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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

Page 15

by Luke Young

When he closed his eyes he saw it!

  When he opened his damn eyes he still somehow saw it!

  How was any of this possible?

  It had been that way for the last few days and it was driving him crazy. He’d sort of forgotten all about this nonsense soon after the masseuse debacle went horribly wrong. He’d been able to convince himself he’d imagined the whole thing. That was until a few days earlier when he’d stumbled on the completed first draft of Jillian’s new book. After opening it up on his computer, he’d searched some dirty key words and discovered Brice doing all sorts of things with Joseph as the book went on. Some of it while Anastasia watched and some on his own.

  It was scary.

  Really scary.

  On top of this dirty book business, he also spotted a new bottle of Astroglide that Jillian had purchased and stuffed in a drawer. Sure they had used it occasionally, but this was the large size and they never bought that size before. If that wasn’t a hint and a half, he didn’t know what was.

  Suddenly a car came to a stop outside and Jeremy climbed out. Wearing a scowl look, he headed up the walkway to the front door and Brian reluctantly rose to his feet.

  He pulled open the door and forced a smile. “Hey, dude. How was your flight?”

  “Shitty.” Jeremy stepped into the foyer without luggage and sporting a huge brown stain on his off-white shirt.

  “Where’s your stuff?”

  “They lost my bags.”

  “Crap.” Brian frowned. “So, you checked?”

  “Had to.” Jeremy rolled his eyes. “I couldn’t fit everything into my carry-on. Had to take the bigger suitcase. They said they would call if it turned up. Not fucking when, but IF.”

  “I’m sure they’ll find it. They have all those barcode systems. They can track that stuff.”

  “Yeah, right.” Scowling, Jeremy pointed to the stain on his shirt. “Oh and if you didn’t notice…”

  “You smell like a Starbucks.”

  “Exactly. At the gate some woman plopped down in the seat next to me, knocked into me when I was about to take a sip and, I don’t know, the top came off and…” The frustrated traveler exhaled deeply.

  “Well, um, at least your plane didn’t explode.” Brian shot him a sympathetic look. “You know… with all that ISIS crap going on.”

  “Maybe I would have been better off.”

  Jillian appeared from the hallway and smiled. “Jeremy. Hi.”

  “Oh, hey, Jillian.”

  “My God, what happened to you?”

  “What didn’t happen to me?” He rolled his eyes. “A coffee spill. They lost my luggage. I think my Uber driver was drunk and the back of his car smelled like someone changed a diaper in it.”

  “Oh, no.” Jillian placed her hand on his arm. “I hate travelling too.”

  “She really does.” Brian nodded.

  “Brian, why don’t you take him upstairs and let him borrow whatever he needs.”

  “Oh, sure,” Brian replied.

  “That would be great.” Jeremy ran a hand through his hair.

  Brian headed toward the stairs and as he heard whispering behind him, he turned back to discover Jeremy and Jillian still in the foyer standing close together. His eyes narrowed and he turned his head slightly in an attempt to listen.

  Suddenly her jaw dropped open and she said, “Shit!”

  “What’s wrong?” Brian asked.

  Looking at her husband with alarm, Jillian shrugged. “Oh, nothing.”

  “She’s just, um, worried about my luggage.” Jeremy took a step back from her.

  “Uh-huh.” Brian frowned slightly. “You coming?”

  “Sure. Sorry.” Jeremy headed toward the stairs.

  Brian turned away from the suspicious couple, but glanced back just in time to see Jeremy whisper something more to his wife. Brian’s eyes narrowed and he shook his head, grimacing as he climbed the stairs. Now with his thoughts spiraling into dark, dirty places he muttered all sorts of unspeakable things under his breath.

  Inside the master bedroom, Brian headed to his chest, opened up a drawer and pulled out a t-shirt. “How’s this?”

  “That’s cool.” Jeremy unbuttoned his shirt, slipping it off.

  “You need anything else?”

  “A pair of shorts maybe.”

  “Sure.” Brian attempted to hide his contempt as he retrieved a pair and aggressively tossed them to his scheming friend. “These should fit.”

