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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

Page 7

by Sandra Golden

“You deserve it!” Helaina told him. Then she gave him a huge, rib breaking hug.

  “I think there's enough for the both of us,” J.R said as he pushed her away.

  Sam went and contacted his parents, and the Unity’s to tell them all was well, knowing they were worried. J.R and John went to the computer and in a few minutes had the emergency doors opened, the station off of the emergency generator, and back to running normally.

  William, Jennifer, Noah, and Olivia rushed to the sub bay to congratulate their heroes. Then they all went back to the dining hall to warm them up with a hot cup of chocolate. When they arrived the rest of the population of the Sea Station were waiting for them and applauded the little band of heroes, patting them on the back, it was like a big party. Everyone wanted to know the details of what they had done. William had taken John and Sam aside before they had arrived and told them not to disclose the special “gifts”, that they witnessed, for the protection of the two teens, and they agreed. Two hours later, after cobbler and warm drinks the two teens, both exhausted, fell into a deep slumber in their sleeping quarters.



  Just as J.R, Helaina and their grandparents were arriving at the Sea Station; Senator Doug Webster was in his office, reading Helaina’s Dream Diary. He read the stories from cover to cover. Then, he read them again. Senator Webster might be smart in business, and getting around the law, but in other ways he was basically an idiot. This was a good thing for Unity Corp. To him they were just stories, the writings of a teen girl with a good imagination. But if he were to do some research, and look closely at the names and dates in that book, he would see it was much more than made up stories. Finally, he called it a night, calling his secretary into his office.

  “Amy make copies of this for me, send one copy to the detective agency, and see what they make of it. Send another copy to my friend at Yale; he’s good at finding the hidden message in things. When you are done with all that put the book in the safe, then you can leave for the night.” He barked those orders at his secretary, as he tossed the little book at her on his way out the door.

  “Yes sir.”

  When Amy looked at the little pink diary, she saw the Unity trade mark on the front of it, and her heart began beating wildly. She knew that symbol! On a silver chain around her neck was a pendent. That pendent, also made in silver, and given to her by her grandmother, looked exactly like the trade mark on the cover of the little pink book. On the reverse side of the pendent was Unity’s motto, “Guide with an open heart, and an open mind. A world united in peace.” As soon as her boss was out of the office, she placed the book into her purse, wrote a letter of resignation and put it on Senator Webster’s desk, then collected her things and left. She didn’t know why, but she knew she had to take the book to someone at Unity, she knew she had to protect it; she was doing this purely on instinct. Something deep inside her told her this was the right thing to do, and that’s what she reacted upon. She hated Senator Webster anyway, so it was time for a new job.

  The next morning Amy walked into David Unity’s office in Maryland. “Mr. Unity, I have something that belongs to one of your people.” She opened her purse, and reached in, while she did this the pendent around her neck was visible to David. He immediately focused on what Amy Christopher had brought him.

  “Can you tell me Ms. Christopher where you got this from?”

  “Two men brought this to my boss, Senator Doug Webster, yesterday morning.”

  “Did he read it?”

  “I believe he did, several times.”

  “Did you read it?”

  “It’s funny, when I saw the Logo of Unity on the cover I felt that I needed to protect it, to bring it to you. I had no interest in what it said; but I felt it was important. Senator Webster gave it to me to copy, and send out to various people before he left his office last night. I didn’t make those copies, instead I wrote my resignation, packed up and left. I felt it was my mission to bring it to you, isn’t that funny?”

  “No, not funny at all, it’s in you to do what is right. That diary belongs to my daughter and it was stolen from the family home on Hope Island. I noticed your pendent, who gave it to you?”

  “My grandmother gave it to me when I was eighteen; it belonged to my great, great grandmother. When she gave it to me she said to always “Remember Unity”. Has Unity Corporation been around that long?” Amy Christopher asked.

  “Yes it has. That pendent means that your family was one of the first to settle here. Now Ms. Christopher since you gave up your source of income to do the right thing for the Unity Corporation, I think I can reward your actions with a job as a corporate secretary. I see from your resume that you are well educated, and experienced in your duties. I feel that Senator Webster shall be looking for you, I think it would be in your best interest to give you a job away from this area. Do you like Florida?” David Unity asked.

  Amy listened closely to what David Unity had to say, and she had a few questions of her own. Like where did he get her resume, and all that information about her? Where did they come from, in order to settle “here”? Why did she feel she had to protect the little book, or for that matter Unity? But she didn’t ask any of those things, and later wondered about that.

  “Mr. Unity I would love to move to Florida.”

  “Great, I will have my secretary arrange to move your possessions, and get you a flight to Ft. Lauderdale this afternoon. My cousin Charlie Black has arranged employment for you there, in one of our smaller holdings. You will be given full title to a 3 bedroom 2 bath home, as a thank you gift for bringing this to us.”

  “Thank you. All this because I brought you a book that was taken from you, this is much too generous.”

  “No, Ms. Christopher, thank you. You are a wise and brave woman, enjoy Florida.” David walked her to the door, dismissing her before she began asking questions, he left her in his secretary’s capable hands. He went to make a few phone calls. It took several tries but he was finally able to reach Sea Station One to speak to his father.

