Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 22

by Luke Young

  Goose bumps suddenly appeared on her skin and she closed her eyes. “Keep doing it all.”

  He placed a soft kiss on her lower back. “I might have to stop talking once I start licking you.”

  “Okay, if you have too.” She took a deep breath.

  He pressed his lips to her left ass cheek only an inch away from the center of her then moved to the right and did the same.

  “Oh, yeah…” She moaned.

  He kissed her softly, teasingly, above her asshole then below, just over her glisteningly wet and now dripping pussy, running the circuit clockwise once more before pulling back. “Are you sure you’re comfortable?”


  “Good, because I’m going to be a while.” Plunging forward, he dipped his tongue into her pussy, pressing it in as far as he could.

  “Oh, gawd….” Turning her head, she popped her finger into her mouth and nibbled on the tip.

  Pressing his nose to her ass, he licked the lips of her pussy slowly before sliding down to her clit. He spread her cheeks apart and licked upward, swiping over her center until he found her ass then slid back down, retracing his steps.

  “Oh, Jim.”

  Moving to the right, he nibbled on her cheek then he slid left and did the same before swiping his tongue over her puckered hole.

  Reaching back with one arm, she ran her fingers through his hair as he returned to her pussy, licking it faster and faster. He covered every inch and crevice, touching every nerve ending with his tongue. This went on for a long, long time. He put his mouth fully on her pussy and sucked in gently for a moment then slid his tongue lower, swiping it over her clit.

  “Yes. Yes,” she said breathlessly, pulling him close to her as she cupped her hand behind his head.

  He slipped two fingers into her pussy and the instant he did she returned both hands under her chin, shaking her ass playfully at him while she spread her legs further apart.

  She said, “That feels incredible.”

  Rising up, he pressed his tongue gently to her ass and licked it slowly while he pumped his fingers into her, curling them toward her G-spot.

  She inhaled sharply. He licked her harder and faster, dipping down to her pussy then back up over and over as he fingered her in just the right spot.

  She held her legs apart, pushed her ass higher still as she closed in on a mind-blowing climax. Saliva dripped from his lips as he licked her faster— her pussy swollen and dripping her juice all over her thighs.

  Suddenly she cried out, her muscles clamping down on his fingers. He pushed them in further and she gasped as he refused to pull his tongue away, licking her with broad strokes, hitting every part of her he could reach.

  Finally, she’d had enough and brought a hand back to push his head away. Gasping for breath and writhing on the towel, she clamped her thighs together and held still, her legs trembling. He moved away from her, wiping his lips and dunking his head under the water as she lay there motionless struggling to catch her breath.


  As the sun was setting, Jim and Victoria floated leisurely in the pool both naked and fully satisfied from their aqua coupling. The beer, the gentle motion of the pool water and the comfortable floats, not to mention the complete exhaustion from their giant orgasms, was all the perfect combination to induce their super-relaxed states. With their hands dangling in the tepid water and their eyelids dipping closed they ended up at opposite ends of the pool. Victoria’s eyes opened wide. The anxiety screaming out and conquering her suddenly evaporating mood.

  She paddled toward him until their floats bumped into one another startling him. He stirred awake. “Oh, hey. How long was I out?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “This feels amazing.” Gazing up to the darkening sky, he placed his hands behind his head.

  “It does.”

  “We should do this every day.”

  “If only we could. I wanted to…” She took a deep breath then continued, “I, um, actually did hear back from the producers.”

  “What?” Groggily, he raised his head up to look at her.

  “The producers. I heard back.”


  “Well, I’ve had the contract since the day they stopped by, but I wanted to show it to the lawyers before I spoke to you about it.”

  Sitting up on the float, he was wide awake now. “So…”

  “It’s a really great deal, actually.” She slipped off her float into the pool and headed toward the edge. “You know how I’ve been talking about remodeling the kitchen and… well, they’re going to do all that for us and get it done quickly.”

  “Wow.” He fell into the pool, waded his way over to her then wiped the water from his face. Leaning back, he placed his arms stretched out along the edge next to her.

  “And that’s just the beginning. We’re guaranteed eight episodes then eleven more if the network likes the show. It’s a little over two hundred thousand dollars if we just did the eight shows and around eight hundred thousand if we get to do the whole season.”

  “That’s a lot of money.”

  “And the second season would be more.” She shot him a hopeful smile.

  “But why are they renovating the house? Isn’t it all about your sex therapy practice. The cameras will just be in your office, right?”

  “Well, mostly, sure, but it’s really about my life. I mean, our lives together and Kaylie and the—”

  “Our life…? When did it become that?”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s always been that.”

  He shook his head. “Wait, I’m confused. So, they want to bring cameras in the house and record everything we do, like twenty-four hours a day.”

  “No, not twenty-four hours.” She added self-consciously, “Maybe eighteen tops.”

  “Oh, that’s all.” Rolling his eyes, he let out a humorless laugh.

  “Think about everything we could do with the money. We could send Kaylie to the best school and put money away for her college. This could set us up for life.”

  “We’re doing okay,” he grumbled.

  “Yeah, but this would be life changing.”

