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Occupational Hazard: The Ultimate Workplace Romance Box Set

Page 7

by Eve Langlais

  Silence hung for a long time, her flesh growing hotter with each passing second, although she suspected it had little to do with the blinding rays beating down on her. “It’s time to stop worrying and let someone take a few decisions out of your hands.”

  “Someone? Let me guess, that someone would be you?” she shot back.

  Anticipation moved over his eyes when he answered with, “Of course.”

  She swallowed. “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “You’ll see,” he said, the slow, promising way he drew out those two little words hinting at something wickedly intimate.

  She sucked in a breath. “And what you’re going to see is the inside of a prison, because this––” she paused to wave her arm around the isolated island “––this is kidnapping.”

  “Kidnapping?” He rocked on his feet like he was mulling that over. “I suppose if that’s how you want to look at it, then yes, it’s kidnapping.” He held his hand out. “Now shall we?”

  She jerked away from him. “Now, we shall not. You can take me back home right now.” Folding her arms, she rooted her feet, refusing to budge.

  The corner of his mouth twitched––twitched, like he was laughing at her. “Don’t worry, Rebecca. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  Oh God, the rich, sensual way he said her name, the leisurely way it rolled off the tip of his tongue with such heat and hunger filled her with need and excited her in ways that didn’t make sense, considering he’d just kidnapped her and planned to do God knows what to her.

  I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.

  His amusement vanished. “Now why don’t you come inside, and have something cool to drink. You’re flushed.”

  “It’s hot.”

  He arched a brow, skepticism flashing in his black eyes. “Perhaps,” he said.

  Just then Rebecca spotted a middle-aged man coming their way, and her pulse leapt with hope. Maybe she could plead her case, tell him she was being held against her will, and he could call for help, get her off this isolated island. But when she glanced back at Quinn he had a knowing looking on his face.

  “There are three loyal members of my staff here, and they answer to me only.” He waved a hand. “That is Michael, and he’s here to attend to your needs during your visit.”

  “What I need is to get out of here,” she said flatly.

  Ignoring her he continued, “You’ll also meet Ester, my cook, and Mario, the grounds keeper.”

  Michael nodded his head and greeted them both, then proceeded to grab their luggage from the plane. “Right this way, ma’am,” he said, gesturing toward the foliage lined path leading up to the grand estate.

  Deciding to follow, and hoping there was a landline inside the house, she pushed past Mr. Montgomery and stayed close to Michael as he led the way. Once inside the opulent, airy home, the cool air conditioning refreshing against her hot skin, she searched for a phone.

  As she panned the living space, she took in the huge floor-to-ceiling windows lining the back of the house, and the magnificent view of the ocean below. Michael disappeared up the wide staircase with their luggage in tow, and Rebecca stepped forward, needing to put a measure of distance between her and the man whose mere presence had the ability to warm her blood quicker than a double vodka martini.

  She examined the expensive sculptures and artwork lining the walls, making note of the dark, creamy leather furniture and polished marble floors. Even though his summer home was grand and lavish, there was still something inviting and homey about it.

  She felt him step up behind her, the warmth of his body weakening her knees as he placed his hands on her hips. “You can roam at your leisure, Rebecca,” he murmured into her ear, causing the fine hairs along her neck to bristle. “The truth is, I’m not going to keep you captive.”

  She turned to see him, but wished she hadn’t. Sexual tension arced between them, the air around them charging. She fought to recover her voice and asked, “So I can leave?”

  “If you want to get off, you can get off.” His voice dipped lower, became much deeper when he added, “But that will require you to stay.”

  As she caught the sexy, double entendre, her mouth opened and closed, hardly able to believe what she was hearing.

  His smile turned predatory. “But you need to know that staying means following my orders.”

  She swallowed hard. “Look, I know what this is about. You’re upset with the outcome of your trial and you brought me here for revenge.”

  “That’s not what I’m after,” he said.

