  I go and sit next to Kim.

  ‘What was that about?’ she asks.

  ‘Storm warning about Johnny in the rape scene.’

  ‘Quite right too.’

  ‘How have you found him?’

  ‘The most selfish, competitive, scene-stealing toad I’ve ever had the misfortune to work with.’

  ‘It’s gone well then?’

  ‘I hate his fucking guts and I wish he’d choke on his own conceit and die a very painful death.’

  Even though I’m laughing, I’m a bit surprised to hear this kind of poison from the beautiful girl with the glistening eyes that I’m sitting next to, but I’m glad she shares my opinion. Kirsty tells us we’re needed and we follow her into the flat where Mike shows us the moves. We’re to enter the flat with Kim holding the baby and me with the carrycot and a suitcase. We then go to the bedroom and I take the baby, put her in the cot and sing her a little song, while Kim unpacks the suitcase. When she’s finished, we move into the kitchen, where Kim finds a bottle of gin in Mum’s old hiding place, and we have a drink and talk at the kitchen table.

  The baby’s asleep when the mother gives her to me and she stays that way while we shoot the first part, where we walk in the front door and go to the bedroom. After they’ve set up the shot in the bedroom and we’re rehearsing it, she wakes up, starts to cry and we have to stop. Mike gets a bit tetchy and tense but once mum’s given her a feed she drops off again and stays asleep while I put her to bed. When I tell Mike I’m worried that me singing ‘Hush little baby’ is going to wake her, he tells me to try just humming a few bars quietly, because he wants to see Ella’s maternal side. When I do it, the little thing opens her eyes and gives me a lovely smile and it’s all I can do to stop the tears welling up.

  We do the scene a few times with the camera in different positions, until Mike says he’s got it, and we move into the kitchen. It’s really cramped in there but apart from a bit where Kim and I can’t stop giggling after I say “this flock of bats” instead of “this block of flats”, we get it done and break for a meal.

  Ed announces that the bus the crew normally eat in has been held up and won’t arrive until tomorrow, so the caterers have put a buffet on the table in the corridor. Everyone files out and Kim and I follow. The food looks really nice but when Brindle gets out of the lift my appetite disappears. He gives me a cold look and walks into the flat. Kim nudges me. ‘What’s up with Laurence Olivier?’

  ‘Search me,’ I reply, and pour myself a glass of water. Kim is looking at me. ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ I say and pick up an egg sandwich.

  ‘The stupid little twat’s probably having a strop because nobody opened the car door and bowed and scraped and brought him his dinner.’

  ‘Probably,’ I reply.

  Kirsty approaches and tells Kim she won’t be needed for a while and she can go back to her trailer, if she’d like to.

  Kim puts her plate down, puts an arm round me and gives me a peck on the cheek, ‘I’ll see you later. Good luck with Stanislavski,’ she says, and walks off towards the lift.

  I’ve no idea who this Stan person is, but I’m still feeling a nice little shimmer from the kiss when Kirsty tells me that Deidre wants to see me. I follow her into the flat next door to the one we’re shooting in and into a bedroom.

  ‘Time to slip into this little number my darling,’ says Deidre, holding up the Verrier dress.

  I take off the Mary Quant jacket and skirt, Deidre hangs it on her rail and slips the dress over my head. I smooth it over my hips, look in the mirror and see that it looks clingy and elegant.

  ‘Mmm… very tasty,’ says Deidre.

  We decide that the stockings I’m wearing will do, so she gives me a pair of medium heels to put on and declares herself satisfied. Kirsty tells me I’ve to wait while they finish shooting in the corridor and takes me to the kitchen, where Colette freshens up my make-up and brushes my hair.

  When they’ve shot Brindle doing the lock on the front door, they move the camera into the flat and I watch from the lounge while they shoot the bit where he finds my modelling portfolio in the hall and has a good look at it. It’s actually blank pages, because I haven’t done the photo shoot yet, but apparently the editor will add the pictures later. Mike takes me into the corridor and explains that he wants me to put my key in the lock, find that the door is open, come in cautiously and call out for Mary. Brindle will then come out of the bedroom, grab hold of me, pull me into the lounge, chuck me on the sofa and leap on top of me. He says he’s going to stop the scene there and then move the camera nearer. While Mike’s explaining this Brindle’s leaning on the wall with his head down looking like he’d rather be somewhere else.

  ‘Is that OK for both of you?’ asks Mike.

  ‘I reckon,’ I say.

  Brindle gives a slight nod and goes into the bedroom.

  ‘Right, so, let’s mark it through in slow motion, shall we?’ says Mike.

  I go out of the front door and we wait while Ken and the boys move the camera to the far end of the hall beside the kitchen. When Mike calls action, I push the front door open slowly and say Mary’s name. Brindle glides out of the bedroom, takes hold of my wrist and pulls me to him, then he takes me by the shoulders, lifts me off my feet, carries me into the lounge and lays me gently on the sofa. When he lies on top of me and looks into my eyes, I get a whiff of foul brea
th as he whispers in my ear, ‘I’m going to hurt you.’

  He gets off me and Mike comes over to us. ‘I’m afraid I’m not happy with the positions on the sofa. It looks contrived and wrong. If we fit you with a good back pad Rina, would you mind if Johnny puts you on the floor?’

  ‘Let’s try it,’ I say.

  ‘Thank you. We’ll get you fitted up right away.’

  Brindle wanders back into the bedroom and Kirsty takes me back to wardrobe in the flat next door. Kim is there trying on some trousers. I tell Deidre that I’m to have a back pad and she takes a weird looking metal frame, with a padded plastic panel in the shape of a back, out of the wardrobe.

  ‘That’s the one I wore, isn’t it?’ says Kim.

  ‘It is,’ says Deidre.

  ‘It’s great. He slammed me into a wall and I didn’t feel a thing.’

  Deidre helps me off with my dress and straps me into the contraption. Once she’s pulled it about a bit it feels quite comfortable and I put the dress back on.

  We do another slow motion rehearsal, using the floor instead of the sofa and when Mike’s satisfied that the pad can’t be seen, Ed tells everyone to stand by and I go and wait in the corridor.

  Mike calls action and I open the door and move slowly inside. When I say Mary’s name Brindle flies out of the bedroom and grabs me round the neck with both hands and starts to throttle me. I bring my knee up into his balls and he grunts and lets go. I could nut him easy, but I remember what I’m doing and turn back to the front door. He grabs me round the shoulders, drags me across the hall and throws me into the lounge. I hit the floor, he lands on top of me and pins me down.

  ‘Cut,’ says Mike.

  Brindle gets off me, stands up slowly and puts his hand to his crotch while I roll over and get up. Mike looks to Ken and gets a nod from him.

  ‘Are you all right Rina?’ he asks.

  ‘Yeah. This pad’s the business,’ I reply.


  Brindle sits on the sofa and opens and closes his legs a couple of times. ‘I’m OK.’

  ‘That was terrific, particularly the neck and goolies bit you put in at the top, although you might have warned me. We might need to pick up a reverse on you, Rina, for when you turned back to the door, but we’ll move into the living room now that it’s dark.’


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