Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series Page 13

by Sandra Golden

  “I brought some grapes, egg rolls, and jalapeño poppers,” said Kellie.

  “Grandma made fried chicken, and I brought some cookies I baked yesterday,” chimed in Helaina.

  Everyone ate their feast of a lunch until nothing was left but the watermelon slices which, they decided to save for later. They sat back on their beach towels to let their lunch settle and soak up some sun. The boys complained about the sand they managed to get in their food then discussed their favorite video games. The girls having woken up the reluctant Peanut were having fun petting the little animal as she jumped from one pair of hands to another, getting different bits of food from each girl. It was J.R who brought up hiking to the group.

  “Me and Helaina ...”

  “Helaina and I,” corrected Kellie who by age 14 could speak five different languages.

  “Okay! Helaina and I, smarty pants. Well we were thinking about going hiking tomorrow. We can ask Granddad if we could use the ATV’s, to get to the park then we can hike around the lake.”

  “That’s a great idea, we haven’t taken Emma and Dylan to the hiking trails yet. Do you think that tire swing we put up over the lake last year is still there?” Mark asked.

  “Bet it is.”

  “We can pick blue berries, and we should also remember to bring along our cameras. Maybe we can even see the bison, but who knows what we will find.”

  Helaina and J.R glanced at each other, and smiled knowingly; glad they were able to get their friends to go on an adventure with them.

  The group made their plans for the next day. They decided to meet at the Unity’s house the next morning then travel by ATV’s to the Nature Park, which was only about 2 miles from the house. The old service road that was behind the Unity estate would lead them straight to the area. With their plans made they broke out the watermelon, when they had finished the sweet treat there were watermelon seeds all over the place. The boys just had to see who could spit the furthest. That was Dylan, with Mark, and J.R coming in second and third. Around four the group broke up, and everyone returned home to tell their parents, and grandparents of the plans they made for the next day. Hoping that they would be allowed to go, that is.



  Eight the next morning the six teens met in the garage at the Unity home. Everyone was wearing jeans and tee shirts, with bathing suits underneath. Each carried a back pack with towels and other items they might need on this adventure. Sophia and Jennifer had made bag lunches for everyone, and Mason and William made sure the ATV’s were gassed up, the radios worked, and that everyone had helmets’ on and cell phones in their pockets.

  “Everyone stay on the trails, and I want everyone back here before dark,” William told the kids.

  Before they could start the engines and begin their journey to the Nature Park Jennifer, having thought of something came running from the house.

  “Wait! Helaina don’t you think Peanut would be happier here?” Jennifer just knew that the girl had the little animal hidden away in her bag.

  “Not if we find some blueberries. They are her favorite,” Helaina insisted.

  “You can bring them back for her. That old dusty road is kind of bumpy she wouldn’t like the ride much. She will be more comfortable here,” Jennifer insisted.

  Helaina thought about this for a second, being very protective of all her little pets and their welfare, she saw her grandmothers point.

  “You know, I think that is best.” Helaina pulled Peanut out from one of the pockets of her back pack and handed her to her grandmother.

  “Thanks Grandma.”

  “You’re very welcome, now you have fun at the Nature Park.”

  The six teenagers were taking three ATV’s. The three oldest in the group, J.R, Helaina, and Kellie would be driving, with the youngest of the group, Dylan, Emma and Mark enjoying the view, sitting comfortably behind them. The three drivers, pulled down their goggles over their eyes, then started up the ATV’s, and off they went down the old service road. This took them directly to the Nature Park.

  Knowing what they were up to, William and Mason followed after them ten minutes later, just in case they came across any danger. Not because they didn’t trust them, or their ability to drive the ATV’s, for they had had plenty of practice, under supervision of course, but because they were curious about a waterfall they didn't know existed.

  It didn’t take long to get to the Nature Park; it took only ten minutes until they came upon the gate. J.R got off the ATV he was riding and opened it, letting the girls drive their ATV’s through. Then he got back on his, and drove through as Mark closed the gate behind them. The fence and the gate were not to keep anyone out, because all were welcomed to come to the park; it was to keep the herd of Bison from getting out on the roads, and getting hurt. The Bison being raised so that one day they could be remove from the endangered species list. Other such projects were taking place at the islands Nature Preserve, these animals included Bald eagles, American Burying Beetles, Iguanas, Beach mouse, Musk Deer, Soft-shell Turtles, Black neck Cranes, Pheasants, Giant Scoops Owls, and Ground Beetles were just a few of the animals being studied here. All of the animals were being raised by the Naturalists working in the park. None of the animals were in cages, and all were running free at the Nature Park the kids now visited. Luckily none were dangerous.

  J.R pulled his ATV, with Dylan on the back, up next to his cousin.

  Using Mind Speak he asked, “In your dream where do we start looking for the cave?”

  “The cave is behind a waterfall, so I guess we go to the lake. Then follow the river that runs to it, towards the mountain. We should be able to find the waterfall that way,” reasoned Helaina.

  “The lake has a picnic area where we can park the ATV’s, and we can just hike from there.”

  Then, so everyone else could hear him J.R shouted, “the lake is this way, follow me.”