  “Dad, are you having a nice visit with Noah and Olivia? Please tell them I send my love.”

  “We are having a wonderful time. I will tell them. Last night we did have a little situation, but it is under control now.”

  “Anything serious? Is Helaina and J.R alright?”

  “Yes everyone’s fine. We need to talk more about this evolving generation thing when we get home. I think I know what's taken place but I will speak with Olivia and see what research our people could do. Now, are you calling because you have news for me?”

  “You know me so well, yes there is news. I was brought Helaina's Dream Diary this morning by a secretary working for Senator Doug Webster. Dad, she wore our crest.”

  “That’s great news, that man has been a thorn in my side for decades. I hope you provided this secretary with minimal information and rewarded her amply.

  “Yes, I sent her to Florida, Charlie and his staff are taking it from there, he has the perfect job opening for her at one of our smaller holdings. As a thank you we gave her a new house, in that new housing development we are building.”

  “Great we need to protect our own. Thanks for the good news. We have a lot to talk about when I get us above water. I will call you tomorrow night when we are back aboard the yacht. And son!”


  “Great job!”

  “Thanks Dad, Have fun. Talk to you soon.”

  Everyone on the Sea Station slept great after their little adventure the previous night. Jennifer and Olivia had gotten up early to help the chef prepare a huge breakfast buffet. As women do, they looked in at the children assuring themselves that last night’s adventure caused them no ill effects, and that they were sleeping peacefully. Olivia, even had to peek in on her 20-year-old son, after all he was her baby. When everyone on the Sea Station was awake, and ready to start their day, they arrived in the galley hungry. They enjoyed waffles, pancakes
, pastries, eggs, bacon and ham, along with a lot of fresh fruit, coffee and orange juice. The crew and their visitors were still talking about the previous night’s events.

  Helaina, Jennifer and William noticed that J.R wasn't wearing any socks when he came into the dining hall. Jennifer and William didn't say anything, and hoped that J.R didn't get any blisters, but Jennifer knew that by the end of the day J.R would be asking for band aids. It was Helaina who pointed out to Olivia that no matter where he traveled J.R would always forget to pack socks.

  “Hey! I have plenty of socks in my room on Hope Island.”

  “That's because your mom probably packed them for you,” Helaina said teasing her cousin light heartedly.

  “J.R did you bring any socks on to the yacht?” Jennifer asked.

  “Umm . . . I don't know. I didn’t even wear shoes yesterday. Socks aren't important; besides, I think I will invent permanent socks. That way you can't lose them, and I don't have to remember to pack them, and it will save on laundry. Bet Sophia and my Mom would like that! They hate doing laundry.”

  “That's a great idea!” Sam and Helaina agreed. For the next hour, as they ate breakfast Sam, J.R and Helaina enthusiastically discussed what other things they might invent in the future. All of which were pretty far out there.

  That morning, two teams were organized to prepare the damage from last night’s earthquake. One was to travel outside the dome and reinforce the repairs that Sam and Helaina had made. A second team was to replace the damaged valve of the nuclear reactor that John and J.R had shut down temporarily. Feeling that the two teens had enough adventure for a while, William sent J.R to help John with the computer system, while Helaina went with Jennifer and Olivia to the lab to investigate the sea creatures, and show her some of the experiments they were doing. William, Noah and Sam went to look over what progress was being made in producing energy from the fissure in the earth’s crust. For the next three hours, the three men worked together discussing various parts of the machinery, and the different alternatives the Sea Station was developing to distribute the energy which the vents produced. They agreed that the first course of action was first to educate the population to the value of this new way to produce clean and cost efficient energy; assuring the world’s population they could do this without having to do any renovations to their homes and businesses. It would just take a few minor tweaks to their already existing equipment. In fact Sam Golden was engineering a simple, inexpensive device that would do just that, but they still had a long way to go.

  In the Lab Helaina and Jennifer Unity learned about the different plants that were being studied. Olivia showed them her newest break through. She had taken the wax from sea grass and had discovered its properties killed skin cancer cells. After more studies were completed, a simple lotion would be produced, and no one would ever have to have evasive surgery to remove skin cancer again. It would be used to cure millions, saving countless lives. In another part of the lab they were experimenting with the common Peace Lily, trying to use it to purify the air of allergens. But what impressed Helaina the most was the collection of sea animals being raised, including her new dolphin friends she met last night. In one small tank, there was a collection of various types of sea horses. When she looked into the small tank, the sea horses had speedily lined up across the front of the aquarium to watch Helaina. This caught the attention of the two adults, and they stood back to watch the girl. The sea horses and girl stared at each other for a second, then Helaina laughed. She then took a finger and drew a circle in the water, the little horses followed along, where ever her finger went the horses followed. When she stopped the sea horses stopped, and she applauded their performance. Thanking them, she then walked over to the dolphin pool in the middle of the room, sitting down on the edge, dangling her feet in the cool water.

  “Grandma, can I swim in the pool with the dolphins?”

  “Ask your cousin, it’s her lab.”

