Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series Page 11

by Sandra Golden

  “Hello! Those of you watching are my family, I have since passed from the world, but I know that you are keeping our secret safe. I know it has been many generations since we lost our home on Unity. I chose that surname for our family because Unity must live on, and Unity must be achieved in order for all to prosper; this is our goal, always. I welcome the next generation of Guardians of Unity, and say that I’m proud of the Elders who now pass on your heritage. For they have made great accomplishments and can now rest, and be secure in knowing that you are strong, and capable to continue to seek, and accomplish what is right. Now let me tell you our story.

  This is Unity, the home from which we had to leave. For many centuries we took the natural resources that she provided us, thinking they would be replenished. We prospered, and were very happy. (As the speaker told the story moving pictures were projected in the Story Chamber) For we had green fields that grew our food, oceans that provided us with food, plenty of fresh water that came from streams, coming down from the majestic mountains. We had homes, and families we loved, and jobs we did. But then things began to change, little by little, our scientists warned us of impending disaster but the people wouldn’t listen, believing our people would live on Unity forever, just as they always have, without changing our ways.

  Our Scientist knew this was not to happen, they saw signs that our land was dying and they began searching for a new home. It took many years, and many explorers were sent to far off places. Sadly, many lost their lives in this search. Finally we found a home, your home. We sent Watchers to study the people, and discovered that they were fairly primitive, their minds young, needing more development, more guidance. We were similar to these people in all matters, or so we thought, but their sole purpose of living consisted only of finding pleasure, and basic survival, at the time. We sent explorers. Their assignment was to help the population to develop, help them evolve into a stronger and smarter population, by introducing our knowledge a little at a time. By doing this we were preparing them for our arrival. We needed to teach them the value of their home, so one day we could come and unite the two populations, and preserve our new home for many centuries, for all of us.

  One Watcher had feelings for a young innocent girl. One night he slipped a drug into her food, and she went into a deep sleep. While she slept, he laid with her, giving her his seed. She awoke to find her mind was foggy, she saw him, thinking that he was a spirit. For being a primitive society they believed in such things. The Watcher told the young girl that she would have a special child and to nurture it. The child would be the first child born from both of our people. We were quite concerned, not knowing how the genes of our two populations would affect the child that was to be born. The Watcher stayed close to the child as it grew to adulthood. The child became a powerful teacher, and was loved by many; this person was able to do things that couldn’t be explained, like turning minerals into medicine and using plants to cure illnesses. Being different made some fearful of this child, but those who loved this child of both our people, turned him into a martyr. The stories that were told and the things that this child, now an adult, taught were made sacred by the people. Seeing this, our Watcher knew this home wasn’t ready for us, they wouldn’t understand, they were too vulnerable. The watcher couldn’t leave, he had to stay to learn what would become of this teacher, so he could come home to us, telling us what he had learned of these people and their ways.

  Those who feared this teacher deemed him evil, and unlawful, and sentenced the teacher to death, a public execution for all to see was ordered. This sent the people a message. It was telling them that it wasn’t alright for them to believe in stories, or to make someone a leader, especially one who had not earned that right. After his child was killed the Watcher waited for a time, then retrieved the body and brought it home to us. The teacher before he died had produced children, those children, and the generations that have followed began introducing our genes into their population as time went by. We saw this as a good thing.

  It was decided that these people were strong, good people who needed some guidance. We found a very wise man and gave him ten basic laws, which would guide the people, until they were ready for us. Then he watched the people from afar.

  Every generation we sent new explorers to impart some of our knowledge to advance this culture. Our scientists worked tirelessly trying to save our home but a Black Virus was killing everything and anyone who it affected. Finally we had to admit to ourselves that we had to leave, to make our home at the place we had chosen. We were able to save all our people that had survived this Black Death. We packed up all that we could carry, all that we would need, and traveled many months. We came to a beautiful island and there we began our new life. The island we called Hope, for we had Hope that we could bring the two populations together as one. It had already begun to happen but there was a long way to go. We had to evolve together, slowly, over time and become as one. That is why I choose Unity as the name to be carried on for many generations. That name is to remind us what was important. “To remember Unity,” is to remember what was lost, where we came from, and where we are going. In the years to come, more will be learned, each generation will add to the Story Chamber, one day you will too. Each time you come to the Story Chamber, you shall learn more from those who have come before you. Now I shall leave you. Remember to always guide with an open heart and an open mind. Our Guardians of the future, your people are looking to you for guidance. Love will always be in your hearts, given to you by your family and our people. We will forever be proud of you, and your accomplishments. Good-bye and good luck.”

  The Story Chamber then began to swirl around like a tornado again, taking the picture away; suddenly it was gone in a puff of air. William and his wife didn’t say anything for a minute, letting the information sink into J.R and Helaina’s mind.

  “That was our beginning, do you understand the story that was told.”

  “It’s a sad story,” Helaina said.

  “Yes it was, but an important story,” Jennifer acknowledged.

