Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 23

by Luke Young

  “Are there any treatments?”

  “We’ve tried them all and nothing has worked. Too many side effects for me. My doctor said I maybe have another year to conceive. And the longer I wait the worse my chances get.”

  “Oh, no.” Jillian let out a devastated sigh.

  “And with no decent man in my life I started to look into a sperm bank or something like that, but I just can’t do it. Horror stories aside about mix-ups there, it just doesn’t seem right. I really would like to know more about the donor than just a video and a questionnaire.”

  “I understand. Do you have any male friends who could…”

  “Well, there was one, but he recently got engaged and when he asked his fiancée, she was completely against it.”

  “That’s sad.”

  “We used to date.” Kathleen shrugged. “So, I guess she thought that might open the door to something between us again.”

  “Gotcha.” Jillian cocked her head. “Maybe there are some other reputable companies where you’d get better information on the donors.”

  “Maybe.” Kathleen exhaled deeply. “I wanted to explain why I was sort of a basket case last night.”

  “No, you were fine. We loved having you over. Consider it an open invitation.”

  “I will and thank you,” Kathleen began. “And I meant it when I said you guys make a great couple. You just seem perfect together.”

  “Yes, despite the age difference I really think I found my match.” Jillian smiled then it faded a bit as she added, “There is someone out there for you too. I just know it.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You must have men asking you out constantly.”

  Kathleen laughed out loud. “Not really. Maybe I just give off the wrong vibe.”

  “That makes no sense.” Jillian shook her head. “But it isn’t easy to find a good one. I dated a bunch of bad ones before I found Brian.”

  “Yep… bad ones. I think I’ve met some bad ones.” Kathleen sighed then sat up straight in her seat. “But let’s change the subject before I start losing it again.”


  “The scenes we shot today. How do you think they went?”

  “Oh my God, they were hot.” Jillian gazed at her with her mouth hanging open. “Panty melting hot.”

  “I thought so too.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, anything,” Kathleen replied.

  “The first day on set when you were, you know, shooting that masturbation scene, did you really have an orgasm?”

  Kathleen giggled then paused a moment before answering. “Try five.”

  “Five?” Jillian gazed at her in shock. “I thought maybe two, but five.”

  “Yep, now that was one scene where I didn’t mind the director telling us to try it again and again.” Kathleen flashed her a suggestive smile.

  “Well, you were convincing.”

  “I try to put myself fully into the role.” Kathleen paused a moment, tucking a lose hair behind her ear. “I’ve always been able to have multiple orgasms but never that many in such a short period of a time. Maybe it was the excitement of being watched. I don’t know. It was strange.”

  “You know…” Jillian sighed. “Remember how I told you that I was so worked up watching you film that day that, um, that night I went home and Brian and I acted out your scene.”

  Kathleen smiled. “I do.”

  “I left out a detail.”

  “What’s that.”

  Jillian took in a deep breath, paused a moment looking past her friend, shaking her head slowly as she revisited the experience. “It was amazing.” She leaned forward and whispered, “I actually squirted.”

  “No.” Kathleen gasped.

  “I’d never done that before. I didn’t even think that was a real thing.”

  Kathleen cocked an eyebrow. “I’ve had it happen to me maybe a couple of times.”

  “I can believe that especially when I watched you have five consecutive orgasms in the space of what…? Two hours.”

  “It’s never happened to me with a partner only when I use this certain toy on myself.”


  “Yeah, it’s this little purple vibrator with a mushroom head and a little rounded pointy nub at the top.”

  “It was one of the biggest orgasms I’ve ever had.” Jillian pressed her tongue to the side of her mouth, grinning then added, “A vibrator huh? I’ll have to get one like that.”

  “I’ll send you a link.”

  “Please do.”

  The ladies shared a smile.


  As Jillian drove home thoughts of Kathleen occupied her mind. Did she know any men who might be interested, willing, available and most importantly the right type of guy to help Kathleen out in her quest to be a mother?

  It would take a special man to offer such a service with no strings attached. One who could deliver his sperm and walk away afterward having no contact with the results of his contribution. He’d also need to be attractive, smart, disease free and come from a good family with quality genes. All of it was a tall order. As she turned into her community Jeremy came to mind. He might be just what the doctor ordered.

  After laying her bag on the dining room table in the empty first floor of the house, Jillian headed upstairs. There she found Brian in the boys’ room holding Griffin in the rocking chair. The baby’s eyes were getting heavy. Brian flashed his wife a grin. She returned a smile to her devoted husband, thinking he never looked sexier as he held her adorable baby boy. Then she made her way to the crib to find Dylan sleeping soundly on his favorite blanket. He always napped on that soft, cuddly blue and white blanket featuring an adorable lamb.

  When Griffin finished his bottle, Brian slowly rose to his feet and carefully placed the boy down in his crib. Jillian moved next to him and brought a hand to his shoulder. They shared a tender smile then returned their attention to the crib, shaking their heads and letting out a nearly silent chuckle.

  Brian motioned with a head nod toward the door and together they headed out to the hall. “You want some tea?”


