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The Platinum Reunion

Page 23

by T V Hartwell

  “Need a little air, bro?” Kirby asked after a few minutes of using Jake’s mouth as if it were a personal sex toy.

  Jake didn’t answer as he caught his breath and wiped his wet mouth. Kirby reached down and lifted Jake up under his arms so that they stood face-to-face again. They kissed each other passionately once more with extended, wrestling tongues. As they did so, Kirby reached down to grab and feel Jake’s hard on. Kirby then began to unbutton Jake’s jeans. Jake took over from there to quickly undress himself. His body boiling all over from sex fire, Jake yanked off his pants and undies to reveal a cock hard and pointed straight up at attention. It throbbed and ached so that the slit was already wet and lined with pre-cum. Kirby got down on his knees to return his friend’s love and worship. He extended his thick pink tongue to lick the pre-cum first and then sucked long and hard on Jake’s swollen mushroom head as if he was trying extract more, seeming to savor the pre-cum’s salty taste. Jake’s knees nearly buckled from the weight of so much excitement and pleasure. The sensation was so intense and it felt so damn good. He held on to Kirby’s shaved head to balance himself. He then closed his eyes and began to slowly pump Kirby’s face, losing himself in the oral massage of his manhood.

  Soon thereafter the two landed on the sofa butt naked, Jake straddling Kirby’s lap. With their mouths locked in a wet, openmouthed, passionate kiss, Kirby teased Jake’s hole, poking and stretching it with his fingers. It drove Jake mad. With his arms around Kirby’s neck, Jake pumped his pelvis against Kirby’s abdomen in a fucking motion, feeling hot and beyond bothered. Jake wanted to feel Kirby inside him so bad. He was ready for it. “Fuck me, Kirby, fuck me. Rip me open, man.” However, he became apprehensive when Kirby began to open his heart to him again about how he deeply felt.

  With emotion in his voice, Kirby replied, “I love you, Jake. You’re the only person I’ve ever truly been in love with. No one has held my heart the way you have, as long as you have. When I fuck you it’s going to be all over for me, man. It’s going to wreck me and make me crazy. There’s so much pent-up emotion there. I hope you can handle it.”

  Jake stopped pumping his pelvis. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll be ready to make you my wifey, man,” Kirby said with a chuckle.

  Jake chuckled too and blushed a little at Kirby’s adoration. It made him feel warm inside.

  “Are you ready to feel my love inside you, Jake? Because once I unleash it, it’s going to be deep, real deep.”

  Jake laughed again. “Okay, but not too deep. It’ll be my first time.”

  “I’m not just talking physically though,” Kirby said, sounding more serious. “The last time I saw you, you told me that you loved me but that you didn’t know what to do about it. I know what I want to do about it. I want to go deeper with you—a deeper level of emotion and connection, a deeper level of commitment. How about you? Have been thinking about what you want to do about our relationship?”

  Jake sighed and looked down. “I don’t know. I’m confused, Kirby.”

  “Confused about what? You want me, don’t you?”

  “I love you, Kirby. Likewise, I haven’t held on to anyone as long as I’ve held on to you either. I walked away from Amanda and I tried to walk away from you too, but here I am. I do feel a connection. I know how deep our relationship is and that it goes beyond sex. Yes, the attraction is there—it has been for a long time—but more importantly, I trust you, more than anyone really.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Jake sighed and then pulled himself off Kirby. He sat close beside him on the sofa with the sides of his arms and legs touching Kirby’s. “We probably shouldn’t go through with this tonight.”

  Kirby turned to look at Jake. Jake turned to look back at him and then quickly glanced away, seeing the disappointment and frustration in Kirby’s face.