  “Was Unity on the other side of the world and no one else knew about it?” J.R wanted to know. “Did we get here on big ships?”

  William, avoiding the first question answered the second. “Our ancestors did travel here on big ships, carrying with them the smartest scientists and the things that we believed would help with our mission.”

  “A world united in peace,” the kids said in unison.

  “That is exactly right. Now I think that you have enough to think about for now, why don’t you go and play pool or video games and relax.” William then proceeded to put away the Story Chamber in its hiding place.

  Helaina wanted to know, “Can’t we see more stories? I really like the Story Chamber.”

  “The Story Chamber has millions of stories, and you will have plenty of time to see them all, the story of the beginning is an important first lesson to learn. Always learn from the past, but move forward,” William said.

  “Can I put my dream stories in the Story Chamber?”

  “Helaina, sweetheart your dream stories are already in the Story Chamber.”

  Helaina thought about this for a second. “You mean my Dream Stories are real, that I dreamed of things in the past. Is that why I feel them in my heart because they are about our people’s past?”

  “That is exactly what your Granddad means. That’s why it is important for you not to share your stories with outsiders.”

  “Because they wouldn’t understand how I know about the past, without being there.”

  “That’s exactly right sweetheart.” Jennifer was very proud of her granddaughter for understanding.

  “We can’t share the stories with anyone, can we?” J.R assumed.

  “That is also correct. Now go have some fun.”

  "Can you come and play pool? Remember I am one game away from beating you more times than Uncle David has,” J.R reminded William.

  “You all sure take pleas
ure in beating an old man at pool.” William laughed with them.

  J.R. and Helaina walked ahead of the adults on their way to the recreation room, having another one of the silent conversations.

  “Granddad didn’t say what part of the world we came from; do you think our people came from Antarctica or one of the Poles?” Helaina wondered.

  “Could be, maybe at one time they were beautiful and green, and when everything died it got cold.” J.R reasoned.

  “Do you think that maybe our family came from another world? That would be cool!”

  “Yeah that would be really cool but you know that it’s not where you come from that is important, because everyone came from somewhere. It’s how you live your life that matters,” reasoned J.R.

  “Yeah! That was a really adult thing to say! You're right, but it still would be the coolest thing ever.”

  “Yep, Dad told me that once. I wonder if I cut you if you would bleed green blood.”

  “You better not,” the kids laughed out loud.

  Having heard every word of their silent conversation William had to laugh with them. “I think it will be a very long time before I tell these two that I hear them Mind Speaking. Might keep them out of trouble.” he told himself.

  They all went to the recreation room to play, enjoying their time together. The man was still standing outside, still holding the unlit cigarette between his lips, and watching. He saw the lights go out in the den. A couple minutes later he saw the family walking out to the recreation room. This was located in a 1000 square foot building detached from the house. One part of the building had two changing rooms and storage for pool equipment. A much larger area housed two pool tables, a foozle ball table, air hockey table, shuffle board court, and a food bar with a big freezer that held all those popsicles, and gallons of ice cream the family like to eat.

  “Soon their day will end, then I can make my move,” thought the man waiting in the dark.



  Two hours later the Unity family went to their rooms. Jack Webber proceeded with his plan. In no time, Jack had the young lady, who he had wrapped in a blanket, deposited into the back of a helicopter. Taking off they headed to a private air field in Washington State, where they were to meet the two men who had taken the little pink Dream Diary to Senator Webster. Jack recruited them to help with this assignment. Jack knew he could trust these men, for they had worked together many times, on various assignments. A plane was chartered to take them to Maryland, where they were to turn the girl over to Senator Webster. The charters pilot didn’t ask any questions, which was a good thing because no one in this group said a word. They sat quietly writing, and reading, listening to what looked like I-pod, as the young woman slept in a seat next to the window, being shielded from the pilot’s view. He had even wondered if she had been drugged.

  It was arranged that the pilot would land at a small airport in Nebraska, to refuel before the group continue to their final destination. As the airport personnel refueled the charter plane, the group of three men, escorted the young woman to the small terminal where they used the restroom, and got something to eat, not talking to anyone. They then returned to the air charter plane to continue the journey to Maryland.

  An hour out from their destination, the pilot heard one of the men make a call to a limousine service. The driver was to meet the plane on the run way. An arrangement had been made with the airport authorities to let the car through the security gate. All the driver had to do was give the guard at the gate his I.D then proceed to pick up his passengers.

  They arrived in Maryland at 6 a.m., the air traffic controllers directed the air chartered plane to a runway that led them to the furthest corner of the complex. This was where private and chartered planes had hangers, where repairs could be made, and they could safely be stored out of the way of the bigger commercial airlines. Here, also were private accommodations for their customers, especially those who didn’t want to be seen. It was a popular airport used by many politicians and celebrities who were visiting the Washington DC area and wanted to avoid the news hounds. The security at this airport was the best in the world. Air Force One, and Air Force Two, the planes used for the President and the Vice-President were stored here in security hangers on the East side of the airport.

  After the charter plane made a complete stop Jack Webber gave the pilot instructions.

