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Second Chance

Page 19

by L. Divine

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he says, shrugging his shoulders as if I’ve just made a joke. “Everybody has sex at some point, Jayd.”

  “You see, that’s my problem with you, boy. You expect sex as a part of our relationship. What if it never gets that far? What if I decide not to have sex until I’m married?” I say, knowing that’s not true. I’d never marry a guy before knowing everything he has to offer.

  “You’re so difficult,” he says, pacing back and forth in front of my table. “You know what, Jayd?” he says, slamming his hands on the table and looking me square in the face. “When you’re ready to get with a real man, let me know. If you’re lucky, I’ll still be here. Just be careful with that White boy. I hear he picks a new flavor every year.” And, just as quickly as he came, he goes. He practically sprints back to his car and drives off in a huff.

  When KJ leaves and I finish up the last of my lunch, Jeremy calls to remind me he’s coming to pick me up after work. It’s becoming our routine. And then he takes me back to Compton, inadvertently saving my mom some well-needed gas money. He’s so sweet.

  “Hey, baby. How’s work?” he asks, sounding as cool as ever.

  “Work’s work,” I answer, not feeling the need to bring up KJ’s surprise visit.

  “I’ll see you at three o’clock. And, Jayd,” he says.

  “Yes, Jeremy?”

  “It did bother me. I just try not to act on first emotions. It’s not Zen like,” he says, dropping some knowledge on a sistah.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re different from the norm. It’s refreshing,” I say, working up the nerve to ask my next question. “Jeremy, do you think you could give me another chance?” I ask, leaving him hanging.

  “Another chance for what?” he says, making me ask him outright, even though I know he knows the rest of my question.

  “A second chance to be your woman,” I say, feeling like I’m finally making the right choice.

  “It’s your world, Lady Jayd. I’ll see you after work,” he says.

  “So, just to be clear. We’re now officially a couple, right?” I ask, just to be sure we’re both on the same page.

  “Yes, you are definitely my girl now. You can tell everyone you know,” he says, hanging up the phone and leaving me to day dream about later. It feels so nice to be in love again. And, this time, I’m sure he loves me back.


  Although Jeremy and I are still new, I feel closer to him than anyone I’ve ever dated. I’m so glad we got through our first little crisis successfully because school would be no fun without my man.

  Speaking of which, I wonder if he’s going to ask me to Homecoming in a couple of weeks. It’s the first official dance of the year, and it’s always fun to see which couples end up going together. Usually I’m not into hangin’ at a dance full of folks who can’t dance and girls hating on me and my crew for being dressed the best. But now that I have Jeremy’s arm to escort me, I want to show off a little.

  Don’t slip up and get caught.

  “Hello,” I say, already knowing it’s Nellie again. I’m actually glad she called back. I want to share my good news with her, even if she thinks it’s a mistake.

  “Jayd, guess what?” she asks, unusually excited.

  “Well, hi to you too.”

  “Oh, Jayd, don’t get salty. Just guess,” she says, torturing me into playing her game.

  “Chicken butt,” I say.

  “You’re no fun. Chance just called me and told me the Drama Club wants to seriously give the cheerleaders and athletes a run for their egos by sponsoring a Homecoming Princess candidate for our class,” she practically shouts through my cell.

  “Jayd, Shahid said break’s over,” my coworker, Alonzo, calls out to me.

  “Okay, Nellie. I have to get back to work. Can you speed up this guessing game?” I say, getting up from my table and brushing the golden patty flakes from my green apron.

  “I’m running for Junior Class Homecoming Princess!” Chance and the Drama Club want to sponsor Nellie? Why not me?

  “What? You’re not even a member of the club, and I thought you didn’t like my pot-smoking, White friends,” I say, momentarily envious and reminding her of the salt she’s been throwing at me lately.