  Everyone followed J.R to the picnic area where they abandon the ATV’s.

  Wanting to have plenty of time to find the cave, and the mysterious balls, Helaina suggested, “It’s too early for lunch, and the sun hasn’t heated the lake yet, so why don’t we go hiking first.”

  “Good idea!” Kellie agreed. “After lunch we can pick berries, and I also saw some apple trees. We can pick some of those to take back with us.”

  “Our new Mom made some wonderful apple turnovers for us. We could bring her some fresh apples as a surprise,” Emma said adding to the conversation.

  “Everyone let’s leave the lunches here, so we don’t have to carry extra weight,” suggested Mark, who with his father, had climbed mountains all over the world.

  This included Mt. Everest, and some of the tallest peaks of the Andes. Both father and son were very accomplished hikers, and survivalist, and J.R was glad to have Mark along for this adventure.

  After storing any unnecessary items in the small trunks of the ATV’s, the group began their hike, starting at the lake. But first the boys had to look at the tire rope swing that they had brought here last year. Which they found still secured to a strong tree limb that extended over the lake. They told Dylan about the fun they had on it last year as they hiked. Promising the younger boy, that after they ate lunch, he could be the first to swing over the water, than let go and drop into the cool water of the lake. Emma could be second, since they were the new kids, they had the honor of going first.

  They hiked along the river for an hour, taking note where the blue berry bushes where, so they could pick some on the way back to the lake. Helaina walked up front, taking the lead, looking for things that she had seen in her dream. Even though the other girls were with her, they were talking, and making plans for a shopping trip to the mall, Helaina made sure she kept her eyes opened for things that she remembered in her dream. J.R then worked his way up to Helaina.

  “Do you think its close?”

  “I don’t know. I keep listening for falling water, but don’t hear anyth
ing. How about you?”

  “Nothing, think that maybe we should turn back?” he asked.

  Just then Helaina saw something, and she knew they were close.

  “No! Look there’s the Bison, and the Sunflowers, we are close, I just know it.”

  She got excited and ran up ahead.

  “Helaina wait for us,” someone yelled.

  Now the other kids picking up on Helaina’s excitement began running after her. Suddenly Helaina disappeared around a bend in the river, and a grove a trees hid her from view. When everyone caught up to her, they discovered what she was so excited about.

  They stood looking at a striking sight. There before them was a waterfall, about three stories high, with water falling on moss covered rocks, directly below the wall of water. A family of deer was drinking peacefully from the narrow river, birds were chirping in a sweet melody, stopping only to take a cool drink, making the scene before them a paradise of nature. On either side were tree’s so old, that they were taller than the waterfall itself. Their branches, were reaching out to each other, meeting over the river to greet one another. The tree’s leafy green canopy providing a natural cathedral, making it look like the trees were trying to hide the fact that the waterfall existed at all. It was extremely beautiful, and peaceful, it was perfect. The kids just stood, and took in the sight, not saying a word, just marveling in the perfect tranquility of the scene. No one wanted to disturb the scene, not with movement, or the spoken word. Helaina used Mind Speak to talk to her cousin.

  “This has to be the most beautiful place in the entire world,” she commented.

  “And we are the ones who found it; the trees must have hidden it for a very long time.”

  “Think anyone else knows about this place?”

  “I don’t know! If they did they are keeping it a secret.”

  “It looks like there’s nothing but solid rock behind the water.”

  “There’s a cave there!” Helaina said with conviction.

  “Let’s go take a closer look.”

  In a hushed whisper, because he believed that talking, or yelling just seemed the wrong thing to do is such a devastatingly beautiful place. J.R told everyone, “come on everyone on, I think I see something behind the waterfall.”

  “Cool, let’s go!” said Mark always the adventure taker.

  As the kids made their way towards the waterfall, William and Mason were watching from binoculars, where completely taken back at the kids discovery.

  “Did you know this place existed?” Mason asked William.

  “No! There’s a much larger fall higher up in the mountains, we assumed that was the source of the river. Being born on the island, I thought I had explored every inch. I would have found this place ages ago.”

  “My family didn’t move here until I was 18. But I did spend my summers here growing up, and did some exploring. I don’t think anyone knows of this place,” said Mason, wondering how such a place could remain a secret.

  “It’s breath taking.”

  “A hidden treasure! Maybe it was supposed to be hidden, and has been waiting for just the right people to discover it,” thought William out loud.

  “They’re headed toward the fall,” Mason pointed out to William.

  “Let’s stay here; if they need us we will be close. They need to do this themselves.”

  “William you are a wise man, letting them make discoveries on their own.”

  “That’s what they were meant to do,” William said simply. Mason and William sat down, listened, and waited, as they took in the magnificence of the secret waterfall.

  J.R, Helaina and their friends had now made their way to the fall. They felt the spray of the water on their bodies, cooling them down, from their long walk. They were able to walk directly to the back wall of stone, the water fell straight down, and touching nothing as it fell into the river below. Large boulders had fallen on either side of the river.

  “I don’t see anything, but a stone wall,” said Mark

  “It’s here, I know it. We just have to climb over those rocks.”

