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Malice (Rina Walker Book 3)

Page 20

by Hugh Fraser

  ‘Does she work in the kitchen?’

  ‘She doesn’t work at all. She’s got her fingers everywhere. Fancies herself as running the place. Why is she after you?’

  ‘It’s a long story.’


  While Trudy finishes her meal, I’m thinking that if I’m going to get any respect in here and be left alone I’ll have to settle Marlene. I could well do without it as I’ve got enough on my mind already and I don’t want to end up in solitary.

  We get taken back to the wing and the cells are left open for association. Trudy invites me to hers and when we get up the stairs to the landing I look over and see prisoners putting up a table tennis table down below. People are smoking and playing cards in the cells. When we get to Trudy’s she jumps on the bed, sits cross-legged on the pillow and I sit at the other end.

  ‘What are your neighbours like?’ I ask.

  ‘This one’s all right,’ she says, pointing at the wall behind her. ‘In for robbery with violence, but she’s gentle as a lamb. The other side’s a bit tricky, going up for GBH next week I’m told. She hardly speaks, just mumbles a lot and looks scared when a screw comes near her. Screams in the night as well. I reckon she ought to be in the mental wing. How are yours?’

  ‘I haven’t seen them yet.’

  ‘What are you in for?’

  I hesitate and then decide to tell her as she’s bound to find out anyway.


  I can see she’s shocked although she’s trying not to show it.

  ‘How about you?’

  ‘Drugs. I got caught at Heathrow with some Thai Sticks.’

  ‘That was bad luck.’

  ‘I never knew I had them. My boyfriend put them in my rucksack.’

  ‘What a cunt.’


  ‘You said you were in before.’

  ‘That was just shoplifting. What was your first time?’

  ‘Same thing, but I got off.’

  ‘Do you think you will this time?’

  ‘I’m not so sure.’

  I can tell she’s not as easy with me now she knows why I’m here. She seems like a nice kid and it’s probably best if she’s not seen with me too much until I’ve sorted Marlene, so I tell her I’m tired and go back to my cell.

  • • •

  The doors are banging and the screws are shouting for us to slop out and there’s plenty of effing and blinding going on. It’s only just getting light outside so it must be about six o’clock. I put my overall and shoes on, pick up my bucket and join the ladies on the landing. The stench is horrible and the screws are grumpy, standing with their heads down and snapping at prisoners to get a move on. As the line moves along the landing I feel something dripping down the back of my leg that can only be one thing. I turn and it’s one of Marlene’s girls.

  ‘Oops, sorry,’ she says, with a sneer.

  It takes all my self-control not to smash her in the chops and empty my bucket over her, but I know it’ll be a one way ticket to solitary if I do. I give her a warning look, get to the toilet, empty my bucket, go back to my cell and shut the door.

  After everyone’s slopped out, the porridge trolley comes round. I swallow a cupful and lie back down on the bed. About an hour later a screw comes in and tells me I’ve got a visit. I jump up and follow her down to the hall praying that it’s Lizzie. After I’ve walked what seems like a mile and the screw’s unlocked half a dozen doors and locked them again behind us, she finally lets me into the Visitors Room. It’s crowded but I see Lizzie, over on the far side, sitting at a table by herself. She stands up when she sees me and I can’t help running to her and putting my arms around her.

  ‘No contact!’ shouts one of the screws, stepping forward. I let go of Lizzie and we sit at the table. I try not to cry as I look at her lovely face and think how long it could be before we can hold each other again.

  ‘Thanks for coming,’ I say.

  ‘I couldn’t wait to see you.’

  ‘You’re everything to me.’

  Her face softens and she reaches for my hand.

  ‘No contact!’ shouts the screw.

  We smile at one another as she pulls her hand back.

  ‘You know I love you,’ she says.

  The tears well up again but I manage to hold them back.

  ‘So what is all this?’ she asks.

  ‘It’s a bit complicated.’

  ‘You’re on a murder charge?’


