Gerald Durrell
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Gerald Durrell, letters to Lawrence Durrell, 14 August 1976 and 7 April 1977
Gerald Durrell, letter to Shirley Thomas, 27 February 1976 (Durrell Archives, Manuscript Department, British Library)
Jacquie Durrell, interview with the author, October 1995
Jacquie Durrell to the author, January and October 1997, January and February 1998
W. Paterson Ferns to the author, 22 June 1998
John Hartley, interview with the author, October 1996
Simon Hicks, interview with the author, November 1996
David Hughes, His Family and Other Animals
David Hughes, interview with the author, October 1995
Judy Mackrell, interview with the author, June 1996
Jeremy Mallinson, interview with the author, October 1995
Jeremy Mallinson to the author, 29 June 1998
Peggy Peel, diary
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE: Love Story – Prelude
Aiken Standard, Aiken, South Carolina, 18 April 1977
Augusta Sunday Chronicle, 17 April 1977
Margaret Duncan (Durrell), interview with the author, 1996
Margaret Duncan (Durrell) to the author, January 1998
Gerald Durrell, The Ark’s Anniversary
Lee Durrell, interview with the author, November 1995
Indira Gandhi, letter to Sir Peter Scott, 25 May 1976
JWPT Newsletter, Summer 1977
Alexandra Mayhew, interview with the author, July 1996
Alexandra Mayhew, letter to Mrs R. Mayhew, 18 March 1978
Alexandra Mayhew, ‘Assam Diary’ (ms, 1978)
Fiametta Rocco, ‘How we Met’, Independent on Sunday, 25 October 1992
Harcharn Singh, letter to Gerald Durrell, 22 March 1978
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Love Story – Finale
Gerald Durrell to Margaret Duncan (Durrell), July 1978
Lawrence Durrell, letters to Henry Miller, 12 May 1978 and 6 January 1979 (Ian MacNiven (ed.), The Durrell – Miller Letters)
Jane Gregory, ‘Gerald Durrell and the Jersey Sanctuary’, Chicago Sun-Times, September 1978
Mark Abley, ‘A Passionate Zoo Keeper and Other Animals’, Maclean’s Magazine, 1980
Tony Allchurch, interview with the author, 1997
Felicity Bryan, interview with the author, 1996
Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Philip Coffey, interview with the author, 1997
Fleur Cowles, interview with the author, 1995
Fleur Cowles, ‘Memories of Gerald Durrell’ (typescript, 1995)
Margaret Duncan (Durrell), interview with the author, 1995
Gerald Durrell, The Ark’s Anniversary
Gerald Durrell, interview on County Sound Radio, Guildford, and LBC, London, 1985
Gerald Durrell, interview with Indianapolis News, 24 November 1979
Gerald Durrell, letter to Lawrence Durrell, 6 February 1978
Gerald Durrell, letter to Peter Grose, 6 April 1979
Gerald Durrell, letter to Dick Odgers, 3 June 1981
Gerald Durrell, The Stationary Ark
Gerald Durrell, taped conversation with John Burton, n.d.
Gerald Durrell, in ‘The World Guide to the Best of Everything’, Highlife magazine, 1979
Lee Durrell, interview with the author, October 1996
Peter Grose, letter to John Hartley, 12 December 1978
John Hartley, interview with the author, October 1996
Fred Hauptführer, ‘Gerald Durrell, a Modern Noah’, People magazine, 1981
Simon Hicks, interview with the author, October 1996, and letter to the author, 2 April 1998
David Hughes, Himself and Other Animals
International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wisconsin, telegram to the Japanese Government, via WPTI and JWPT, c.1979
Colin Jones, interview with the author
Jeremy Mallinson, interview with the author, November 1995
Dr R. D. Martin, interview with the author, November 1997
Dr Desmond Morris to the author, September 1996
Richard North, ‘One Man and his Zoo’, Radio Times, 5–11 July 1980
Peter Olney, interview with the author, July 1996
Robin Rumboll, interview with the author
Christopher Vogler, The Winter’s Journey
Jenny Woolf, ‘A Life in the Day of Gerald Durrell’, Sunday Times Magazine, October 1983
Philip Ziegler, letter to Peter Grose, 5 March 1979
Lord Zuckerman, closing address to the second World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity, in P.J.S. Olney (ed.), 1977 International Zoo Year Book
Gerald Durrell, Ark on the Move
Gerald Durrell, Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons
Gerald Durrell, introduction to Alison Jolly and John Mack, Madagascar: Crisis in Eden