  “Then what exactly is it that you want from me?” She braced herself for the answer because every instinct she possessed told her revenge was exactly what he was after, and he planned to make her pay for his losses…but payment wouldn’t come in the form of cash. No, it would come in another form all together.

  The muscles along his jaw flexed and his black eyes shimmered when he said, “Total and utter submission.”

  Oh, God, the price was higher than she’d ever anticipated.

  Her mouth opened, closed, and opened again, and while there were so many things she wanted to counter with, all she could do was croak out a heated moan.

  “If you decide to stay, all decisions will be taken away from you.” He waved a hand. “Here you don’t get to ask questions or decide on anything.”

  Her limbs grew weak, and an unexpected lick of heat prowled through her body, settling itself deep between her legs.

  “Michael will be back in a moment to collect you. You will follow him to your room, and put on only the clothes I picked out for you. Nothing more, nothing less. Then you will join me for brunch on the terrace. It’s a beautiful day to eat outside, don’t you think?”

  Rebecca just stood there staring, her mind still processing. He wanted her to put on clothes that he picked out for her? Then meet him for brunch? Was he kidding?

  Indignant, and unable to believe what he was suggesting, she drew in a quick breath to refuel her addled brain and said, “If you think I’m going to wear clothes—”

  “It’s not a suggestion.”

  As blood drained to her toes, she forced her chin up. “I thought you said you’d never make me do anything I didn’t want to.”

  “That’s correct.”

  “Then I don’t want to wear clothes you picked out for me.” She gestured to the professional pantsuit draping her body. “I have my own clothes.”

  He stepped closer and her heart leapt as his heat and scent overwhelmed her. “I’m a patient man, Rebecca. But we only have the weekend. And it’d be wise not to push my patience too far.”

  “I am not—”

  “Disobedience comes with a price.”

  Her heart hammered. “A price?”

  “I’ll be forced to punish you until I have your compliance. Understand?”

  “Punish…me?” she asked, a shiver moving through her, but much to her surprise it was a shiver from anticipation, not fear. She planted her hands on her hips, struggling to hold her ground. “Just how do you plan on punishing me?”

  For a brief second she thought she saw the corner of his mouth curl up in a grin, but his steely control was back in place when he said, “By taking my hand to your bare ass.”

  “Oh, God,” she squeaked out, a rush of sexual energy hitting her hard. She gulped air, and before she could get her head on straight, the vision of her draped over his lap, her ass up in the air as he spanked her, had her body quivering, almost violently.

  Mr. Montgomery looked past her shoulder, and gestured with a nod. She turned to see Michael waiting for her.

  “Right this way, ma’am,” he said and even though she didn’t want to follow him, she needed reprieve from Mr. Montgomery and the raw, sexual energy he emitted—not to mention the way it took her from a professional woman to a wanton hussy in seconds flat.

  Hoping her legs didn’t fail her, she made her way to her room. She took in the huge bed
with its cushiony, plush bedding and pillows, then turned to see the walkout deck with its magnificent view of the ocean. On her right she spotted a private bathroom, but unfortunately her suitcase was nowhere to be found.

  She turned to Michael, who pressed his hands together and said, “Please, make yourself at home. If you require anything, anything at all, press the intercom and I’ll see to your needs.”

  “What I need are my belongings.” she said.

  “Mr. Montgomery will supply you with all you need during your stay.” He gestured toward the bed, then disappeared into the hall, closing the door behind himself. Rebecca spun around and spotted a phone on the bedside table. So she wasn’t a prisoner after all, and really could get off if she wanted to.

  Her heart jumped and she hurried to it, but then another thought had her steps slowing. Getting off would require staying…

  A low tortured moan caught in her throat and she stopped at the edge of the bed. That’s when she noticed the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen splashed across her bedspread. Colored with vibrant streaks of blue and green, ocean hues that would accentuate her dark hair and blue eyes perfectly, she couldn’t help but reach for it.

