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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

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by Sandra Golden






  Glossary of Terms


  Chapter 1 - Unity

  Chapter 2 - The Fourth-of-July-Celebration

  Chapter 3 - J.R. and Helaina Learn Their Fate

  Chapter 4 -The Adventure Begins

  Chapter 5 - Sea Lab

  Chapter 6 - Sea Station Unity

  Chapter 7 - Trouble Under the Sea

  Chapter 8 - Out for Revenge

  Chapter 9 - Return to Unity One

  Chapter 10 - Trouble in Washington

  Chapter 11 - New Friends are Found

  Chapter 12 - Helaina's In Danger

  Chapter 14 - The Story Chamber

  Chapter 15 - Not all is What it Seems

  Chapter 16 - J.R and Helaina Discover a New


  Chapter 17 - Working Together

  Chapter 18 - Fun at the Lake

  Chapter 19 - Where's the Waterfall?

  Chapter 20 - Retrieving the Last Two Balls

  Chapter 21 - What to do with the Balls?

  Chapter 22 - Understanding

  Chapter 23 - A Surprise Welcoming

  Chapter 24 - More than Just Pretty Crystals

  Chapter 25 - Valuable Discoveries

  Chapter 26 - The Hokey Pokey

  Chapter 27 - What's with that Watch?

  Chapter 28 - Beach Party

  Chapter 29 - A Normal Summer Day for the


  Chapter 30 - There are no Surprises

  Chapter 31 - The Hope Island Fair

  Chapter 32 - Not Liking What She See's

  Chapter 33 -Things to Come

  Chapter 34 - Completed Projects

  Chapter 35 - School Starts

  Chapter 36 - Station One, Things Become Clear

  or The Ending of the Beginning

  Tease for Book Two


  Special Dedication

  About the Author


  Guardians-Are leaders of the population of aliens. There are ten sectors around the world and each has a set of Guardians. The Guardians are also CEO’s of corporations. The corporations are collectively a conglomerate called Unity.

  Unity-is also the surname the head Guardians adopted, and was also the name of the planet for which they came.

  Elders-The adults in the group. Can refer to parents, grandparents, Guardians, and Watchers.

  Seekers-Those who seek the truth about “Who” and “What” Unity Corporations really are, and especially what their objectives are.

  Watchers-Can be any adult who is assigned to “Watch” someone in order to protect them, and help them achieve their destiny. They can be family, friends, teachers, or elders.

  Mind Speak-This is when two people can connect their minds together and speak to each other with just their minds. Mind Speak can only be done with the person that is your partner, or equal. This connection usually happens to cousins, or twins, who were born on the same day, and year.

  The Story Chamber-A six foot tall crystal which stores stories of the past.

  Nature Park-A Nature preserve were the Dome will be located.

  Balls-Four balls, that later are discovered to be precious jewels used to operate a machine. They later just call them “jewels”.

  Unity One-William and Jennifer Unity’s Yacht.

  Hope Island-The home for the Unity family, and the conglomerates home base of operation’s.

  Station One-The secret city that is hidden under Hope Island. Nine others exist, there are ten all together.

  Logo-This is also referred to as the Unity Family Crest. It is the symbol that the people of Unity recognize one another with.


  Ten generations ago,

  Ten ships had been built for this journey to their new home. The journey would be a long one, and even if they could, they would never return. So, the ships were loaded with everything they would need to survive the journey, all that they needed to build their new homes, and much, much more. They would make stops along the way to gather supplies, and to record and collect as much scientific data they could before they reached their final destinations. The ten ships were so large that they each could comfortably transport a population of more than 25,000 people, and each was fill to capacity. The ships themselves were four miles long, and three miles wide, and twenty stories high, they operated with a very advanced, powerful engine, a state of the art computer system, and could travel the great distances that was required of them with ease.

  Each ship had a Captain and crew that maintained the ship, the Captain was also their appointed Guardian or the person whom they recognized as their leader. The ten Guardians would gather, or come together as their governing body and make the major decisions that concerned the population. Being a Guardian was not an elected position, it was an inherited one with each Guardian accepting their position at a young age. They were chosen when they exhibited extraordinary skills and knowledge, and a giving and compassionate nature. Each Guardian took over the duties of the previous one, when that Guardian retired at the age of 65.

  It had taken two generations to build the ships themselves, and prepare for this journey. A journey they knew they had to make. An unendurable sickness affected their home; they had named this hardship “Black Cell Disease” or BCD for short. BCD was introduced into their world by an evil being who thrived in dead environments. It wanted their home, and there was nothing to stop it. Their best scientists had finally discovered the cure, but it was too late for them to use it. They would take the cure with them, and if the time came when it was needed the right person would know where to find it, and how to use it. BCD had taken generations to destroy their environment, which gave their community time to plan their escape.