  “Cousin Olivia, may I play with dolphins please?” she asked.

  “I can’t see why not, they seem to like you, but you must wear a diving suit and goggles, and don’t go out to the dome, they are still working out there.”

  “Oh thank you, I promise.” She stood up putting on the suit, then diving in to play with her new friends.

  “That girl sure has a way with animals. I have never seen anything like it before,” Olivia whispered to Jennifer.

  “I know it’s amazing, yet it scares me. We must educate her not to exhibit her talent where others could see her. It could put her in danger if the wrong people learned of her talents.”

  “That, it could. Have they asked why they are different?”

  “No, not yet, but it is soon to come. They are so young, I believe they should learn their history and heritage a little at a time, giving them time to adsorb the information and learn to use their talent for the good. But William, David, and Charlie feel that they should speed up their education.”

  “I think you are right, they are developing young, younger then past generations. I can’t envision what that might mean to our future.”

  “Neither can I.”

  Both women sat back and watch the young girl play innocently with her two dolphin friends. Both were hoping that the girl and her cousin would keep their innocence, and their curiosity about the world just a little longer. Especially, when they learned exactly who they really were, and what they were destined to do. Both women agreed that J.R and Helaina were much too young to have such a major responsibility thrust upon them. But they had to trust the Guardians.

  In another part of the facility John and J.R had finished working on the defective computer and had it running smoothly. They were now doing some test runs, making sure the improvements that J.R suggested would work. Amazingly they did. Finished with that, they turned to the submersible that had brought the family to the Sea Station. John and J.R found the plans to the powerful motor.

  “John if we could remove the computer, place it over in this console, then put in a power booster we could have this baby moving at 20 knots easily.”

  “You’re probably right, but then the computer would need to be programmed to accept the new equipment and adjust...”

  John stopped suddenly realizing that he was talking to a 15 year old boy.

  “Is your dad some kind of mechanical engineer? How did you learn your way around these things?”

  “No, but he is a computer engineer, and a mathematical genius.”

  “You sure are a smart one. Why is that dial pointing at me?” John asked pointing to J.R's unusual watch.

  "It is telling me you have 10 % energy.”

  “Well, I just had an energy drink an hour ago, and I am ready to swim five miles.” John laughed at J.R’s answer. “So I think that it’s wrong.”

  “It’s never wrong!” J.R thought to himself, not wanting to argue with the older man.

  William having come to see what J.R was up to had heard the exchange. It wasn’t uncommon to hire people who weren’t of their heritage, in fact about 80 percent of the employees were just ordinary people, and not from their gene pool. Very few knew their secrets.

  After what could be called a normal day for the Sea Station, with no emergencies, or melt downs, everyone enjoyed a dinner of shell fish stew, made with lobster, crab, oysters and clams, and lots of shrimp, along with a large variety of vegetables. Also served was lots of sour dough bread from San Francisco, a variety of cheese and sweet tea. When that was cleared away a special dessert of lava cake was served. It was one of William Unity’s favorite desserts. After dinner Sam, Helaina and J.R connected the video game to the 60 inch Sony flat screen in the dining hall and enjoyed playing video games the rest of the evening. The adults just relaxed with drinks and watched the young people compete against each other, challenging their skills in different games.

  Early the next morning, before the sun rose high in the sky, The Unity family said good-bye to their friends, new and old, and returned t
o the yacht. Taking with them stories about their adventures, told to only those who understood. Those who didn’t, like John and a few other occupants of the Sea Station, wouldn’t remember after being debriefed by Noah. In fact they wouldn’t even remember the two teens’ ever having being there.




  The trip back to the Unity One was uneventful, having stayed up late playing video games with John and Sam, then getting up at 4 am, J.R and Helaina were tired and slept the entire way back up to the surface, not waking until the little submersible was safely tucked back into the docking bay of the Unity One. They hadn’t even realized they were back on the yacht until after they were gently woken up by Jennifer and William. Forgetting their bags, they raced off in two directions. J.R first went to the galley to grabbed some cookies before going to look for Elijah to tell him all about the trip to the Sea Station, and try to persuade him to let him start-up the yacht. Helaina raced to her state room to retrieve her little Sugar Glider, Peanut, having missed her. When she arrived, she noticed the cage was opened, looking around the room she didn’t see her little pet. She thought that Sophia must know where Peanut was and went to find her. She found her in the sub bay, helping Mason unload the bags.

  “Sophia I can’t find Peanut,” Helaina said a bit worried.

  “She’s with me, dear. The two off us have become great friends while you were away. Look! She’s safe and sound riding here in her carrying pouch.”

  Sure, enough there was Peanut, attached to one of her colorful leashes, safely zipped into the pouch. The second the little animal heard her mistress’s voice she became somewhat eager to be released from her new friend, so she can go be with Helaina. Making chatting sounds she made it quite clear she wanted out, so Sophia unzipped the pouch so Peanut could be reunited with her mistress.

  “Maybe when we get back to Hope Island I might adopt one of these little creatures, I’ve come to love this little one,” Sophia said as she handed Peanut to Helaina.


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