  “Thanks. Maybe you could drive me somewhere to pick up some underwear and other stuff I need.” Jeremy pulled the t-shirt over his chiseled upper body.

  “Oh, I’ll drive you somewhere,” Brian grumbled under his breath.

  “What’s that?”

  “No, sure. Yeah, whatever.”

  Jeremy laughed. “Yeah, I think borrowing underwear is a little too much to ask.”

  “Oh, you think that’s where the line is,” Brian shot back with a frown.

  “What?” Jeremy asked.

  “I’m just kidding,” Brian grumbled and turned away, rolling his eyes. “Just come down when you’re ready.”

  Brian drove Jeremy to the mall where he picked up some underwear and clothing. Afterward they headed to the drugstore for a few items. There wasn’t much conversation in the car during the trip and when they returned home, they discovered Jillian in the kitchen preparing dinner.

  Jillian held up a bottle of beer. “You guys want one?”

  “Definitely.” Jeremy shook his head, smiling. “Let’s start with one and see where we end up.”

  Jillian handed over the beers and she asked, “Did you hear from the airline?”

  “No, not yet,” Jeremy replied.

  Jeremy and Jillian shared a concerned look then she turned toward the sink. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

  Watching them closely, Brian sighed and took a big gulp from his bottle.

  Jeremy patted Brian on the back. “So, dude. Thirty. Is it freaking you out a little?”


  “Turning thirty.”

  “No, it’s not a big deal.”

  “It’s sort of a big deal. You’re out of your twenties. Wife. Kids.” Jeremy widened his eyes.

  “What are you trying to say?” Brian frowned.

  “Oh, nothing. Just, I think, I’d be freaking out a little.”

  “You would be, really?” Brian shot him an insulted look and tilted back his beer.

  “What’s the matter, dude?” Jeremy glanced to Jillian then returned to his friend.

  “There’s nothing wrong,” he replied, defensively.

  “Are you okay?” Jillian slid in next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

  He let half a scowl form on his face before forcing a smile. “No, I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

  She tightened her grip around him. “Maybe you should go to bed early.”

  “No!” Brian sipped from his beer, slipping away from his wife and plopping down on the sofa. “I just need to sit, I think.”

  “Okay.” She wrinkled her nose, glancing to Jeremy before returning to look at her husband. “You just don’t seem like your normal fun self.”

  “Sorry, I can’t always be on top of my game.” He downed the rest of his beer then deposited the bottle on the coffee table.

  “You want another one?” Jillian collected his beer.

  “Oh, you’d li…” Brian began with an edge to his voice then changed his tone. “I mean, no, I don’t think I want another one.”

  She turned to Jeremy and waved the empty bottle.

  “Oh, yeah, keep ‘em coming.” He followed her into the kitchen and Brian looked on with suspicion. His buddy retrieved a beer and returned to sit across from him on the sofa. “So, I get to meet the famous Victoria tomorrow.”

  “Yep,” Brian replied, curtly.

  Jeremy took a sip from his beer, a smile spread across his face and he called out. “Oh, hey, Jillian, on the plane I finally finished your book.”

“Oh, yeah,” Jillian leaned over the counter to get a look at him, her eyes wide.

  “Sorry, it took so long. I never read.” He shook his head. “I was literally laughing out loud.”

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Victoria sounds crazy.”

  “She is,” Brian agreed.

  Rising to his feet, Jeremy walked to the French doors and gazed out at the pool. “And it’s mostly based on the truth, right?”

  “It is.” Jillian joined him at the door.

  “You really do have a lot of privacy out here.” He studied the tree-lined lot.


  “To skinny dip. You can definitely get away with it out here.”

  “Well, unless your son comes home early.” Jillian made a face.

  “Oh, yeah.” Jeremy shook his head. “I almost did once.”

  “What?” Jillian asked.

  “Swim naked with this girl I was seeing.”

  “What happened?”

  “I was like twenty-one and she invited me to go to this carnival in her home town. She drove. We were drinking a little and I asked her if she wanted to come up to my apartment when she dropped me off.”