Gerald Durrell, letter to Hal and Harriet McGeorge, 20 July 1981
Gerald Durrell, ‘Madagascar Notes’ (transcripts from taped notes, 1981)
Gerald Durrell, ‘The Mauritian Expedition’, JWPT Newsletter no. 27, June 1976
W. Paterson Ferns to the author, 22 June 1998
Carl Jones to the author, 1996
Jeremy Mallinson, letter to Gerald Durrell, 7 August 1981
Dinah Sheridan, letter to Gerald Durrell, 19 July 1981
Theo Stephanides, letter to Gerald Durrell, 2 February 1982
CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE: The Amateur Naturalist
Lynne Barber, ‘A Natural Gift’ (Independent on Sunday Magazine, 1987)
Felicity Bryan, letter to Gerald Durrell, 15 July 1980
Richard Connif, ‘Gerald Durrell’, Geo, May 1983
‘Durrell’s Flora and Fauna’, Irish Times, 13 November 1982
Gerald Durrell, The Amateur Naturalist
Gerald Durrell, ‘Anthropomorphia’ (ms, Jersey, c.1976)
Gerald Durrell, The Ark’s Anniversary
Gerald Durrell, How to Shoot an Amateur Naturalist
Gerald Durrell, letters to Hal and Harriet McGeorge, 7 February and 31 March 1983
Gerald Durrell, letter to Alexandra Mayhew, 15 September 1983
Gerald Durrell, letter to Alan Thomas, 26 May 1983
W. Paterson Ferns, letter to Gerald Durrell, 16 January 1984
Paula Harris (Quigley) to the author, April and May 1998
Simon Hicks, interview with the author, October 1996
Anne Hilton, ‘A Must for Wildlife Beginners’ (Trinidad and Tobago press review, n.d.)
‘Madagascar Accord’ On the Edge, spring 1983
Helen Paske, ‘Animal Magnetism’, New Zealand Listener, 12 January 1985
Joan Porter, interview with the author, November 1995
Peter Schirmer, Talking of Books, South African Broadcasting Corporation, 16 December 1982
Alan Thomas, letter to Gerald Durrell, 11 October 1984
CHAPTER THIRTY: To Russia with Lee
Gerald Durrell, Durrell in Russia
Gerald Durrell, ‘Durrell in Russia’ (thirteen television outlines, 1984)
Gerald Durrell, ‘USSR Diary’ (1994–95)
Gerald Durrell, ‘Wildlife and Conservation in the USSR’ (filming schedule, 1985)
Lee Durrell, interview with the author, November 1995
Lee Durrell, ‘USSR Diary’ (1994–95)
Nielsen-Ferns Productions, Durrell in Russia production document
‘The Other Russians’, ROM Rotunda, 25 November 1985
Jim Bawden, ‘Modern Noah Saving Nature on Film’, Toronto Star, 2 November 1986)
Book Buyer’s Choice, April/May 1986
British Council, Yaounda, letter to Gerald Durrell, May 1990
Felicity Bryan, letters to Gerald Durrell, 19 June 1985 and 20 March 1987
John Burton, obituary of Gerald Durrell, Independent, 31 January 1995r />
Mike Cable, ‘Growing up in the Garden of the Gods’, Radio Times, 17 October 1987
Paul Donovan, ‘The Pets of Paradise Isle’, Today, 17 April 1987
Gerald Durrell, The Ark’s Anniversary
Gerald Durrell, The Aye-Aye and I
Gerald Durrell, ‘Happy with Larry’, Sunday Telegraph, 21 April 1991
Gerald Durrell, taped conversation with John Burton, n.d.
Gerald Durrell, ‘Introducing DICE’, On the Edge, June 1990
Gerald Durrell, correspondence with the wife of the British Ambassador, Yaounda, May 1990 and August 1991
Gerald Durrell, letter to Hal and Harriet McGeorge, 21 January 1991
Gerald Durrell, letter to Mrs Adda Mayhew, 29 May 1987
Gerald Durrell, letter to Alan Thomas, 17 April 1991
Gerald Durrell’s accountants’ annual statements 1974–94 (Jersey Archives)
Lawrence Durrell, notebook, 1990
Lee Durrell, ‘Brilliant Belize’, On the Edge, March 1989
Sappho Durrell, journals (quoted in Ian MacNiven, Lawrence Durrell)
Simon Hicks, interview with the author, November 1995
Jersey Trust, ‘Memories of Gerald Durrell by Friends and Colleagues’, 31 January 1995
Eileen McCarroll, ‘Childhood in Corfu’, Woman’s Weekly, 7 November 1987
Ian MacNiven, Lawrence Durrell: A Biography
Spike Milligan, letter to Gerald Durrell, 26 June 1987
Stephanie Nettell, ‘A Slow Ride to Save the World,’ Guardian, 4 November 1987
Justine Picardie, ‘A Father’s Shadow’, Independent, 28 September 1991
Children at Piper’s Corner School, Great Kingshill, Bucks, letters to Gerald Durrell, May 1984
Barbara Robson, ‘The Darker Side of Durrell’, Sunday Telegraph, 26 May 1991
Margaret Thatcher, letter to Gerald Durrell, 19 March 1986
Treasurer of the States of Jersey, letter to the President of the Tourism Committee, 1 May 1990
T.H. Watkins, ‘Lights! Camera! Giraffes!’ Washington Post, n.d.
