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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

Page 9

by Sandra Golden

  J.R checked his pocket, but couldn’t find it. “No I ...”

  Before he could go further Helaina pulled out J.R’s phone from her purse, also visible was Peanut, who had been hidden in there by her owner.

  “I have it! He would forget his head if it wasn’t attached.”

  “I might forget things, but you are klutzy,” her cousin teased back.

  “Helaina, give me Peanut, you know they don’t allow animals at the mall or the movie theatre.”

  “But grandma, she’s small; no one can see her in my purse.”

  “Give her to me, I will take her to her cage. Besides she probably wants to rest up after such a long trip.”’

  Helaina handed the little animal to her grandmother. “Can we go now? Kellie and Mark are waiting for us?”

  “Alright, come home directly after the movies.”

  Before William could finish this reminder the J.R and Helaina were running down the road toward town, leaving Jennifer and him watching their fast retreat.

  “Guess they didn’t want to spend any more time with us old folks.”

  “Guess they didn’t my love; let’s go get us some nice ice tea and some of my Chocolate chip pecan cookies. That is if David didn’t find them all.”

  No one worried about the safety of the two teen-agers; in fact all the resident of Hope Island felt safe and secure, for there was no crime on the island. Sometimes there was a lot of arguing, of course there were traffic violators because of the absent mindedness of the brilliant minds who presided there, and a lot of accidents, some of them quite weird. There was no stealing, no murders, no blackmail, no cheating of any kind on the island. This was remarkable considering the islands large population, those who could be seen, and those who couldn’t.

  As the group of ocean travelers were returning from their trip Charlie Black, J.R’s dad was on one of the company’s private planes, on his way to the Grand Cayman Island in the Caribbean. Even though Unity had the capability to keep records of deaths and births of each and every one of their people, sometimes people just fall from sight from the ones that were closest to them. Just like the two children at the orphanage had. Charlie Black was about to visit Emma and Dylan Hurley; they were twelve year old twins who somehow hadn’t got registered, that is until now. They were orphaned two years earlier when their single mother was killed. A heavy rain having caused a devastating landslide which buried the school in which she was teaching. She died after rescuing twenty children, two her own, and was considered a hero in the village.

  The twin’s grandparents had traveled to the Grand Cayman Island to help develop the region and the areas agricultural resources. The couple had no children; however, the man had an affair with a young woman soon after his wife’s death. That affair produced one child, a girl. The gentleman gave his daughter a gift, the same gift his mother had given him when he was a young man, telling her she had to remember just two things. That gift was a silver pendent. Record keeping in that part of the world wasn’t as precise as it should have been, and no one at Unity knew of the girls existence, because her birth and death were never recorded. The girl grew into a beautiful woman, married, and had the twins, her husband sadly had been killed in a bar fight when the twins were just two.

  After the young mother rescued her children from the landslide she slipped off the pendent her father had given her, and put it around her young daughters’ neck. Before she ran back into the school for the last time, in an attempt to save another child’s life, she told the twins “Remember my love, Remember Unity.” The same two things her dying father had told her, and his mother had told him. The twins understood the first part, but not the second. They never saw their mother alive again.

  The children were placed at St. Joseph’s orphanage, where they got a good education, and were looked after by kind, and loving people. One of those people, who volunteered at the school as a nurse, recognized the jewelry that Emma wore, seeing it when she had treated the child for a cold. The pendent hadn’t left the girl neck since her mother had placed it over her head. It was shortly after January 4th, the day the twins turned twelve, when strange things began to happen. The thing that concerned their care givers the most was the fact that the twins had completely stopped speaking. Even the doctors couldn't figure out why they had stopped talking.

  Dylan began running faster, and doing things incredibly fast, such as reading, doing dishes, which was his assigned chore in the afternoon, and his homework. Emma on the other hand had developed a great artistic talent. Without one day of lessons, from a clump of clay she sculpted a bust of the nurse who volunteer at the school, and presented it to her, for her birthday. Emma started spending time in the art room, looking at art books then making copies of the Masters. Her painting of the Mona Lisa was spectacular. Both children never exhibited these talents before, they didn’t understand it themselves, and tried hard to keep what they could do a secret. They tried to hide what they could do from their teachers, as best as they could, but the volunteer nurse saw. She understood, not why the kids did what they could do, but what must be done. Because around her neck hung the same pendent as the young girls, also in silver. She “Remembered Unity”.

  Charles Black was met at the little airport by Nurse Chapel. Nurse Chapel was about 5 feet two inches tall, with a few extra pounds, she was around fifty years of age. Though she was small, she possessed a big smile, which reassured her patients that all would soon be well. In her hands she carried two boxes, one carried the rum cake that the island was famous for, and the second contained 6 bottles of the rum it was made from. She handed the welcoming gifts to Charlie and gave him a hug when he immerged from the luxury private jet, a Citation XLS, that was fast with a maximum speed of 453 miles per hour painted a light green with gold lettering.

  “What a wonderful welcome, thank you for the gifts Mrs. Chapel.”