  “We want you to remain in the plane until we leave, stay in your seat until our car leaves the area. We thank you for your services.” Jack said handing him an envelope filled with a thick bundle of twenty dollar bills.

  “That’s the twenty thousand you were promised, and another 2 thousands for the fuel. There’s a card in there with the name of a four star hotel. We paid for your accommodations plus meals, until you leave tomorrow to return to Washington State. It’s just a little thank you for flying us here at night. Thank you again and Good-Bye.’

  With that, the four quiet passengers disembarked the charter plane, and hastily entered the vehicle that was waiting for them and drove away.

  “That had to be the strangest group I have ever flown with,” he said out loud just to hear his voice, now tired of the silence. “And on top of their strange behavior they flew clear across the country, and not one of them had any luggage. The girl didn’t even have a purse. Strange indeed.”

  His passengers where soon forgotten as he secured the plane, then called a taxi to take him to the hotel for a good night’s sleep and a very expensive meal.

  Jack Webber, the two men with him, and the young woman were taken to a shopping center parking lot, there they paid the driver and dismissed him. Taking no chances that someone was following them, they were taking another precaution. Jack had arranged for a non-descript gray van to be parked at the shopping center, by someone he trusted. He had given his friend a list of equipment that they would need, he knew the things he asked for would be securely packed inside the van. Inside the gray Ford van the group found radios, four bullet proof vest, and four 357 magnum Smith and Wesson hand guns, 3 knives with sheaves, clean clothes, food and drinks, along with 3 throw away cell phones. They wanted to have protected, just in case Senator Webster had plans to get rid of them, along with the girl.

  When the group was dressed in clean clothes Jack Webber gave everyone some last minute instructions, and made sure that everyone knew exactly was to take place. Then he made the call to Senator Webster, making sure their conversation was recorded. Blackmail might be the order of things in the future, so Jack needed all the leverage he could get. Senator Webster’s phone rang twice before he picked up. Senator Webster used the caller I.D feature to identify all his callers.

  “Webber do you have my package?”

  “Yes. I need the address that we are to meet you at.” Webber knew the address, but was trying to extend the conversation a few minutes longer.

  Senator Webster gave him the instructions again. “How long will it take for you to get there?”

  “We shall be there in a half an hour. Give us time to get the girl settled and calmed down, so why don’t you meet us there at 9 a.m. You better have the money you promised, a hundred thousand dollars, plus twenty thousand for each of my two friends here.”

  “Wait I didn’t tell you to hire extra help, that complicates things.”

  “Do you think I could have pulled this off alone you idiot? Bring the extra money or you won’t get the girl, or the information you want from her. Understand?”

  Knowing that this had gone too far to back out now Senator Webster agreed to get the extra money but he insisted that they had to baby sit the girl for a few days for him. Jack agreed, knowing that this wasn’t going to happen. He was positive that this job with Webster would end today. He wasn’t going to baby sit for anyone! After the phone conversation Jack settled into the driver’s seat of the gray Ford. His three passengers secured with seat belts in the back seat, began their journey, and in ten minut
es they were at the house.

  Jack backed the van into the driveway; everyone got out and went around to the back door. One of the men picked the lock and they entered the empty house. Jack took a chair from the van and placed the young woman in it, securing her hands in the back and wrapping a rope around her feet.

  “I’m sorry I have to do this,” he told the girl, and she smiled up at him, just before he placed duct tape over her mouth.

  He left her in the empty room closing the door behind him. His two partners were busy themselves. They were setting up the radio, unpacking the van of the food and clothes, wanting to make Webster believe that they had settled in for the long term.

  Nine a.m. had come and gone and Senator Webster hadn’t arrived. Getting nervous Jack called the Senator. Then making sure he sounded angry and impatient, he yelled, “Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m on my way. I had to go to the bank for the extra money. They don’t open up until nine, but I got it now, I am two minutes away.”

  “Fine!” Webber said and hung up the phone.

  One man positioned himself in the kitchen, keeping busy by making sandwiches; the other was seated in a lawn chair in front of the bedroom door the girl had been placed in. Jack looked out the window and waited. It was a beautiful summer day; two teen age boys were skate boarding up and down the street. A woman was mowing the lawn next door to the empty house, she had long sexy legs, dressed in very short shorts and a tank top. Across the street a blue minivan was being washed by a young couple.

  “Just another summer day in the neighborhood,” Jack thought to himself, smiling.

  He saw Senator Webster drive his white 350 SL Mercedes into the driveway. Webster waited a few minutes before stepping out of the car before he approached the front door, nonchalantly like he was there to visit a friend. He was dressed casually in jeans and a light shirt. He made sure that he had brought a baseball cap. Webster put that cap low over his eyes, and keeping his head low, so the neighbors wouldn’t see his face. That didn’t seem to matter because the busy neighbors didn’t seem very interested in anything except what they were doing. Senator Webster knocked on the front door and it was immediately opened by Jack, who let the Senator walk past him into the living area.


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