Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series Page 12

by Sandra Golden

  Senator recognized the two men that Jack had hired to help him with this job. He relaxed a bit, knowing that he could trust these two men because they had been the same ones who had brought him the little pink diary. He just nodded to acknowledge them, before getting down to business.

  “Where’s the girl?”

  “In there.”

  Jack motioned for his man at the door, to open it just enough for the Senator to see the young woman tied to the chair, her head down looking at her lap. Senator Webster made a move to go to the room but he was stopped by the man guarding the room, when shut the door.

  “Before that happens, we have business to conduct first,” Jack said coming to stand next to Senator Webster.

  “How do I know that is Helaina Unity?” Damn the Senator was making this easy for them, thought Jack.

  “You just have to take our word for it. But, since I knew you would want some proof. I have it right here.”

  Jack handed the Senator a picture he had taken of the girl with William Unity sitting at a table playing cards.

  “Yes that’s William Unity, I recognize him; let me see the girls face,” demanded the Senator.

  Jack nodded at the man standing guard at the door. Jack’s partner then opened the door. Going into the room he put his hand on the young woman’s head and tilted it back so the Senator could see that she was indeed the girl in the picture that Jack had given him. When this was done he came out of the room and shut the door again.

  “She’s the one who wrote the pink diary.”

  “Yes, now our money, one hundred forty thousand.”

  Senator Webster pulled out three envelopes full of money and tossed them to Jack.

  “It’s going to take a few days for me to get the information I need from the girl, she is young. The way we are going to play this is I am going to tell her that the faster she gives me the information I want, the sooner she could go home.”

  “By now her family has discovered her missing, and they will begin searching,” Jake reminded him.

  “I thought about that. I will have one of you make a ransom demand; I might as well get my money back, along with a lot more. This is going to be a big pay day for us. After I get the information, (the Senator leaned in to Jack, so the girl couldn’t hear him) then you will have to dispose of her.”

  “What do you mean by dispose of her?” Jack baited Webster.

  “Drown her, suffocate her, strangle her, I don’t care. But the faster we get this done the faster I can get my revenge on William Unity, and get rich doing it. Now give me time with the girl.”

  Webster took a recorder out of his pocket and started for the bedroom door, thinking he was the one in charge. But in less than a minute, he discovered that wasn’t so.

  He heard someone yell, “Bring him down.” then three guns were pointed at his head.

  The lady who was mowing the lawn came through the back door, and the couple washing the minivan burst through the front; all wearing F.B.I jackets, under which they wore bullet proof body armor, all pointing guns at Senator Webster demanding that he lay on the floor and to spread his arms and legs out.

  Jack crouched down on top of the Senator, pulling his arms behind his back, he proceeded to secure his prisoner with hand cuffs.

  “Senator Douglas Webster you are under arrest,” Jack told the Senator as he pulled the man to his feet.

  When doing so the Senator saw that Jack Webber had a tattoo of the Unity crest on his wrist. Only having talked to Jack on the phone, and never seeing him in person until today, he couldn’t possibly have seen the tattoo before. Usually Jack covered the tattoo with concealing make-up when he was undercover.

  “You’re one of them!” the Senator yelled at Jack.

  “Senator you were wrong, not only did you pay me, I was paid quite well by the Unity Corporation. But of course, I was also receiving a pay check from good old Uncle Sam, doing my regular job as an F.B.I Special Agent. Senator we protect our own.”

  “The girl? The picture? The expensive trip from Washington I paid for? You scammed me?” the senator yelled.

  Just then the young woman walked out of the bedroom, she had been released from her bonds by one of the agents, and was now also wearing an F.B.I jacket.

  “Senator Webster, meet Shannon Brewer, F.B.I. William Unity was glad to take this picture with this young agent the other day.

  “Congratulations Shannon, great job on your first undercover assignment.”

  "Thank you sir.”

  Just before two agents lead Senator Webster to the waiting car, Jack leaned in and whispered something to him, which really got him angry. Making him struggle with the two men and cuss Agent Webber.

  “What did you say to him to make him so angry?” asked agent Shannon Brewer.

  “I told him to, Remember Unity.”

  They smiled knowingly, because hanging around Shannon Brewers neck, on a silver chain, was a Unity crest. It was given to her by her grandfather, when she was eighteen. Shannon didn’t know much about her family’s history, all she did know was that Unity Corporation was an important commodity, and they represented everything that was good. Beyond that she knew nothing.

  Back on Hope Island J.R Black and Helaina Unity, along with a few of their friends, played volleyball on the beach. They were safe and sound, but still being watched carefully by their Watcher. Mason’s phone rang and he immediately answered it. Jack Webber was on the other end.

  “Mason, all’s safe.”

  “Thank you, I will inform William. He’s waiting anxiously for news that the situation has been handled. All was safe?”

  “Yes! Not one injured.”

  “Thank you again. Remember Unity!”

  “Remember Unity!” Jack Webber responded before hanging up.

