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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

Page 27

by Sandra Golden

  “Eli what are you doing?”

  “Taking interest in the work of one of my students, he has amazing drawing talent. I want to take these photos to the art teacher maybe she could nurture his talent with a few classes,” Eli lied to his friend.

  “I have many talented students in my class; and some are so exceptional that I believe they are smarter than me,” Spring laughed.

  Putting the drawing back into J.R.’s back pack, he put the camera securely in his classroom safe. Then Eli and Spring headed for the first of many school rallies. That evening he emailed the pictures to a friend. Saturday morning he got a call back from his trusted friend.

  “Eli, keep watch on that young man! Understand?”

  “Yes I understand.”

  Before Eli could say anything else this friend hung up. Eli thought that had to be the shortest call he ever took, and the strangest.




  Friday night William got a call from Station One from John Garfield. Jennifer, J.R and Helaina were in the recreation room playing video games on the big screen.

  “William I hate to disturb you but could you bring J.R and Helaina down tomorrow morning, there are a few things that we need to discuss.”

  “About the test we had done?”

  “That and so very much more, this is extremely important William.”

  “We will be there, tomorrow about 9, is that convenient for you?”

  “That would be perfect, see you tomorrow.”

  “Bye John. See you then.”

  “Was that Kellie’s dad? Did he ask you if we could go water skiing with them tomorrow afternoon?” Helaina inquired while she continued to lose a game to her cousin.

  “Yes, that was Kellie’s dad. He would like if we would go down to Station One tomorrow morning. He has some very important things that he wants to talk to us about.”

  “Will it take all day? We really wanted to go water skiing tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I don’t know J.R. But if we don’t finish our meeting and it gets too late I will have Mason take you kid’s water skiing on Sunday, alright.”

  “Alright, but I must take Peanut with us tomorrow, she misses me while I’m at school. I was thinking that I might get a friend for her. Like another sugar glider.”

  “Remember how Sophia took care of Peanut while we were at the Sea Station? And she told us that she would love to have one of her own?” Jennifer asked the family.

  “Yes,” the three of them nodded.

  “Sunday is Sophia’s birthday; I went and bought her a Sugar Glider and everything she needs to take care of it. Even pouches in every color, to match some her outfits.”

  “Great! Now Peanut will have a friend.”

  “She is going to love that. But where are you hiding the little Sugar Glider?” Helaina wanted to know.

  “She’s right here.” Jennifer unbuttoned her sweeter revealing a hidden pouch containing the baby Sugar Glider.”

  “Can we see her, look Peanut is excited.”

  Peanut seeing a caring pouch became curious and flew to Jennifer to investigate. The new little face with eyes the size of saucers and the color of a fluffy cloud was introduced to the family, and her new friend. As the kids were distracted with the two Sugar Gliders Jennifer talked to her husband.

  “Dear, do I need to go with you tomorrow? We are having a luncheon for the two new teachers and I have a lot to do.”

  “I don’t think so, my love. But don’t you worry; I will tell you everything that happens just like you will properly tell me every detail of that luncheon.”

  “Thank you dear. I will bring you all a piece of that carrot cake you love from the bakery.”

  “I am guessing that little Sugar Glider is going to spend the next few nights in our room.”

  “You guessed right dear, won’t that be fun?” Jennifer asked, teasing her husband. Not expecting an answer, she went back to watch the two little sugar gliders get acquainted.

  Early the next morning William, J.R and Helaina, with Peanut tucked into one of her pouches, went down to Station One. Just like the first time, they were met by John Garfield and Selena Blanchard.

  “Selena, I wasn’t expecting you here today. I thought you would be at the luncheon for the new teachers.”

  “Normally I would be, but William this is such extraordinary news I felt I should be here. Besides John sometimes has a hard time explaining things simply, so I am here to translate. Let’s get to my office where I have diagrams.”

  “Great this is going to be just like school!” J.R fussed.

  John not knowing what to tell the teen-ager simply said, “Sorry about that.”

  “At least can I go back to the mechanic building later, I might find something else to fix.”

  “If he can go there I want to go visit the Aquarium,” demanded Helaina.

  “Now how are you going to do all that, and make it in time to go water skiing with your friends?” William wanted to know.

  The kids had to think about that one. Besides they needed to be more careful on what gadgets they gave J.R, now that they knew what he was capable of. So, for now it was best to keep things out of his reach. They got to the Station Managers office; it was obvious that John liked modern furniture and electronics. His furniture was made of steel and glass, he had a complete wall filled with computer monitors, below them several state of the art computers, and a few that even the two teens didn’t recognize. If they looked into John Garfield’s pocket they would find two telephones, one that had everything that the modern world offered, and the other, everything his world could offer. With one touch he was able to video conference with, and check into, any lab he wanted for updates on experiments, or check up on other work that was being accomplished for the Unity Corporation. The group passed through his office and went directly into the conference room where coffee and tea, along with some homemade snacks, which had been provided by Johns wife, were available for this all important meeting.