  “Jayd, I was tripping. They’re actually really cool, just a little misguided. Maybe I can bring some salvation to the crew, and that doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind about Jeremy,” she says, now sounding like the Nellie I know and love. “But still, can you believe it? They’re sponsoring me to run as the first Black Homecoming Princess. I’m so exited I want to go shopping right now for my dress. What are you doing after work?” she asks, obviously forgetting I have homework every day of the week.

  “I’m going back to Mama’s and finishing my homework for both school and Mama. Like I said before, I’m already back inside the store heading to the bathroom to wash up and finish my workday.” I can’t wait to see Jeremy after work. I love riding in his Mustang with the top down. I feel so free every time I’m with him. “And, Jeremy and I are officially a couple,” I add, not so subtly changing the subject.

  “Whatever, Jayd. I already told you what I think you should do. If you don’t want to heed my advice, that’s on you,” Nellie says. “Mickey and I are going to Fox Hill’s mall later on if you want to roll. Have fun at work,” she continues. “And, Jayd, they wanted to pick you but thought you’d bring too much controversy to the campaign,” she says, even though she doesn’t have to. That’s a real friend.

  “Nellie, anyone who’s the first to do something is going to bring controversy with them,” I say. “Besides, I know they’re right. Controversy’s in my blood.”

  A Reading Group Guide

  Drama High, Volume 2:


  L. Divine


  The following questions are intended to enhance

  your group’s reading of


  by L. Divine.


  1. In Second Chance, Jayd crosses the line to date a White boy. What would you have done in Jayd’s situation? Would you have tried to make it work with KJ just because he’s a Black boy or would you have done what Jayd did—date Jeremy?

  2. Have you or someone you know ever dated a White boy? Under what circumstances would you or would you not date a White boy?

  3. Does race really make a difference in relationships? Can you be just as happy with a White significant other as a Black one?

  4. Who treats Jayd better: Jeremy or KJ? Is the difference in how each boy treats Jayd due to his race?

  5. Is there interracial dating at your school? Is it the problem that it seems to be at South Bay High School aka Drama High?

  6. Is it brave to date someone of the opposite race?

  7. Are Jayd’s friends supportive of her decision to date Jeremy? Would your friends support you if you decided to date someone of another race? Would you be supportive of a friend who decided to date someone of another race?

  8. What do you think about the preference the boys in Jeremy’s family seem to have for Black girls? Is their wanting to date Black girls unusual? Should Jayd be careful in dating Jeremy given the apparent history?

  9. Do you think Tania is any competition for Jayd when it comes to Jeremy’s feelings?

  10. In Second Chance, Jayd goes up against Mrs. Bennett. Jayd says Mrs. Bennett is a racist. Do you agree or was Mrs. Bennett, in her own way, trying to help Jayd?

  11. Do you think Jeremy truly likes Jayd for Jayd or is Mrs. Bennett right? Does Jeremy just have a thing for Black girls?

  12. Do you know teachers like Mrs. Bennett at your school?

  13. If you were confronted in the way Jayd was by someone like Mrs. Bennett, would you have filed a grievance or let it go? Was Jayd right to file a grievance or did she make too much of the situation?

  14. Jeremy is substantially more well off than Jayd. As a re
sult he buys her expensive gifts. Should Jayd have accepted the bracelet and items from Bebe before they were an official couple? Do you think Jeremy was being sincere or was he trying to buy Jayd’s affection so she would agree to become his girlfriend?

  15. Should a boyfriend a girl has in high school buy her very expensive things?

  16. Was it fair that Jeremy was suspended only for a day after being caught selling marijuana? Was his punishment fair? Was Jeremy treated differently than KJ would have been treated if he had been caught selling marijuana?

  17. What do you think of Jeremy’s reaction to KJ’s song request for Jayd at the beginning of chapter 17?

  18. Why does KJ want to fight Jeremy? Is it just because Jeremy is seeing Jayd?

  19. Misty seems to be very protective of KJ and KJ’s hurt feelings over the breakup with Jayd. Do you think KJ will end up with Misty? Do you think Misty may be better for KJ than Jayd? Why or why not?