  “I don’t want my life to change.” He pushed away from the wall and slipped down into the water until his chin was bobbing just below the surface. “I like our life.”

  “I do too.” She floated toward him. “I love our life.”

  “Yeah.” He looked at her, the doubt screaming out from his scrunched up face.

  Her eyes brightened. “Oh, and they’re going to pay you too.”

  “For what?”

  “Being on the show.”

  “How much?”

  “Seventy-five hundred an episode,” she announced.

  “I have a job,” he shot back.

  “It doesn’t pay seventy-five hundred a week!”

  “Yeah, but I don’t have to work eighteen hours a day either or have my every move filmed. Hell, I probably won’t even be able to go to the bathroom without hearing about it on Twitter.”

  She let out an absurd chuckle. “They don’t put cameras in the bathroom.”

  “Right,” he grumbled.

  “I don’t think so.” She shrugged. “I mean, not by the toilet anyway. I told them I wouldn’t do it if you didn’t agree.”

  “Well, that’s good.”

  She moved to him and kissed him gently. “Look, I swear if you don’t want to do it we won’t. But I really think this could be great for the club, my practice and our future. I always saw myself doing something in the entertainment field.”

  “Can I have some time to think about it? Preferably when I haven’t been plied with alcohol and seduced with overenthusiastic sexual favors?” He shot her a pointed look.

  “Oh, yeah sure. Take your time, but I, um, just need to know tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow!” His jaw fell open.

  “Yeah, we’re their first choice, but if we don’t move on it they’re bringing back that show Mr. Personality.”

  “What the hell’s that?”

  “It was on like ten years ago. Monica Lewinsky hosted it. It was a dating show where a woman had to pick a husband out of a group of masked men.”

  “You’re not serious?” He sneered. “You couldn’t tell what the guys looked like?”

  “Nope, I guess they were trying to prove looks don’t matter.”

  “Is Monica hosting again?” he asked.

  “No, they’re going with Tan Mom.”

  “Tan Mom!” He scoffed. “That orange woman they arrested for letting her young kid use a tanning bed?”

  “That’s her, but she was never convicted I don’t think,” Victoria said a bit unsure.

  He cringed. “Geez, no pressure. So now it’s my responsibility to protect the world from more fucking Tan Mom!”

  Holding back a laugh, she put her hand on his shoulder. “Yes, only you can protect the world from her.”

  He simply shook his head wearing a grimace. “So we’d sort of be like the Kardashians?”

  “Well, not exactly, we are nice people and still have our souls.”

  “For now anyway,” he grumbled.

  “Look we’re a fun couple and I think that would really come across on screen. I was telling Steve the story about—”

  “Who’s Steve?”

  “The E.P.”

  “What the hell’s the E.P.?” He made a face.

  “Sorry, he’s the Executive Producer. Anyway, he asked about me taking my top off on Stone and I told him how we sort of argued about it. How we had amazing sex after and he said story lines like that would make a great show.”

  His jaw dropped open. “So, it’s going to be a show about our sex life?”

  “Not entirely.” She swallowed hard then added sheepishly, “I mean, I am a sex therapist and people do have sex.”

  “Yeah, but not on TV.”

  “You’re kidding right.” Victoria sneered. “Most of what’s on TV now is about sex.”

  Frowning, he shook his head. “I had no idea that you wanted to be famous. I mean, if this doesn’t work out, what will you do then, huh?”

  “Um, I—”

  “I know maybe you’ll transition to a man to get some publicity,” he fired back, his words dripping with sarcasm.

  “Now, you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I?” He lifted his hands out of the water and shot her a pointed look. “It’s working wonders for Caitlyn Jenner. I read that now that she’s transitioned she’s worth half a billion dollars.”

  “Really…” Victoria looked past him with her lips parted.

  “Oh my God.” His jaw dropped open somehow even more.

  “What?” She shook herself back to reality.

  “You’re actually thinking about it.” He jeered. “This is beyond—”

  “No, I’m not.” She paused a moment, confused then put on a face almost convincing enough that she believed it herself. “I mean, it would be nice to be worth hundreds of millions and never have to worry about money again, but no, I’m not about to have my breasts cut off and have them construct some sort of penis out of whatever the hell they make that out of.” Her expression morphed into a confused stare. “How the hell do they make a penis anyway?”

  “I don’t really know.”

  “I mean, I get how they make a vagina.” Victoria cocked her head. “That seems like it would be pretty easy, but a penis is a whole other production.”

  “Yeah… I think like they could make a vag—” He shook his head abruptly and exhaled. “Wait a second. Knock it off!”

  “Knock what off?”

  “You’re changing the subject.”

  “What the hell were we talking about?”

  He pointed right at her with both index fingers. “The fact that you’re becoming some sort of publicity whore.”

  “No I’m not.”

  “I’ll bet your ultimate goal is to end up on Dancing with the Stars or some stupid show like The Apprentice?”

  “No, I can’t dance.” She gave him half a smile. “But meeting Donald might be kind of fun.”

  “Donald isn’t even on that show anymore.”

  “Oh, yeah I guess he’s pretty busy trying to become President.”

  “Yep.” He shot her a disappointed look.