  ‘Is it to do with Dawn, and Danny Teale and that?’


  ‘I heard him say Brindle’s name when they charged you.’

  I look round and see the screw who was near us walking away. I wait until she’s out of earshot then I lean forward and tell Lizzie the whole story. By the time I get to the end, I know I’ve shocked her.

  ‘I can’t believe what you’ve been through, you poor thing. There you were bopping away the other night with all this swirling round your head?’

  ‘You’re such a hot dancer.’

  ‘Does your brief think you’ve got a chance?’ she asks.

  ‘I haven’t got down to it with him yet.’

  ‘Five minutes,’ says the screw, walking past us towards the door.

  ‘If there’s anything I can do.’

  ‘Could you help out a bit with Georgie?’

  ‘Of course, anything.’

  I tell her about the school fees that need paying and ask her if she’ll look after Georgie when she comes home for the holidays. She says she’ll be happy to and I tell her where the money for the fees is, behind the bath, and the phone number for the school and the registrar’s name so that she can arrange it. I ask her how the escort agency’s going and she’s just telling me that it’s OK but that Gerald’s been a bit strange, disappearing in the night and such, when the screws call the end of the visit.

  Lizzie says she’ll come back as soon as she can and I watch her walk away and out of the door.


  We’re locked up for twenty hours a day. There’s an hour in the morning for slop out, a wash, breakfast and cleaning the cell, then we’re banged up till lunch. Out for an hour’s exercise in the afternoon and banged up again until supper and association, then back in the cells for the night by eight o’clock. The volunteer woman with the library trolley came round and I was hoping she’d have Rebecca but she didn’t. She said she’d try to get it for me and I had a look at what she’d got. It was mostly romance stuff so I picked The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat which looked like it could be an adventure story.

  It’s nearly two weeks after Lizzie’s visit when I get my chance to square up to Marlene. She’s had her girls giving me some kind of grief every day, either tripping me on the stairs or throwing some muck in my cell or jogging my tray in the dining hall so something gets spilt, and Marlene’s always there gloating and making sure it’s seen that she’s tormenting me. I’ve kept my temper and not reacted so far, as I want to stay off punishment.

  One afternoon a screw opens my door and tells me I’m out for a bath. Once a week every prisoner gets a bath in about four inches of nearly cold water, but at least it’s a chance to get clean. There are three tubs in the bathroom, and when I grab my towel and follow the screw onto the landing, two of Marlene’s girls are leaning on the rail giving me sly looks. One of them is big and plump with short black hair, the other is scrawny and quite tall with light brown curls and a pale face. I follow the screw along the landing and down the stairs with the girls behind me. She leads us across the hall to the bathroom and unlocks the door. We go in and the screw, who’s an ugly old bag of about fifty, comes in after us, locks up and leans against the wall.

  I know it’s going to kick off and I can tell by the look on the screw’s face that she’s in on it. The girls circle round me and I stand still and wait for it. When I feel the skinny one make a move behind me I drop to the floor, grab the fat one’s ankle and ram the heel of my h
and into her kneecap. She screams, falls backwards and I get on top of her and punch her hard in the face. The skinny one jumps on my back and I roll sideways, crush her against the wall and jab my elbow into her ribs. The fat one’s up first and she lands on top of me grabs my throat with both hands and presses hard. I grab her tits, shove her sideways, bring my knee up into her crotch, get hold of her head and smash her face against the stone floor.

  The screw’s laughing as I get up and face the skinny one who’s coming at me with a chiv in her hand. She swings the blade at me and I jump back to the wall and get behind a bath. She lunges at me and I dodge sideways, jump onto the edge of the bath and kick the chiv out of her hand. As I fall into the water, I grab her hair, take her in with me and push her head under. The screw comes over, still laughing, pulls out her truncheon and holds it over my head. ‘All right now, that’s enough, we don’t want her drowned.’

  The fat one’s getting up off the floor as I climb out of the bath, followed by the skinny one. The screw stands back by the door swinging her truncheon. ‘You three going to get clean, or what?’