  She touched the silky material and brought it to her face. God, it felt like butter on her skin. She shivered as she checked the tag, only to discover it was her size exactly. How? When? She held it up against her body and looked for a mirror, but then realized what she was doing. She dropped the silk back on to the bed, shook her head to get it on straight, and reached for the phone. She was not, under any circumstances, going to put on that damn dress—no matter how rich and luxurious it was —and meet that overbearing man for brunch. Nor was she going to spend one more second thinking about total and utter submission, the punishment that came with disobedience or what his large palm would feel like on her bare ass.

  She didn’t think…

  * * *

  Sunshine glistened on the Atlantic waves and a refreshing breeze washed over Quinn’s body as he restlessly paced back and forth on the outside patio overlooking the ocean. Dressed for brunch in a collared shirt, and beige khaki shorts, he glanced at the beautifully set table for two, the salads and smoked salmon that Ester had prepared earlier now wilting in the late morning heat. He shook his head. Rebecca would most definitely be punished for her tardiness. He glanced at his watch for the hundredth time, and while he knew she would come, he wondered what was taking her so long.

  He’d purposely put her in a room with a phone, knowing if she wanted off this island all she’d have to do was pick up the receiver and make a call. But every instinct he possessed told him she wouldn’t, and his instincts had never let him down before, in his business world or in his private one.

  From the way her lush body had quivered when he spoke of spankings to the way those translucent blue eyes of her had lit with intrigue when he asked for total and utter surrender spoke volumes. She was desperate for a man to strip away the cool reserve she wore like a shield, to take all decisions out of her hands and give her what she wanted. She just didn’t know what it was that she wanted yet. And soon enough she’d come to understand that this set up wasn’t about kidnapping, it was about rescuing.

  He pushed his hair off his head and made a move to go collect her, but when he turned she was standing in the doorway, the dress he’d had his assistant pick out earlier that morning showcasing lush curves that she foolishly kept hidden beneath severe, unflattering clothing. His cock throbbed, but unfortunately, it was too soon to take her. The submissive woman buried deep inside needed to be coaxed out slowly, carefully, because the last thing he wanted to do was frighten her off.

  “What took you so long?” he asked, working to keep his cool as her gorgeous body beckoned his attention.

  With her hair coiled tightly on her head, she lifted her chin, but he didn’t miss the quiver in her voice when she answered with, “The only reason I’m standing here with this dress on is because I’m starving.” She looked at the food on the table, and frowned.

  “You shouldn’t have kept me waiting.” He gave her a disapproving look and continued with, “It was also unfair to Ester, who went through all this trouble for us. Now instead of taking her well-earned break, she’ll have to start again.” As soon as he said her name, Ester stepped outside. She gathered up the plates of spoiled food and looked to Quinn for instructions.

  “Please give us a minute,” he said, and she nodded in understanding before stepping back inside to give him his privacy. He turned back to Rebecca. “I’m not a man who tolerates insubordination and I don’t like to waste perfectly good food.”

  “Neither do I. I didn’t mean…I didn’t think…”

  “My orders were very specific. You were to dress and meet me on the terrace.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Mr. Montgomery,” she began, sounding flustered as he stepped close, crowding her.

  “It’s Quinn.”

  She hesitated for a moment and he listened to her throat swallow before she began again, “Quinn, look. My intentions weren’t to spoil—”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to be punished for not following my orders.”

  She gasped, but he didn’t miss the excitement backlight her big blue eyes. Christ, she was everything he knew she would be, and he was just glad that he was the guy in charge of guiding her down the path to full sensual freedom—at least this way he’d ensure she was properly introduced and cared for in the process. A thrill moved through him, and because he hadn’t felt anything so exhilarating in a long time, he grasped on to it, enjoying the sensations she aroused in him.