  Brian put the teapot on the stove as Jillian changed. When she met him in the kitchen, now wearing a pair of stretch pants and a t-shirt, he already had the water poured in her cup and the tea bag inside.

  After preparing her tea with just the right amount of cream and sugar, she asked, “How was your day?”

  “Good,” Brian began. “We just played for a while and I took them for a walk.”

  Picking up her tea, she made her way to the kitchen table and took a seat, holding the steamy cup between both her hands, blowing into it.

  When he joined her at the table, he asked, “How are things on the set?”

  “Fine.” She answered softly then stared down into her cup, pensively.

  “What’s wrong?” He blew on his mug then took a sip.

  “Nothing.” She frowned then narrowed her eyes. “Do you think Jeremy would be interested in being a sperm donor?”

  Brian choked a little then after clearing his throat he looked to her with watering eyes. “What?”

  “A sperm donor. Do you think he could do that and—”

  “I thought we already agreed we weren’t going to have sex with him.” He chuckled. “Either of us.”

  “Oh, stop.” She rolled her eyes. “Sorry, maybe I should explain. It’s for Kathleen. She wants to be a mother. She doesn’t want to use a sperm bank and her clock is really ticking.”

  “Oh, okay.” He paused a moment, cocking an eyebrow. “I don’t know. He might.”

  “I’m just trying to think of someone for her. She doesn’t have any men in her life right now that she could ask.”

  “We could ask him. After all, we were thinking about trying to set him up with someone.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Maybe he’ll give her a little more than just some sperm.” He flashed her a sexy smile.

  Jillian frowned. “She’s coming off a bad relationship, so she might not be looking for anything else.”

  “Well, he seems to really enjoy having sex with women so that might be just fine with him too.”

  “When’s he back in town?”

  “Friday,” Brian replied. “I’ll call him and see if he’s interested in meeting her.”


  Brian called Jeremy and Jillian spoke to Kathleen as they tried to sell the other on the possibility of the two suddenly single people coming together for a mutually beneficial relationship.

  Jeremy watched Kathleen’s topless music video, saying he was immediately on board with any situation that led to him meeting her, possibly offering to donate his sperm either into a cup or first hand. Although it was assumed he’d prefer the latter.

  Jillian shared all she knew about Jeremy and supplied Kathleen with the link to his Facebook page. The actress said she was pleasantly surprised with what she’d heard and saw and was looking forward to meeting him.

  When the date night arrived, the dinner started out well with the two couples enjoying a meal out by the pool. There was a definite attraction between Jeremy and Kathleen and after a glass of wine, and riveting conversation she seemed more than ready to give some serious consideration to this young man being a viable candidate. She would, of course, need to learn a little more about him before she’d be getting him to sign the necessary legal documents, but everything was pointing toward this being possibly a lucky break.

  As Brian carried out the lemon meringue pie he’d baked special for the occasion, unfortunately the evening took a decidedly different turn. And it all began innocently enough when Kathleen mentioned that she spotted Marco Rubio at the airport when she flew in to Miami a few weeks earlier.

  Jillian said, “It’s sad that Marco dropped out of the race.”

  Jeremy snorted out a laugh. “Well, he never should have gone after Trump.”

  “What do you mean?” Jillian asked.

  Jeremy said, “He started with the whole small hands thing.”

  “Yes, it was stupid of him to say, but Donald started that by calling him Little Marco.”

  “How can anyone even vote for that man?” Kathleen took a sip from her wineglass. “I just don’t get it.”

  “What man?” Jeremy asked.


  “How can anyone not vote for him,” Jeremy grumbled.

  “I’ll tell you how. He’s insane, rude, he doesn’t know anything about policy or how to talk to people. All he does is attack people.”

  “Wait…” Jeremy rolled his eyes. “So you’re one of those Hollywood types who just love the Clintons.”

  Kathleen folded her arms. “Why yes, I think Hillary would make a great president.”

  “Based on what? Benghazi and the email scandal?”

  “Don’t start with that crap.” She shook her head. “The Republicans are always throwing those two little things at her.”

  “Little things!” Jeremy scanned the faces of the stunned Jillian and Brian then returned to his adversary. “Four Americans died when she wouldn’t send anyone to help them out. She lied to the families and there was that whole video thing. It’s so ridiculous. The Clintons are so corrupt that it’s not even funny.”

  Kathleen said sarcastically, “Yeah and Donald has so many great ideas like building some giant wall and throwing out all the foreigners and never letting another Muslim into this country. All realistic ideas, right?”

  Jeremy’s jaw dropped open as he listened to her diatribe.

  Jillian and Brian shared a horrified look before he cleared his throat and asked, “Would anyone like some pie?”

  Ignoring Brian’s question, Jeremy shot Kathleen a sneer. “That’s right! Those are all great ideas. This country needs a new direction in the White House. Not more of the same old corrupt politicians.”

  “Look guys, why don’t we talk about something else,” Jillian said.

  “The Clintons have been lining their pockets for decades. The foreign speech money. Whitewater. Monica Lewinsky. ‘I did not have sex with that woman!’” Jeremy scoffed. “You can’t believe a word out of either of their mouths. Not to mention her pantsuits. She dresses like Kim Jong-un.”

