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Absolute Threesomes

Page 7

by Sommer Marsden

  ‘Now, corporal, I don’t think you have any permanent injury there, but I suggest you sit back and rest on that chair, then get down to the surgeon once we are finished here.’ She sat him down on a chair in the corner and faced the sergeant, her breasts and brassiere covered with an amazing amount of semen. It began to drip and run down past her navel.

  ‘Do we have any tissues in here, sergeant..? Sergeant?’

  The sergeant took a while to close his mouth and get it working again. ‘Just that hand towel by the sink, ma’am,’ he whispered.

  ‘Oh yes, “Silent Running,” we have to keep our voices down of course,’ she continued in a loud whisper. ‘Okay, hand it to me then. That will have to do.’ Both men watched dreamily as she wiped herself clean with the towel. ‘This has to come off anyway so ...’ She briefly reached behind to unhook her bra and then held it out. Her released breasts nodded around, the big brown nipples closely tracked by the men’s eyes.

  Just look at those lovely big tits, and that sod Scott has just been coming all over them.

  Lt Lacey saw him gazing at her breasts and smiled innocently. ‘Another item to check, sergeant ... Sergeant?’ she reminded him.

  He disengaged his eyes from perfect, bobbing boobs, took a bra strap between thumb and finger, and hung the item over the pipe.

  My Gawd, it’s really crowded in here now - two more of us, now she’s got those tits out.

  The sergeant found his voice. ‘Ma’am. We have more to do.’

  ‘Of course, sergeant.’ She smiled. ‘Now please try and relax, men. I really don’t mind if you look at my body, I feel like we’re all old friends now. And natural reactions are quite acceptable - as Corporal Scott has so amply demonstrated... and indeed continues to do so.’ She gazed wistfully at the pink object now pointing up at her again as the corporal sat with his trousers around his ankles. ‘How is it, corporal? Does it still hurt?’

  ‘Oh yes, ma’am,’ he whispered hoarsely. ‘The pressure ... it’s building again.’ He moaned convincingly.

  ‘Corporal Scott! She’s not ... Lieutenant Lacey is not going to do that again!’

  ‘Sergeant, keep your voice down and please don’t tell an officer what she is or isn’t going to do. Now let me see, corporal.’ She took him in her hands again and squeezed experimentally. ‘Goodness, you’re right, the pressure is very high again. I don’t like the look of that bruise at all. Pressure must be relieved.’

  ‘Ma’am,’ blustered the sergeant, trying to raise and lower his voice at the same time.

  She gave him a warning look.

  ‘But, ma’am, we are still in the middle of your security check.’

  ‘Which you may continue at leisure, once I have dealt with my patient.’ She turned back to her very close examination, her deep breasts swinging, nipples brushing daintily over the corporal’s hairy legs, her round, scantily covered arse pointing up at the sergeant. ‘Hmm, it’s very important that your penis is kept nice and straight when we relieve the pressure. It’s quite long and we don’t want to buckle him again, do we?’

  ‘Ah, no ma’am.’

  ‘There is only one sure way to do this.’ Her breasts wobbling, she wriggled her panties down her thighs and stepped out them. She handed them over to the sergeant.

  They were very wet.

  ‘There you are, sergeant - your last item. That concludes the search - of my clothes at least - so I will now take care of this man.’ Naked, still facing the sergeant, she backed up to the corporal. At the approach of her broad bottom, Scott guided the head of his weapon, up between her vertical lips. ‘Now keep quite still, corporal, I’m coming down very slowly to help keep your penis straight.’

  ‘OK, ma’am, he’s straight and bonny for ye.’

  The sergeant could not believe his eyes. ‘Ma’am!’

  But she wasn’t listening. She carefully aligned herself with the man on the chair and lowered herself onto him. She gave out a gasp as she impaled herself, then closed her eyes as she sat slowly back and let his cock slide smoothly right up inside her, without a single buckle.

  Scott’s arms automatically wrapped themselves around the woman’s waist, taking and squeezing a large breast in each hand. Very slowly and carefully she moved up, then down.

  ‘Don’t squeeze quite so hard, corporal.’

  ‘Ooooh ... Aaaah ... Sorry, ma’am. Is that better?’ He cupped her tits from below, lifting them high for his sergeant’s inspection.

  ‘Ah ... That’s just right,’ she moaned.

  ‘Ma’am! This is outrageous! Regulations -’

  ‘Emergency medical treatment - Aaaah - always comes first, sergeant. You should know that. This man is in serious risk of bursting a blood vessel unless his pressure is fully relieved. Aaaah! This is a practical way of achieving that end in these unusual circumstances. Now corporal, do you feel nice and straight, ready for me to move around a bit faster?’

  ‘Oh aye, ma’am. Ah ... Faster please.’