  “I wanted to give you a proper island welcome,” she smiled.

  "We want to thank you for contacting us about the children.”

  “You’re very welcome, let’s go meet them. I have to warn you they won’t speak to anyone.”

  “Did you tell them someone was coming to see them?” David asked the nurse.

  “No, I didn’t want to frighten them. I am the only one who has noticed their unusual activity, and that the girl wears our crest. They are all alone on this big planet.”

  “They won’t be for very much longer. We have a home where they will be loved, nurtured, and where they will learn the truth,” David assured her.

  “I am so happy you could do this for them.”

  “It’s my pleasure, now let’s go and meet our special friends.”

  Mrs. Chapel drove her old station wagon up the hill to the orphanage. After she had settled Charlie in the Deans office she went to locate Emma and Dylan, who were in History class. Charlie had taken the chair which faced the desk, and turned it around to face the door, so the children could see his smiling face when they entered the room. Charlie didn’t have to wait very long for Mrs. Chapel to bring the two children to him. Emma and Dylan came into the room then just stopped in the middle and stared at the stranger. Charlie gave the two children time to size him up, while he talked to Mrs. Chapel for a second, that gave him time to watch them. Emma and Dylan had skin the color of caramel candy, Emma’s hair; tied back in a neat pony tail was a deep dark black, as was her brothers. Both children had eyes the color of emeralds that sparkled with mischief. As expected the two children didn’t speak, but watched this stranger with interest not knowing what to expect from him.

  Suddenly Charlie heard them, no they weren’t speaking with their mouths, they were Mind Speaking. Charlie, who could do the same with his cousin David, also had the ability to read the minds of others, mostly those no older than twenty. Unfortunately he could only read the minds of those who were not close to him. He would give anything if he could read the minds of his wife, and especially J.R, but hadn’t developed that skill. He now listened
to the two children,

  “Do you think he is another doctor?”

  “No silly, doctors don’t dress like that, and he don’t have a white coat.”

  “He doesn’t have a white coat,” corrected his sister.

  “Do you think he wants to adopt us?”

  “I don’t know, but he has a nice smile, I like him.”

  Charlie laughed and spoke to the kids for the first time. “I like you too.”

  “Did you say that out loud?” Dylan asked his sister.

  “I don’t think so,” Emma said confused.

  “No, Emma didn’t say that out loud, I am able to hear you talk with your minds,” Charlie told them.

  This scared the kids a little and they stepped back a few steps. Seeing this, Charlie realized he had frightened them, something he didn't want to do. Charlie had to reassure them that he wasn’t going to hurt them.

  “It’s alright; I can Mind Speak with my cousin David, just like you can with each other.”

  For the first time in months the kids used their voices. “Really?” they said in unison, and then they laughed at themselves.

  “You won’t tell?” they asked.

  “No, but I know a lot of people who can do what you do.”

  “Can they paint nice pictures?’

  “And run fast?”

  The kids wanted to know. They had soft voices, and spoke perfect English with a Jamaican accent.

  “I know people who have different talents. Your friend Mrs. Chapel told me that she thought you were pretty special.”

  “We wish she could adopt us, but she has 8 kids already.”

  “Yes I know. I have something for you.”

  Charlie reached into the carry all which he had brought with him and pulled out the two presents he had brought for the children, both wrapped with colorful paper and bows. He handed each child one.

  “Go ahead you can open them.” Charlie encouraged them.

  Dylan, always the messy and impatient one, ripped open his present and discovered a lap top computer.

  “Thank you, this is great, now I can write faster. Look Emma I am going to be the only one at school with his own computer.” He excitedly told his sister.

  Emma who took her time, so not to tear the nice paper, discovered a paint set with a table top easel and some canvas to paint on.

  “Oh thank you, thank you! This is the best paint set in the world; I saw it in a magazine in the art studio.” She then ran over and hugged Charlie, who returned her hug.

  “I have a very special family who would love to adopt both of you.”

  “We would like that, are they living close by.”

  “No, they live on an island called Hope.”

  “We have never been off this island, are the people there Jamaican?”

  “No, but the family who wants to adopt you are very smart people and they have a son that is a few years older than you; he can’t wait to have a brother and sister.”

  “It takes a long time to adopt kids here,” Emma said. “Will we have to wait long?”

  "No, I have all the paper work with me; you can come with me on my jet plane today if you like.”

  They didn’t have to think about that at all. “Oh, yes we would love a real family, with a brother,” Dylan yelled excitedly

  “Great, now I have some business to take care of with Father Patrick, so why don’t you go and pack your things.”

  It only took an hour to finalize the adoption of the two children with Father Patrick the school’s head master. His lawyers had done a wonderful job, in such a short time, to procure everything he needed to take the children. Charles Black made a generous donation of two million dollars to the orphanage. He also made a promise that Unity Corporation will come and build a new school for the orphanage, along with a baseball field then convert the old school into better housing for the children. With all this business settled Charles Black, along with the twins, now known as Emma and Dylan Roberts, got on the Unity jet and flew directly to Hope Island where they were to join their new family. There they would be protected by Unity. Emma and Dylan Roberts, together with J.R and Helaina, were proof that their people were evolving, and things were changing very quickly. These two children would be protected, loved and watched very, very carefully.