  “I’m sorry, Kirby. I’m horny as fuck, but I don’t want to hurt you any more than I already have. I love you. Honestly, I do. And even though I want you to fuck me, it doesn’t feel right to me now, knowing how you feel and knowing the emotion behind it. I respect your feelings, and I don’t want you to think that I’m doing this just for the experience of being fucked by a guy. If that were the case, I would’ve done it a long time ago. Heck, I could’ve done it with Reggie, but at the end of the day I couldn’t go through with it because there was no connection there. I want to do it with you because I trust you, and I care about you. This whole exploration of feelings and emotions I can have for a guy is something I’ve only truly experienced with you, and I know that if you fucked me it would be taking things to the next level. It would be like the natural progression of a relationship that has evolved over a long period of time.”

  “Well, you certainly have evolved, because you’ve resisted going all the way for a very long time.”

  “I have evolved, and I want to try it, and I want to try it with you. But there’s this deeper emotion, this…expectation of commitment that you’re attaching to it, and I’m just not there yet. I’m not one hundred percent certain that I want us to be boyfriends…you know, a gay couple and all.”

  “What else is there? What could possibly be better than what we have—the connection, the chemistry, the friendship, the trust, the attraction, the love?”

  “Well…I kind of had that with Amanda too,” Jake said with apprehension, knowing that’s not what Kirby would want to hear.

  “I hope you’re not still craning for Amanda, dude. I saw her not that long ago, and she’s clearly moved on. Seriously…she’s over it.”

  Jake furrowed his brow in surprise. “When’d you see her?”

  “At the Elton John party on Oscar night. We randomly ran into each other there.”

  “Hmmm,” Jake uttered before he paused for a few seconds. He was hesitant to ask about her but couldn’t help himself. He needed to know more. “What did she say?”


  “About…you know…about this whole situation.”

  “You know, it’s funny—when she first saw me, she hugged me.”

  Jake was incredulous. “She hugged you?”

  “Yeah, but that was before she realized what she was doing and caught herself and pulled away from me like I had the plague. Then she tore into me.”

  “What she say?”

  “Basically, she couldn’t believe that I had cheated on Laren; asked me why I’d done it; told me that I was a bad person, that you’re a bad person, that we’re both cheats, yada yada yada. You know…the kind of things you’d expect her to say. Then Adam came up to us.”

  “He did?”

  “Yeah. He was acting all smug and shit, like he was going to handle me or something. I was like, whatever, dude. Fuck him,” Kirby said, shaking his head in annoyance at the memory.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. He was just being fake—congratulating me on my pilot, stuff like that. Amanda shooed him away. She told him to give us a moment.”

  “She did?” Jake said with a chuckle, feeling satisfied at what he perceived as a dis at Adam.

  “Anyway, she thought you broke up with her because of me. I told her that wasn’t the case and there were other reasons, but I didn’t elaborate or say anything about the payment her father offered you to break up with her or anything about this personality disorder stuff.”

  “Good. Thanks for not bringing that up.”

  “Of course. I wasn’t about to get into any of that. Anyway, she wanted to know if you and I were still together, you know, as friends or lovers or whatever, and I told her no. At the time we weren’t, so that’s what I said. Then she asked me if I was trying to get back with you. I said no, and then I asked her if she was trying to get back with you. And she got all pissy and was like, ‘Does it look like I’m trying to get back with Jake?’ And then she said she was with Adam now and that they’re happy and whatever.”

  “Oh yeah?” Jake said, feeling a little sad. He was kind of hoping to hear otherwise.
That perhaps she had feelings for him still and that the door might still be cracked open, even though he wasn’t one hundred percent sure he was prepared to walk through it if it was.

  “Yeah. She was being all testy and said that you and I could have each other as far as she was concerned. I don’t know. Maybe she was just putting on an act. I kind of was too, because it was right after I’d found out about you and Reggie, and I was angry. Obviously I wasn’t going to tell her how hurt I was and that I still had feelings for you. Maybe she was still hurt and angry too. Regardless, I’m pretty sure she’s moved on, man.”

  Jake was smug. “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Just that she might’ve been putting on airs too. That’s all. I don’t think she’s in love with Adam. He was her rebound before and he’s just her rebound now.”

  “Why does it matter? Who gives a fuck? You act like you still want her or something.”