Edward Whitley, ‘My Family and Gerald Durrell, Sunday Telegraph, 5 February 1995
Edward Whitley, ‘Unforgettable Gerald Durrell’, Reader’s Digest, July 1995
CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO: ‘Details of my Hypochondria’
Jamie Ambrose, ‘The Lady and the Tortoise, The American, 11 December 1992
Sharon Amos, ‘Preservation Instinct’, Country Living, January 1993
Sir David Attenborough, letter to the author, 4 April 1998
Margaret Duncan (Durrell), letter to a friend, 9 September 1990
Gerald Durrell, letter to David Jones, Director General, Zoological Society of London, 19 December 1991
Gerald Durrell, draft ms letter to John Knowles, Marwell Zoo, n.d.
Gerald Durrell, interview on County Sound Radio, Guildford, and LBC, London, 1985
Gerald Durrell, letter to Cyril Littlewood, 8 June 1993
Gerald Durrell, letter to The Times, 22 July 1992
Gerald Durrell, untitled draft typescript re Earth Summit and work of JWPT, 13 March 1992
David Hughes, Himself and Other Animals
Donald Dale Jackson in The Smithsonian, August 1993
Sarah Kennedy to the author, April 1998
Dr Desmond Morris to the author, 19 September 1996
‘Sixth World Conference’, On the Edge, May 1992
CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE: ‘A Whole New Adventure’
‘Animal Instinct’, Starweek magazine, Canada, 25 January 1986
Sir David Attenborough, ‘Let them come here’, quoted in On the Edge, June 1994
Douglas Botting, Gavin Maxwell: A Life
Gerald Durrell, ‘Autobiographical Fragments’ (unpublished typescript, Jersey Archives)
Gerald Durrell, letters to Hal and Harriet McGeorge, 1992 and 1993
Jacquie Durrell, letter to Jeremy Mallinson, 31 March 1994
Lawrence Durrell, quoted in David Hughes, Himself and Other Animals
Lee Durrell, interview with the author, October 1996
Lee Durrell, letter to Françoise Kestsman, 28 November 1994
Margaret Duncan (Durrell), interview with the author, November 1997
‘Gerald Durrell OBE’ On the Edge, February 1995
Dr Jeremy Guyer, interview with the author
Paula and Jeremy Harris, interview with the author
Simon Hicks, interview with the author, November 1996
David Hughes, interview with the author, October 1995
Jeremy Mallinson, interview with the author, November 1997
Alexandra Mayhew, interview with the author, July 1996
Dr Guy O’Keeffe, interview with the author
Press Association news flash, 30 January 1995
Alun Rees, ‘Maniac who Broke Heart of Durrell’, Daily Express, 2 March 1995
Robin Rumboll, interview with the author
Dr Christopher Tibbs, interview with the author
Books by Gerald Durrell
The Overloaded Ark (Faber & Faber, 1953)
Three Singles to Adventure (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954)
The Bafut Beagles (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954)
The New Noah (Collins, 1955)
The Drunken Forest (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956)
My Family and Other Animals (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1956)
Encounters with Animals (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958)
A Zoo in my Luggage (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1960)
Look at Zoos (Hamish Hamilton, 1961)
The Whispering Land (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1961)
Island Zoo (Collins, 1962)
My Favourite Animal Stories (Lutterworth, 1962)
Menagerie Manor (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1964)
Two in the Bush (Collins, 1966)
The Donkey Rustlers (Collins, 1968)
Rosie is my Relative (Collins, 1968)
Birds, Beasts and Relatives (Collins, 1969)
Fillets of Plaice (Collins, 1971)
Catch me a Colobus (Collins, 1972)
Beasts in my Belfry (Collins, 1973)
The Talking Parcel (Collins, 1974)
The Stationary Ark (Collins, 1976)
Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons (Collins, 1977)
Garden of the Gods (Collins, 1978)
The Picnic and Suchlike Pandemonium (Collins, 1979)
The Mockery Bird (Collins, 1981)