  Everyone settled around the table with something to drink, than sat back to listen to John and Selena. Selena being the Geneticist began this meeting. She took a deep breath as a way to prepare herself to give the news she was about to deliver. Since this was about J.R and Helaina it was them whom she addressed.

  “J.R, Helaina first of all I want to say we are sorry that we did these tests without your knowledge. But what we found, you need to know about and your parents should be told immediately. Also, I advise that your brother and sisters be tested. But right now, let’s discuss what we discovered about your DNA.”

  Selena continued, “We have samples of DNA from those who came from Unity. As you know our people carry a special gene, a gene that through the generations has changed and we believed became less pure with each new generation. It is possible that the pure form of our gene can be carried, yet lay dormant and not able to be used to its full potential. Until now! That is what has happened here. J.R, Helaina, I compared your DNA and genes; I discovered each of your parents carried the dormant gene, than passed it on to both of you. This created a super gene in your DNA. Then when I compared your samples to that of our ancestors, I discovered that both of you have the gene in its most pure form. This makes the two of you quite special.”

  “So what you are telling us is that since both of their parents carried the pure gene of our ancestors they passed both their pure gene to J.R. and Helaina creating a super gene. This is how I understand it.” William was trying to clarify this amazing discovery about J.R and Helaina, to himself, as well as everyone else in the room.

  “That's what the research indicates. We ran the test several times just to make sure our findings were correct,” John assured them.

  “Is that why we are a different?” asked J.R and Helaina in unison.

  “That’s the jest of it,” Selena told them.

  “That’s cool; does that mean
that our brother and sisters can have the same gene we do?” Helaina wanted to know.

  “There is a one in four chance of that happening, remember your biology lessons? But we will test them to see if they do.”

  “Is there any others like us?” J.R, not wanting to be too different, asked.

  “We don’t know. Maybe!”

  “Are we going to get stronger, or smarter, or be super heroes, like superman, when we get older?” Everyone laughed at Helaina’s question.

  “We just don’t know. But we need to make sure that the two of you, and your secret, stays a secret from the rest of the world. Protecting the two of you is a number one priority,” said John.

  “Gee, and Cassie thought she was the special one because she is the baby in the family.”

  While everyone laughed with Helaina, a thought came to J.R.

  “Granddad what would happen if I mixed a drop of my blood with Helaina’s? Would that make the blood even more powerful? Could our blood actually power some of the machines here, like it did with my gene meter and the antigravity pen? Would someone want to kill us for our blood?”

  William listened to J.R and realized that the boy was starting to become frightened at the prospect of what a drop of his blood could do. The urgency in his questions told him that much.

  “That is why we are going to keep it a secret. Don’t worry you are completely safe, I promise. Don’t I always keep my promises?” William asked the boy.

  J.R and Helaina nodded.

  Selena then spoke, “I’m sorry I scared you, but I was extremely careful. I did the test myself, no one outside this room knows about our findings. The only other people who will be told will be your other Grandparents and your parents.”

  “J.R that idea of yours to mix yours and Helaina’s blood, I don’t think that’s wise, and you must not try it on your own. We must study that to discover what the ramifications would be,” John told the boy.

  “I promise I won‘t try that on my own.”

  William noticed that Helaina was sitting very quietly, concentrating very hard on something. He was wondering if she was having another vision.

  “Helaina are you alright?”

  “NO! I don't want to be different anymore. I want to be normal again. Can we do something to make us normal again? I don't like this at all!” Helaina said as tears started streaming down her checks.

  William and Selena rushed to her side to comfort her. They felt her shivering from the fear she was feeling. They understood that things were happening much too fast to the two young teens, and it was beginning to sink into Helaina's head that they weren't to have a normal life anymore. Selena pulled the girl into her arms, rocking her slightly to comfort her. William kneeled down beside Helaina's chair and took her cold quivering hand. William tried to think of just the right words to comfort his granddaughter, but couldn't find any, instead he took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

  To his amazement it was J.R who was the one to help his cousin the most. “Helaina look at me!” J.R demanded as he took charge of the situation.

  Helaina did as she was told, a little angry at J.R for demanding something from her. “Everything is going to be different from now on, because we are different. We have to accept that! We have to follow this path we are on. It's going to be hard and sometimes impossible but together we are strong, and we can do this. Together we can do anything! We are a team, and we are “The One's” who can do great things for our people. Together, as one, we are stronger, and smarter. Apart, we are weak and helpless. I can't do this alone, I need you and you need me. I'm a bit scared also, but think of this as an adventure, as a mystery we have to solve together. We will be just fine, because we have the support of our family, and our people. Do you understand?”

  Helaina stood up and smiled at J.R, as she pushed the tears aside with the handkerchief.

  “I think that was the biggest speech I have ever heard from you. And it was perfect! I understand, I'm not so scared now.”