  “Yeah…” Jillian smiled. “Sounds promising.”

  “It was.” Jeremy scoffed. “The parking lot at this apartment complex was always packed. We pulled into the lot and there wasn’t a space anywhere.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “Yep, she just dropped me off. I should have had her pull in at the other entrance. There were usually spaces back there.”

  “So cock blocked by a parking space.” Jillian held back a laugh.

  “Exactly… The pool there was secluded too and I was so sure she was into me.” Jeremy paused a moment then put his fingers to his lips simulating a joint. “Hey, do you guys still smoke, you know…?”

  “God no, not since like before we were married.” Jillian shook her head.

  “That’s too bad. That might be a little way to celebrate the birthday and everything.”

  Brian rose to his feet and headed toward the back door, frowning.

  “The kids are at my mother’s for the night.” Jillian gave her husband a suggestive smile.

  “Come on, seriously!” Brian snapped.

  “What’s wrong now?” she asked.

  Brian turned to her wearing an angry expression. It melted away and he stammered, “Oh, um, it’s just I forgot to clean the pool this week.”

  “Oh, well…” Jillian shrugged. “I was out there earlier and it didn’t look dirty.”

  “It’s dirty all right. Sometimes it doesn’t look dirty, but it’s dirty.” Brian sneered. “Filthy dirty.”

  “Seriously, are you okay?” Jillian moved to him. “Is something bothering you?”

  Brian ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I feel like maybe I’m getting sick or…”

  “Oh, no,” Jillian began. “Why don’t you go lie down for a while. Take a nap.”

  “I don’t want to take a nap,” Brian grumbled.

  “Okay… geez.” Jillian snorted, rolled her eyes and took off to the kitchen. “Then don’t take a nap, grumpy.”

  The three sat out by the poolside table eating dinner with Brian quietly sulking through the entire meal as he pounded another three beers. Jillian’s iPhone buzzed, she grabbed it off the table, read the message and smiled.

  “What is it?” Brian asked.

  “Just a little birthday surprise.” Jillian rose from the table and headed into the house.

  “Dude, you sure you’re doing okay?” Jeremy tipped his beer bottle in Brian’s direction.

  “You know, I’ve been better.” Brian shot back. “How many women are you fucking right now, dude?”

  “What?” Jeremy asked, giggling. “Where’s that coming from?”

  “Let me rephrase that.” Brian glared at him. “How many women do you need to—”

  “Got it.” Jillian rushed through the backdoor holding a baggie containing two thin white joints.

  “Where’d you get those?” Brian shook his head.

  “Victoria just sent Jim over with them. He wished you a happy early birthday, oh he also said with Jeremy over you’re going to need them.” Jillian shook her head, confused.

  Jeremy chuckled. “What the hell did he mean by that?”

  Brian shrugged, grumbling, “I really don’t know.”

  Jillian returned to her seat, placing the baggie on the table. “This weather is exactly like the first time we smoked together.”

  “It is.” Brian let a smile break free from his frown. “That was a fun night. If Rob hadn’t interrupted us, we probably would have had sex in the pool that night.”

  “Probably.” Jillian shook her head. “Under water sex isn’t that great so it would’ve been a mistake.”

  “Really? Why?” Jeremy asked.

  “It’s the lubrication,” Jillian began. “The water sort of washes it away. Not to mention that chlorine isn’t exactly a vagina’s best friend. It could lead to an infection.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Jeremy frowned. “I guess that’s a bucket item off the list then.”

  “Maybe stick with shower sex if you really need to experience something close to that.” She held up the baggie, grinning. “So should we?”

  “You guys can.” Brian frowned, sinking back into his depression. “I’ll just watch, plus one of us needs to stay clear headed in case someone falls, cracks their head on the concrete, falls in the pool and needs to be saved.”

  “Geez.” Jeremy glanced to Jillian then made a face. “You’re an angry drinker now.”

  “People change,” Brian replied, casually.

  The boys let Jillian relax out by the pool while they cleaned up from dinner. When they returned outside Jeremy plopped down in the chaise on one side of her while Brian sat on the other.