  Now he could go home and get away from all that irritating sand. Jack preferred soft grass and concrete under his feet, which he would find that back home in Washington D.C. Jack had finally got his revenge on the man who took his father’s business away. Jack Webber had always blamed the Senator for his father’s heart attack and early death, which Jack believed to have been caused by all the stress of losing the business that had supported his family. As always, Unity was safe. Helaina would not learn of the danger she had been in. This, to keep the two teens free to enjoy what was left of their childhood. As always everyone could be trusted on Hope Island. There was never any doubt about that.



  Earlier that morning J.R found Helaina outside on the patio. Last night he had done something that he wanted to share with his cousin. He knew she got up early, way too early for him, but he was excited about what he had done and wanted to share it with her before he showed William. There were others in the garden that morning; the Watcher was still doing his job by looking after Helaina. Mason stood out of sight where the girl couldn’t see him. He heard footsteps behind him but didn’t turn around for he knew who was coming up behind him.

  “Good morning William?”

  “Good morning, I see you relieved Carl (A Watcher who took over for Mason for the night shift) a bit early this morning.”

  “I thought that I might as well, since I am an early riser.”

  “Me too, always have been, Helaina takes after me I think,” William said proudly.

  Just then they spotted J.R going to join his cousin, who was busy writing in one of her dream diaries.

  “That’s unusual, J.R loves sleeping in,” said William curiously.

  “You are going to join the kids?” Mason wanted to know.

  “I will later, you go for some coffee. I’ll watch, but I think I will stay here just to see what those two are up to. And thank you, I think we could cut the extra precautions now.”

  Mason took off to go down to the garage, laughing to himself at William's sneaky ways. William sat down on a bench about 30 feet away from the kids, close enough to hear their conversation, orally o
r internally. The bench, being a favorite place of his, was located behind a tree, out of sight. The kids couldn’t see him from where they were; neither could Jenny when he snuck off to smoke one of his Cuban cigars.

  Helaina was sitting at one of the tables near the pool, dressed in pink shorts and a white summer top; along with her she had her two favorite accessories, her pink Dream Diary and Peanut. Peanut was curled up in a pocket in Helaina’s shirt and had just settled down to sleep the day away; this morning Peanut’s accessories were a pink leash and a white harness, which would prevent her from going too far and getting lost. J.R came out of the house this morning wearing his favorite swim trunks, a large Hawaiian shirt with bright colors and no shoes. He figured that since there were going to meet some friends down at the beach later why bother with regular pants and shoes.

  Now William listened to them.

  “You’re up early.”

  “Yeah I know. I have something to show you.” J.R pulled out a folded piece of paper from his shirt pocket and handed it to his cousin.

  “That looks like the Story Chamber,” she said pointing at the center of the picture. She then took a closer look. “I had a dream about those four balls that you drew.”

  “First let me tell you my story, than you tell me yours. Okay?” said J.R, excitedly.

  “Okay!” agreed his cousin.

  “Last night when I first saw the Story Chamber I knew it was a machine, but I also knew that it wasn’t right somehow, that it had missing parts. (This made William sit up with interest) So after we beat Grandma and Granddad at pool last night, I went up to my room and drew this. I didn’t know I could draw like this before.”

  “That’s amazing, you have so many details.”

  “I know, right! Something told me I needed to show you, so I got up early; you haven’t seen Granddad yet, have you?”

  “No maybe he’s tired; we beat them four times in a row last night.” Helaina and J.R laughed at the memory of last night’s exciting games of pool.

  “Now, my turn!” demanded Helaina. “Last night I had another dream story, but different. I was in this one, and I wasn‘t watching the story like I usually do. I dreamed about us, we were hiking. We were with Mark, Dylan, Emma and Kellie. We haven’t even meet Dylan and Emma yet but they were in my dream. We went hiking at our favorite place, you know the place on the west side of the island that has the bison herd, lake, and hiking trails.”

  “Yeah I know the place.”

  “Well! We were hiking and we found this cave behind a waterfall. I just knew it was there, so we went to explore it. We found a little lake, it’s only ankle deep so we walk through it. We find what looked like a grave marker, but it’s not, it’s a handle that we need to pull, and it opens up a secret door. Inside we find two of those balls; they are inside two crystals boxes. The boxes have the Unity crest on the top and the lever had some instructions on it.”

  “What did it say?”

  “Don’t know, because I woke up.”

  “But there are four balls in my drawing! What about the other two?” J.R asked his cousin.

  “Later, I had another day dream about them, they are in a cave under the water, right under the Marina, and we go diving for them.”

  “This never happened before, you never dreamed about something that we would do, or maybe something we have to do. You never dreamed of a machine, the same one I drew. What do you think this means?”

  “Been thinking about that, I think that it means we are supposed to work together, Like our dad’s.”

  “Probably right, think we should tell Granddad and Grandma?”

  “I think we should do this ourselves, then tell them later. Maybe they will know what to do with the Glow Balls.”

  “Why did you call them Glow Balls? That's a stupid thing to call them.”

  “Because in my dreams they glowed, what else should we call them?”

  “Don’t know, we’ll think of that later. I’m hungry let’s go get breakfast, remember we are going to meet Mark and his new brother and sister at the beach this morning, then we can make plans to find the balls then.”