  As the sergeant watched in disbelief, the female officer gave up all pretence of being gentle with her corporal. Her bottom bobbed rapidly up and down, then rotated around, grinding into him. She went faster and faster. Inevitably they both started to moan.

  ‘Shut up for Christ’s sake, corporal! Ma’am! Both of you,’ hissed the sergeant. The corporal shut up, closing his eyes. It looked as if he was going to come again - inside the officer this time, thought the sergeant despairingly.

  She looked up at him with lidded eyes. ‘Sergeant, Aaaah...’ Her hands reached out and held on to his waist, steadying herself against the man as she took the thrusts from behind her, laying her cheek beside the huge projection in the NCO’s trousers. ‘There is one way we might be quieter.’

  He knew what she had in mind, and it would keep some of the noise down.

  Both their fingers released his straining cock from where it had been confined for so long. It sprang erect into her waiting hands.

  ‘Oh! How lovely!’ she breathed.

  He felt her enveloping wetness as the cockhead went straight into her mouth. Her head slid down on him. He couldn’t believe how she took it all in.

  Gawd, it must be half way down her throat ...

  But the relief was exquisite. He pushed the corporal’s hands down to the girl’s waist, weighed her heavy breasts in his own, big hands, and squeezed. She responded beautifully, coming up the shaft for a moment. He felt her tongue sliding all over the broad cockhead while he filled her mouth, her lips sucking around his shaft, then he went deeper again.

  But Scott was fading. ‘Ma’am ... Ahhh ... Ma’am! Slow down or ye’ll buckle it!’

  She froze her bottom mid-roll, and slowly pulled off him, her soft mouth continuing its important work on the sergeant’s weapon to the last possible moment. When clear of the corporal, she turned around and bent right over, long legs all the way up to her arse, presenting herself for the more senior NCO. It was clearly his turn.

  Holding onto the width of her bottom, he entered her at last. She felt wonderful, but she was way ahead of him. As he moved slowly in and out, he felt her inner muscles begin to squeeze him tight.

  Their rhythm became faster, harder. She eventually came in long moaning spasms. He was almost ready to release into her, too. But one important item remained, as she breathlessly pointed out to him. There was one place that had yet to be probed, before he could conclude the search.

  ‘It is standard procedure sergeant.’

  ‘Very well, ma’am.’

  She was very tight in the anus, and he wondered if she’d bitten off more than she could chew this time. Maybe she should have opted for the gloved finger. But he felt her opening, and suddenly - he was slippery enough - he was right up her, filling her completely. ‘All clear up there, sergeant?’

  ‘Seems, ah... to be, ma�

  ‘Well, there’s no rush, sergeant, satisfy yourself that I’m OK.’

  She stroked, wiggled and rolled her bottom around his penetrating cock until he felt the long, hot rushes of his satisfaction filling her at last.

  She finally met the captain in his private cabin.

  ‘Lieutenant Lacey, I presume. I’m Captain Blackthorne.’ A cursory handshake, no smile, and he left her standing. Maybe that was just his way.

  ‘May I say it’s a pleasure to be aboard, captain. Your men have already extended great kindness towards me.’

  ‘I’m glad to hear it.’ He pulled at his big jaw as he continued. ‘I understand there was some sort of hiccup at the security scanner and you had to submit to being searched?’

  ‘That is so, sir, but Sergeant Rider and Corporal Scott were the most perfect gentleman in difficult circumstances. They carried out a thorough search in a most professional way. I never felt the slightest embarrassment.’

  ‘Good. I’ll make sure those remarks are recorded in their files.’ He changed the subject. ‘Your quarters are satisfactory?’

  She smiled ruefully. ‘A little more cramped than I’m used to, sir, but it’s a small sacrifice for the privilege of joining a submarine on exercise.’

  He glanced down at her file. ‘I see that apart from being a fully qualified surface navigator you have paramedic qualifications - that could be useful with only one other medical officer - our surgeon - aboard.’

  ‘Yes, I’ve already done a little treatment on Corporal Scott. He bruised himself while the ship - I mean boat - was manoeuvring.’ She saw him smile slightly. She knew it was an important detail that she didn’t call a sub a ‘ship’ - nothing could be more offensive to a submariner, apparently.

  ‘I know you’ve had a tiring afternoon, but there’s something I need to show you.’ At last he offered her a seat.

  He adjusted a monitor screen behind his desk, and showed her part of a video. For a moment she was confused; for some crazy reason he was playing her what looked like a porn video. Then the full horror struck her.

  Oh, shit.

  The quality was really quite good, considering the cramped conditions and the indifferent lighting. The sound was especially clear. There was no question that she was the instigator, as she watched herself servicing and being serviced by the two worthy cocks. He turned the machine off and waited for her to speak.

  She straightened her shoulders. ‘How many of the crew know of this, sir?’

  ‘Only myself, lieutenant. A few sensitive areas of the boat are under discreet surveillance - for my eyes only. Naturally the security alcove is one of them.’