  The jet ride to their new home was exciting for the twins. Everything was new to them, they bounced from seat to seat trying to get the best view from the windows. They explored the jet from nose to tail, the pilot gave them a grand tour of the cock-pit, and the steward treated them like royalty, fixing them ice-cream sundaes and according to both kids the best grilled cheese sandwiches they ever had.

  A few hours later Charlie introduced the children to their new parents, who welcomed them with presents, and lots of hugs and kisses. The Roberts, employed by Unity Corporation, were scientist who studied genes. They were good people, who loved children, but weren’t able to have any more after their son Mark was born. Mark was one of J.R and Helaina’s best friends on the island. They would love and protect the children and guide them in learning the truth about themselves. Since he was on the island, Charlie made a quick visit to his Aunt and Uncles, and of course to see his boy.

  “Dad I’ve only been here for a week, do I have to go home already?” J.R exclaimed when he saw his father, eating a sandwich in the kitchen of the Unity estate.

  “Hey, don’t I get a hello first?” Charlie protested.

  “Hi, do I have to go home?”

  “No! I just came because I brought the Roberts’ their two new family members.”

  “What family members? And why are they new?” Helaina asked as she walked into the kitchen, giving her uncle a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “The Roberts just adopted twins from the Grand Cayman Island. You will get to meet them next time you go see them.”

  “Are they girls or boys?” J.R wanted to know.

  “One of each.”

  “I just love babies!”

  “They aren’t babies, they are twelve, and they are very smart.”

  "Maybe tomorrow we can show them our beach and the mall,” Helaina said, as she started making plans in her head.

  “I think that would be nice,” said Charlie.

  “I like getting new friends. Hey! Can I have some of that steak sandwich?” J.R exclaimed.

  “Sure can,” said his father.

  Charlie visited with his family for a few hours. The next morning, he got back on the Citation XLS jet and returned to his home in Florida. Of course he just had to take a big bag of Jennifer’s chocolate pecan cookies with him for the trip home.



  The next morning J.R and William took Charlie to the island’s little airport. Helaina remained at home and was in the kitchen with her grandmother and Sophia, helping them make-up a grocery list. Out of the blue Helaina said something totally unexpected.

  “Grandma last night I dreamed there was a man who wanted to hurt me, I think he is on the island.”

  Jennifer and Sophia looked at each other not knowing what to think about what the girl just said. Jennifer knew the girl had dreams of the past, but could it be possible that Helaina could dream about what was to come, the future? Jennifer thought that it was best to first reassure Helaina that she was safe, then talk to William when he got home.

  “Baby it was just a dream, I am sure you are completely safe here with us.”

  “No Grandma, it’s different than a dream. It was like a different kind of dream story because I felt it, and I was awake.”

  Jennifer knew what the child had said could be true. Helaina knew when she felt the dream in her heart, it was special, and she wrote it down in her dream diaries. Other dreams were just that, just dreams and soon forgotten. This was the first time Helaina felt threatened and Jennifer was alarmed but she tried not to show her fear to her granddaughter.

  “I think we will wait until granddad comes home before we
go shopping this morning.”

  “But grandma, we were going to that new clothing store. They are having a grand opening today, and giving away prizes.”

  “Don’t worry we will get there, I just want to tell your grandfather about what you just told me. Maybe he can help find the man you saw in your dream, and make you feel safe.”

  “But I’m safe with you and Sophia I promise, and nothing bad ever happens on the island, you just said so.”

  Helaina really wanted to go to that grand opening, she now regretted telling her grandmother about her dream story.

  “They will be back in about 5 or 10 minutes, in the meantime help us finish the grocery list.” The two women looked over the girl’s head concerned for what she had just revealed.

  While the women made their list, William and J.R were saying good-bye to Charlie. As the men spoke near the plane Jack Webber, a helicopter pilot, and the pilot of the Citation XLS, loaded Charlie’s suit case on to the jet, talking about what pilots always talked about, planes, and the different places they have been. This latest trip to the Grand Cayman Island by Charles Black interested Jack; he also was very interested in the twins that Charlie brought back to the island. Soon Charlie was in the air on his way back home to Florida. J.R insisted on staying and watching the jet take off. He had ridden in it a few times, but wanted to see how it looked in the air. When they couldn’t see it any longer J.R and William drove back to the house.

  Jennifer met William at the door, then took him outside to the garden, which was far enough away from the house no one could hear them speak. The same time William and Jennifer were walking out to the garden to have a discussion, Jack Webber got a phone call on one of his cell phones. It was Senator Webster in Washington, Jack made sure that the secret recorder in the phone was on before answering it.

  “Senator Webster how’s the weather in Washington.”

  “Wet! I need for you to do a job for me.”


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