  Jake sat in silence and didn’t answer back as Kirby’s agitation grew.

  “Jake, look, I don’t know if I can to do this anymore. You’re draining me, man. I’m nearly running on empty. I don’t know what more to do or say to convince you—”

  “You don’t need to convince me of anything, Kirby. Okay? I already know how you feel. I love you and care for you too. And I’ve thought about us being together…in a serious relationship. I’ve thought about it a lot. I just need to you be patient with me. Give me a little more time and space. A lot of shit has gone down in my family recently and some things have come to light, including about Amanda, that I need to deal with.”

  “So you think you’re going to get back with her or something?”

  “That’s not what I’m saying.”

  “Then what are you saying?” Kirby said in a raised voice, clearly irritated.

  “My life feels like it’s sitting stuck in this great big gray area. I just need a little more time, Kirby, to figure things out, to clear the fog and get my head straight. And to be honest, until I do, I don’t think I can be available to you the way you want me to be. The way you deserve.”

  Kirby sat silent for a moment. He stared across the room, appearing dejected and sad.

  “I’m sorry, Kirby,” Jake said as he placed his hand on Kirby’s thigh.

  Kirby hopped up immediately as if he didn’t want Jake’s sympathy or affection. “Don’t worry about it, bro. I understand,” he said before letting out a big yawn, stretching his arms upward in the air. “I think I’m going to bed. I’m too tired to drive you home right now. You can have the sofa if you want to stay the night. I’ll drive you home when we wake up or you can call a cab to take you now. It’s up to you.”

  “No, the sofa’s fine. I’m tired too. I’ll sleep right here.” Jake reached for the throw blanket sitting on the sofa’s armrest and then pulled it over him as he lay down.

  Kirby turned off the lights, stepped into his bedroom, and shut the door behind him without saying anything further.


  Not able to sleep, Jake tossed and turned with Amanda on his mind. He had a major decision to make—whether or not to tell Amanda about the bold-faced lie her father had told about her. Although still undecided about what to do, he felt the urge to call her. As the early morning hours dragged on, Jake grew increasingly restless. He looked at his phone and saw that it was ten minutes past five. After three and a half hours of lying there mostly awake, Jake decided to get up. He wanted to go home but figured that Kirby was likely sound asleep still. He tiptoed over to Kirby’s bedroom door to check. He placed his ear to the door at first but didn’t hear anything. So he slowly twisted the doorknob to open it for a peek. Kirby’s room was dark, but there was just enough early morning light coming through the window for Jake to see Kirby lying on his stomach with his head tucked beneath a pillow. He was also snoring faintly. Jake closed the door softly. He stepped into the bathroom to take a leak. When he finished, he called a cab to take him home.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  It was already past ten Sunday morning in New York when Amanda tossed herself awake. She and Adam had slept in late following a whirlwind Saturday. After furniture shopping and a late afternoon lunch, they’d gone to Adam’s place in Chelsea. While in the hallway, they’d run into a couple who were neighbors and good friends of Adam’s. Pleasantly surprised to see him and wanting to get to know his new girlfriend better, they’d invited the two over for an impromptu house party. So later that evening, Adam and Amanda had ended up hanging out with them along with another couple Adam knew relatively well. They stayed up into the wee hours listening to music, talking, laughing, eating, and drinking a lot of wine.

  Amanda rose up in bed and placed her hands to her forehead. “My head is spinning. I think I’m having vertigo.”

  Snuggled beside her in a fetal positon, Adam sighed heavily. “You’re probably a little hungover,” he mumbled without opening his eyes.

  “I drank way too much,” Amanda said while still holding her forehead. She paused and sat still for a few seconds. “Okay. It stopped. I think I can get out of bed now without falling flat on my face.”

  As she stepped out of bed, Adam reached for her arm but missed. “Where are you going?”

  “It’s time to get up. It’s almost ten thirty and your flight leaves in three hours. Don’t you want to get a bite to eat before you go?”