  20. Who’s better for Jayd: Jeremy or KJ?

  Stay tuned for the next book in this series


  available in February 2007

  wherever books are sold.

  Until then, satisfy your DRAMA HIGH

  craving with the following excerpt

  from the next installment.



  The smell of freshly cut grass permeates the crisp night air. The crowd is cheering loudly and my heart’s beating fast. I don’t know why, but I feel like something’s about to go down.

  As I get up from the bleachers and start walking toward the football field, the halftime show has already begun. The parade of fancy cars starts to cross the football field, each carrying a club sponsor’s candidate for Homecoming King, Queen, Prince and Princess. Nellie’s sitting in the passenger side of Chance’s classic Chevy Nova, looking like a queen with the drama club’s other candidates seated in the back. As the cars stop in the center of the field, Nellie’s car is second in line and very close to the people in the bleachers.

  I come down the bleachers as quickly as I can, trying to reach Nellie and Chance. But it seems with every step I take I’m farther and farther away from the scene.

  As Chance gets out of his car to let the ladies out, three people in hooded jackets rush the football field, causing a stir. As Nellie steps out of the car, three people step out from under the bleachers and take out what appear to be big water guns from underneath their jackets and attack Nellie at full force. It turns out that they’re not water guns but paintball guns. Chance, trying to protect Nellie, leaps in front of her but gets taken out by the gunman instead.

  “Jayd,” Bryan says, peeking his head through the bedroom door. “Get up or you’re going to miss your bus, sleeping ugly,” he says, before slinking back to the bathroom, leaving me to worry about my dream. I hope I’m way off on this one because Nellie’s too excited about being the first Black Homecoming Princess for South Bay High.

  “Did you hear your uncle? Get up, girl,” Mama says. I jump at the sound of her voice.

  “Alright Mama, I’m up,” I say, stumbling out of my bed toward the door. I hate when Bryan beats me to the bathroom. It’s never a good start to my morning.

  “Don’t forget about your homework for me due tonight Jayd. I’ll be waiting for you when you get home,” Mama says from beneath the covers.

  “Okay, Mama. I’ll see you when I get home,” I say. As I head into Daddy’s room to retrieve my morning necessities, Bryan opens the bathroom door and cuts in front of me.

  “Excuse me,” he says practically pushing me out of his way.

  “It’s a little late for that now,” I say, referring to the stench he’s left for me in the bathroom.

  “Just thought I’d freshen it up for you before your morning shower, Queen Jayd,” he says reaching up to the top bunk where he sleeps and grabbing his deodorant from under the pillow.

  “Next time please don’t do me any favors,” I say as I locate my toiletries in one of my oversize Hefty garbage bags in the cramped closet, before leaving Bryan to his morning routine. I don’t have time to deal with his bull today. After Jeremy dropped me off at the bus stop last night, he made a point to tell me that from now on he would be picking me up from the bus stop in the mornings when I reach South Bay. I want to look extra cute this morning, being that it’s our first official day as a couple at Drama High. I’ll worry about Nellie later. As with all my dreams, it’ll come to pass one way or another. I just hope I can learn to control them sooner than later with Mama’s guidance. Until then, I’m just going to go with the flow and enjoy my man and my friend’s turn at catching a little drama of her own.


  New Territory

  “In the middle of the madness/Hold on.”


  I love Jeremy’s new habit of picking me up at the bus stop by school every morning. Last night while driving me back to Mama’s, he insisted on starting this morning and I don’t mind at all. It’ll give my feet a well-deserved rest and keeps me from dealing with the uncomfortable stares of the neighbors. It also gives me a few private moments with my baby before the impending drama of the days begins. After last night’s dream, I can only imagine what’s coming our way.

  “Nellie doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into,” Jeremy says, practically shouting over the loud music as we slowly cruise toward campus.