The Amateur Naturalist (with Lee Durrell, Hamish Hamilton, 1982)
Ark on the Move (Collins, 1982)
How to Shoot an Amateur Naturalist (Collins, 1984)
Durrell in Russia (Macdonald, 1986)
The Fantastic Flying Journey (Conran Octopus, 1987)
The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure (Conran Octopus, 1989)
The Ark’s Anniversary (Collins, 1990)
Keeper (Michael O’Mara, 1990)
Marrying off Mother (HarperCollins, 1991)
Toby the Tortoise (Michael O’Mara, 1991)
The Aye-Aye and I (HarperCollins, 1992)
The Puppy Books (Scott Ltd, 1993)
The Best of Gerald Durrell (edited by Lee Durrell, HarperCollins, 1996)
Bendiner, Robert, The Fall of the Wild, the Rise of the Zoo (Dutton, New York, 1981)
Bisson, Mike (ed.), Jersey Zoo: The First Twenty-Five Years (Jersey Evening Post Souvenir Publication, Jersey, 1964)
Bowker, Gordon, Through the Dark Labyrinth: A Biography of Lawrence Durrell (Sinclair-Stevenson, London, 1996)
Durrell, Jacquie, Beasts in my Bed (Collins, London, 1967)
Durrell, Jacquie, Intimate Relations (G. K. Hall, Boston, 1977)
Durrell, Lawrence, Prospero’s Cell (Faber & Faber, London, 1945)
Durrell, Lawrence, Bitter Lemons (Faber & Faber, London, 1957)
Durrell, Lawrence, Spirit of Place: Mediterranean Writings (Faber & Faber, London, 1969)
Durrell, Lee, State of the Ark (Bodley Head, London, 1986. Foreword
by Gerald Durrell)
Durrell, Margaret, Whatever Happened to Margo? (Andre Deutsch, London, 1995)
Eldredge, Niles, Fossils: The Evolution and Extinction of Species (Harry N. Abrams Inc., New York, 1991)
Evans, Peter, Ourselves and Other Animals (Pantheon Books, New York, 1987)
Hughes, David, Himself and Other Animals: A Portrait of Gerald Durrell (Hutchinson, London, 1997)
Huxley, Elizabeth, Whipsnade: Captive Breeding for Survival (1981)
Huxley, Elspeth, Peter Scott: Painter and Naturalist (Faber & Faber, London, 1995)
Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Before Another Song Ends (Jersey, 1991)
Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, The Wildlife Preservation Trust (Jersey 1991)
Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, The Wildlife Preservation Trusts (Jersey, 1996)
Johnstone-Scott, Richard, Jambo: A Gorilla’s Story (Michael O’Mara, London 1995)
Lucas, Jeremy, ‘Durrell and the Dodo’ (unpublished typescript, 1988)
MacNiven, Ian, Lawrence Durrell: A Biography (Faber & Faber, London, 1998)
MacNiven, Ian and Moore, Harry T., Literary Lifelines: The Richard Aldington-Lawrence Durrell Correspondence (Viking Press, New York, 1981)
MacNiven, Ian (ed.), The Durrell – Miller Letters 1935–1980 (Faber & Faber, London, 1988)
Mallinson, Jeremy, The Facts About a Zoo (André Deutsch, London, 1980. Introduction by Gerald Durrell)
Mallinson, Jeremy, Travels in Search of Endangered Species (David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1989. Foreword by Gerald Durrell)
Martin, R. D. (ed.), Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity (Academic Press, London, 1975. Foreword by Gerald Durrell)
Mathiessen, Peter, Wildlife in America (Viking Press, New York, 1964)
Olney, Peter (et al.), Science for Conservation: Papers from the Sixth Zoo Breeding Conference (London, 1991)
Osborn, Fairfield, Our Plundered Planet (New York, 1948)
Parsons, Christopher, A Bull Called Marius (BBC, London, 1971. Introduction by Gerald Durrell) Parsons, Christopher, True to Nature (Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1982)
Pendar, Lucy, Whipsnade: ‘My Africa’ (The Book Castle, Dunstable, 1991. Introduction by Gerald Durrell)
Pinchin, Jane Lagoudis, ‘Sideways out of the House: Lawrence and Gerald Durrell’, in Blood Brothers: Siblings as Writers (ed. Norman Kiele, International Universities Press, New York, 1983)
Reader’s Digest, Protecting the Earth’s Wild Animals (London, 1997. Includes special illustrated condensation of Gerald Durrell’s The Aye-Aye and I)