  “I’d rather have sex.”

  “But I’m hungry, Adam,” she replied in a plaintive tone while grinning at the same time.

  “Okay. We’ll have sex first and then we’ll go eat.”

  Amanda snickered and shook her head. “We’ve had sex like five times over the past two days. All you think about is sex, sex, and more sex.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m stuck in fucking Canada for three months with mostly a bunch of scruffy dudes, including a high-maintenance, know-it-all blowhard of an actor who thinks it’s his job to tell me what to do. And on top of that, it’s frickin’ cold up there and I go home every night alone without a warm body to snuggle up with. And you know how restless Big Papa down here can be when he’s not gettin’ the daily, especially when we’re in a cold environment. He pokes his head straight up, sniffing around for flesh to bury himself in to keep cozy and warm. So, you know, I have to stroke him pretty often to keep him calm or else he’ll go crazy.” Adam threw back the covers and lifted himself up to reveal the growing thickness of his rod. “See, look at him. He needs attention again. You’ve spoiled him. Settle down, man. Settle down now,” Adam said while looking at and petting his big penis tenderly.

  Amanda giggled and grinned broadly. “Awww, poor Papa. Good morning, Big Papa,” she said all cutesy and waving hello with her fingers.

  “All I have are my memories of you to jerk him off to. It gets old after a while. I need to experience and feel the real thing as much as possible. You know, to create more memories to hold me and him over until the next time I see you.”

  “Oh, all right. I’ve got to pee, but I’ll take care of Big Papa when I get back,” Amanda said as she walked over to the bathroom. “Be right back, Big Papa,” she said, still giggling before closing the door.

  “Hurry back. And don’t wipe yourself or anything. He wants it a little funky,” Adam shouted.

  Amanda busted out laughing as she sat on the toilet. “Oh my God. Shut up!”

  Adam sat up in bed, stroking himself to keep Big Papa primed and ready for what was to come. Then suddenly he heard a ping on the phone, indicating that a text message had just been received. He leaned over to reach for his cell phone, which was sitting on the nightstand next to Amanda’s. When he looked at it, there wasn’t a new message, only old messages from the day before. “Hmmm.” It must be Amanda’s phone, he thought to himself as he set his phone back down and picked up hers. When he saw who the message was from, Adam’s hard-on rapidly went limp.

  Hi Mandi. I need to see you. There’s something very important I need to speak with you about.
Are you in LA or New York right now?

  “Fuck,” Adam said, gritting his teeth.

  Right after that moment, Amanda opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom completely nude. Feeling sexy and sensual, she walked toward the bed slowly and seductively. As she did so, she lifted her long, dark hair and flipped it over to the side to accentuate her sultry gaze. Meanwhile, Adam glared at her, unable to conceal the rage on his face. Amanda was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t register his ire at first. Finally she noticed the phone in his hand and the anger in his eyes that she initially mistook for playful, animal-like intensity. He often would growl like a dog when he ate her out, so that’s what she thought she was in for. But no, he looked mad, really mad.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Adam threw her phone toward her, down on the bed. “It looks like the other man in your life is making plans to see you after I leave.”

  “What? Is that my phone?” Amanda asked as she furrowed her brow and stepped over to the bed’s edge to pick it up. She paused for a second to read the text and then she sighed. The text from Jake wasn’t shocking as much as it was irritating, having come at the worst possible time. She’d suspected that he’d contact her eventually, but she didn’t know when or how. In that moment, however, she felt more bothered by Adam’s snooping.

  “Jake is not the other man in my life. You know that. What were you doing with my phone?”

  “I heard a phone ping, and I picked up yours by accident, thinking that it was mine,” Adam said half-truthfully.

  Amanda didn’t believe him. “Why were you reading my messages, Adam?”

  “I wasn’t. I said that I picked up your phone accidently. Your phone pings just like mine does and they were sitting right next each other. I picked up the wrong phone and there was Jake’s message. What’d you expect me to do, shut my eyes and act like I didn’t see it?”


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