  Jeremy said, “Let’s fire her up.”

  After pulling a joint from the baggie, Jillian lit it up, took a drag then coughed a few times with her eyes watering. “Wow.”

  She handed it to Jeremy and he took a hit, covering his mouth to suppress his own reaction, his eyes wide as he cleared his throat. “Okay then. It’s been a while.”

  He passed it back to her and she took another hit. Turning to her left, she held it out for Brian. “You sure you don’t want any?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  Jillian passed it back to their guest and after another hit each, they shared a look which screamed they were both in a place of extreme relaxation and had way more than enough. She extinguished the joint into an ashtray and the two potheads relaxed back in their loungers looking skyward.

  “I think I’m going to have to go for a swim.” Jeremy leaned his head back with his eyes closed as he sucked in a deep breath. “But I think I’ll keep my underwear on. You know shrinkage and all.”

  “I would think a guy like you wouldn’t have to worry about that,” Brian commented, sneering.

  “Dude, pretty much everyone needs to worry about shrinkage.”

  “You guys and your penis concerns.” Jillian snorted with laughter. “Thank God women don’t have anything that changes in size that we need to be concerned about.”

  “Yep.” Jeremy brought his hand to his face and studied it closely, wearing an odd expression. “Does my thumb look weird to you?”

  “What?” Sitting up, Jillian turned to Jeremy.

  He showed her and she struggled to focus on it for a moment before shaking her head and giggling. “It looks like a regular thumb to me. Show Brian, maybe he can tell.”

  “Okay.” Jeremy rose to his feet then headed over to his friend, holding his hand up for inspection.

  Brian rolled his eyes, frowning then reluctantly took a look. “Yeah, it looks weird.”

  “Really?” Jeremy studied it once again.

  “No, it just looks like a stupid thumb!” Brian fired back.

  “All right.” Jeremy shared a sneer with Jillian th
en returned to his friend, his eyes half open slits. “You really are being sort of a dick tonight.”

  “Yeah, well,” Brian began. “I can’t always have sunshine shooting out of my ass.”

  The two half-baked partygoers broke into a laugh then Jeremy pulled his shirt off. “On that note I’m going in.”

  Placing her hand on his arm, Jillian frowned at her husband. “I really hope you snap out of this before tomorrow.”

  Brian folded his arms. “You never know.”

  “Okay.” Placing her feet on the concrete, Jillian lifted her bottom off the chair, scooted her dress up over her hips then pulled it over her head. She dropped it onto the chair and gazed at her husband wearing a drop-dead gorgeous matching light blue satin bra and panties set. “You’re no fun.”

  Brian ignored the comment. Jeremy stepped out of his shorts then quickly jumped into the pool wearing only his boxer briefs. Jillian was right behind him and the two waded around for a few minutes, their heads barely above the water as they gazed up at the stars.

  Brian glanced at them then turned his attention to the ashtray, pondering a moment whether or not to partake and deciding against it. When he returned his attention to the pool, he discovered his wife’s shapely bottom popping up out of the water as she swam to the opposite end of the pool. Jeremy had his arms stretched out along the edge, his head resting on the concrete and his body floating near the surface as he closed his eyes.

  With his overindulgence on alcohol weighing on him and his eyelids getting heavier by the moment, he finally relented and let them close for what he believed would only be a few seconds.

  When Brian’s eyes finally opened, jarred awake by a bad dream, he looked around quickly, initially confused as to where he was exactly. When he finally realized he was at the pool, he breathed a sigh of relief then closed his eyes again.

  Suddenly his brain returned a bit more of its function and he bolted upright. Where were his wife and his friend? His first thought was a dark one that they somehow were at the bottom of the pool. He was supposed to be watching them and had fallen asleep. He popped up to his feet and rushed to the edge, squinting down into the water to ease his fears. When he found no submerged or floating bodies, he breathed a sigh of relief until his thoughts went to an ever darker place.

  Grimacing, he headed for the house. He made his way inside, through the kitchen as he quietly moved toward the steps, listening to locate the couple without alerting them to his approach. When he found the first floor empty he headed upstairs.


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