  Then she went to her partner and gave him a hug, this time he hugged her back. Their partnership was now unbreakable.

  “Damn! I hate it when women get all mushy when you tell them something.”

  Everyone else in the room stood, and smiled. Even Selina got a little choked up at J.R's words.

  “Let’s have a snack and let this information sink in a little before we move on to your big project,” suggested Selina.

  “That’s a great idea; a ten-minute break is just what we need,” agreed John.

  After their break of tea, coffee and sweet cakes the meeting continued. Because John knew more about mechanics than Selena he took over this part of the meeting. He turned on a screen to demonstrate his findings.

  “J.R, Helaina I would like to share my research with you. First there are no other round Jewels, yours are the only ones brought here by our ancestors, we think. The machine is unique also. Watch the screen. Here is your Jewel Machine, and the exact spot where you told us it must sit, right under the Waterfall Dome.” John let them examine the pictures before he continued.

  “Here is Station One, as it lies under the island. And here are the coordinates of the planet of Unity.”

  Before he could continue J.R saw exactly what he was talking about, and stepped up to the screen.

  “I see where this is going, if you draw a straight line from the center of the Jewel Machine up, it goes directly through the center of Unity, then it goes down through the middle of Station One to the ocean floor.”

  “That’s correct; now let’s go on a little field trip.”

  Everyone piled into a large air car. Using his GPS John flew over the exact spot that connected the Jewel Machine to Station One, which was right over the middle of the park. John directed everyone to look down. What they saw left them all speechless. Sitting underneath the fountain was the Unity symbol, chiseled in the marbled floor. At the North, South, East and West position on the outer circle, something else had been carefully chiseled into the floor. The arms of the Jewel Machine were each pointing down a walking path. Something no one took notice of before. If it wasn’t for J.R and Helaina connecting all the pieces to the puzzle together this discovery wouldn‘t have been made, and it was right under their very noses. The adults looked at the two teens.

  J.R and Helaina looked at each other than said in unison, “Together, two minds can do great things.”

  This ends part one of the series. J.R and Helaina have just begun their adventures.


  In the second book of the UNITY OBJECTIVE series J.R. Black and Helaina Unity finally accomplish putting the mysterious machine together. With the Jewel Machine completed, they discover that the impossible is possible and their life’s become very complicated. They are given the gifts of special powers, and the wisdom of their Elders. But their biggest challenge is that J.R and Helaina must accept the power that it has given them, and prove to their Elders that they are capable of conquering the challenge their ancestors have put on their young shoulders. The Elders of the present as well as the Elders of the past help J.R and Helaina move forward, guiding them, and at the same time trying to protect them from the evil that wants to take everything away from them.


  I dedicate this book to my much loved son James Robert. You were my life, for 19 short years, before you became lost to me because of a tragic accident. You were my world, my life, my hopes, my dreams, my everything. You shall be in my heart, and my dreams forever, but never again in my empty arms. Now my beautiful boy you can live on, in my books. Living a life of adventure, filled with love and laughter, the life I always wanted for you, but wasn’t meant to be. I lost my heart, my soul, my world when you were taken from me. Writing these books is the only dream I have left, one that brings you alive for me again.

  Love You Forever and a Day

  You’re Mom


  I also dedicate this book to my s
pecial friend. You have given me so much, and I could never repay you.

  You gave me courage through the tough times.

  Your strength when it was needed.

  Hope for better things to come.

  You were my sounding board, listening when I needed someone to listen to me.

  I can depend on you for your honesty, helping me move in the right direction, leading me to find the strength that was hidden deep inside myself.

  You showed me respect.

  You are my best friend, giving me the friendship no one else would.

  You renewed my faith in myself, to do what I always wanted to do, but was afraid of what others would think.

  You gave me the courage to accept defeat, and not to be afraid to fail.

  Because of this, I now have pride in what I have accomplished, and look forward to accomplishing more.

  My dear friend, most importantly you gave me your heart, loving me for who I am, loving me unconditionally with all my flaws.

  I can never repay you, for all you have given; I can only return the gifts you have given me, for there are no greater gifts to give.

  You will always be in my heart.

  Forever and a day.

  Sandra Golden


  Sandra Golden was born in San Jose California, and is a graduate of Gunderson High School. She joined the US Army where she met her husband David. In December 1989 she graduated from Memphis State University with a B.A in Education, a month later her only son James Robert Golden was born on January 4, 1990. Sandy was a dedicated stay at home mother who was a room mother, school volunteer, and cub scout leader.

  When her son J.R was killed on New Year’s Eve of 2008 Sandra turned to writing to help deal with her grief. It has always been a dream of hers to become a published writer. Sandra’s hobbies include traveling, cooking, writing, gardening, and scrapbooking. Sandra and her husband share their home with a few cats, and a sugar glider named Peanut. Sandra hopes her readers enjoy the adventures of J.R Black and his cousin Helaina Marie Unity as they search for Unity, and acceptance, in this unique book series.


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