  “What’s here?” asked the twins in unison.

  “A cave,” Helaina told them before she started to climb up on the large boulders, but J.R stopped her.

  “Wait! I will go first. But first we have to do something.” J.R put his back pack on the ground and opened it, taking out a rope, and two flash lights.

  “Mark, you brought that climbing stuff, right?” he asked.

  “Sure, I know what you are thinking (Helaina and J.R looked at each other in surprised, before they realized Mark couldn’t possibly know of their Mind Speaking). We are going to tie one end to you, than take the other end and secure it to one of these boulders.”

  “That’s right, and each of us will put one of the karabiners on our belt loops, and hook ourselves to the rope.”

  “That way we can’t get lost. Good idea!”

  Kellie, placed her big floppy hat down on her backpack began helping, she tied the rope securely to J.R, as Mark used his climbing ax to put a hole into one of the boulders. He then secured an anchoring screw into the rock, and then clipped the rope on to it. Once all the knots were tied J.R began to climb over the large boulders so he could get behind the wall of water.

  “Please be careful,” Kellie told J.R as he began moving towards the waterfall.

  “I will, stop worrying,” J.R told her.

  First climbing on top of one of the smaller boulders, than hoisting himself up, and over a much larger one, J.R proceeded with caution. He placed his back against the wall, and inched his way behind the water, carefully avoiding slipping on the small pebbles. Then he saw it. Hiding just behind a wall of thin long roots, which had grown over the opening, was the cave they were looking for. Then retracing his steps, J.R went back to the others.

  “I found it, I found the cave!” J.R yelled when he was close enough for the others to hear him.

  As J.R made the return trip he thought of a plan. When he made it safely back to the group, he told everyone what he had seen. Than what he thought they should do.

  “Helaina and I will go into the cave to explore and see if it is safe.”

  “I think I should go with you, being an experience climber and all,” Mark pointed out.

  “Good idea. Kellie you stay out here, and if we get into trouble you can call someone.”

  “What can we do?” asked the twins.

  “You two have the most important jobs, you are our safety monitors. Dylan you make sure that the rope doesn’t come untied, and watch to make sure that the rope stays tight. If it falls to the ground, we are in trouble. Understand?” asked Helaina.

  “Sure do,” Dylan responded with a grin.

  “Emma do you have your drawing pad and pencils with you?” J.R asked his new friend. Emma nodded her answer.

  “You need to draw the waterfall, exactly as it is. That way we can document this place. Show the path through the trees. Just in case we have to find it again. I also want you to keep an eye on the time, if we are longer than an hour, then go for help.”

  “Okay everyone has their assignments, let’s go spelunking,” Mark said anxiously wanting to get started.

  “Spelunking? What’s that?”

  “Helaina, that’s just a neat way to say ‘go cave exploring’.”

  “Alright! Let’s go.”

  J.R took the lead, and they began making their way over the boulders. When the three of them were safe and sound on the other side, they checked the rope. Making sure they were attached with the karabiners, they then put their backs against the solid wall of stone and made their way to the cave. Using her mind to speak to her cousin Helaina told him.

  “This is exactly like my dream, careful you are going to slip ...”

  Before she could finish J.R slipped slightly on a small slippery pebble.

  “You knew I was going to do that, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, it was in my dream,” she giggled.

bsp; “You have any more things I should be aware of?” J.R demanded.

  “Not yet.”

  They were now at the mouth of the cave; turning on the flashlights they entered the dark, damp cave. Inside it was considerably cooler, causing Helaina to shiver a bit; she reached out and touched the smooth flat surface of the wall, than she felt something.

  “J.R, Mark please shine your flashlights over here.” When they moved their lights they discovered that there were carvings on the wall.

  “Wow! These are fantastic,” exclaimed J.R.

  “They’re cave writings; I’ve seen something like this before. They tell a story, it’s how they wrote their history,” Mark assumed.

  “Who are they? Cavemen who lived during dinosaurs’ times, you think?

  “Don’t know, but cavemen and dinosaurs here in this area would make since. Unity is drilling for fuel just ten miles off shore on those two oil rigs.”

  “Only one is drilling for fuel, the other one is an energy station. Remember what we learned at the Sea Station?” J.R reminded his cousin.

  As they talked they pointed their flashlights in many directions, the cave writings were everywhere. Then Helaina came up with an idea.

  “I think we should take pictures of all of this.”

  “Think they were made by ancestors of ours?”

  “Maybe, but they might be important.”

  During the next five minutes J.R, Helaina and Mark documented every single drawing, and carving, on the wall of the cave with their digital cameras. Then they continued down the cave, walking in ankle deep water. Helaina remembered that a shallow lake was in her dream. The spelunkers heard water dripping from the ceiling of the cave, they figured that was how the shallow lake was formed, and then filled with water. Helaina knew now that they were close to what they were looking for. Taking her flashlight she ran up ahead of the other two. Dragging them with her, for they were still attached to the safety rope.

  Helaina abruptly came to a standstill. In front of them was a solid wall of rock, they had arrived at the back of the cave.


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