  Black Cell Disease turned living healthy cells in plants, animals and all living creatures black by robbing them of all their oxygen, and thus turning the cells black. Eventually this destroyed tissue, then whole organs. It was a long and painful death for that which hosted BCD. It spread slowly, but eventually it would destroy everything, including the air they breathed, and the water and food they needed for survival. Finally, the evil entity would swoop in and take all that was left. This was the reason they had to leave.

  This was the reason they had to travel great distances to find a home in which they could thrive. A home that was similar to theirs, but different; a much younger place, where the inhabitants weren't as knowledgeable as themselves, or as accepting of outsiders as they were, but they would change that. Others had traveled there before them and had prepared for their arrival. Now the time had come to say good-bye, the evil was upon them.

  The ten Captains, or Guardians, stood at the helms of their ships watching the horizon as the darkness started swallowing up the once beautiful blue sky. The ships were ready, yet it was hard to say good-bye to your home, a home you shall never see again except in your memory, or with pictures that would be a precious reminder of where they had come from.

  Every person was accounted for, and securely housed on their assigned ship. They had managed to make room for their entire population. Not a living soul would be left behind. Each person was valued, life was valued. It was thanks to generations of careful planning that made this journey and their survival possible. Everyone aboard knew their place, their job, and their responsibilities. It would take many months before they reached their new home. Their ten ships would become a home where they lived, worked, and learn and played. Together they wo
uld accomplish the dreams of their fathers, and their fathers before them. They would be safe, and they would save others.

  The big receiving doors were closed and it was time to leave. The power to the ships had now been activated and the ten Guardians embraced their roles as Captains, together they ordered the launching of the ten ships. Everyone stood by the huge viewing windows to say a final good-bye to their home. Once a beautiful paradise, now, it was just a vast wasteland void of life. Emotions were mixed, and confusing. They mourned the loss of what they had, and most let tears fall silently down their cheeks, yet they still embraced the excitement of venturing to a new place, the pride in realizing that together they had made their dreams come true, now their people would thrive, and new generations would be born and continue on with their work. When they could no longer see their home, they let out a loud joyful cheer, embracing each other, and the new life they were headed towards.

  A few days before they were to set out on their journey the Captain of the lead ship had a secret mission. When the control room had been void of personnel the Captain hid a large amount of the antidote for BCD in a special containment chamber that only he knew of. A chamber his father, now gone, had built into the presumably solid metal wall. Only one other person would know where the antidote rested, and that person would not be born for ten more generations. How did he know this? He knew this because of a machine that his father and others had built, a machine that had now been taken apart, and stored aboard the ships. A machine, which would not be assembled until “The One's” were old enough, wise enough, and able enough to use their special abilities to rebuild it. “The One's”, his elders told him would be two very special individuals, who would be born into a strong family unit, and they would one day have the knowledge and the power to unite their people with those from their new home. Together they would defeat the evil that lurked in the universe. Unity was their ultimate destiny, and Unity being the name his great-grandfather had chosen for his family.



  Present Day

  Hope Island was positioned just two miles off the coast of Washington State. The island was rather large being over two thousand square miles and it was completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. The island had a population of over 25,000 residents who lived on its shores, everyone employed and under the protection of the Unity Corporation. Today the town was busy preparing for the big July 4th celebration the following day. Small planes landed at the small airport, bringing guests from all over the world, and big yachts arrived filled with honored guest anchored off shore. Two company helicopters were making constant trips to the mainland, then back to the island, each trip bringing more and more people to the island. By the day's end Hope Island had almost doubled its population. This was not going to be just an ordinary Independence Day celebration, this celebration was marking a new era for the Unity Corporation, the biggest conglomerate in the world.

  William Unity, and his sister Hanna Unity Black, not only were celebrating the holiday, they were celebrating their 65 the birthday. This date also marked their retirement as CEO of Unity Corporation, and the end of their duties as Guardians. These duties were being passed down to the next generation. David Unity, William’s son, and Charles Black, Hanna’s son would become the new Guardians and CEO's.

  The family estate was busy with preparations; chefs were busy in the huge estate kitchen, preparing gourmet delights. Workers decorated the compound, putting up lights, setting up the tables and chairs for tonight’s banquet. The dance band was doing a sound check, and going over the list of music to be played that evening. Tonight’s festivities were to ceremoniously celebrate William and Hanna’s retirement, and the welcoming of David and Charles as the new CEO and Guardians. Only family and the board of directors would be present. The board of directors of Unity Corporation consisted of all the Guardians for their people. Tomorrow the town’s residents would celebrate the occasion, which would be broadcasted all around the world so their people could take part. First, there would be a big parade in the morning, followed by a picnic in the park. Ending the day with a concert which would be followed by the largest fire-works display the island has ever seen.