  ‘I thought you wanted some,’ says the fat one, holding her head.

  ‘Fat chance, with you two wallies.’

  ‘Give her a clout and we’ll hold her for you.’

  ‘Maybe I will,’ says the screw, coming towards me. I move sideways but the fat one grabs me, then the other one’s at my legs, the screw’s truncheon is swinging towards me and I go out.

  I come round and I’m on my back on the floor. My wrists are cuffed to something behind my head. The girls are holding my ankles apart and the fat one’s dripping blood from a broken nose. The screw’s face is between my legs and she’s got one hand up her knickers. I twist sideways and the fat one comes and sits on my chest. I can barely breathe and I feel like I’m going out for good, and with what the screw’s doing to me, it might not be soon enough. Moments later, when I’m thinking I really am for it, I hear the lock turning and the door opening. Before I can see who’s there, it shuts again. The screw scrambles to her feet and tells the girls to get off me. She unlocks the cuffs, pulls me up off the floor, opens the door and two other screws walk in.

  ‘Forced to restrain Prisoner Walker after she attacked two prisoners and myself. Taking her to be booked on a charge of violent assault on a prison officer. These two to the hospital wing,’ she says.

  ‘You’ve got it Doreen,’ says one of the others, barely hiding a smile.

  Doreen marches me out of the door, across the hall, along a corridor and into an office where I’m charged with assault and the rest of it. When the woman behind the desk has typed it all out and put the sheets of paper in a pigeon hole, she picks up the phone and asks for an escort to the punishment block. Two screws arrive minutes later and march me to another wing, down two flights of stairs and along a dark narrow corridor, with barred cells on one side that you can see into. They lock me in a dark cell with a low metal bunk and a bucket. I lie on the bunk, roll into the wall and press my aching head against the rough brick until the throbbing pain takes me over and kills my thoughts.

  • • •

  Two days later I’ve seen no one except the old woman with the food cart and the screw who slops me out to the toilet at the end of the corridor. The other cells are all empty and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve been forgotten, when I’m woken from a deep sleep by a loud whack on the bars.

  ‘Governor’s office!’

  I recognise one of the screws who came into the bathroom. She unlocks the door and stands swinging her truncheon while I drag myself off the bunk and reach underneath for my shoes.

  I’m handcuffed and marched along the corridor and up the stairs. It’s a relief to see daylight and breathe some fresh air as we go across the yard towards the turrets and towers above the main gate. The screw leads me to an oak door to the right of the gate and knocks twice with her truncheon. A panel in the door slides open and a face appears.

  ‘Prisoner Walker up before the Governor,’ says the screw.

  The door’s opened by a miserable looking woman with mousy hair and bags under her eyes. We go in and she tells me to sit on a wooden bench while she goes to a table in the corner, opens a big book and writes in it. She beckons the screw over, points to a place in the book and the screw writes something. She closes the book, puts it under her arm and goes up some stairs. The screw strolls past, looks me over and leans against the wall, twisting her truncheon in her hand.

  ‘If you weren’t so fucking filthy you might make a decent bit of skirt,’ she says.

  I decide that this is not the time or place to teach this cow a lesson and look at the floor. After a while the one who let us in comes down the stairs and goes to the table in the corner. As she puts the book down there is a knock on the door. She slides the panel open, has a quick look and opens up.

  ‘All right Doreen?’ she says, as my accuser walks in and sees me.

  ‘I’ll be all right when I’ve put this cunt downstairs for a few months,’ she says.

  ‘Put your moniker on here,’ says the mousy one, going to the table and opening the book. Doreen joins her, signs her name and Mousy hands her a sheet of paper. ‘Governor’s there. You can go up if you want.’

  ‘Cheers Jean,’ says Doreen, as she goes up the stairs.