  “I like her pantsuits!” Kathleen narrowed her eyes. “She’s an older lady and I think she looks good.”

  “Okay.” Jeremy took a sip from his wineglass, shaking his head.

  “I’m always trying to get my meringue to be like six inches high,” Brian announced loudly as he placed a slice in front of Kathleen. “But it always shrinks. I don’t know why.”

  “It looks fine.” Kathleen forced a smile.

  “How many egg whites do you use Brian?” Jillian asked loudly, obviously desperate to redirect the conversation.

  “Eleven,” Brian replied as he cut another slice and placed it in front of his college friend.

  “Wow, that is a lot.” Jillian looked at her guests wearing a hopeful smile.

  Jeremy took a bite of pie, glanced at Kathleen then said, “And to think I was actually considering making my donation directly.”

  Kathleen scoffed. “That was never going to happen. Who said I was even considering that?”

  Jeremy shrugged. “Well, good because I wouldn’t fuck you with his dick.” After pointing to Brian, Jeremy rose to his feet and shot her a snide look.

  Kathleen’s jaw fell open and Jillian gazed at her with her eyes wide. “Would anyone care for some more wine?”

  “Wait,” Brian began. “Let’s all take a deep breath. This is ridiculous. How the hell did we even get on this subject? Politics should never be discussed really… ever.”

  “You’re right,” Jeremy began. “It should never be discussed with crazy liberals.”

  “Crazy liberals!” Kathleen placed her fork on the table. “I’m not even going to—”

  “Don’t bother.” Rising to his feet, Jeremy held his hand up to the actress. “I’m leaving.”

  “Seriously dude?” Brian rose to his feet.

  Jeremy turned to Jillian. “Jillian, I’m sorry. Dinner was great, but I should probably go.”

  Brian looked to his wife who simply returned a shrug.

  “I’ll walk you out.” Brian moved toward the house and Jeremy followed after him.

  After the door closed, Kathleen said, “Sometimes I think you got the last good man on the planet.”

  “I often think that too.” Jillian cocked her head. “You know, I don’t think Jeremy is a bad guy. He’s coming off a bad break up and he obviously has some strong feelings on certain topics.”

  “Obviously.” Kathleen pressed her fork into the pie. “Let’s not let it spoil our evening though.”

  “I agree.” Jillian smiled.

  After taking a bite, Kathleen let out a noise not unlike the sensual moan she delivered while orgasming during the filming. “He made this?”

  “He did.” Jillian wore a proud smile.

  “You make sure you do whatever he wants tonight in bed.” Kathleen slipped a larger forkful into her mouth, then closed her eyes for a moment as she savored it. “Geez, what else does this guy do?”

  Jillian exhaled deeply. “More than I ever hoped for.”

  The two shared a smile as they each slipped another bite of pie into their waiting mouths.


  Jillian stepped into the shower and let the hot water flow over her skin. With Brian waiting for her in bed, her thoughts went to him first. The night she was planning on having with him. Pleasing him like Kathleen suggested. In fact, her friend seemed to insist on it. Then her mind went to Kathleen and how excited she was watching her film those scenes recently. As she washed her breasts her thoughts went to mischievous, sexy places. Touching another woman for the first time. Kissing a woman in soft, inviting spots. Letting her tongue wander over a hard nipple.



  Maybe even going lower…

How different it must be from being with a man.

  Did she really want to experience that?

  Then she thought about Kathleen’s problem. She wanted a baby. Could she help? Could they help? Would she even welcome their help?

  As her hand wandered lower between her thighs she suddenly questioned her motivations. Was this whole pregnancy assistance idea just some sneaky way to have sex with her? Was it purely to get her in their bed and to experience some deeply repressed desire? She had no idea.

  Stepping from the shower, she toweled off then made her way to the bedroom to discover Brian nude, sitting up in bed.

  Standing there wearing nothing but a smile herself, she asked, “You want me to put on something sexy?”

  When he spotted her, his lips parted. The desire in his expression was clear and present as ever. He wanted her. “I sort of like what you have on already.”

  “You’re sweet.” She climbed onto the bed and knelt, gazing down to his chest. “So what do you want me to do?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can give you a hand job or I can put it in my mouth for a while or we can just have sex or any number of other things…” She cocked an eyebrow as she gazed at him, waiting.

  “Wait, what are these any number of other things?”

  “I don’t know.” She giggled. “I think the first things I mentioned just about covers all the possibilities.”

  “Okay, I just wanted to be sure what my options were.” Gazing up to the ceiling, he made a production out of rubbing his chin. “I sort of want to just touch you tonight. See if I can give you a big orgasm with only my fingers.”


  “Yeah, after watching you touch yourself that time, I’ve been thinking about it a lot.” He moved to his knees. “I want to watch you and listen to your response and see if I can figure out how to make you come really hard. Maybe even squirt again.”

  “You are like the best husband ever.” She slipped down onto her back and lifted her knees up, spreading them apart.


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