  On the second-floor balcony, the elder members of the family were relaxing. Present were William, Hanna, David, Charlie, and their spouses. All business had concluded a few days ago, and now the family was taking time to enjoy this opportunity to catch up on family news, and enjoy their island paradise, and all the festivities. The younger members of the family, were under the watchful eyes of their nannies and played lawn games, or swam in the cool water of the Olympic sized pool down in the court yard.

  Helaina Unity, laid stretched out on a deck chair, her young curvy body dressed in a one-piece designer swim suit that showed off her long tan legs. Helaina with her thick curly dark hair, which she kept in a ponytail, had the darkest brown, almost black eye’s anyone had ever seen, and if you looked closely you could see that gold streaks appeared to radiate from her iris when she got angry. Helaina’s Cousin J.R Black, short for James Robert, was at her side. J.R. was the same height as his cousin, five foot ten, but there the similarities ended. J.R.’s hair was the color of wheat, his eyes were bluer than the ocean, but it was when he was concentrating on a problem that the gold streaks appeared in his eyes. The gold streaks in J.R and Helaina’s eyes were an inherited Unity family trait. Both looked and acted like you typical 15 years old. But typical they weren’t.

  “Helaina, did you bring that rat with you?”

  “She isn’t a rat, she’s a Sugar Glider, and she has a name, it’s Peanut. She is right here, and it’s a good thing she can‘t hear you.”

  “Sorry! You don‘t have to get so touchy.”

  “What are you working on over there? Is that a new I-pod?”

  “Yes it’s an I-pod, I’m modifying it.”


  “You sure ask a lot of questions.”

  “I know, I like asking questions, that’s how you learn, and besides it drives you crazy when I do.”

  This would be a typical conversation between two teenage cousins except for one thing, not one word could be heard. This conversation was being conducted using their minds, a talent they discovered when they were a tender age of 8. They could hear what the other was thinking. Their talent didn’t extend to other people however, and this frustrated them to no end. The cousins would like nothing better than to hear what other people were thinking. They never told anyone, keeping this talent a secret from everyone, and they believed that they were the only ones with this special talent.

  Up on the balcony William Unity watch the two teens with fascination, and amusement. William Unity was Helaina’s grandfather and J.R’s great Uncle, but to the all the kids he was just Granddad. William was a large teddy bear of a man; he stood six foot four inches tall, very muscular, with a slightly rounded belly thanks to his wives’ cooking. William made a commanding figure and was a highly respected CEO and Guardian. He was a leader who was very watchful of what was happening, but most of all he cared and loved his people. Little did the two teens know, William was able to listen in on their private conversations. This came in handy especially when J.R and Helaina decided to get into mischief, or to do something they shouldn't. They could never figure out how William always showed up in time to prevent any disasters from happening.

  David Unity, Williams’s son, and his successor, approached his father carrying with him a plateful of cookies. David was a much younger version of his father, the same dark brown hair, except without the gray, the same eyes, and the same medium skin tone. Like his father he was a great businessman, but William always thought that David took more after his mother in personality; he was one who sometimes preferred solitude and didn’t like sharing his ideas until he had worked them out fully on his own.

  “I see you found the cookies your mother made for the picnic tomorrow.”

  “She can’t hide them from me, besid
es she makes the best chocolate chip pecan cookies in the world, and I just can’t resist them,” David told his father.

  “You do know she makes several batches so that the rest of us can enjoy them also? She just lets you think that you found her secret stash, so you leave the rest alone.”

  “I know, it’s a little game we play. Besides, if I don’t go searching for these little delights I think she would be hurt.”

  “I think you are right about that.” They were both laughing as Charles Black, Charlie to friends and family, joined them. Charlie Black was the same age as his cousin, and partner David, thirty-six, but was the total opposite of his cousin in looks having golden blond hair and blue eyes. Charlie was known as the family prankster, he was always looking for ways to make things, even work, fun. He believed his cousin took life to seriously and was always dragging David into one of his schemes. It was their differences which William and his sister Hanna believed complimented each other, and would make them strong partners and Guardians for their people.

  “Uncle, have you and mom discussed who will precede us as Guardians?”

  “Hanna and I made the decision a while back; I guess it is time to reveal our choice.”

  In the Unity family, it was tradition that the outgoing Guardians of the company choose the Guardians that preceded the incoming Guardians. This time the choice was simple. Even though he was 65, William was still a force to be reckoned with, when he spoke, the family, his friends, and especially those who worked for the Unity Corporation, listened. He ruled Unity Corporation with a strong hand, and an open heart, being the one to handle the business end of things while his sister Hanna dealt with the more technical and scientific aspects of the Corporation. Knowing what was to come, instinct fully on alert, Hanna Black came and stood beside her brother. As much as her brother was outgoing, a big kid at heart, and everyone he met was a friend, that is, until they proved themselves otherwise Hanna was quiet and reserved keeping mostly to herself and her family, trusting no one, and always questioning everything. Just like her niece Helaina.


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