  He stepped up to her, and she took a quick step backward, but he matched it and soon had her in his grasp. He thumbed the material of her dress, enjoying the feel of the cool silk on his fingertips before he bunched it in his palms. Pulling it higher and higher on her thighs, he slipped a hand between her legs. A cool breeze blew off the ocean and washed over them, but he suspected the quiver in her body was from his intimate touch, and not the misty air.

  He looked at the bun on top of her head. “Was there an elastic on your bed?”

  Her brow furrowed and her words were rushed, breathless when she asked, “No why?”

  “Then why is there one in your hair?”

  She blinked, looking confused for a second then answered with, “I put my hair up this morning.”

  “Take it out,” he demanded.

  He pressed his cock against her midriff, and a tremble moved through her. She lifted her arm, and then hesitated, like she was having second thoughts.

  He leaned closer and spoke quieter. “I said, take it out.”

  Her full, lush breasts, which were high and pert in the formfitting dress, rose and fell erratically as she quickly pulled the band from her hair, letting her long dark curls fall down her back. His hands traveled higher on her thigh, only to discover that she’d once again strayed from his instructions.

  In a shaky voice she began, “You weren’t serious earlier, were you? I mean you’re not really going to pun—”

  He made a tsking sound and when he grabbed the band on her panties, giving them a good hard yank to rip them from her hips, her words were replaced with a broken gasp.

  “Quinn…” she shuddered.

  He tucked the scrap of material into the back pocket of his khaki shorts, and dipped back under her dress. He slid his palm along her soft, supple skin, until he reached her backside.

  Testing her, he pulled her against him, and gave a slap to her ass cheek, the sound curling around them in the most sinful way. He stifled a groan, his cock throbbing and pulsating inside his unforgiving pants.

  Rebecca let out a ragged cry of pleasure and Quinn kept the satisfaction from his face as he spun her around. He crushed her breasts against the exterior wall of his estate as he caged her with his chest. He put his mouth close to her neck, and whispered, “Were there panties on your bed?”

  “I just thought…I decided…”

��Everything that happens here, every choice involving you is mine to make, not yours. So from this moment on, you’re to stop making decisions, and enjoy the freedom that comes with that.” He kept her pinned to the wall, his hard cock pressing into the small of her back. “Speaking of Freedom, that is your safe word.”

  “Freedom?” she murmured, her voice husky.

  “Yes, if you don’t like what is happening, all you have to do is say that one word and I’ll stop.”

  She angled her head to see him and when she opened her mouth, like she was about to speak the word that would put an end to her initiation into the BDSM world before he even began, he warned, “Be careful, Rebecca. Only use it when you really mean it, only when something is happening that you don’t want. But you can be assured that I plan to give you everything you want.”

  A noise caught in her throat and he sensed her mounting desire when she shifted her hips, pushing up against him. The movement was slight, but it was a clear sign that she wanted this to happen every bit as much as he did.

  He cupped her ass, sliding the silk material over her lush contours, and she hissed in response to his soft seduction, which was about to turn a little rough and forceful, the way she needed it.

  “Now, about this punishment…”

  When her knees seemed to give, he anchored her to his body and walked her to the table. He sank down into one of the chairs and her dark lashes blinked rapidly over expressive blue eyes, her hair falling seductively over her shoulders as she stood there staring at him. Quinn couldn’t help but smile at her compliance, at how fast she was catching on. It takes a very strong woman to submit, and an even stronger one to do it so quickly.

  He lifted her dress to expose her sex, his smile widening. “Such a pretty pussy.” He reached out and stroked her satiny lips, a growl rising in his throat. “Shaved so nicely. Just the way I like it.” His glance met hers. “It’s almost like you knew.”

  As delight danced in her eyes at his praise, he gripped her hips, laid her across his lap, and took full control of her body as he prepared to divvy out equal amounts of pain and pleasure. He lifted her dress to expose her perfect backside, and oddly enough passion and possession moved through his blood, because there was something very profound, very moving in knowing that Rebecca was trusting him so honestly and openly, gifting him with her body in a way she’d never given it to another.


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