  “I love you,” she said softly.

  After pausing a few moments, he replied with a slight edge to his voice. “I love you too.”

  “Now can we get back to our date night?” She flashed him a sexy smile.

  Gazing at her for a moment while taking a deep breath, his expression softened. “I guess.”

  She placed a hand on his shoulder and as quickly as a hint of a smile appeared on his face it slipped away and was replaced with a frown. “Wait a second… Wait a second. So all of this…” He waved his hand around and moved back from her. “The dinner. The beers. The frosted mugs.” He continued with a disgusted look, “The double blowjob where you actually swallowed twice… I mean who does that?”

  “Well, I—”

  “That was all some elaborate plan to soften me so I’ll say yes to all this crap!”

  “Not exactly.” She gave him a sorrowful look. “I, um, really just—”

  “I can’t even look at you right now.” Turning away from her, he sighed then headed to the edge and climbed out of the pool.

  Victoria decided to give Jim some space that night and when she finally made it to bed she found him asleep. The next morning, she woke to discover him already gone with a note on the kitchen island explaining that he’d gone to pick up Kaylie. She was sitting in the living room sipping a cup of tea when he opened the door.

  Kaylie took off toward her mother. “Mommy, we got donuts.”

  Carrying the box, Jim stepped into the room and gave her a smile. “Got your favorite. They only had two coconut ones left.”

  “Hi baby,” Victoria placed her mug on the table and opened her arms to her little girl. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too, mommy.”

  “Did you have fun at aunt Jillian’s?” She lifted Kaylie into her lap.

  “Yes, but those boys sure poop a lot.”

  Victoria laughed. “What do you mean?”

  Kaylie wrinkled her nose, waving her hand in front of her face. “It sure is smelly over there.”

  “Really?” Victoria smiled.

  “Yes, aunt Jillian has too much kids.”

  “Well, she does have two babies.” Victoria began. “And boys can sometimes be smellier than girls, I think. Right Daddy?

  Jim stepped closer to his girls. “That’s right.”

  Victoria asked, “What did you do all night?”

  “We watched Frozen.”

  “Again!” Victoria smiled brightly. “I’ll bet aunt Jillian loves having a girl over there. She lives with too many boys.”

  “Boys.” Kaylie frowned then she gave her mother a big nod. “I like girls better too.”

  “Well, except for Daddy, right?”

  “That’s right.” Kaylie looked up to her father, enchanted. “But Daddy isn’t a boy, he’s Daddy.”

  “Thanks.” Jim slipped down to his knees, placing his hand gently on his daughter’s head, a prouder smile never formed on his lips, ever.

  “Can I go play with my dolls?” Kaylie asked.

  Victoria presented her cheek. “After you give me a kiss you can.”

  The little girl kissed her mother then slipped off her lap and rushed away.

  Jim plopped down on the sofa. “Sorry about last night.”

  “Me too.”

  “I didn’t get much sleep.” He placed his hand on her knee.

  “Me either. Look, I wasn’t trying to trick you or seduce you into saying yes. I guess I was just worried you’d…” She sighed. “I don’t know.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it and if this is something you really want to do, I’ll do it.”

  “Really?” She gave him a hopeful smile.

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will be good for your practice and it certainly will help us financially.” He shrugged. “Hell, maybe it will even be fun.”

  “Oh, Jim.” Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him tightly. “I promise I’ll make sure that it doesn’t disrupt our lives.”


  She raised her eyebrows suggestively. “And I’ll continue to make it worth your while.”

  He put his hand up. “Wait, you don’t need to constantly be doing that. Um, don’t get me wrong I love when you do that, but…”

  “Thank God.” Shifting her jaw from side to side with her hand, she wore a grimace. “I think I’m really going to have to take a break for a while. I’m in pain.”

  “I’ll bet.” He broke into a chuckle then gave her a kiss.


  The next day out at Soho Studios, Jillian was sitting in her office after a long day of shooting when Kathleen appeared in the doorway.


  “No, not at all.”

  “I wanted to thank you again for having me over for dinner and the movie. Oh and thank you so much for letting me hold your son.”

  “We enjoyed having you.”

  “And anytime you two need a babysitter for a night or even a weekend, I’m available.”


  “Completely.” Kathleen smiled. “They’re so, so adorable and I’d love to. My weekends here are bound to be pretty uneventful.”

  “Be careful what you offer, we might just have to take you up on it.”

  Kathleen smiled. “Was Brian mad about the whole, you know, replica thing?”

  “Oh, no.” Jillian shook her head. “He was fine.”

  “Good.” Kathleen’s smile faded then she paused a moment and asked, “Can I tell you something?”


  She closed the door then plopped down in the seat across from the desk. “I cried the entire ride home. I’m such a big, hot mess.”

  “Oh my God.” Jillian’s face sank. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s just the whole thing with what’s his name and the pregnancy and I didn’t tell you the worst part.” Kathleen wiped a tear from her eyes.

  “What’s the worst part?”

  “After I lost the baby when they examined me they found that I have this condition. It’s, um, this thing where my ovaries stop producing hormones and producing eggs at a very young age. I have the ovaries of like a fifty-year-old.”


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