  “I know. I told her to be careful. These folks around here will smile in your face and be all happy for her publicly. But, when the shit hits the fan, they’ll scatter like roaches,” I say, recalling my personal moment of betrayal from the Associated Student Body when I first joined.

  “Ooh. Sounds like a sore spot. I’m intrigued,” Jeremy says. The bass from Jeremy’s car is so smooth the people walking around outside with their spoiled dogs can’t even complain about the loud reggae bumping from his speakers. He turns down the volume slightly, ready for my story. I readjust myself, straightening out my red Apple Bottom cuffed Capri jeans and matching red shirt as I turn to face him.

  “It’s not funny,” I say, playfully socking him on the arm. “It was a very painful experience, having the entire Associated Student Body turn against me for speaking up against the favoritism the cheerleaders, athletes, and ASB members receive during the monthly student senate meeting.” Almost veering off the road, Jeremy looks at me shocked.

  “When did this happen,” he exclaims, almost laughing.

  “Last spring. And, it’s not funny,” I say, again socking him in the arm, this time a little harder. “I was really hurt when they all turned on me.”

  “I’m sorry I laughed. It’s just I don’t understand why you would join an organization and then speak out about the perks, especially during a meeting where the principal and teacher sponsor are present. But, I’ve got to give it to you baby. You’ve got guts. So, then what happened?” Jeremy asks as he slows down in front of the main parking lot, really interested in my story.

  “I resigned and joined the Drama Club,” I say. “I was already enrolled in the class and played Lady Macbeth in the Drama Festival. So, I already knew everyone.”

  “It just goes to show you how ridiculous these people are up here. Nellie doesn’t even know what she’s getting herself into, especially running against ASB.”

  “I’m with you one hundred percent, baby. I know how these cliques up here work and I’d never run for anything just because I know how vicious they can get,” Jeremy says as we join the long line of cars waiting to get into the parking lot. The first bell hasn’t rung yet and students are hanging out all over the place.

  “Has she ever run for anything before?”

  “Not that I know of,” I say, not really sure. She went to another high school for freshman year, just like me and Mickey. So, I don’t know much about her life before South Bay High.

  “Well, the competition ain’t pretty. During Homecoming Week, the opposition can be very dirty,” Jeremy says, finally pulling into a pa
rking spot and barely missing a squirrel.

  “Jeremy, did you see that poor squirrel?” I ask, reaching into the backseat for my backpack.

  “Poor squirrel? You mean that oversized, rabies infected rat,” he says, grinning at my sensitivity toward small animals. I can’t even stand to kill a roach, let alone a small animal. It gives me the creeps.

  “Well I’m just a damn riot to you this morning, ain’t I,” I ask, stepping out of his ride. As if I hadn’t said a word, Jeremy takes my hand and backpack in one quick motion.

  “Did I mention how good you look in those jeans?” he asks, eyeing my goodies like he wants to take a bite right now.

  “No you didn’t. But, I can tell by the look on your face you meant to.” And, he’s right. These are my favorite pair of jeans. They fit perfectly and feel good, just like the two of us.

  “Not that I need to remind you, but you always look good, girl. I’m glad you stopped being so stubborn and decided to take me up on my offer,” Jeremy says, slipping his arms around my waist and pinning me up against his Mustang. He kisses me softly and makes me forget all about the squirrel. I could stay here all day, but the school day calls.

  “Come on Jeremy,” I mutter in between pecks. “I have to catch up with my girls before the bell rings.”

  “Okay, just one more kiss,” he says, pulling me in closer. I wish we could ditch. His kisses are so worth the unexcused absence in Spanish class.

  “Okay you two, break it up,” Chance shouts from the top of the stairs leading from the parking lot to campus, completely ruining our flow. “There are young, impressionable minds here. Keep it moving,” he says, gesturing his arms like a traffic control officer, drawing even more attention from the nosy onlookers all around.


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