  The screw points after her with her truncheon and I follow Doreen up two flights to a landing, where she knocks on a door which is opened by a dark-haired young woman in a uniform skirt and blouse. Doreen hands her the sheet of paper and she stands back as we file in to a long oak-panelled room with a desk at one end. Doreen places me in front of it and she and the other screw stand on each side of me while the young woman puts the sheet of paper on the desk and goes out through a door at the side. She comes back moments later and tells us that the Governor has received a telephone call and will be with us when it’s finished. She leaves and a few minutes later a tall posh-looking middle-aged woman, in a dark brown suit and black brogues enters. She takes a quick look at us, sits behind the desk and puts on a pair of glasses that are on a chain round her neck.

  ‘Good morning,’ she says.

  ‘Morning ma’am,’ say Doreen and her mate.

  The Governor looks at me and then at the paper in front of her. ‘What have we got?’

  ‘Remand prisoner Walker ma’am. Violent assault on two prisoners and assault on an officer,’ says Doreen.

  ‘Where did it take place?’

  ‘Washroom ma’am.’


  ‘Yes ma’am,’ says the screw beside me.

  ‘You were present?’

  ‘I was.’

  The Governor looks at Doreen. ‘What took place?’

  ‘An argument started between Walker and one of the prisoners. Walker punched the prisoner in the face, threw her on the ground and attempted to strangle her. The other prisoner tried to intervene and Walker kicked and punched her. I attempted to restrain Walker, who kicked, punched and bit me, and I was forced to use my truncheon to put her unconscious.’

  ‘Just as well, by the sound of it,’ says the Governor.

  ‘Walker has been involved in other violent incidents ma’am.’

  ‘Indeed,’ says the Governor, writing on the paper in front of her. ‘Anything to say Walker?’

  ‘No ma’am,’ I say.

  The Governor finishes writing, takes off her glasses and gives me a stern look. ‘In the short time that you’ve been here you have shown yourself to be a considerable danger to others. Violence against prison officers cannot be tolerated and you are to remain in solitary confinement for a period of eight weeks from this day. Should you still be with us after that date, any further incidents of this nature will be dealt with most severely. Is that clear?’

  ‘Yes ma’am.’

  ‘Prisoner dismissed.’

  She picks the paper up off the desk and sweeps out. I’m feeling like a lead weight has landed on me as Doreen grabs my shoulder, turns me round an
d pushes me towards the door. The other screw opens it and goes onto the landing. I follow her down the stairs with Doreen behind me and the mousy one lets us out into the yard.

  ‘Let’s get her back to the playpen and have a bit of fun,’ says Doreen, pushing me in front of her.

  ‘Nah. She’s filthy dirty,’ says the screw.

  ‘Ooh, I like ’em a bit grubby, me.’

  ‘Suppose we could hose her down.’

  ‘Fancy a nice cold shower girl?’

  As I’m thinking which one of these slags I’m going to hurt first, I hear footsteps behind. I turn and see Mousy hurrying towards us.

  ‘Governor wants her back,’ she says.

  ‘What for?’ asks Doreen.

  ‘Don’t know.’

  ‘Ah fuck it,’ says Doreen and pushes me back the way we’ve come.

  The young girl is waiting inside the oak door and we follow her upstairs. She knocks on the office door, opens it and makes way for us to go in. The Governor’s standing behind her desk and she’s talking to my brief, Duncan Mayfield. She sees us come in and sits down. Mayfield looks at me, gives me a flicker of a smile and moves away from the desk. While I’m wondering what can be happening, the Governor picks up some papers in front of her.

  ‘There’s no point in prolonging this. I have received notification from the Clerk of the Assize Court at the Old Bailey that the charge of murder made against you, Katherine Walker, has been withdrawn and you are therefore eligible for immediate release from this place.’

  All the breath goes out of me and I’m swaying on my feet as I hear her telling the screws to make the necessary arrangements to let me out. Mayfield’s smiling at me and I want to leap at him and kiss him.

  ‘I’ll meet you at the gate, Miss Walker,’ he says, as the Governor picks up the paperwork and passes a couple of sheets to him. She opens the side door and they leave.


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