  “Good plan, remember we keep this a secret, we’ll surprise everyone when we have all four balls.”

  “Right! Now for some breakfast.”

  The J.R and Helaina walked back into the house, where their Grandmother was making scrambled eggs and sausage for them. Earlier she had packed them a picnic basket to take with them to the beach. In the basket she packed fried chicken, chips, and plenty of the homemade cookies that Helaina made yesterday. A picnic on the beach was a nice way to welcome new friends to Hope Island, Jennifer thought. Being moderately hot for a July morning Sophia packed plenty of bottled water and soft drinks for the kids into a rolling ice chest, to make it easy to take down to the beach. With ice chest, beach towels, and plenty of sun screen, and with Peanut securely in her travel sling around Helaina’s neck, they were off to meet the new members of the Roberts family.

  Mark Roberts was excited to introduce his new brother and sister, Emma and Dylan, to his friends. Mark, who was a six months older then J.R and Helaina, was dressed in his typical beach bum attire. Which included baggy swim trunks that were torn at the cuff and had a hole in the back pocket, a colorful tie dye tee-shirt, and flip flops. Mark looked like a very young George Clooney right down to the dimples on his cheeks. Helaina had a big crush on Mark but since she didn’t live on the island like he did she never pressed the matter. Besides Mark was a little shy, as was Helaina, and he was more interested in planning his next adventure, whether it be climbing a mountain, or exploring the coral reef, than in girls. Right now he was busy adjusting to being a big brother, and all which that entailed. Right now he was very protective of his new brother and sister and didn’t let them out of his sight, not for one moment. Both Emma and Dylan stayed close to Mark, having only been there two days they were still unsure of their surroundings and all the new people they were meeting. Today the twins were dressed in identical shorts, tee shirts and flip flops. They really didn’t like dressing alike but they weren’t comfortable enough to tell their new mother that just yet.

  The other member of this ever expanding group was Kellie Garfield. She was Helaina’s very best friend, and even when Helaina wasn’t on Hope Island the girls would spend hours talking long distance. Kellie was a total gossip, who loved to shop as much as Helaina. Kellie, a whole year older then Helaina, had already written and published four books. Kellie was two inches shorter than her friend, about 140 pounds, with pale skin that was always in danger of getting sunburned. This was the reason why she always wore big brimmed hats whenever she was in the sun. Kellie, as well as her mother, loved hats so much that they had a whole room full of them. Kellie and Helaina once tried to count them all but they always seemed to lose count so their best estimation was twenty-five hundred hats. Kelly was your typical red head, her thick wavy hair seemed to always be in her way, she had freckles across the bridge of her nose and green eyes that looked like jade; eyes she kept hidden behind sun glasses because they were extremely light sensitive.

  Emma, Dylan, Mark and their friend Kellie were already at the beach setting up the volleyball net when J.R and Helaina arrived. After a brief hello, and introduction, they decided that Helaina, Emma and Kellie would play against J.R, Mark, and Dylan. This didn’t work out so well, because with J.R and Helaina able to hear each other thoughts, and Emma and Dylan doing the same, it was a battle of the minds. It got even more interesting when they tried to think one thing, then do the opposite, legs and arms got tangled and they collapsed on the warm sand laughing.

  Abandoning volleyball, they took the surf boards, which Mark and Kellie brought, and paddled out about a hundred yards, so they could swim in deeper water. Something bumped Emma’s leg and she screamed, everyone turned and saw a gray shadow in the water. Dylan yelled to his sister.

  “Emma, stay still and stop splashing.”

  Helaina swam closer to Emma. “Don’
t worry, she won’t hurt you. Look! It’s just a young Sea Lion. She wants to play.”

  Sure enough, the head of the young animal broke the surface of the water; she looked around wanting to discover what was making such a fuss. She saw a bright red surf board floating just a few feet from her, and deciding that was just the right resting place she had been looking for headed in that direction. The little sea lion made several attempts at trying to get on the surf board but failed, each time she would slide off. This made the kids laugh. Finally she figured it out and managed to stay on the floating board. Boy was she proud of herself, sitting up tall, barking, announcing to everyone who could hear her, that she accomplished this amazing task.

  The kids having watched and cheered her on decided to have a bit of fun with her. First, they pushed her around, giving her a ride; which, according to Helaina, the little sea lion thoroughly enjoyed, telling them when she loudly barked out her appreciation. When tired, and wanting their board back the kids surrounded the board, then tipped the little sea lion off. Not wanting the fun to end, the sea lion swam around the surf board, trying to find a way to get back on, but by then there wasn’t any room for her because now the girls had taken her place. Helaina reached out her hand, palms down, and the animal came to her, the little sea lion rubbed her slick head against Helaina’s palm, then swam around to the back of the surf board and began pushing them to shore. Far ahead of the three boys who had to swim back. The girls had their lunch all laid out by the time the boys returned.

  “What took you so long?” Kellie laughed.

  “We didn’t have help, like you did,” remarked Mark.

  “Mom packed us some ham and cheese rolls, watermelon, and chips and salsa, what did you bring?” asked Emma.


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