  ‘The sergeant and the corporal were not to blame in the slightest, captain. As the officer present, I assume full responsibility for the incident.’

  ‘I am pleased to hear that, Lieutenant. It mitigates the crime somewhat, but criminal behaviour, it remains. Gross abuse of naval rank and privilege - conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentlewoman - I could go on.’

  She knew when to keep her mouth shut. She waited.

  ‘Just what am I to do with you on my boat? How am I going to keep naval discipline, when within minutes of coming aboard, you engineer a sexual assault on two of my crew - reliable, non-commissioned men, and you an accomplished officer!’

  She decided not to mention that the men had appeared to be willing participants. That could wait until the court martial.

  ‘A court martial is out of the question, of course. The Navy would never live it down. For the good of the service I can take no official action against you, yet you’ve broken just about every rule in the book.’

  ‘Not every rule, sir, quite a few, granted, but...’ She shut up when she saw his anger.

  ‘Don’t get cocky with me, Lacey! Stand up!’

  She pushed back her chair and stood to attention.

  He stood too, and then patrolled around her.

  With sudden violence that made her jump, he kicked her vacated chair into a corner. ‘Just how am I to punish you, Lieutenant Lacey? I can’t reduce your rank or pay, or even apply a fine without giving an official reason.’

  ‘I am so sorry, sir. I will do anything to make it up to you - and the service.’

  ‘I don’t think there is anything that you could do, Lacey, you really are a total disgrace to your uniform. Take it off at once.’

  That wasn’t quite what she expected to hear. She hesitated.

  ‘Now, ma’am! You are not fit to wear it!’

  It was a direct order. She took off her entire uniform clothing and laid the items on his desk. She stood up straight in just her underwear, but he seemed quite unmoved at the sight of her body.

  His hawk-eyes had spotted something. ‘That bra ... Let me see.’ He stepped behind her. ‘What are these extra hooks and wires all over this strap? Ah, let me guess. This is how you set off the security scanner, right?’

  This captain was very sharp.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she smiled briefly.

  He was furious. ‘I suppose you think you are bloody clever, Lacey! So, you really did engineer this whole episode, didn’t you?’ With a powerful wrench, he ripped open her brassiere, dragged the straps off her and threw it onto the deck. Her suddenly exposed breasts bounced around.

  ‘Oh!’ Shocked, she quickly covered her nakedness with her arms.

  ‘Bend over! Your choice, or be confined to quarters until we dock.’

  She bent over, a little frightened now.

  ‘Now hold on to the edge of the desk.’

  She let go of her bosom as she reached across and steadied herself, holding onto the cool mahogany. Her back horizontal, she felt her big pale breasts hanging down, nipples stiffening under his gaze.

  ‘When I was at school we were kept in line by the very effective practice of corporal punishment. Unfortunately it’s banned now, but this is my boat, and, with the simple caveat that you can refuse and be confined to quarters, I will administer it. Now what have you to say? Will you take your punishment like a ... like a woman, and wipe this slate clean, or be confined to quarters until we dock?’

  ‘What, er ... what is the punishment exactly, captain?’

  ‘Six of the best.’

  ‘I will take it.’

  ‘If at anytime you wish me to stop, I will, but ...’

  ‘That will not happen, sir. I will go to the end.’

  ‘Very well.’

  She half-expected him to produce a cane, but instead he unthreaded the standard leather uniform belt from his trousers. As he approached her, she noticed a considerable bulge in those trousers. She felt him ease her knickers down over her wide hips and then all the way down to her ankles. She stepped one leg out of the undergarment so she could open her legs a little, standing astride to better stabilise her position.

  She kept her eyes down on the deck. She heard him swish the long belt though the air a few times. She felt her exposed anus contract in anticipation. What was she letting herself in for?

  She glanced sideways.

  She saw his arm draw back for the first stroke.


  The lash of the belt snaked across the full breadth of her bottom and her labia, and it stung! Her whole body jerked forward, swinging her hanging breasts. Her buttocks clenched with the pain. She felt her eyes fill with tears and her breath catch in her throat as she suppressed a yelp.

  My God! There will be five more of those!

  She could stop this right now with a single word, but not only did she deserve it, she wanted this man to do this to her. There was this feeling ...

  Her fingers gripped the rounded edge of his desk and she held on more tightly, opening her thighs and her bare arse a trifle wider.


  The strokes
came rhythmically at ten second intervals, each smack on target, each arousing her more.

  Then it was over.

  She raised her head. A few teardrops ran down her cheeks. ‘Sir, can you ..?’ she gulped back a sob.

  ‘Yes, Lacey? You took it well, by the way. I’m proud of you. That wipes the slate clean. The incident in the security alcove is now forgotten, the tape will be wiped. You may dress and leave. So what is it?’

  ‘Can you please fuck me now, sir?’

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